Thursday, March 22, 2018

General Hospital - March 22, 2018 Episode Reflections

So General Hospital was much better than it has been so far this week. The friendship between Kim and Carly, to Andre's truth for Anna, ending off with a perfect lead-in for tomorrow. 

Before we get into the episode content, there was a nice thing dropped today.....
Now the episode....

So Liz asked, "What happened back then? What secret is Harvey so desperate to keep?" I honestly was ready to smack all four of them across the head in that scene. Isn't it obvious by now? Jim in someway tortured Franco - if not Drew too - as a child and twisted the secret so that way he would be seen as a sweet guy when he is not.

That said, Sam wins her honors here as she actually asked the right question with, "How did these guys even get the drop on you?" That's what we've been asking ourselves all along, Sam. It shows how weak Drew and Franco are. But really, it also showed how dumb they were in Drew responding, "I didn't see those guys come in...." If you're ever walking in on someone that was ill-will for you, isn't the first step to  watch your surroundings?

Anybody notice how much Liz was eyeing Sam and Drew before she said something without the boys? Truthfully, I actually wished she would've spit something out in that moment just to move the #JaSamReunion2018 along.

So I'm not the biggest Liz fan by any stretch but I admit - when she laid out the line, "you're the one that's going to end up hurting Drew," I could hear the burn sirens going on. That was the perfect shade block if we've ever seen one. But I mean, let's face it - Liz can't say much about Sam hurting Drew considering she kept him and his "supposed identity" secret from the world for her own selfish reasons for months. Yes, I went there. But while we'll bring up Liz and her wrongdoings with Drew from before, the chemistry between them at that time was undeniable - which has me hoping for #Lake in a small way, still.

Liz did a good job with her addition in saying, "I saw how desperate you were to find Drew. I was with you when they returned his wedding band. It's no secret that Jason is waiting for you." For you Liason fans and Liz, don't worry - Sam's going to return that love to Jason soon. That said, by the way, Sam caring for Drew in some ways doesn't surprise me. Part of her has cared about Drew all along and she wants to let him down lightly as possible as a friend. It's why she was willing to sacrifice herself for this long, too.

Continually hearing Drew ramble on about Franco in front of Sam made me sick. From "Something happened to Franco when he was a kid & I don't know if I saw it or was apart of it, but Harvey knows" to "Betsy is okay, maybe we'll unravel the truth," I wanted to puke in her favor. I mean, it's sickening to have Sam sitting there worried about something that happened to Franco - who sexual assaulted her.
Sam didn't surprise me one bit in her words to Drew with "you have nothing to be sorry for. I was scared, but I was not angry with you" and "I don't want you to apologize when you have nothing to apologize for." I mean, let's face it - she wants this to come out as easy as possible because she's going to shatter his world shortly.

I may have laughed a little when Drew said, "I actually have something to apologize for. I lost my wedding ring along the way." Don't worry Drew, you don't need it.

When Franco said, "Let's go to Buffalo..." a smile formed on my face. It was a sign of hope to see him be gone for awhile. A girl can dream, right? I mean, I also have to add that when Franco said, "The universe has given us a second chance. What are we going to do with it?" that my advice for Liz would be to run in opposite directions because they're just going to keep going around in circles.

I mean, her saying, "You need to come clean with me...." is something we know won't ever happen fully. Franco doesn't know how to simply tell the truth without a single lie. I mean, even he said those words himself in saying that Jim told him, "nobody would ever believe me because all I do is lie." Well, you've told countless lies all the time Franco so really, he's truthful....

So he barely says anything and Liz goes, "I believe you, I believe you....." That's all it takes for Liz to come around? Now I believe those that say that she's easy to get....  I mean, he even showed that he didn't fully open up in saying, "I just don't want to face it. Can we please go home?" But okay, Liz can believe that Franco is moving forward, telling her everything, and this time will be different.

When Nelle said, "Assuming your date ended early - I hope it wasn't because of me," I can honestly say that I was ready to slap her silly. I mean, what other reason would someone resist the charm that is Michael? That said, his response with, "I don't intend to discuss my date with u at all" was beyond perfection. I also liked how he continued on in saying, "I'd like us to live our lives completely seperate" and then told her that he was moving out. Way to go, Michael! Keep it coming because we know that crazy bitch deserves it.

Now I admit when Nelle responded, "So you're not moving out right away, and haven't found a place yet..." you could already see the wheels spinning in her head. But I admittedly laughed when she said that she couldn't avoid Carly. How about ending your stupid plan then? I mean, you can't walk around saying, "She's paranoid. She thinks everything I do is about her, or making myself look good" when you're being a stupid crazy bitch.

I also wanted to hug Olivia when Nelle said, "I heard Carly trying to poison Olivia against me - and ever since then, Olivia has given me the cold shoulder. Your mother is unhinged against me and it sucks that you fail to see that." Truthfully, I'm glad that Michael has seen the light. He also did a good job with a home run hit in adding, "I make my own choices, and I made the decision to end us because of your lies. The only thing that came between us is you." He is my hero today.
I have to admit it's interesting watching both versions of Carly in scenes together. That said, both Laura and Tamara are awesome and played the roles of Carly and Kim perfectly for this time together. That said, you could feel a bit of sting for Carly with the first love mention, though. Recall her first sexual encounter in town went something of the wrong way.

That said, Carly continues to warm my heart in her words, including a krew comment with "that's quite a testimonial. Sounds like you have feelings for him." I wouldn't mind exploring a Kim and Drew connection.

Of course, though, Carly is at her best when she's spilling tea and her response with Kim's marriage comment about Drew in saying, "Drew is in an impossible situation and I feel for him - but Jason and Sam belong together. It's just a matter of time until Drew sees that" was beautiful. And the impossible situation - we've heard that before. It came from one of Carly's best speeches ever on General Hospital when she told Sam the down right truth about the situation the first time.

For the record, I can never get enough of that scene. Out of all the scenes we've seen through this reunion process, that scene with Carly and Sam will always be in the top-five. Her words still bring tears to my eyes.

So great job sneaking into the hotel owner's office, Nelle. There has to be cameras around which will obviously catch you going in and doing what you're doing. So this should be the start to the end, right?

I was surprised how quick Finn went trip from the hospital to the restaurant with Alexis.... That said, when Julian admitted that he was jealous, all I could do was roll my eyes. I'm seriously not here for another round of julexis. For that reason, I smiled when she responded with, "You're live in a glass house. I'd be kind if I was you. We have no ugly history together, and he's never threatened me - I can't say the same for you."

So I didn't really take much into Alexis saying, "Finn and I are getting quite serious."  While I love the idea of getting further away from #julexis, she's probably just saying that so he will leave her alone.

I'll admit that I was giggly when Andre said, "There's one other person that would help if you would open up to him, unless Finn is one of the regrets that you still have...." I wouldn't mind a #fanna reunion in the future, too. I mean, I'm glad Andre didn't stop and continued with, "He stirred up feelings inside you and it terrified you...." because he's so right on your feelings about Finn and Anna. Best advice of the day? "I've seen the looks on your face when you talk about him. Anna, stop talking. Go get him."


"Drew, we really need to talk..."
"What's up?"

"Sam just needs to admit that she is in love with you and all will be right my world."

I'm on board for tomorrow. Board the train now! Curse not being able to see until like 7 pm due to work.

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General Hospital - July 6-10, 2018 Episode Reflections

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