Thursday, December 28, 2017

General Hospital - December 28, 2017 Episode Reflections

Bare with me, this is going to be a very long entry. But, if you have seen the episode, along with the spoiler, then you damn well know why.


But first - why is having Jason and Sam together so important? Here's a clue for those who missed their perfect era together.
Alright, now I will get into my reflections on the day.......

"I'm just wondering where Valentine is." "Maybe he stopped for a crime spree, or kidnapped someone..." Still can't believe how easily Nathan slipped that out...

#CarSon #SaSon #Jarly #Fab3 #Bromance

"What could be bad about New Year's Eve with Jason here to celebrate?" / "Actually, I have a plane to catch." Way to ruin my #fab3 vibes there, Jason. I can see why Carly gets desperate because my heart just dropped. Now Jason may want to use the Faison reason - and heck, that may be partially true as let's face it the leads have dried up. But after rejection from Jake, seeing Sam engaged, his sadness on New Years before going to see #carson - you can easily see why he would run away #GH

"I know better than to try and stop you." Carly / "Since when?" Sonny / "A girl can evolve." Carly. Sonny knew she was exactly going to do something before she did it. But I will admit that Sonny's reaction to Carly's immediate scheming thoughts had me laughing. He knows his girl so well.

"I'm glad that it all worked out." ......"Is that new? It's beautiful." ...... "I thought it'd be great for a fresh start." "Yeah, everyone could use one. Congratulations."  Carly is so good at covering her tracks.

"At some point you have to stop making it okay for Drew and Sam and figuring out themselves..." Gotta love the #bromance here immediately. Thank you Sonny for stopping him for advice. Least Jason admitted that he was running because of Sam. That took a big first step in us reaching his inner emotions. But "honoring Sam's choice"? Boy, do you not see the subtle hints and hidden emotions? Besides, you need to tell that girl how you feel. 

Jason is always putting Sam first, no matter what. Hence why he just sat back and let her do what she wanted to do. But damn Sonny, thank you for laying it on thick. Jason needed to hear that because maybe it'll open a dam of him showing his emotions. 

Outside of his advice about Sam, love the sweetness of Sonny's advice about Jake to Jason, and why he is feeling how he is, and how he will come around. They have the #bromance some can only dream of. 

"I just don't want you to take off and disappear again." "How could I give up my life here again?"  Good man because frankly, I don't think I could handle that again.

"If she wanted to choose me, if she did it on her own, I would get down on my knees and thank God. But I'm not going to ask her because she knows me..."  Same way he should know that she's holding back a ton of emotions. But I feel Jason does realize that in his words about Drew, and how it's affecting Drew and how he's shallow and can't figure out a way to handle his anger. In translation, that projects onto Sam - and Jason, not wanting to hurt her, just stands back. Wrong move? Yes, but its his extra caring self and how he handles things.

Like, it's conflicting in wondering if Jason has caught her hints at times. He does in one way, but doesn't seem to grasp it in another. Its like he wants to accept Sam's side of it - but knows that Drew is not accepting of him yet, and contradicts himself. I'd say he's 10% knowing how she really feels IMO

Regardless, Sonny was pouring the tea and then some today which had me watching the scenes twice, sometimes three times because there's so much to take away from them. I mean, just watch this one simple clip and you'll see what I mean.

"So what did the flight say?"  "Delayed."   "Ah, that's a bummer..."   "Do you really think that?" Carly, did you have anything to do with that, too? 

I love the discussion between Jason and Carly there. Brings back old feels in how Jason would be up against her schemes. "Now why would you do that?" Hah! But she's right in saying "I'm not sorry. But you and Sam belong together no matter what..."  But I give Carly credit, though. She knew exactly what to do to make Jason go to the Haunted Star. 

"I was curious. I wanted to see if Drew would admit that he still has his company because of you." "Carly come on...." "Would it kill the guy to say thank you?" "Yes, yes it may...." Jason's comments on Drew to Sonny and now this? Perfect! Glad that I'm not the only one who believes Drew is a shallow flower.

"I love you, but I don't want you fighting this battle for me. Unless it's business, you don't think I can handle my own life." That's because you're a chicken and afraid to admit your true feelings and need some helpful friendly encouragement. That's why you have her.

"Who picks my ties?" "That's because you have to understand that you need to complement your eyes." Anything that brings out those baby blues is fine by me. #jarly #GH

"How's the chef?" "Great. The menu is all set."  "What are you up to?"  "Nothing.... So, are you all done with work?"  "Off the clock." "That's the way I like it." "So where's Jason?" "I don't know..." Sonny knows no matter what he says, she is up to something.... 

Thank you Maxie. Glad to see that someone has Samantha's dress appeal in thought because obviously she's not thinking much lately. By the way, Sam did look good in red. Too bad she didn't go with that dress.

They saw each other! Well, she didn't have a negative reaction or yell at him or really, frankly, she didn't say anything. Obviously caught off-guard. But hello, you can tell that he was caught off-guard too and probably smiling because he realizes just how pretty his girl is #GH

So what will happen on Monday when they all face Carly after her little scheme? I'm sure both Sam and Andrew will yell at her. Sam has had no problem for yelling at her for meddling and antics in the past. Now Jason yelling at Sam? He will have some annoyance (a little) but we know him - it'll just get brushed off shoulder bc he knows its needed. And oh setting them up manipulates them? Once set up on the boat together, Sam doesn't need to say anything to Jason. She could just walk away, she could tell him that she doesn't love him. But no, her feelings instead come out.... #GH

I love this #Fanna bickering. Finn's corks are just perfect with Anna's ways.

"I would never cheat on you in a fake relationship. I would never cheat on you in a real relationship, either."  / "I guess we'll never know..." Admit your feelings children....

Finn is just standing back admiring his lady at work.... #Fanna #GH

Of course they would find the listening device.... #GH

"There you have it. It's finished." "Our partnership is over..." Oh it better not be. I'm sure they'll find excuses to see each other - esp Finn - till they can admit their feelings. #Fanna #GH


"Is it normal for pregnant woman to get lightheaded all the time?" Morning sickness? 

I also really don't like Nelle's put off attitude in having Monica as her doctor, either. Shouldn't well-being no matter what doctor be all that matters?

"What if this was Nelle's plan all along to spend New Years with Michael?" / "In the hospital?"  Sonny, you should know when Nelle gets desperate it doesn't matter where and how. Remember what she did to you?

Like how Drew double-checked paternity of kid before saying, "Congratulations" to Michael. #GH

"Least we know how to keep things interesting..." That's why we keep tuning in - even if we don't think you're interesting yourself, Drew. #GH

"I have a feeling that my new job is going to solve all of our problems." Scheming with Ava never worked for a lot of other people, Nelle. Don't think you'll get lucky with it, either. #Melle #GH


Sonny tells Carly whatever she is planning won't work #GH #CarSon ---- Oh Sonny, you should never question Carly's methods - oh wait, nevermind. Most of her plans have failed before hah But this one, I have faith in it. I mean, there's a kiss at the end of it so what could go wrong?

So how long do we stare at each other before we say something? #JaSam #Stelly #JaSamNYE

And Kim helping Drew find Sam? Girl, don't you want your man back? 

Glad that Anna offered Finn to stay there. #Fanna #GH

The Kiss Spoiler
I'm not big for spoils but I'm glad that I watched it. Oh my heart burst immediately. And the dancing flashback? Perfectly chosen... I can't wait for their conversation now. She won't be able to hide her feelings after the kiss. 

By the way, love how Jason is watching Sam as she watches the fireworks. He always had a thing for admiring her, wanting to just watch her, be with her, let her live that moment. And the smirk also when he asks her to dance? That was just the nice adorable touch - not overdone, but easily noticeable and connecting to them, too.

But why do I have a feeling that Drew is gonna see it and that's how they will cliffhang to Monday? I mean, let's just leave us in pain for an extra day because three days of waiting is nothing right? Nah, we'll be too overjoyed by the initial kiss anyway.

Now if the writers would've chosen for Drew to not see the kiss, the sneak around could've been entertaining though. I'm sure Danny would've helped that scheming. Sam says to Drew that she's taking Danny over to send time with the dog. Meanwhile, Jason meets them there. They spend time as a threesome, and then tell Danny to go off and play with doggy while having some alone time.

Non-Episode Related Jasam Reflections

For those who say that Sam is set with Drew, and there's no future for her with Jason - not that you can say that with the spoiler released anyway - there has always been a future shown since Jason's return. Sam's been showing that conflicted emotions the whole time - just not right in the open. Look at her reactions to conversation with Carly and Monica. Look at how she avoids conversation with Jason, and shows little emotion as possible - scared it'll break through. They're writing it slowly - while, until now anyway.

And like I've stuck by from the beginning, I just don't see her totally being over Jason till she can go through a true heart-to-heart, hearing every bit of his feelings, and still walk away. But going through this, I do not envy her at all as I know it'd be a tough call either way based on the positives and negatives. Obviously personally I want to see #jasam be end game. BUT If she's happier with Drew, then I'm willing to accept that - as long as Jason is able to find his happiness, and be able to be there for his kids Danny and Jake.

And for those saying that Jason never put Sam first - he has done so much for her, and said so many times over how much he loves her before he came back and afterwards. And recall before, he never got a choice to really choose and go about then Franco showed up, and then Heather took Daniel. So maybe given the chance to show her he can do that. Speaking of which, they were both so powerful and amazing during the whole Franco storyline. Seeing how much they'd do anything for each other, how they'd comfort each other, these lovely little moments despite chaos. .....Can we get back to this, please?

And for those who want to say that Sam never voiced her true feelings and always walked eggshells with Jason - the eggshell fact can be discounted because she did call him out on decisions plenty of times, and she wasn't afraid of telling him what she thought about those in an honest matter. She always seemed to break down her emotional walls each situation for him.

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