Saturday, June 23, 2018

General Hospital - June 22, 2018 Episode Reflections

So I'm not surprised by Carly's stunt because let's face it - it's right up her alley of actions. And in truth, Jason won't mind cleaning up dinner if he gets time with Carly. I just worry that she's cutting her time with him too close to where it'll get noticed and caught.

That said, once again I just adored his advice for her in how to survive her time there, and handle Mary Patt. He's certainly knows what she needs to hear and yes, "you win when you get free" and that should be soon as Nelle's world is slowly crashing around her.

That said, Carly did her part in swelling my heart by bringing up the most beautiful attribute about Jason - "they'll just see a uniform and forget about me." "Unless they see your eyes. They're very memorable." 😍😍😍

So Nina finally put the words in my mouth by telling Valentine "failure to act is an act itself" because she's right about both him and Peter in that sense. Sure, you created the mess and were involved in the beginning, and sure you can feel guilty about what happened. However, you had the choice to change the course of events - Valentine or Peter revealing the Heinreck fact rather than this game of deception. They didn't so now whatever is dealt their way is on them, right?

I've been harping on this for months, and especially when Peter tried to plead his case to Nina in the cabin. Recall when he said "I don't deserve this" at the beginning of this month. Anybody remember the reaction I had? You're the reason Nathan is dead. You held a man captive for five years using horse tranquilizers. You deceived everybody in town for months. The evidence says otherwise. Now I just have shorter wording for this courtesy of Nina.

That said, while I may have kudos for her one liner, I want to smack her otherwise. She is going to get herself exposed based on the hint dropping that she's already done with Maxie and Valentine. Liesel should've never told her.

And Valentine may say he will do anything for Nina in trying to get her to speak up but a reveal will see Liesel thrown under the bus and Peter saved. But in return, Liesel will take Nina with her and once again, Peter gets nothing.


It's nice to see Alexis have this rage for Julian. Much long needed rake over the coals.

I will also admit that I was against these two going to counseling together because let's face it - they should never cross each other's orbit again after what happened. However, it's actually been a nice glance into their relationship. From Julian stating that he got together with her originally because he "wanted a chance at redemption," hence trying to leave the mob, to him saying, "I think we were trying to break that cycle of violence. I just wish we had."

The only person to blame here though is still Julian. If he wanted to break the cycle of violence, why didn't he come to her sooner about Olivia forcing his hand? If he wanted to break the cycle, why did he hold a knife to her throat? If he wanted to break the cycle, why did he show every single ill intent that you can never take back from that moment in that situation?

So yes, you can clearly see that I'm not a big fan of #julexis for this simple fact and really, we can leave Julian with Kim as long as Drew and Liz get together - yes, I'm still pushing #driz in some situations. Don't mock me.

However, I can even admit that you can see the tension there and all I have to ask is - how long until they use the broom closet? I mean, I even scuffed it off when he said, "We owe it to each other to move on with our lives" because they'll probably end up being together.

Odds and Ends:

  • "you know why I became the DA?" "No firm would take you on?" I'm actually looking forward to letting the games begin after that exchange. They could make good counterparts. We just need to get Carly our first. 
  • Sam should've never partnered with Curtis. First he lacked trust in her abilities, and now they've gotten caught for the second time. Can we get Spinelli and Sam back together with their PI business? If they were back together, before entering Spinelli would've hacked into hotel records to see if the room had been rented to someone else. 
  • Theory: Nelle loses her baby and steals #brucas' baby. Just because of all these hints from Brad and Lucas that nothing will go wrong.

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