Thursday, May 31, 2018

General Hospital - May 29-31, 2018 Episode Reflections

May 29, 2018

As soon as Carly said, "Not guilty by reason of insanity," I just shook my head in disgust. I swear I can't wait until Carly and Jason prove everybody wrong. I almost thought she'd break the fire out when she began to think about changing her plea, but thinking back a couple days later, that probably would've been a bad strategy.

I also love how Sonny tells her, "I'm going to fix it." But yet he keeps not believing a single word out of her mouth and playing into Nelle's hands that she's gone insane. Hopefully he does the one thing she asked for and tell Jason asap.
"I think there was a lot left unsaid last night." "no time like the present." I could agree - as long as it means Fanna getting back together asap.

"I don't know why I'm here dumping this on you." "This is exactly where you should be. This is exactly who you should be here with." And the tender touch with Finn returns ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ That said, I loved when he simply went, "Anna, shut up...." Finn didn't want her rambling and fears to draw them apart again, so he did the next best thing and kissed her. I'm not complaining because he's right that he should "make the most of the time I have left so never push me away again."

I love how Anna goes and tells others that they "have a mutual understanding." Is that all you'd call it? That said, Finn's explanation to Alexis was even more heartfelt and even had me swarming when he said, "I was so dependent on her friendship, that I didn't care about her heart."

It's interesting how Alexis said, "I thrive on control, but I gravitate to men that I can't control." Because maybe she thinks she can control them, or change them.

Meanwhile, as we're excited to see these two blossom again, let's just break up Friz and be done, okay? The latest attempt for a story with them is the family arc with Franco saying, "I think it's time I met your family - all of them." So why didn't that matter when they were originally supposed to get married? I mean, why didn't Franco care about this months ago? Did the past reveal change that? #GH

That said, Franco can do what he wants - even including in Drew's eyes it seems as his response, "what I'm not sure about is why you care?" was perfect. Guess what, Franco? Drew doesn't consider you a friend like you thought based on that response.

Speaking of Drew, Maddox is right about the connections to Jason's memories & Drew's relationships. Those memories shaped his original perception on everybody in town, how they reacted. So if you remove that original perception and view, then it makes you question every action past 4 yrs.

It's also interesting that Heinreck's first call was to Drew. And Drew has all this hatred against Jason? It's almost like the stars are perfectly aligning for Drew's involvement in the Jason switch to be revealed. The scary thing? Drew is so desperate to forget Jason and get his own life back that he may just agree to Heinreck's offer. And Heinreck knows this because there's a good possibility that Drew helped in the original process for Caesar Faison. Let the games begin people.

By the way, Dr. Bensch is a manipulative bitch, but getting both Liz and Griffin curious about Dr. Bensch is a step in the right direction. Also glad Kiki said something to Liz.

May 30, 2018

I wanted to laugh when Kim spat out, "Drew is about to take a terrible risk, and I want you to stop him." Jason has more important business to attend to and why should he care about a guy that won't even give him the time of the day?

"Talk to him. Try to convince him." "I'm sorry, but you wasted your time." Jason doesn't mince words as I don't see Drew listening to reason given they can't stand same room due to his attitude. 

That line in "I'd rather die than have some controlling me," or really that whole speech, was just perfect signature Jason. It goes along the "live your own life" manta that he's always followed, true to character. 
By the way, his advice was spot on though. Love is a strong chapter. Jason knows that from his experience in whether to get the surgery he got for the seizures or not. Recall the convincing Sam did on the honeymoon.

Though wait? Kim talks Jason's ear off and then can't say a single word in return to Drew? What the heck is that about?
Drew flashing back to the speech of every negative memory makes me laugh. He also knows that he remembers everytime Jason slept with Sam, every single kiss. Does Drew need us to reboot the #doesdrewremember chapter?
So welcome back Samantha McCall as she confirmed, "I've already filed the paperwork to change back to my name." If that wasn't enough, she added that "I've got to talk to Drew and finalize some things." Like your divorce? That sounds like no future.
By the way, Ashford McCall sounds like a cheapened version of Samantha and Spinelli. Can we get that back please?

So as surprising as it may be on one hand, it doesn't sound surprising on another to hear Sam say, "I need your help. I want you to help me break Peter out of custody." Sam wants to get the disco ball for Drew to give him so he has his memories so she has a clear conscious from her bad decisions during the past months before she hits the sheets with Jason.

Oh, and it's actually nice to see @GeneralHospital touch on the Cassadine heritage for once in a long time.

May 31, 2018


"She thought I could stop him, but we both know better than that." "I know..." Even Sam knows that Drew won't listen to reasoning from any of them. Hence why she wants the usb so she can give it to him and walk away with a clear conscious.

Besides, even if Jason rules Sam's heart, part of her still loved Drew, wants what's best for him, and wants to see scout's dad move forward. Same as Jason always wanted what's best for Liz despite moving forward with Sam.

.....same way she wouldn't let Jason kill Franco due to Jake. Recall the earthquake sequence.

My heart swarmed in hearing Sam say, "I know, but it doesn't change the fact that you're standing in front of me, and I'm forever grateful." ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

"It could leave him uncompasistated." "But you can't." No, because it'd be guilt on her conscious to carry around after leading a relationship that was a lie for months. And small part cares even if she truly loves Jason more.

I rolled my eyes when Jason said, "I can't break Peter out because he's too dangerous to Anna." Why the cracker Jack should Anna matter? I mean, she lied for months about her connection to Heinreck to Jason. She deserves whatever comes her way.
So if you were keeping track, that's three times one set of scenes that Jason didn't want Sam to leave.

So as soon as Sam went on the rant, all I could think was cue dreamer's eating up Sam about Jason breaking her heart over time. In reality, there's nothing there to use. Hence saying "respect" because despite everything, they have each other's back.

Her words "it's my choice, just like all the choices that you made that broke my heart - but I respected them" have so much meaning for their relationship. Respect goes a long way in a relationship. You're not always going to agree, but as long as you have each other's back against others and a deep connection, it'll work. Same reason she let him go to prison for Michael despite being upset with him, same reason she respected the separation he wanted before to keep her safe despite his own fears.

Meanwhile, this scene also goes to another level in Sam's desperation. It's like she wants to prove to him despite everything they've been through, she's still worthy of being his master sidekick, still ready for the danger, still not going to back down from a challenge - show him all that so maybe he'll fight for her and push for that next step.

After she went on about the choices, he said, "What about a compromise?" Along the lines of I don't agree with what doing here BUT will help you out of respect and not wanting you to get caught. That, or maybe it was get flash drive and return Peter back.

Now the only reason he probably stopped her, and probably decided to help her, was because he didn't want her to have any regrets later, and wants to make sure that she leaves Drew with a perfect clean slate so they can truly start over once again.  Same way she stopped him with Franco.

So Peter is gone? Valentine locked instead? That's a new way of doing something for your guilt in what happened. I know Valentine felt bad but enough to trade places? And I was all ready for #jasam to work together. Oh well, I guess that is too come now since we can all figure it out that Dr. Oberect has Peter.
Anybody notice how Anna assumed the worst of Jason when it came to Heinreck's escape? But yet he's looking for her well-being despite being lied to for months? Huh? That said, I wonder if she'll be thankful for Griffin's support when she finds out he knew the truth all along. Oh, and who wants to bet that Ava spills the secret when she finds out about Griffin and Kiki being together for a night?

For now, we can ease the conscious of one Drew since he won't need to do anything, once again, even if says "there's a time when I have to say no." He does that often when it comes to work, it seems. Regrets over working with him and Caesar before?

"I'm not working with Heinreck." He learned from the last time they worked together right? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

I laughed when Andre said, "A lot can change in three days. Peter could hand over the flash drive." More like Sam will wrangle his head for it when she finds his sorry ass.

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