Wednesday, June 27, 2018

General Hospital - June 24&25, 2018 Episode Reflections

Gosh I love Jason with Carly and I hope she takes in and listens to every bit of that man's advice moving forward. And while we may not agree with Carly being there, Kevin is right that they "can find something to talk about" as Carly is never short of stories or drama.

I couldn't help my disappointment in hearing Mary Pat say, "It seems you've been deceiving me, Mr. Morgan. I don't like liars." Interesting look on Kevin's face afterwards. He warned them but I don't know if he gave Jason away though. And certainly Jason could've argued being outted by Mary and caused a fuss - but that'd just create more drama and problems for Carly. So this is the smart way.

It was also great irony in hearing Sonny say right after, "Thanks for getting that job there. Its the only thing keeping me sane." Really, he should've thought about that before you threw your wife under the bus and didn't believe a single word she said and didn't support her till locked up. Maybe it's good karma this way.

I can't lie in being almost caught in hearing, "I don't know how long Carly is going to wait before making a plan of his own." I love Jason's constant worry about Carly. Their friendship is what we should all strieve to. That said, If Jason's nerves are fried about Carly and on alert, then it says something as he's normally never wrong about his instincts.

I get his worry, too, especially when he says, "It's like what I went through at Russia but Carly is not wired to go through this." That's what makes Jason so special in what he was able to do in getting back home.

Ah Sonny used his stop to see Dante to bend rules and get in to see Carly. While he's pissed me off during this story, Carly seeing Sonny is perfect to keep her from going over as Michael puts pieces together.

I loved how Jason's gone not even say 3-4 hours and Carly was reaching for the phone. Didn't she get the "only use for emergency memo" from him? You had to know Carly would get caught. Its in line with the writing of Carly missing so many things and also her own reaction to do the most desperate things at times.

That said, she was very smart on her feet with the diary. At first I literally thought she was trying to make the diary into an "electronic diary" or something.

And Mary Patt, I haven't dropped my thoughts in relation to as your tone when saying "too bad you can't share the good news with your friend. Jason is gone" was a little suspicious. Oh, and Mary Patt's freak out at the tapping makes me wanna lock her up.

Oh, and I'm still interested in the next door patient. It'd make sense if it's Morgan given how they're making Carly push talking about him and honoring him. I also get the thoughts that Kevin is next door and this is evil Ryan running around - but that seems too genius for this writing staff esp with Kevin's low-key behavior so far.

Mary's tone regarding the patient scares me as usual when she says "every patient here at the cliff receives expert, appropriate care" along with "he's extra dangerous. I'd avoid him and focus on you." That's just like dangling a carrot in front of her face. We know Carly's goal in there now. And does Mary Patt have any relation to those who kept Jason locked up in Russia? She's taking the same approach #GH


I was beginning to get a little intrigued and possibly triggered by Michael's behavior when he right out asked, "Like you called chase in after you had sex?" I thought Michael was supposed to keep a quiet cover on Nelle until he found enough pieces to shove all in her face at once. The shirt isn't enough to prove all the scheming and set mommy free.

"So you think I did the right thing?" "With Chase? Yes. Just not with me." Let's just get to the point Michael, please. These hints at each scene end are getting old.

"trust that or trust me?" / "I would've believe you Nelle..." "I should know that by now." "Why don't you?" / "I'm here for you and the baby always."  His cover to keep an eye on her is so lovely. He's taking lessons well.

I also love how Michael wiped the kiss off his lips after she left the room, but I will say that I haven't fully let it go that he is part of the "non-doing something" club before it's too late. He could redeem himself by figuring out Nelle now.

I mean, he even admitted that today in saying to Jason, "It's my fault. I knew Nelle was twisted. I knew she set up my father. I knew she used my family's grief. Iconvinced myself I could save her and be her hero. So if I have to risk my life, so be it." But Jason is right in not trusting Michael while in danger. I get Jason's worry as big brother/father, but Michael hasn't been the cleanest with his actions or dealt with someone this twisted. Does he have the instincts to handle Nelle?

"Between grandpa and mom, this family is crumbling." "We're going to make it right." I can't wait for the reunion and family rise back to the top. Nobody messes with Carrinthos or those close to them and gets off easily. Be warned, Nelle. Like Michael said, "She's going to make a mistake and when she does, I'll be there." Hopefully soon.

Side Note - I love the "enchantment" mention of Nelle's perfume. Can the perfume owner and creator make an appearance?

So Jocelyn got Oscar a compass? How cute. Glad he won't get lost in the woods. Anybody remember Jason getting Sam a compass so they would always find their way back to each other?  It'll also be interesting watching everyone's reaction to Oscar wearing Morgan's perfume too.

Loving the emotions out of Jocelyn. Its great to see this side of her. It's equally heart warning to hear Jason give Jocelyn advice.  😍😍  And Jocelyn, you're right in saying, "when she falls, you're always there to catch her as you believe in her more than anyone else," in relation to Jason and Carly.
Jocelyn is also interesting moving forward, too, as I love how she brushed off the cologne being picked up by the garbage man to Nelle. Even better surprise when Oscar is wearing it. It was also great in hearing Nelle say, "this pregnancy is in its final weeks." It's like finally.

So now that we have Jocelyn suspecting Nelle, hopefully Jocelyn can keep doing her good deed of being like mommy.

The conversation between Kim and Drew about Oscar has my #krew filter on high. Almost making me forget my #driz dreams. 

That said, I was wondering with Drew having Jason's memories if he'll clue in to the cologne - but obviously that was a lost cause....unless Morgan didn't start wearing the cologne until after Jason supposedly died. It's the only explanation that these sloppy writers could use now. I mean, there's so many beats that they miss at times that I can only laugh. 

Oh, and Drew scratching the forehead and ignoring the "compass" reaction makes me wonder if he thought of the #jasam compass time. 

You'd think they'd both be doing more knowing her track record. Instead, Spinelli and Michael are doing all the work.

"This case has to be air tight." "So let's get to work." I can't wait for this to come together. That said, Michael will probably beat the cops in figuring it out despite his mistakes so far.
Glad that Sam still has her ways of getting out of a bind. Now let's not get caught from here on out, okay?


"Whose there to comfort you?" "Me."  I couldn't be happier with Finn and Anna.😍😍😍

While I hate to see Anna go away, Finn is right that "time sometimes becomes a problem. It becomes easier to say things that have become unsaid." Least can we have hot phone sex while she's gone?

"you probably wonder what you could've done if you weren't so focused on me." " can't stop and wonder though. I just need to figure out how to deal it." It should've always rely on Jason's shoulders. Doesn't Carly have a husband for a reason? That said, I appreciate his loyalty and their friendship. Hence why I have no issue in #jarly behavior here. I also feel it's better than sitting and waiting for Sam. Why be bored while giving her the warranted space?

Oh Anna saying that "maybe it's for the best" on watching Peter escape. Sweetheart, you better not be trying to get sympathy and understanding from Jason. You're talking about the guy that took away five years of his life. You're talking about the guy that held him hostage against his will. Like he warned, "you just watch your back."


It was refreshing for Nina to once again remind us "the us where you lie and I believe you? That us is over" in relation to Valentine. And I get how she says, "I'm done playing games with you," but I say this is the best game. After all Valentine's lies and games, here you are hiding his little pride and joy from him.

Of course Valentine isn't going to give up as you heard with the phone call in him saying "I'm doing this for my wife so there's no margin for error," and more than likely she'll cave like always.

I don't care what Jordan says about Peter in trying to make Maxie feel better. If he wanted to really start over, he would've cleared his name and explained it all.

As Nina stated on Friday and I emphasized, "failure to act is an act itself." Sure, you created the mess and were involved in the beginning, and sure you can feel guilty about what happened. However, you had the choice to change the course of events - Valentine or Peter revealing the Heinreck fact rather than this game of deception. They didn't so now whatever is dealt their way is on them, right?

That said, I wasn't surprised to hear Maxie say, "I hate that Peter's childhood is making it hard for me to hate him." I knew they'd make them attract back again.


"We'll make Nelle pay." You could've help sooner Sonny #carson

I still want Hayden at Liz's door but wouldn't mind Drew as spoiled #driz

Yay for more #franchael tomorrow.

Not gonna lie as I'm also excited for #chelle through Dante's plan. Does trying to find her guilt see them back in bed again? 

Saturday, June 23, 2018

General Hospital - June 22, 2018 Episode Reflections

So I'm not surprised by Carly's stunt because let's face it - it's right up her alley of actions. And in truth, Jason won't mind cleaning up dinner if he gets time with Carly. I just worry that she's cutting her time with him too close to where it'll get noticed and caught.

That said, once again I just adored his advice for her in how to survive her time there, and handle Mary Patt. He's certainly knows what she needs to hear and yes, "you win when you get free" and that should be soon as Nelle's world is slowly crashing around her.

That said, Carly did her part in swelling my heart by bringing up the most beautiful attribute about Jason - "they'll just see a uniform and forget about me." "Unless they see your eyes. They're very memorable." 😍😍😍

So Nina finally put the words in my mouth by telling Valentine "failure to act is an act itself" because she's right about both him and Peter in that sense. Sure, you created the mess and were involved in the beginning, and sure you can feel guilty about what happened. However, you had the choice to change the course of events - Valentine or Peter revealing the Heinreck fact rather than this game of deception. They didn't so now whatever is dealt their way is on them, right?

I've been harping on this for months, and especially when Peter tried to plead his case to Nina in the cabin. Recall when he said "I don't deserve this" at the beginning of this month. Anybody remember the reaction I had? You're the reason Nathan is dead. You held a man captive for five years using horse tranquilizers. You deceived everybody in town for months. The evidence says otherwise. Now I just have shorter wording for this courtesy of Nina.

That said, while I may have kudos for her one liner, I want to smack her otherwise. She is going to get herself exposed based on the hint dropping that she's already done with Maxie and Valentine. Liesel should've never told her.

And Valentine may say he will do anything for Nina in trying to get her to speak up but a reveal will see Liesel thrown under the bus and Peter saved. But in return, Liesel will take Nina with her and once again, Peter gets nothing.


It's nice to see Alexis have this rage for Julian. Much long needed rake over the coals.

I will also admit that I was against these two going to counseling together because let's face it - they should never cross each other's orbit again after what happened. However, it's actually been a nice glance into their relationship. From Julian stating that he got together with her originally because he "wanted a chance at redemption," hence trying to leave the mob, to him saying, "I think we were trying to break that cycle of violence. I just wish we had."

The only person to blame here though is still Julian. If he wanted to break the cycle of violence, why didn't he come to her sooner about Olivia forcing his hand? If he wanted to break the cycle, why did he hold a knife to her throat? If he wanted to break the cycle, why did he show every single ill intent that you can never take back from that moment in that situation?

So yes, you can clearly see that I'm not a big fan of #julexis for this simple fact and really, we can leave Julian with Kim as long as Drew and Liz get together - yes, I'm still pushing #driz in some situations. Don't mock me.

However, I can even admit that you can see the tension there and all I have to ask is - how long until they use the broom closet? I mean, I even scuffed it off when he said, "We owe it to each other to move on with our lives" because they'll probably end up being together.

Odds and Ends:

  • "you know why I became the DA?" "No firm would take you on?" I'm actually looking forward to letting the games begin after that exchange. They could make good counterparts. We just need to get Carly our first. 
  • Sam should've never partnered with Curtis. First he lacked trust in her abilities, and now they've gotten caught for the second time. Can we get Spinelli and Sam back together with their PI business? If they were back together, before entering Spinelli would've hacked into hotel records to see if the room had been rented to someone else. 
  • Theory: Nelle loses her baby and steals #brucas' baby. Just because of all these hints from Brad and Lucas that nothing will go wrong.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

General Hospital - June 13 to 21, 2018 Episode Reflections

Are we really surprised that Carly found the interesting supervisor with a stick up her ass? You had to know that was happening with certainty given the trail that we've seen with General Hospital through this storyline. But really - for a place that's supposed to help you, that nurse sounds more like a warden than a helpful soul. Can we get her fired?

Now knowing what she's dealing with, Carly trying the hidden pill trick seems childish. She had to know this nurse would check. But hey, I guess kudos for effort right?

While I may be annoyed with Carly's situation, I absolutely loved Mike. It was great seeing him with Jason and Sonny. I mean, I even chuckled when he just went out of the blue, "Family has to take care of family, so let's break her (Carly) out." But really, his plan would be fun. We'd finally get some much needed action.

His comments on Jason were interesting, too, in saying "nicest guy you'll meet on the surface, but can cut ice water with his veins" as well as  "that's the kind of guy that I stay clear of." Meanwhile, sorry Mike but I'd want to run into him every chance I get. 😍

So Jason will do anything for carly - and yes, now that includes cleaning dirty toilets. He has janitor experience. Anybody remember night shift?  But really, I'm glad she caught a sight of him as the hopelessness on her face as she passed out from the pills was enough to cry.

That said, Jason is going to make one sexy janitor. Can he come clean up the dirty toilets at my work? He'd make the nightshift easier.  Because as he said,  "A mess is a mess. Someone has to clean it up." And hearing big ass boy go, "Stick to mopping the floors; leave the patients up to the professionals," made me laugh. It's shocking that they found someone bigger than Jason - but that's still not gonna work as Jason can kick anybody's ass if he wants. I can see them facing heads very quickly given the instant attitude.

That said, I love the change in Carly's demeanor as soon as she heard and saw Jason. That will be enough to keep her off the edge. That will be enough to keep hope in knowing she's not alone. Let our Queen begin to rise now alongside her knight.

I'm also not surprised by her continued glances as I'd be checking out that janitor too though. And his pep talks are on point as let's face it - Mary is a witch and a power-tripping bitch. I can't wait for Jason to take her down with Dr. Collins. Can this storyline end with her locked up instead?

"Is that off a doctor's recommendation?" "Mostly mine." Do you also not get meds approved by doctors either? This nurse seems beyond shady, and exposing her could levy enough to get Carly released. I mean, I was shocked when Kevin asked, "How many meds do they have you on?" As her doctor, shouldn't you know and be the one prescribing them? Shouldn't you have a copy of the file they have?

Please don't tell me that Kevin Collins spoils the cover put together by Jason as a janitor. You'd think he'd want him to stay in knowing what Mary is capable of, instead of voting against it as he did. But instead, no, he goes ahead and says, "Jason, this is not a good idea."

You'd think Kevin would want to take Mary down as if she had her way, she would just love it if Kevin didn't attend to those in Ferncliff as she enjoys being a power trip and picking on the mentally ill. Can Jason kick her ass now?

"I'm so glad you're here." "Too bad he can't stay." I think if Jason explains everything as to what happened and whats going on outside of there ala Spinelli and Michael, he may bend the rules a little. And he's right in saying, "but if you're found out, you'll cause more trouble for Carly," but he never gets caught.

"it's up to you." "I want you to stay." "I'm staying." I love their friendship

So yay for #chelle flashbacks. As I stated in the previous entry, this could be an fun as it'd actually interesting enough to see where they go with them as Nelle's behavior becomes more revealed.

Really, the more Nelle throws Chase under the bus in front of Michael, the more Michael should get curious and talk to him. They could take her down together. And did anybody notice the look on Michael's face? It's clear that he knows something is up.

I rolled my eyes when Nelle said, "Instead he became obsessed with me." So is that how you took lessons for your plan against Michael? I also smiled when she asked, "What if he's here to finish what he started?" That'd be lovely.

Chase saying "exactly as Nelle intended" should give Michael all he needs in connection to the Carly situation. Proof of a trail of her actions and schemes. And yes, good advice in saying, "Don't get in a kayak with Nelle, or anything."

So my heart swarmed initially when Nelle got the shirt from Chase - but of course raspberry pie busted that bubble quickly in a good way. Spinelli strikes again. Nice job with finding the shirt trace. Trying to hurt Chase's credability for the future is a good ploy - until its discovered.

But Jocelyn having the perfume has me more curious and I love that Chase knows something is up on the Carly-Nelle front. The more people curious the better. Because Ava saying she wouldn't wish Ferncliff on her worst enemy should say something for Nelle.
So I rolled my eyes when Nina said, "I don't know the status of my marriage right now." Didn't she go to Alexis and say she wanted her to represent her for a divorce? Didn't she tell him right off? But yet now she's defending him to Sam and Curtis. Let's stick to a plan, please.

"think you can keep him busy long enough?" "Yeah, we have lots to discuss." I thought you were totally through with him this time. Least she started off the discussion by saying, "I called you here to tell you I'm done being your wife. I want a divorce."

I've got no sympathy when Valentine says, "I didn't want you to see my biggest failure." You could've righted it and saved the marriage by exposing the truth or forcing Peter to leave town. And who wants to bet Nina takes him back within these 30 days?

I still want to punch Ava, and that isn't changing anytime soon. I mean, her constant need to question Griffin should say enough about dishonesty and the fact that they don't belong together. It's ridiculous constantly hearing her say, "Why are you so secretive when it comes to my daughter?" And for the record, let's be serious and just admit that Grifki has more chemistry anyway than Grava could ever have.

"this isn't about you." "Of course it's about me. I'm your mother." [...] "I don't get why you didn't turn into me." Well geez maybe you shouldn't have slept with her boyfriend or gone behind her back. That's why truth will be wonderful.

That said, Kiki gets all my applause as she rode her mom well in saying, "you use sex as a strategy and a weapon" and "you used sexually to manipulate guys and get forward."

It made me laugh even harder when Ava pleaded her innocence in saying, "I have made mistakes, but I've changed. Being with Griffin has made me a better person but I'm sorry you can't accept that." Okay you blanket stealing, custody manipulating, throwing Max in jail bitch. And really, I just listed what she's done since saying she loved Griffin and was changing. If we go pre Griffin, oh lawdy, we'll be here all week. We could do a #DoesAvaRemember.

So Franco redemption #7473 is him beating up Dr. Bensch to stand up against the sexual harassment. Meanwhile, that creep sexual assaulting kidnapping ass is allowed to walk the streets with no consequences for years of torture. I've said it enough, but let me say it again - you're not going to change my mind on Franco.

"he's not going to ruin someone else's life." "Are we still talking about Kiki, or you?" And here we go with his sexual sad story once again. Meanwhile everytime he speaks I see Sam crying in the shower, Michael in his cell and I don't give two shits on his story.

Really, it would've nice to see Michael or Sam comfort Kiki through this deal. Anybody remember the time they comforted each other? That was some of the best content seen on General Hospital for a storyline this sensitive.

Instead, we have his paws in this story, and the whole family wedding deal. I've said this before but the timing is still misguided since we were about to marry before without all this drama. And I still don't give a shit since Franco can go fly a kite.  While we're at it, can we have James Franco actually come back and find out that Roger is impersonator?

But wait - maybe there's some truth to Franco actually. I mean, him admitting that Liz "deserves more than I could possibly give her" was refreshing. And his freak out in asking, "You have other patients?" reminded me how crazy he is, but not as much as when he stated, "I may be a looney."

That said, can we get to some #driz loving? That could be interesting since #krew doesn't seem to be moving as Kim went camping instead.

Speaking of Drew, I laughed when he said, "I chose to lead the life where neither had anything over me." But yet you lean on everybody else for everything in your life.

Oh, Oscar should get some kudos because he got some stellar lines in by saying, "it makes absolutely no sense that my mom is on a camping trip with Julian Jerome," followed by asking if Julian got eaten by a bear yet.

Odds and Ends:

So when Dr. Bensch approached her, I was all set for her to just kick him in the balls. That said, I think I got a new respect for Griffin in how he grabbed Dr. Bensch there.

So Peter's hand is broken and infected? Good job, Liesel, because I have no sympathy, not even when he tries to plead his case by saying, "I'm not the monster you think I am." Let's face it, he's almost there because rather than be truthful, you played the deception game. You could've came out with honesty. You could've returned the flash drive. But you didn't so your choices wrote your fate.

Of course we'd go through all those scenes with Mike and Sonny and now find out where the dang body is.

She's officially Samantha McCall again.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

General Hospital - June 1 to 12, 2018 Episode Reflections

I am going to be honest that I haven't watched every single scene at times during the month of June, but it's been actually really good content.

Take June 1. I didn't get to see the episode due to prior commitments, but I watched the highlights that you need to know (thanks @JMQFF).

With that said, this has been MUCH DELAYED so here we attempt to make some sense........

#JaSam is slowly making some headway to having a relationship together, and that's always great news, eh?

I wasn't surprised to see Sam go to her mom to speak of divorce, and separating herself from Aurora. We heard about how she hated desk work, only stayed to investigate Peter, and wanted to get back to her own thing.

But of course, Alexis had to advice her on other things due to the fact that Jason gifted her the company, and possibly wanting his assets back. Has she not learned anything about the man that is Jason Morgan? As Sam said, money doesn't matter. And Diane can try and do as she may but Jason would say no up and down. Getting Sam free from Aurora is beneficial for her so he'll back no matter what.

So how about dropping that resignation letter off? We saw her do that - but where has been the reaction from Drew? I was all set for his droopy sadness out of that.

In the midst of that, nice job Sam in calling out her mother on Valentine. That was beautiful in her saying. "You have a lot of enemies in this town, but mess with my mom and I'll be your worst." Maybe her first PI case could be investigating the Cassadine history. That said, I wasn't surprised that Alexis ended up opening the envelope - but that's a separate topic.

 "Keep your hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times." Can we please get off the Nelle rollercoaster?

#Jarly will always make my heart explode, no matter what because their friendship is second to none.

I mean, the fact of the matter is Jason will do whatever it takes for her, and that goes both ways. And while he did not want her to plea insanity, she respected him him to hear that, and also respected her own values to tell him that she wanted to stick with this and let her be, and help her. He accepted that. The fact that Diane was so worried going into his testimony had me a little hell bent.

But I get it because while he'll stand by Carly and do whatever it takes, he will not lie or go against his own code to do so and that's making it seem as though she's insane. #Jason's version of backing Carly is finding her innocence, not letting her take the fall for something she will regret down the road and didn't want to do initially by herself - but I guess that's a moot point now. We'll get there, trust me.

Now rather than this tension on decisions, can we get back to Jason and Diane sharing awesome scenes together, say Valentine's Day surprise?

Back on track, I will say at times, this appeared like the perfect idea. Bobby's testimony is right on point as yes, Nelle is a paracite. But marking a note on the growing tension would work perfectly as it reasons as to why Carly would explode on her. Then Carly's lashout against the Jocelyn testimony and Nelle could be used to the advantage of the insanity plea.

I laughed when it was supposed to surprise the court that Carly was livid about #melle being together? The court shouldn't be surprised given Nelle's admission of her own mistakes. That said, Nelle's antics on the stand drove me insane. I loved Sonny's face when Dawson said Nelle's "courage," as well as #carson's reaction to Nelle's little fake pain matched mine. Like you've already dug enough hole, bitch.

I got a little nervous when the detective repeated Carly's words in saying, "She wanted Nelle's head on a silver platter." I almost wanted to have them switch to Jason's plan right there. I even shouted for a switch when Jason offered her a way out by saying, "You could stop this right now."

However, I stuck with it. I mean, Diane didn't do too bad in playing her cards for what she wanted. Calling Sonny to stand was easy as he actually believed that Carly was crazy until Jason made him see otherwise somewhat. The testimonies from Griffin and Collins were good, and Diane was good in getting what she needed from Jason without having him answer the question or thought he told her'd never answer.

Oh, and Jason was equally as good. He was spot on in telling Dason that he can't can't state Carly's state of mine in that situation. He wasn't there to judge or see the events.

By the way, why wasn't Jason sitting in on court during the first day? Irresponsible writing IMO. That said, I'm glad that they brought him in for the next day as he was the perfect audience for Chase. His reactions pretty much match the fan base right now.

So Diane got what she wanted - guilty by insanity. Except, like expected, there was a snag in the plan with Carly being sent to ferncliff, rather than shadybrook.  So much for your great plan, huh Diane?

"No games. Don't make it worse. Promise me." "I promise you, and I'll be waiting for you to come get me." The only person that promise could be meant to and fully set to happen. I mean, I laughed when Sonny added, "I will take care of Nelle." You mean you're done trying to lock Carly up and say she's losing her mind now you succeeded that you're going to do the right thing?

"we just need to wait." "I can't wait." This is why Carly always turns to jason instead of sonny. And Jason of course meets up with Sam to talk about court and break it down - just like old times. Sam's first case could be investigating Nelle.

It was nice to see Sam reach out to Jason, offer the beer and someone to talk to, rather than say the usual Jason seeking her out.

But really, let's take a moment to appreciate fate before we go further. Fate is supposed to be bringing our lovely couple together per the lovely writers in magazines. Well thank you for fate. Jason went there to left off steam, Sam was supposed to meet Curtis and plans got cancelled.

Now getting into the juicy details, I loved her little compliments for him on the appearance.

"Are you sure you're okay with Ashford before McCall?" "It's alphabetical, just like Carrinthos and Morgan." They're alike in so many ways. She even brought that up to Curtis herself.

Really, this scene was everything as hearing Jason break down the details of Carly's first breakdown, it makes you understand why he wanted to handle things the way he did and keep her out of ferncliff. His words, "She thought I was going to leave her in prison. She convinced herself that I was going to start a family with Michael and Robin," hit a close spot. There's the reason for determined to do whatever he can for her, willing to not sit back & wait like everyone else, right previous wrongs.

It's also big in hearing his regret by saying, "Nelle was the obvious suspect, and I missed it. Now Carly is paying for my mistake." Jason hates letting his best friend down. He hates not being there for friends. And when he lets them down, he's loyal and does whatever it takes to make right.

"you know what you have to do." "The problem is I don't know how much time I have to do it." I say they team up. It'd be a great first case for Sam's new PI firm. But instead of letting Sam work with Jason on Carly/Nelle, she's instead stuck with Curtis set to find Peter. I call bull on that as why would she care about Peter when he's one of the factors to why her life was blown apart?

"She can handle herself." "Maybe she doesn't need to. You gave me an idea." Do I wanna know?

That said, before we move forward with more on this, take me back to June 4. Carly's stunt in the freak-out to help her case in court, followed by the thank you and smile for Nelle - perfection. Who is going to get the last laugh? Take one simple guess and be right, or be gone my child.

Now moving forward to a possible solution, shall we? It's nice to see Michael finally start to come around, beginning with the scenes that he shared with Jason. The fact that he repeated "my family" and they broke ground together was nice to see in homage to their history.

I'm also enjoying seeing Michael and Spinelli work together and Michael, I hope you stick to your word in saying, "I created this mess and I will do whatever to get my mom out of it" because you're right. You trusted the witch when we all said to run.

Unfortunately, his work has been sloppy. I mean, he should've offered her a drink with a sleeping pill before snagging the laptop. Now decent cover for the phone call - but why did you go grab it again as soon as she left the room? You had to know Nelle would walk back into the room.

That said, I'm glad Michael got Spinelli to explain "raspberry pie" in clean English. But once again, here comes Nelle seeing it. So Michael, what's your excuse for "raspberry pie." I hope you can think fast on your feet like Uncle Jason.

Now if Michael keeps failing, let's just all turn to Chase, huh? He made quite the debut with Nelle there.

It's nice to see this twist in the fact that Nelle got away with murder due to playing Chase. Now if he can play her this time, I'd be all for loving this new detective. I mean, you can tell the threat is there in her saying, "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were stalking me Chase." Really, I hope he has been. Squeaky clean cops are no fun.

I was kind of sad to see Drew give up doing the procedure. I mean, it was a great way to rid of him from the surface. That said, as long as he gets closer with Kim, I'm willing to keep him around as #krew is fun to watch.

I like how Kim said she was so heartbroken and worried about Julian with Alexis. Meanwhile, go back through all the scenes that took place during that time. She spent every waking moment with Drew. Like Oscar said, "I just think there's someone out there who could make her a lot happier."

Oh, and did everybody hear the great news? He's moved into the Quartermaine Mansion! Now it's sad that Drew continues to live off of other people but - wait for it - he's outta the penthouse. Sam got to keep the penthouse. Let's get reunited.


If Anna continues along this trek with Peter, she's going to get hurt in the end. We all know how he acts. That said, the other side with Anna is glad that her and Finn are back on the right track, beginning with Finn offering her company on June 4.

Well, except until recent that is as there was so much tension with Finn and Anna that it surprised me on June 12. Finn should just turn around and kiss her lips again like he did the last time.

"What am I doing?" That's what I wanna know, Finn. You'd think after the kiss you guys would be in bed together right now.

Now that flirting conversation with #fanna is where we should be rather than awkward, followed by the perfect  smiles at the door. #fanna #GH


Speaking of Peter, I was surprised to see Nina have the first kidnapped shared scene with him that they showed. But of course, we knew it was Dr. Oberect that actually did it based on the trail of events that they created before his kidnapping.

Really, though, it's great justice seeing him tied up so I have had no objections to everything so far.  I especially loved her moment with the ax. Or how about the finger? Why did Nina walk into the room? I wanted to see Heinreck lose a finger.

I have one request - can we have evil Dr. Oberect everyday of the week please? I love her evilness. Heinreck's situation is perfect payback. My response to Nina saying, "I want justice, not vengeance" is that vengeance is more fun. Keep the Peter torture coming. Five years worth sounds good for me.

Clearly, he hasn't learned anything yet as he should've known getting Dr. Oberect more angry with an Anna mention was not a good strategy. Just look at his poor wrists now, and his hand. 10 points for the baseball bat. I also smiled in how innocently she said, "He was trying to escape. I stopped him."

And Peter, your pea of "I don't deserve this" is full of shit. You're the reason Nathan is dead. You held a man captive for five years using horse tranquilizers. You deceived everybody in town for months. The evidence says otherwise.


For the record, I know they got some other girl to fill in for Maxie for a single scene, but they never should have. Kristen Storms can't be topped so let's just be glad that they didn't last any longer, okay? That said, I was surprised that she headed home without James. Being me, I would've stayed there to simply watch my son.

For the record, I'd be all for Spinelli and Maxie getting back together. I've said that since they broke up. Their relationship was fun times.


If inviting the family is bad idea for Elizabeth ahead of the wedding, I say bring everybody outta the woodworks. I dare Franco to send Liz's family invites even if she keeps denying it. Just for some good drama. Maybe then I'll pay attention to this awful couple.

But wait....

So why didn't Franco care about Liz's family when he was set to marry the night of the earthquake? Like this may be an interesting arc for them - that I could care less about - but the timing is all screwed up.


By the way, there's no shortage of storylines. Among everything, they keep dropping about one hint every two weeks regarding the missing body in Coughton. Take June 4 with Mike saying, "Like the time I moved the body from croughton. Like I moved it closer to home."  Be interested in seeing the significance of this as we head down the road.


  • So HR ignores the claims against Dr. Bensch. Great way to encourage people to do the right thing about sexual harassment
  • Julian is going to go mess this up for Brad and Lucas.

General Hospital - July 6-10, 2018 Episode Reflections

So is it a surprise that Nelle isn't believing a drop of how Michael left there to go see Jordan and Chase? She knows to always be suspi...