Wednesday, June 27, 2018

General Hospital - June 24&25, 2018 Episode Reflections

Gosh I love Jason with Carly and I hope she takes in and listens to every bit of that man's advice moving forward. And while we may not agree with Carly being there, Kevin is right that they "can find something to talk about" as Carly is never short of stories or drama.

I couldn't help my disappointment in hearing Mary Pat say, "It seems you've been deceiving me, Mr. Morgan. I don't like liars." Interesting look on Kevin's face afterwards. He warned them but I don't know if he gave Jason away though. And certainly Jason could've argued being outted by Mary and caused a fuss - but that'd just create more drama and problems for Carly. So this is the smart way.

It was also great irony in hearing Sonny say right after, "Thanks for getting that job there. Its the only thing keeping me sane." Really, he should've thought about that before you threw your wife under the bus and didn't believe a single word she said and didn't support her till locked up. Maybe it's good karma this way.

I can't lie in being almost caught in hearing, "I don't know how long Carly is going to wait before making a plan of his own." I love Jason's constant worry about Carly. Their friendship is what we should all strieve to. That said, If Jason's nerves are fried about Carly and on alert, then it says something as he's normally never wrong about his instincts.

I get his worry, too, especially when he says, "It's like what I went through at Russia but Carly is not wired to go through this." That's what makes Jason so special in what he was able to do in getting back home.

Ah Sonny used his stop to see Dante to bend rules and get in to see Carly. While he's pissed me off during this story, Carly seeing Sonny is perfect to keep her from going over as Michael puts pieces together.

I loved how Jason's gone not even say 3-4 hours and Carly was reaching for the phone. Didn't she get the "only use for emergency memo" from him? You had to know Carly would get caught. Its in line with the writing of Carly missing so many things and also her own reaction to do the most desperate things at times.

That said, she was very smart on her feet with the diary. At first I literally thought she was trying to make the diary into an "electronic diary" or something.

And Mary Patt, I haven't dropped my thoughts in relation to as your tone when saying "too bad you can't share the good news with your friend. Jason is gone" was a little suspicious. Oh, and Mary Patt's freak out at the tapping makes me wanna lock her up.

Oh, and I'm still interested in the next door patient. It'd make sense if it's Morgan given how they're making Carly push talking about him and honoring him. I also get the thoughts that Kevin is next door and this is evil Ryan running around - but that seems too genius for this writing staff esp with Kevin's low-key behavior so far.

Mary's tone regarding the patient scares me as usual when she says "every patient here at the cliff receives expert, appropriate care" along with "he's extra dangerous. I'd avoid him and focus on you." That's just like dangling a carrot in front of her face. We know Carly's goal in there now. And does Mary Patt have any relation to those who kept Jason locked up in Russia? She's taking the same approach #GH


I was beginning to get a little intrigued and possibly triggered by Michael's behavior when he right out asked, "Like you called chase in after you had sex?" I thought Michael was supposed to keep a quiet cover on Nelle until he found enough pieces to shove all in her face at once. The shirt isn't enough to prove all the scheming and set mommy free.

"So you think I did the right thing?" "With Chase? Yes. Just not with me." Let's just get to the point Michael, please. These hints at each scene end are getting old.

"trust that or trust me?" / "I would've believe you Nelle..." "I should know that by now." "Why don't you?" / "I'm here for you and the baby always."  His cover to keep an eye on her is so lovely. He's taking lessons well.

I also love how Michael wiped the kiss off his lips after she left the room, but I will say that I haven't fully let it go that he is part of the "non-doing something" club before it's too late. He could redeem himself by figuring out Nelle now.

I mean, he even admitted that today in saying to Jason, "It's my fault. I knew Nelle was twisted. I knew she set up my father. I knew she used my family's grief. Iconvinced myself I could save her and be her hero. So if I have to risk my life, so be it." But Jason is right in not trusting Michael while in danger. I get Jason's worry as big brother/father, but Michael hasn't been the cleanest with his actions or dealt with someone this twisted. Does he have the instincts to handle Nelle?

"Between grandpa and mom, this family is crumbling." "We're going to make it right." I can't wait for the reunion and family rise back to the top. Nobody messes with Carrinthos or those close to them and gets off easily. Be warned, Nelle. Like Michael said, "She's going to make a mistake and when she does, I'll be there." Hopefully soon.

Side Note - I love the "enchantment" mention of Nelle's perfume. Can the perfume owner and creator make an appearance?

So Jocelyn got Oscar a compass? How cute. Glad he won't get lost in the woods. Anybody remember Jason getting Sam a compass so they would always find their way back to each other?  It'll also be interesting watching everyone's reaction to Oscar wearing Morgan's perfume too.

Loving the emotions out of Jocelyn. Its great to see this side of her. It's equally heart warning to hear Jason give Jocelyn advice.  😍😍  And Jocelyn, you're right in saying, "when she falls, you're always there to catch her as you believe in her more than anyone else," in relation to Jason and Carly.
Jocelyn is also interesting moving forward, too, as I love how she brushed off the cologne being picked up by the garbage man to Nelle. Even better surprise when Oscar is wearing it. It was also great in hearing Nelle say, "this pregnancy is in its final weeks." It's like finally.

So now that we have Jocelyn suspecting Nelle, hopefully Jocelyn can keep doing her good deed of being like mommy.

The conversation between Kim and Drew about Oscar has my #krew filter on high. Almost making me forget my #driz dreams. 

That said, I was wondering with Drew having Jason's memories if he'll clue in to the cologne - but obviously that was a lost cause....unless Morgan didn't start wearing the cologne until after Jason supposedly died. It's the only explanation that these sloppy writers could use now. I mean, there's so many beats that they miss at times that I can only laugh. 

Oh, and Drew scratching the forehead and ignoring the "compass" reaction makes me wonder if he thought of the #jasam compass time. 

You'd think they'd both be doing more knowing her track record. Instead, Spinelli and Michael are doing all the work.

"This case has to be air tight." "So let's get to work." I can't wait for this to come together. That said, Michael will probably beat the cops in figuring it out despite his mistakes so far.
Glad that Sam still has her ways of getting out of a bind. Now let's not get caught from here on out, okay?


"Whose there to comfort you?" "Me."  I couldn't be happier with Finn and Anna.😍😍😍

While I hate to see Anna go away, Finn is right that "time sometimes becomes a problem. It becomes easier to say things that have become unsaid." Least can we have hot phone sex while she's gone?

"you probably wonder what you could've done if you weren't so focused on me." " can't stop and wonder though. I just need to figure out how to deal it." It should've always rely on Jason's shoulders. Doesn't Carly have a husband for a reason? That said, I appreciate his loyalty and their friendship. Hence why I have no issue in #jarly behavior here. I also feel it's better than sitting and waiting for Sam. Why be bored while giving her the warranted space?

Oh Anna saying that "maybe it's for the best" on watching Peter escape. Sweetheart, you better not be trying to get sympathy and understanding from Jason. You're talking about the guy that took away five years of his life. You're talking about the guy that held him hostage against his will. Like he warned, "you just watch your back."


It was refreshing for Nina to once again remind us "the us where you lie and I believe you? That us is over" in relation to Valentine. And I get how she says, "I'm done playing games with you," but I say this is the best game. After all Valentine's lies and games, here you are hiding his little pride and joy from him.

Of course Valentine isn't going to give up as you heard with the phone call in him saying "I'm doing this for my wife so there's no margin for error," and more than likely she'll cave like always.

I don't care what Jordan says about Peter in trying to make Maxie feel better. If he wanted to really start over, he would've cleared his name and explained it all.

As Nina stated on Friday and I emphasized, "failure to act is an act itself." Sure, you created the mess and were involved in the beginning, and sure you can feel guilty about what happened. However, you had the choice to change the course of events - Valentine or Peter revealing the Heinreck fact rather than this game of deception. They didn't so now whatever is dealt their way is on them, right?

That said, I wasn't surprised to hear Maxie say, "I hate that Peter's childhood is making it hard for me to hate him." I knew they'd make them attract back again.


"We'll make Nelle pay." You could've help sooner Sonny #carson

I still want Hayden at Liz's door but wouldn't mind Drew as spoiled #driz

Yay for more #franchael tomorrow.

Not gonna lie as I'm also excited for #chelle through Dante's plan. Does trying to find her guilt see them back in bed again? 

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General Hospital - July 6-10, 2018 Episode Reflections

So is it a surprise that Nelle isn't believing a drop of how Michael left there to go see Jordan and Chase? She knows to always be suspi...