Wednesday, February 28, 2018

General Hospital - February 28, 2018 Episode Reflections

So today's episode was better than yesterday's, but it's still lacking that real reason to tune in. Hopefully the drama for the second half of the week does the trick.

For now, though, here are some thoughts to consider......

So Kevin says for Franco that "its in the past. Close this chapter and focus on a new one." The problem is Franco can't let go of his past, and the wounds of his torture still haunt those whom he went after - especially since he can't find it in his own way to show remorse for his actions.

That said, Franco is going too far with his comments - even about Drew here. Drew wouldn't be asking all those questions if Franco wasn't acting weird around him to begin with. Franco is bringing all this on himself - and it's lovely to see him in a way tormented in his mind after the time he spent tormenting Jason. Karma, she's a wonderful bitch.

That's why the whole thought of Drew and Franco working together was very laughable from Kevin. That said, Franco is right in his point of "who focuses on a rabbit's foot?" as Drew probably knows more than he'll say - but that's another topic all together. I've addressed that previously.

As soon as Sonny said at "whatever cost" to Ava, you had to know Avery would become the discussion point. That said, I was surprised that Ava didn't ask for more in return. But make no mistake, I ate every part of Kiki chewing her out up. I can't wait until Griffin sees this side of Ava eventually.

I almost chuckled at Sam asking Monica to watch the kids. Of course she would as she watches them all the time it seems.

I can't believe Rita is just backing out like that as recall she wanted to do whatever it took to help Mike when Sonny was visiting them. That said, I can understand the stage of denial and wanting to run because of what the disease can do to a person.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

General Hospital - February 26&27, 2018 Episode Reflections

February 26, 2018 

This episode was a bit of everything. Cue the tears are slipping down my face in the powerful scenes from #jarly, to #carson and Mike. The #fab3 kicked ass again as Carly, Sonny and Jason are amazing. This is a keeper. 

Absolutely spectacular job by Maurice Benard as he had my emotions in many different spots. Can't wait to see the rest of this play out. Also kudos as always to Laura Wright and Steve Burton.

You'd think Dante would be more willing to help Carly here, especially in knowing the location and the fact that this isn't childhood's play based on that alone. ....and you wonder why people don't go to the cops in town, but rather go to the mob.  
That said, of course Jason would find a random guy that has seen someone making calls on the phone. You had to know the guy's description was off from the beginning in starting with, "Young, good clothes - you don't see that around here." Don't you normally start off with gender? 

But really, you could tell that Nelle got to the guy first and paid him off to tell this story. I got to hand it to her - that's more homework than I thought she'd do.  It's okay, though, as this plan will only last for so long. The truth is bound to come out. Someone will be willing to pay Homeless Jesus more than she is. I mean, really, I can't wait until Jason finds out that the guy is lying for Nelle, as he'll probably kick both the guy's ass and Nelle's ass now.

Essentially, Nelle is playing a real dirty game. Trying to make herself irreplaceable by creating this relationship with Jocelyn, to tormenting Carly. This girl seriously hasn't gotten the memo that those who mess with this family pay, and Jason don't let them off easy.

It's also laughable how Nelle thinks that this plan will get rid of Carly and then allow her to be with Michael. I mean, does she really believe that Michael will forgive her for this? I guess in her deranged mind, she thinks that she can fix their emotions and smooth things over immediately with Carly out of the picture - not realizing that Michael and Jocelyn will hold it against her. 

So Carly asking, "You think I've lost my mind?" with Jason responding, "No" was everything as it sets the base for the future. I mean, let's just wait for Jason to begin looking into this, doing the job the police should be doing but never do. Clearly anybody can see that this is a wrongful game being played.
The scene with Carly and Jason discussing Morgan is everything. From hearing Carly's sadness and recounting the details, to Jason pulling her into a hug and his eyes. The Morgan deal had gotten #ugh but that scene brought the sadness right back.

I also get how Jason said, "Sometimes you think you're going to get some peace and closure, but it still hurts, there's still loss, and it's still gone." But really, he may be talking about Morgan here, but this also strongly relates to those five years he lost, too. There's nothing to bring that time back.

I laughed at Nelle saying, "I hoped that giving u the dress would create some peace for the baby's sake. But Carly wasn't having anything of it when I wanted to name the baby, Morgan." Can u blame her, Nelle? I mean even Jocelyn is shocked and right in saying, "In my mind, there's only one Morgan - our Morgan."

My laughter for Nelle continued in her saying, "I was trying to do something generous, and honor the son that she loved." Puhlease Nelle, you have no good bones in your body. That said, I'm glad that Jocelyn keeps receipts as her return in saying, "I don't want to dredge anything back up, but that's when it happened. That's when we were drowning in grief from Morgan. That's when you did everything with Sonny" was perfect.

I mean, really though, they are laying it on too thick at times with Nelle. Her constant whining to both Monica and Jocelyn is annoying. Like do you really need to say "sometimes it feels like the universe is against me" over and over? Can we knock her off already?

Jocelyn's attitude towards Julian is everything. From "I'm only grateful for that" to especially, "a prison stunt will do that to you." I get people's frustration in Julian continually getting dished comments by people visiting his pub when they hate him anyway. But let's face it, those making the comments want to feel powerful and be able to dish out their anger. All about "sending a message" or "trying to put him down." To essentially leave him alone would be the grown-up, mature approach - but we know that never happens in soaps. 

I knew it wouldn't take long for the new detective to get a lesson of Sonny's authority and place. Welcome to town, buddy. On the flip side, it shocks me that Diane wouldn't come by that night at all. That said, a good thing through these police station scenes has to be Maurice Bernard. Sonny's emotions have me tearing up, and then you add Dante's heart & compassion and this was everything. Dante saying, "I assume you're commenting on the lack of handcuffs on this man? I'm sorry but you can go straight to hell" was beautiful!

Now if you thought that was beautiful, then putting Sonny together with Jason and Carly was even more amazing. The #fab3 has struck a core again, especially #carson. Sonny is hitting every single emotion needed here. Cue the tears.....  I also absolutely love Carly saying, "He's going to need us," followed by the perfect response from Jason in saying, "And we'll be here." Damn straight as there's no way someone like Nelle is going to be able to separate the #fab3 from each other.
That said, Sonny thinks he can just pay Ava the $14,000 for the vase and she'll drop the charges against Mike. While the charges should be dropped, it wouldn't surprise me if Ava used this to her advantage to get more time with Avery. Really, can't blame her if she does either.

I wish I could've yelled through my TV when Ava said, "If my love is burden to you, then don't let me down easy. Do it, say, let it go now." Do it, Griffin. Please turn around and run the other direction from Ava immediately. Safe yourself. I mean, Griffin saying that he can't live up to Ava's level is laughable. He clearly doesn't know the truth about her at all.

"If I see someone in need, I'll always go to them...." "And I respect that." "But can you live with that?" How someone as sweet as Griffin ended up with someone like Ava is beyond me.

February 27, 2018

So General Hospital was just..... boring. I literally do not even know why I watched it. I could've made better usage of my time with a nap. I would like to go forth and write some sort of review, but there's no material to really take from and turn into a response. I will say though - it doesn't surprise that Jim did something to chase Betsy out of town. I'm just surprised Drew figured that out. 

Now, with that out of the way, ready for #carson and Michael to be on tomorrow. 

Monday, February 26, 2018

General Hospital - February 23, 2018 Episode Reflections

So for being built up big, #GH14000 really didn't equal all the hype. But that said, it was still a decent episode.

Jason's words to Carly's in saying, "if it's bothering you, it's important to me" are fitting for them together. Their friendship is adorable.
Glad that Dante revealed the location connection (Morgan) to Jason. It's clearly obvious it's a prank. Now Jason should figure it's not an amateur, someone wanting revenge. Carly's enemy list only goes so long.

These scenes with Mike and Sonny are everything.....
So Alexis is obviously having regrets now, including in saying, "Everyone knows you don't run for public office if you have skeleton's in your closet." Then why didn't she expose Ned's? Everybody in town knows her history with Julian. So rightfully so, she should've not left the door of opportunity open - knowing what was possible. Frankly, I can't wait until Curtis or Julian figures out Jim's involvement.

Finn was wrong with his words to in saying, "I don't think there's any need for that. I told Anna how I feel, and she shot me down." You should also know based on her past that she's afraid - I mean, he faced down Faison with her and talked her about it, and should've kept pushing. I mean, that's why his line "she won't give those feelings back in return, and I can't get that for the life of me" puzzles me so much.

He was also wrong in saying, "Anna and I were over before we began." I say that's a lie as it was instant chemistry. That said, glad that Alexis and Finn are set to continue their friendship, but never sleep together. It leaves the door open for #fanna in the future.

Franco saying, "if Elizabeth finds out I'm keeping another secret from her, she's never going to trust me again" was pure laughter for me. I mean, if that's the case, then why don't you just tell her? Oh wait - that's too easy for you. I mean, Franco's failure to reach his past shows his inability to move forward by addressing the factors, and certainly no remorse for his actions. If he was truly guilty and felt it, he would be doing what he could to right his wrongs - and that includes addressing his past.

On another note, still don't know how comfortable I feel about Kiki and the doctor's friendship.

The conversation between Nelle and Ava has me thinking that I'd wish Griffin would see Ava for who she truly is. I mean, she doesn't deserve someone like him. He's better suited for Kiki.

Friday, February 23, 2018

General Hospital - February 22, 2018 Episode Reflections


February 22, 2018

So today's @GeneralHospital is definitely worthy watching as it was everything. The smallest pieces of it today will bring smiles for you

So I was surprised to hear that Drew was in a meeting. You mean, Drew does work? It's not like we ever see that happening, especially in importance to Faison.

Of course Peter would be there when Jason would ask Sam to run an article about Faison's will in the paper. Its like the pieces are in DUH form lately here. That said, running will in paper is a good idea to get the son to come out of hiding normally so I applaud idea
Reality is, Peter should be watching his words a little more carefully. All it will take is a few words from Peter that don't fit and he'll put it together after their previous meeting. I mean, he was showing a little more interest than warranted by a usual third party.You can also tell by Jason's behavior he has a close eye on Peter.

You could also sense that Jason would've preferred Peter to not be there for any of the discussion. Notice how he turned away from Peter and has been watching him closely. However, with Peter's role in the company I guess they also have no choice. Sam is also so in the dark about Peter its not even funny.

Now Peter being there could be a benefit, though, as it allows Jason to read the actions made by Peter. The fact that Peter questioned whether a name was there with a heightened sense of anger is intriguing in itself if I wasn't actually in knowledge.

But hey, Peter won't see what he's doing in slowly revealing himself. He thinks he can outsmart anyone because he has been so good at it to this point. If he can get away with this much, then he can get away with anything. But really, I'm interested to see why he wants to keep Drew's memories hidden, and why he kept Jason alive all of these years.

It pained me to hear Jason say, "Whatever Heinrech's reasons for keeping me alive - yes, I'm curious. But it's not going to get me those five years back. It's not going to change anything." Basically, Jason has still given up on it all because the one thing he wants he can't get back and that's Sam. But Sam is right that "it could change it all for Drew" if he can get his memories back, and such. But if that is so meaningful for Drew, why hasn't he done anything himself about it?

That said, I was taken back by Sam's response, too. She didn't even address anything in relation to Jason in replying to his comment. You'd think even if she didn't want to rekindle. she'd respect their time together by giving Jason some consideration. She should've given him some reason to want those answers after he denied it.

Sam was also pretty off in saying, "He kept you alive for five years, and now you're here. That fact alone - should draw him out." If that was the case princess, then why hasn't Heinrech/Peter revealed himself yet?

Sam then goes, "I'm actually desperate for Drew to remember, for himself, for the kids, for me...." She's desperate for him to find the answers and solve his life problems so Drew will be okay -
 and then maybe she can do what she truly wants and rekindle with Jason. But then she counters herself in saying, "We're acting like this is a race for him to claim his memories - and we've got to change our mindset." While looking for a possible rekindle, she's afraid of what she'll do once Drew gets those memories. She's afraid of a next purpose, next step, because of her own fears from having lost Jason once.
That scene was so simple with #jasam in simply Sam rambling about her thoughts (ah, the good old days) and going on about everything with Jason trying to follow - and then the smiles - but it was everything. It's a reminder of what can be down the road.

So Sam is right in saying, "This whole Faison situation is irly messed up....," but I was caught off-guard by Peter responding, "....and fascinating, to the outside observer of course." It just shows you that Peter/Heinrech is just as messed as his father. He took the role at Aurora Media so he could have a close eye on all of his subjects.

But Peter gets my respect in openly stating, "For two people who believed they were the same person for awhile, those brothers are nothing alike." Truer words haven't been spoken, Peter. and it makes Sam's  relationship from one to the other that much strange as can be.

So when Sam said, "Jason knows how to cut his losses and moves on, and Drew is still searching for a resolution. Who can blame him? The guy doesn't know who he is" I could say that for once in a blue moon, I feel sympathy for Drew. But that disappears in seeing his usual attitude.

"Sorry, wish I could help more..." "Unless you know the whereabouts of a disco ball, flashdrive that disappeared in December." Oh the bloody irony.....

Now some said that Drew should've been there for the discussion alongside Jason, Sam and Peter. But really, it's a question for the Port Charles Press. That means it's handled by Peter seeing as he's in charge of that department, per Dream putting him in charge. So really, Drew and Sam both aren't needed in handling the matter.

We could all be fair and tell him, though, but Drew doesn't deserve the courtesy from Jason based on his attitude so far in circumstances but that's just me. I mean, Drew doesn't need attitude out of a bunch for Jason when it comes to Sam, though, when it was Sam who chose to stay there for Danny's sake. He also doesn't need to say Jason withheld information when Jason gave him a chance to receive it and Drew turned down.

A Thought.....
So yeah, Carly, I get that house keeping and maintenance couldn't be in there during the investigation. But hasn't that been wrapped up for awhile? Still doesn't excuse the blood still being etched into the carpet.

Ava is right in saying, "Making friends with Monica is one thing. Luring Michael from the clutches of his mother is another" as we've seen that from experience. But the fact that Nelle feels that she'll be "right back at Michael's side" with Carly "nowhere to be found" at the end of her plan is crazy.  So good luck with all that, Nelle. Think you'll be nowhere found.

Figured that diagnosis for Mike was the direction that #GH was going. With that said, Mike is doing a great job in his role and the denial of the diagnosis. The line "Where are you going, Mike?" followed by "to find some better company. Someone who actually gives a damn" just cut to the core.

Of course, Mike would land himself in Ava's gallery. Now, when Mike left, why didn't Sonny put one of his men on him? I mean, he should know the dangers of what Mike could do based on what happened at Kelly's.

I wish I could just break and buy new phones like Maxie and Nina. That said, I love how Nina is stepping up to help Maxie. Also, glad to see Epiphany is still teaching the child birthing classes. I remember when Jason and Sam went to theirs together.

FYI, Maxie became my hero with her comments for Nelle, too.
I can't wait for Nelle's plan against Carly to be exposed so badly. The fact that Carly has Jason back, there's no way that Nelle pulls this off. Can we also have both of them kick her butt, too?

Thursday, February 22, 2018

General Hospital - February 20&21, 2018 Episode Reflections

February 20, 2018

Compared to other recent episodes, this one was lacking in many ways. But there were a couple so-so moments. 

So everything comes out in the news about Alexis and of course Ned's first comment about the election is having the upper hand. All his focus is centered on power, not maybe wondering how it got out.

Alexis admitting the release is probably going to be remembered as the first step to reuniting #julexis. Because Julian realizes how much Alexis cares. Hence his passion to Jordan in saying "someone is going to pay for this." Cue my frustrations because well, I never want to see them reunited IMO. 

On that note, though, shouldn't Juliane be able to figure out that Jim leaked the article? I mean, him and Curtis already suspected him in connection to Stella. Least Curtis is on to something in saying, "That article came in at the right time." Only a matter of time. 

It wasn't a surprise to hear Alexis say, "I need to get out of here." She still can't stand to see Juliane with Kim.

Of course Drew asks Curtis about himself and Franco, when meanwhile the election and Alexis is the big story right now. Shouldn't that be Curtis' focus for his aunt? But this proves something once again as Drew isn't doing any of the work as he makes Curtis do all this digging about Jim and Franco. 

To be real, it's funny watching Drew and how he continues to get closer to having an outburst. The fact that he knows slowly Sam is being drawn to Jason, given the little glances that they've shared and their instant chemistry. Just wait until he finds out about the kiss. Really, if Drew continues, these games against Jason with his comments and whatnot, it's going to go backfire in his face as he'll lose Sam in the process.

Really, I feel bad for Sam in all of this. We all know the real reason they're still together. She's only staying with him because afraid of what could happen with Jason given the pain of losing him once, and "feeling obligated" to be there for Drew due to the vows and everything.  We know Jason will be okay but we don't know if Drew would.

To be honest, I think Drew will self-distruct soon anyway especially if Jason is able to get more information about Heinreck's whereabouts without Drew doing anything. That, or if Jason and Sam end up spending more time together thanks to our little matchmaker.

Love Michael's eye roll at Nelle's feeling part of the family comments

February 21, 2018

So, it was a solid episode of @GeneralHospital today. Great show of emotions, and an additional layer to a relationship. It's an improvement upon yesterday - even if a few Kleenex may be required,

Love how Sam is quietly being there for Maxie - not saying anything, but lending a hand and shoulder quietly. It's nice to see their friendship a little again, esp in a situation like this right now because we know Sam has been in Maxie's shoes.
That said, it was nice to get a glimpse into Sam some more. Her advice to Maxie in saying, "One day you're going to want to dive into those memories, & it's going to kill you that you threw them all away" was perfect. But really, if she's speaking from experience, you have a chance to create new memories and build on the ones that you have, rekindle the magic. Take it.

"I tried to relieve our memories together and it was like breaking my heart over, and over again." If you felt that Sam, then why haven't you acted upon that all since Jason's return? Like Maxie replied, "Wow, you really are clueless aren't you?"

Hearing Sam express all of those emotions about missing Jason, dreams at night, etc - it makes me further ask this simply --> Why haven't you done a single think about these emotions, Sam? Why aren't you back with him already if you miss him so badly?

Sam says Maxie is in a "very unique situation," but it's the other way around. Sam is in a position where she gets a second chance with Jason, a chance to rekindle that magic once again and end the heartbreak. So why hasn't she, yet?

Instead, she's acted like a total butthole in some cases, shoving the emotions right back at him, and she won't feel any re-precautions (except punishing herself) because Jason won't hold it against her if she was to come to him and say she wanted something between them, again. Frankly, I probably won't hold it against her either because I'll be overjoyed their back together.
Dante telling Lulu, "I'm sorry you have to give up something that you love" didn't do anything for me. I'm sure she'll move on to something else, Dante. I mean, where was this passion about journalism and such before? That has been like an overnight love. 

By the way, I gotta say that a nervous Finn is enjoyable to watch. But let's face it - it doesn't surprise anybody that the writers had Anna show up to see Finn and Alexis together. Really, the GH writers could've done that partially differently, too. Considering you were just in bed after a sexy night Alexis, it seems you've fixed your clothes and hair in style very quickly.

Anna is sticking by her usual guns in saying, "Should something go down, I want to protect you." But clearly, Finn is done in saying, "I don't want your protection - nor do I need it." But notice the high pitch in the beginning of Finn's response? He's still upset, angry in how they ended. It doesn't need to be over. That said, his anger was perfect in his lines, from "Whatever danger you can dish out, I can handle......" to "You can always use a shower. I'll meet you there."

To be fair, Anna did tell Finn that she wanted them both to move on. But now perhaps Anna seeing Finn and Alexis together will make her realize her feelings, and actually admit things. I mean, I loved how they were both covering up for each other - or attempting to do so. They want to do best for each other....... It's only a matter of time before we find that magic, again.

"Are you and Alexis-" "Are we what?" "Is what I thought I saw true?" **Finn nods** "Well, I'm happy for you." Yeah, Anna's jealousy and seeing what could've been shows you through. Anna rushing out + Finn's reaction = matter of time. 

Valentine gets the dumb line award of the day in saying, "Once he (Jason) figures out you're Heinreck, he's going to have a lot of questions." No, duh. But he did redeem himself with his advice for Peter on Maxie in saying, "Once she finds out your responsible for writing the article on Faison, you're going to be exposed." That's a fall-out that should be interesting to watch, considering how Maxie has taken emotional and people so far, ref her and Lulu. 

So Lulu goes, "I just didn't expect to find you here with Valentine Cassadine. You guys know each other?" Imagine if she actually puts some investigative knowledge to work and figures out the connections

Why am I not surprised by Valentine's response? To refresh your memory, "For 1 minute, I thought you cared & weren't responsible for bringing Faison to our doorstep." That's a pretty harsh way of going about it, Valentine. I mean, you need to cover tracks but going that harsh is maybe not the way. That said, if Peter is sympathetic, could help.

Lulu telling Peter, "I need to focus on my family, and then figure out whatever comes next" is laughable, once again. She'll probably move on to some other 'long lasting desire' that nobody knew about.

Peter saying, "Use your work to expose the corruption. Use your work for the greater good" is laughable. How about she uses her work to expose Peter's secret and how much he is to blame, more than anyone else?

So where's the janitorial services that should've cleaned Crimson before Nina showed up? And once again, Valentine gets dumb line of the day award in saying, "When I walked in and I saw you down there, it broke me." I mean, you're damn well involved yet wanna play upset for fall out now. It does't seem fair. How about you open up about your involvement as a sign of regret?

I love how Oscar asked his mom, "You're really okay with him being an ex-con and all that mob stuff?" Good question Oscar, considering her initial comments upon meeting #carson in relation to you dating Jocelyn.

Hearing Alexis say "...which means I won't have a reason to come by here anymore" and "....I have to go" is a perfect lead to what is probably going to come. The heartbreak and sadness in Alexis' voice says that there will be more moments to come. Ugh....

By the way.......

Even with everything that I've said against Peter and Maxie, I know why they're doing it - drama. They know the drama it will create as the truth as revealed, and they hope we'll tune in. Truth is? I probably will as Kirsten Storms has been rocking this storyline so far.

But frankly, I wanna hear Peter/Heinreck's reason for keeping Jason alive, and more about his father connection before I'll give him a chance at redemption

"What did Faison dangle in front of you?" "His son...." Peter keeps asking questions and Peter going to have a lot more to deal with here..... and yay for a #jasam sighting.

Monday, February 19, 2018

General Hospital - February 19, 2018 Episode Reflections

The scenes with Jason and Drew were everything today. Love the small glares between the pair every so often as they went along. But also, the glances between Jason and Sam are even more meaningful - especially considering Drew misses them totally.

Anna was right in saying that Faison "was never one for the truth, but he did relish in everyone's ability to search for answers." I'd laugh if something does go down, and Sam is right and there's nothing in the safe. On that note, though, Sam being dismissive so quickly bothers me a bit, too. Anybody remember all the times that she stood behind Jason, followed whatever approach he wanted? Sure, they discussed, but in the end, she stood by him no matter what? Too bad she couldn't find her detective-self and work it out, too.

So of course the original holder of the keys to the safe is gone. I mean, that'd be just too easy if the brothers could  barge his place and steal the safe. Who wants to bet that Peter is the person of contact should one of the brothers die? I mean, it'd make sense in the "son getting the remainder of the estate."

I was about to smack Drew in wanting to leave at that point when he wasn't getting his way. It sounded so babyish. Glad Sam made the decision to stay. It's clear that she doesn't want to be away from Jason but she won't tell Drew that.
Diane's words in stating, "That's the last word from Caesar Faison" are far from the truth as really, we're just setting the stage for probably a story that will go on for weeks now. Drew even previewed in saying, "I wish it was, but this will is just the next move in his game." But really, he is wrong in his words (like always) as the game only continues if fall for his trap, and continue to play. By the way, if Drew tries something, I see his future already.

So Sam's first words to Drew when they're alone were, "You're not going to kill your brother. That's not even happening." It really shows where her heart is lying, and how he is constantly on her mind.

Drew asking, "You're not afraid that I am going to go after Jason, or Jason is going to come after me?" has me concerned, even if Sam replied, "No, I'm too smart to know that you both won't play Faison's game."  Because in reality, Sam may be questioning Drew based on behavior to date - hence initial reaction.

We know that Jason won't go after Drew. That's not in Jason's nature. He doesn't go after someone directly - unless they're threatening him beyond control. Drew hasn't done that (yet). Plus, he won't kill him due to Sam and the kids. Drew should know this based on memories. However, Drew going after Jason? His behavior has been skeptical at points, threatening, trying to back Jason in a corner. Given that he is already growing frustrated with the simple knowledge of the will, one has to wonder what his mind will do next.

Now Sam has to go through babying Drew again, convincing him about the memories being on a flashdrive, while Jason is actually continuing to do work towards finding answers. But watch Drew be mad when Jason comes to him with more information down the road.
Not surprised to see Jason say, "I'm not playing Faison's game" because he's already played one round of mind games (Franco) and we know what happened. Instead, Jason is being smart, recognizing the fact that Heinreck is still in Port Charles, and saying, "When he surfaces to claim the inheritance, I will be waiting."  I can't wait for that moment. I'm glad that we found yet another reason to love him!

It was interesting in seeing Sonny at the hospital with his father, too, as those added some more depth to the storyline to really see the direction they're going to take it. I think Sonny is equally afraid of the diagnosis as anybody, hence trying to avoid it now in possibly heading out of there.

That said, I was surprised when Sonny left Mike's room to leave him alone. I wouldn't leave Mike's room right now, given how on edge everything is. I was almost thinking he would've been gone when Sonny and Griffin came back. But of course, we know he didn't leave. Instead, you can see how it's starting to possibly soak in him saying, "Adella deserved better than me...." That line cuts the core. That said, Sonny cut equally when he told Jason, "Because of our history, I don't know if I can be the son that he needs me to be."
So of course they're going to have Maxie and Peter interact now. Like SOAPFansTweets said, "Henrik feeling guilty and perhaps obligated to take care of Maxie?" That'd make sense, based on how he is being guarded in what he says and does, too.

Maxie's reaction is one thing right now, but once she figures out Peter's whole connection, oh boy..... It's only a matter of time before she does, too, as she mentioned, "I don't even know why you were there that day," as well as, "Faison took off because of you...."

But really, the irony in the lines today at times were just almost eye-roll worthy. Maxie saying, "If Nathan were here, he would thank you, too...." made me laugh because if not for Peter, there would've been no digging for Faison and no revealing the truth and no gunshot. But because of Peter's own desires, here we are. At least Peter partially admits it with saying, "There's no need. Maxie, I am so sorry." Then when Maxie described a hero in saying, "When nothing makes sense or you're scared, you find a way to do the right thing." Well, clearly, Peter hasn't handled this brother situation fairly at all.

Really, you'd think he'd at least give her some dignity to move forward with revealing the truth to her.

While Peter may be irritable, Maxie did break my heart at times today, as she has done the past couple of weeks. Her words in saying, "the only thing that'd make me feel better is Nathan coming back himself" can cue the tears.

Peter saying afterwards to Drew and Sam that, "There are people here - a life that I don't want to leave." If he starts a love with Maxie, and she finds out the connection, oh lordy help Peter....

I wasn't surprised by Maxie saying, "I don't want any of his blood money. I don't want anything to do with the man who killed my husband" because you can't blame her after everything that happened. Really, Anna went to Maxie for selfish reasons. She wants Maxie to contest the will so Heinreck/Peter comes out of hiding for her own benefit. Using someone whose grieving is evil.

The election storyline started off with so much potential in watching Laura and Ned go against each other, and the two sides of the Charles Street movement. But slowly, but surely, it makes me just want to yawn and run away.
That said, we all know what Julian is doing by dropping the compliments for Alexis. It's clear that he's not going to give up on her no matter what. Also, as soon as Julian mentioned that "someone is playing for higher stakes," you have to know that it's Jim - even before he made that phone call. He's probably the one that created the slander campaign against Alexis, too.

With the latest news, I have to sadly say given Ned's behavior to date, I don't see resignation in his future. However, it could be done as a surprise. He's been on the power trip that he has been taking lately, first with his he tried to run ELQ and now with the election and his deal with Jim Harvey. Hopefully Jim's actions come out later on down the line. While I don't agree with Alexis and what she did in going to Nora, it's still not fair for Ned to win this way with dirty politics - esp when he hasn't had the people's interests in mind.

Now we see the direction of the election storyline, let's watch #GH have Julian save a possible throw of the election by finding out it was Jim's handy work as part of trying to redeem himself, which gets us all set for the #julexis reunion that should never happen anyway.

Once again, Jordan has to have Curtis do all the work for her.

General Hospital - Memorable Past Jasam Clips (Part 2)

Nothing like getting caught up in a marathon of old clips and end up staying up the whole night.......

That said, it's that time again to look back some of our favourite #Jasam moments

1. Danny's Birth

"I don't think you should give up on Sam."  "I won't." If Jason can see signs that she's breaking through, he's going to keep making sure to stay by so she can reach out when she's ready. Always put her first, but be there for the fall ready to hold her. 

"You don't just get this life. You have to fight for it." Sonny needs to remind Jason of those words, because based on his thoughts just before he went away and based on the passion he has now for her, we can all come back together and have the #jasamiel family we wanted.

2. "Before I met you, my life was pretty empty, and I was fine with it - until you moved in. You changed me, and I'll never forget that." Jason, Halloween 2006 

3. "You can't tell me he's worth another bullet." Spinelli  "Oh, he is." Sam   Can we get back to these three having moments like these? 

4. "A good father always puts their child's needs and happiness before their own." "I would never turn my back on a child that needed me." "It would be great to bring a baby in this world with you. I couldn't wait to watch it grow up, and wait and see parts of both us in that baby." 

5. To Risk & Love or Not

"The risks you take are up to you. So it's your decision if you want to share my life." Jason 
"I mean, yes, I want that. I'll always want that." Sam
December 2006

6. "A play? Don’t you think you’d be bored?” “No, because while you’re watching the play... I’ll be watching you” 

7. "You know I almost gave up and you were the only reason I wanted to fight." 

8. Helping Hand

9. Sam to Jason: “Suppose she grows up and she doesn’t know how to smile... do you really want to be responsible for a humor impaired child?”  

10. Hooker Adventure

Sunday, February 18, 2018

General Hospital - February 15&16 Episode Reflections

Life has been busy, so apologies for the delay on posting this. But here they are, regardless....

February 15, 2018

Well it was nice to see Nelle do the right thing in calling Michael about his grandpa, I could see Nelle using this to her advantage of the Mike situation. I mean, she's used all routes previously, right? 

That said, I am glad Carly realizes just how much of a threat Nelle is and is speaking to Diane about it. It'll make things obvious if something happens and able to find Carly.

Getting back to Mike, on two occasions Mike believed that Courtney was still alive. He forgot the children. He is now reverted back to his previous job. Its like he's stuck in the past.  

Now on the topic of Grava, I think Ava is going a little too far with her Griffin accusations, considering everything he's done for her.

I hope Finn stays with Anna over Alexis, just because I can't stand Alexis half of the time and the #fanna chemistry is everything. But oh Finn in saying, "I don't think Anna cares what we get up to tomorrow night." You could be further from the truth, Finn.

February 16, 2018 

Carly is right that "Sam may have married Drew with the best possible intentions, but it's making it bad for everyone." But really, that's okay because Drew should self-implode. I mean, we're seeing signs given his conversation with Jason earlier this week. On that note, I will say - it is nice to see Jason recognizing Drew's jealousy over his time with Sam and Danny. But blaming it on the withhold of Heinreck information? Little wrong there.

Jason saying, "He took 5 yrs of my life and I killed him. It's over with." just speaks to the frustration that he has endured with the situation. But I'm glad that Carly countered it with, "It's not over. [....] Whatever Faison set up to hurt you, it's not just going to go away." Carly is right. What if something lingers and a threat is still there? Jason, knowing him, would want to handle it.


Faison's gift for Britt in his will was "interesting...." ha!

"I leave to Drew what he wants most - a way to restore his memories." O yeah, he really wants that as we've seen. I mean, it's not like he has followed that desire closely. But of course that comes with a twist, clearly. "These will only be delivered to one party, upon the death of the other." Faison has a reputation as a villain, and clearly that has continued even beyond death.

Well, in a duel between Jason and Drew, we know who would win - but really? Faison went this far now? But wait - doesn't Faison know that Jason would kill Drew? I mean, he said that Jason was the stronger one of the pair in the hospital

So really, they each have to ask themselves, "Is the information worth killing your brother?" Clearly not, but then again, we never know.... 

So Drew repeats the words, "For one of us to get what we want, the other has to die." Really, I would've kept my mouth shut. The glance back from Jason means you try anything, you're done. And poor Sam scared at the though because she wonders if Drew will now try something.
By the way, anybody notice the countless glances between Jason and Sam as Drew looked on?

I can't stand Nelle for multiple reasons, and today just added to that. Her going on to Monica in saying, "Carly seems fixated on getting rid of me" was ridiculous. It's more like the other way around, Nelle. And she goes on and on here, adding, "It's Carly. She just keeps making huge accusations against me. I try to be the bigger person, but she just keeps...." Can I smack her?

That said, her plan is destined to backfire large when Michael realizes what she's doing to Carly. I mean, let's face it - Nelle hasn't properly thought a plan through to date. 

The biggest laugh was Nelle saying, "I've tried so hard to try and move forward to make amends with her...." By continuing to torment her? By continuing to antagonize her? I can't wait for this to backfire so I can laugh in Nelle's face.

Everybody can see what Nelle is doing, even before she said, "This has helped me more than you'll ever know...." It falls in line with the plan - which will be seen through eventually.

So of course Monica would waltz right over to Carly's and yell at her with, "I'm not going to have your adverse hostility play a role in her pregnancy." But Carly is right in asking, "What are you talking about?" as she hasn't done much - besides their couple of discussions. But Monica yelling back, "Lay off Nelle!" has me really am laughing now. I can't wait until Monica and Carly figure it all out. 

"You weren't the one getting poked and prodded like a lab rat." I sympathize with Mike. Everybody gets that feeling after a doctor's appointment.

So Ava saying, "He's always going to be obligated to be self-lish, even when it makes him selfish. I am beginning to wonder if this will even work...." was like a WTF moment. So doing his job, making sure your daughter wasn't too far off, is a crime now?

Thursday, February 15, 2018

General Hospital - February 13-14, 2018 Episode Reflections

It goes without saying - General Hospital hit all the spots for Valentine's Day across the board. Let's just say that my soapy heart is complete as we begin this.

February 13, 2018

Welp, overall I have to say that @GeneralHospital was very interesting. I found yet another reason to hate someone after trying to give her some redemption, but was entertained in other ways. It's a decent episode, 

So our latest tea spiller is here, courtesy of Ms. Robin, which is no surprise. Her words, "I really hoped Sam would take a step back and evaluate her feelings. It's a really complicated situation, but actually simple" were just perfect. Really, Sam just needs to follow her heart and desires. But Robin also made another good point in saying, "If she were to abandon Drew just because u came back, she'd feel disloyal. It'd make every time that she said she loved him a lie." It goes along the lines of my Sam reasons.  A feeling of disloyalty and now owning her vows/promises.

Jason's response to Robin's words with, "Now you sound like Carly" were perfect, but Robin saying, "That should tell you something" was even better. Everybody except Sam can see it. Even Jason can to by his eye expressions, and the eye roll that he gave Drew. 

Of course he would get the candy heart that said "Real Love." Oh #GH, great job once again with your foreshadowing.

It's good to see that Michael is realizing the games that Nelle is playing in asking Jason, "Did my mom ever use me to get closer to you? Because that's what I think Nelle is doing for me." But unlike Michael and Nelle, there's never been any doubt in the #jarly friendship as they've always been close - even with the rocky Robin moments. 

Michael is right in saying that "she's counting on the baby to draw us back together" because everybody can see that. Now Jason asking, "Do you think that could happen?" with Michael responding, "I would like to say no" scares me because if the plan wasn't working at all, he just would say no. But adding that "would like" means she's doing what she wants to do in striking those vulnerable cords.

I loved Jason's advice for Michael in saying, "I would not try to make a family with someone that you can't trust, because that just sets you up for failure." But overall, I loved this scene with Jason and Michael. This is the type of stuff that I've missed - their bond together. Nice to see us getting to that. Clearly, the advice set in as he went and told Nelle, "I think for both our sakes, I'm sticking to my original plan." Then following it up with, "I think it is best for the child for us to set some boundaries." was perfect. Let's just hope he doesn't recant this later, and actually sticks to his guns. I mean, if I was him, I would've skipped the child birth classes, too. It's just another opportunity for her to dig her nails into him. 

I laugh at Nelle saying, "This is just a momentary setback." Isn't that two setbacks for you now? First the baby naming, now this? Sounds like you're losing all angles.

The stare that Jason gave to Franco was perfect. Love seeing Jake and Jason together, though. But leave it to Jake to make for the most awkward moments in just two simple lines - "I couldn't have done it without Franco's help." & "Are you coming to the wedding?" I can't wait till Jake finds out everything down the road. On that note.....

This really surprised me today. Firstly, Franco can continue to blame your brain tumor, but we've seen you do evil things since then. He also crossed the line with his Sam comment. Sam has never been afraid of Jason, nor will she ever be afraid of Jason. He is her safety net. Why do you think she's came to him a couple times despite pushing him away for Drew's sake? But great comeback from Jason! 
I laughed at Liz saying, "You can't watch me marry Franco?" I mean, what do you expect after everything that Jason has been through with the man? But again, he hit the nail on the head with saying, "Its your life, your choice, but if I went, it's the same as lying to Jake and saying it's okay when it's not." I'm glad that Jason is sticking to his guns. It's about time that Franco is put in his place. 

Welp, that's a big fat lie, Liz. Sam still despises Franco and tells him that when they do cross paths. Do we need receipts? Just look at the last time that Sam spoke to Franco and said to him, "You may not be legally responsibly for what you did for me, but I will carry those scars with me for the rest of my life." But yet according Liz, Sam is totally over what happened.
Secondly, Michael and Franco never see each other. 

He's just supposed to forget being tormented for years? He's supposed to pretend that time hasn't stood still while away?  Jason was the biggest victim in this whole takeaway mess, but since returning, it seems that everybody wants to bag on him - Sam, Drew, Liz. Ridiculous

Really, there's been some really low moments in GH history, but this is an all-time low. I used to say that I wanted @GeneralHospital to #freeLiz since there was #nofriz, but after those lines today, frankly, she deserves him if she wants to think that way. So Elizabeth be Franco and get hurt eventually, and coddle him. It'll be good karma.

But here's something to think about - what if Franco is still obsessed with Jason? What if that's why he wants to get so close to Jake? Doing something like that would be perfect, too, considering Franco's original obsession - especially if they want to go back down that Franco is evil route, hence the hints of signs they've shown with things he's done, and not being able to let go of his past. The other factor to think about Franco's original obsession - what if he was really obsessed with Drew due to growing up together, and not Jason?

So I couldn't believe when Elizabeth uttered the words to Franco, "the art world freed you from the past to start your life over." Ha! That's why we're talking about his past over and over. 

The father-son storyline with Sonny and Mike has me intrigued at times, but other times just wanting to gloss over it. Sonny is laying down the law in saying, "Mike is in some kind of trouble and I'm not letting him go home until he tells me." Really, he should've stuck by those words - but oh wait, I'll talk about that later. But based on what we've seen, I think Mike is slowly losing his mind here. 

On the flip side, that Valentine's Day scene with Avery and Sonny was adorable.

I honestly laughed at Drew saying, "Some of the best things in life are worth trouble." I would agree - even if that means you're out of the picture soon.

February 14, 2018

So for a Valentine's Day edition of @GeneralHospital, it was beyond perfection. So many great moments across the board - esp with Danny and Jason.

I could watch Danny and Jason all day. That was the cutest "Valentine's Day scene." I mean, who can say that the card wasn't just perfect? 

I love how Jason asked, "How many Valentine's do you have?" and our little player goes, "Three, maybe four...." Can' say I'm surprised as he's a charmer. Of course, the response of "Do you have a Valentine?" broke my heart for Jason.
That said, notice how Jason didn't answer who he totally missed? Yeah, doesn't want to break Danny's heart. But I wonder if he is picking up on it - hence the "want mommy" line.

As soon as he picked up Jason's phone, you had to know that "Mommy, can you come over? I don't feel so good...." was coming. He is the perfect matchmaker.

It's the small things, people. Samantha marries Jason and becomes "Samantha Morgan" but keeps her last name and becomes "Samantha McCall Cain" now.

So GH is playing every part of this perfectly. Get Griffin to tell a story and have him say, "Saint Valentine’s faith in love made him immortal. Love never dies...."  as they show #jasam staring at each other. Can you say preview for the future? Really, Jason's almost immortal, considering he's come back from certain death, among other battles through the years. The "faith in love" is always knowing that Sam would fight for him, push him to be there.....

Danny was so adorable and perfect at this. I mean him saying, "Mommy and Daddy, can you both do it?" melted my heart.
Seeing Jason read the story with both him and Sam in the bed with Danny in the middle - that was everything. That was just beyond perfect. Been waiting five years for magic like this. Thank you matchmaker. Oh, and beginning the story with "Once upon the time...." as they look at each other - yep, perfect visuals....
By the way, anybody notice Sam's eyes as Jason left the room? Yeah......

So can I punch Drew? The attitude was no reason at all. That was ridiculous. Couldn't believe how he accused Jason over Danny's phone call. But I did laugh about him spending all that time in the car.

But okay, let's laugh at the guy for a second as he goes, "You keep saying that you're taking yourself out of the equation, but you're still here..." Well of course. Jason will always be involved in Danny's life, no matter what. Deal with it buster. You knew that agreeing to marry Sam.


Then Drew goes, "You're actually passive aggressive. Just admit you're like everybody else...." But of course, mic drop, boom goes the dynamite, as Jason's return was perfect in saying, "I'm just living my life. And it's up to you how you deal with that."

But seriously, what did Jason do to Drew to deserve this shade? It's ridiculous! Jason offered you information Drew. He told the story of what happened so you wouldn't go to jail. He stood back while you married his girl, not fighting Sam against it. He let you keep the penthouse. He let you keep the money. Not once has Jason pushed Drew but yet Drew has this attitude against him constantly. Like what?

So Nelle drugged Michael's father, but figured that they'd get back to magical moments with him? Yep, she's insane.

"I think we are the only uncomplicated couple in Port Charles." You just jinxed yourself, Molly.

I almost hated seeing Mike interrupt the #carson love, but I'd like to see them get to the bottom of Mike's deal. And really, Rita will be more grateful to see you sort out the family problems, rather than the Valentine's Day worries. She wants to have a life with you and she can't do that if you're stuck in some other deal.

Sonny is right to ask, "Don't you think something else is going on?" The forgetfullness from yesterday has me concerned for Mike, and makes me wonder what direction we're headed. Father losing his mind? I'd have Max follow him in case right now.

Love the small confession of Carly and Sonny's love with "It's very hard for me to sleep without you beside me...." 

Sure, Jordan should take a break. I mean, it's not like she does much police work anyway.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

General Hospital - February 12, 2018 Episode Reflections

Another solid episode of @GeneralHospital today. Most of it I would throw in the trash, but Kristen Storms was purely amazing enough to save the entire show. Pack some tissues, and be prepared to cry a little - but enjoy at the same time.

While Maxie may be a little out of line in her accusations as Nathan did agree to the interview and knew the risks at hand, can I just say that Kristen Storms is knocking her rant out of the park? The emotions, how she's going about it - are just perfect.

That said, as Maxie brought up selfish reasons, love how they cut to Peter. It was Peter who put the Faison idea in Lulu's head because of his own selfish reasons of going after his father for revenge. Once they both find out his story, can they kick his ass?

Kudos to the General Hospital lighting department, by the way. Maxie's apartment was done perfectly to replicate the feelings of loneliness.

Hearing Maxie's dad say "Take care of our girl, please...." made my heart swell. Spinelli was always great at doing that.

"Your mother is right - you shouldn't be alone." "But I am." You don't have to be. I mean, I know it's wrong timing and such and maybe shouldn't be pushed, but your true love could rescue you. That said, the offer to go home and see her daughter, spend time away was certainly a surprise - and certainly not the best Spinelli approach. Running away doesn't solve anything - it just prolongs it. But seeing Maxie and Spinelli discuss Georgie, and the chemistry there for a second, has me wanting to possibly see them try again.

Lastly on Maxie, nice touch by #GH in having Maxie wear Nathan's sweater, and talk to the baby as a closer....

Also - how can Valentine give Lulu the glance that he gave her of despair when he is involved and knows Heinreck/Peter link, and  how he is connected to Crimson?

Drew saying that "Franco makes him feel uncomfortable" - that shouldn't be a surprise. I mean, you have Jason's memories and everything that he did to him. You know what he also did to your wife. You know how your wife feels about him. You never should've made amends.

"Anything?" "Nope...Appreciate it." Whose to say that Drew is lying because this would open a whole new can of worms?

By the way, I'm beyond annoyed of Sam babying Drew every single moment, esp in relation to Franco, the man who essentially raped and tormented her life.

Anna's words "Heinreck's trail is as cold as Faison himself." made me laugh, because it's so obviously right now on so many levels and let's face it, clearly you guys are missing the clues that are right in front of you. There's been countless stuff, from new guy in town to odd timing and locations.

"You kept the secret because you loved me...." "And hated you at the same time, but couldn't bring myself to destroy you." Valentine likes the game of cat and mouse with her because secretly, he still crushes on her.

"We're all family at Aurora." "That's a nice sentiment," The hints are just getting ridiculous now.

"I think you underestimated Jason Morgan. You coming and going from Port Charles is going to be peek his curiosity." Another person not realizing just how smart our boo is? Shocker! But Valentine does make a point.

"Nathan is collateral damage, and that's unfortunate. But now is not the time to jump ship." The way Valentine mentions Nathan's death to Peter - compared to say Nina and others - almost makes me want to smack him. How much is he involved?

"If Oscar didn't step in when he did, our friend would've been seriously hurt." "I don't care about your friend. I care about myself." Well, that seemed a little heartless.

"Sonny a friend of yours?" "Not exactly?" Seriously Kim, do you not know how to use Google, the internet, read a newspaper? How can one person be so dense in relation to Julian?

By the time this story is done, nobody will be left at Aurora. First Peter, now Lulu....

Kim lecturing Drew about fighting? Robin thanking Jason for killing Faison? Michael selling the building that Nelle is living in? More to the Sonny and Mike storyline? Yep, I'm here for tomorrow.

General Hospital - July 6-10, 2018 Episode Reflections

So is it a surprise that Nelle isn't believing a drop of how Michael left there to go see Jordan and Chase? She knows to always be suspi...