Thursday, March 22, 2018

General Hospital - March 20&21, 2018 Episode Reflections

March 20, 2018 

While this episode was mostly a disaster, give me that gold star right now and let me give it to @MauriceBenard because he's doing an amazing job portraying Sonny's emotions and feelings on the situation with Mike right now. 

It took me by surprise when Sonny said, "You're becoming a pain in the ass, and you may become a burden!" Hopefully Mike and Sonny can come to a compromise - but until then, the acting is so on point right now.

"If you need to talk to someone, there are resources available...."  "I'm fine."   Typical grown man. It's nice to see @GeneralHospital hitting all aspects - the patient/infected, the family around him - and both @MauriceBenard/Sonny and Max Gill/Mike are hitting it perfectly.

I wanted to puke a little when Sam said, "I'm not going to let that bastard out of my sight until I know what he did to Franco and Drew." The fact that Sam cares about Franco's whereabouts shows how disgusting this has gotten. But on a brighter note - it appears Jason's return has brought back out badass Sam, willing to do whatever it takes on investigating the whereabouts of Drew and Franco. Isn't it much lovely than boring Sam Cain?

The words "once you're done, Drew and Franco are buried forever" were evil to hear. I mean, General Hospital was giving me such false hope over an event happening is evil. I mean, this would be dream worthy.  

But of course, the pieces start to fall in place that it won't happen as Sam heard the foundation pouring is going to happen. Right then and there, it's like it began turning that everything would be solved. I mean, am I the only one that didn't wish Sam would've slipped or something to pause her from getting help so that way the boys wouldn't be saved? 

That said, she did play a good part in getting him out of the room so she could rummage through his paperwork. But really - why did she just sit there and read the documents? I would've grabbed and ran as you know it doesn't take forever to move a car. When she chose to do that, you had to figure that Jim would get back while Sam is still in the office.  Oh well, I was almost in perfect set-up for it as it should've given Jason a perfect reason to save Sam, Drew and Franco - like always. Surprisingly, though, Liz can actually play a part in keeping Jim distracted enough....

On a humorous note - the liquid coming in under the door reminds of every soap exploding story....

Oh Curtis in saying, "I don't think he's going to kill anybody. I don't think he's capable." Anybody is capable given the right means.....   Jordan may be a ditz at times but she was right in saying, "Given Franco's history, don't you think it's possible?" When Jordan said, "We still need something concrete....." I couldn't help but laugh. 

When Griffin uttered the words, "He must really like you to give you something like that" it set all the bells and whistles that I've had about Dr. McCreepy from the beginning off again. I mean, Dr. McCreepy saying "a long relationship" to Kiki really is just wrong. I mean, expensive gifts, knowing her shift schedule, always there - yeah, we knew not to trust Dr. McCreeper from the beginning. 

So first it starts with a massage, and then another bodily touch, and then..... So how long are we gonna let this go on for, #GH?
Oh, and I have a plan by the way. Let's set up Liz with the new detective and then put an end to #Friz. Sound good, right?

March 21, 2018

I shook my head at Nelle saying, "There's no high road left to take. I have to get Carly out of the way...." But yet if you were to start co-operating, then maybe you'd pull from the understanding of Michael and be able to perhaps find a compromise with Carly - I mean, she did help you when trapped together.

I cringed in hearing Michael saying, "This is different - different than what I was expecting." Sorry that his heart has been tainted by some crazy people. That said, as soon as they mentioned topic of hiding something, I knew Nelle was going to put a wrench in their plans at some point. It just actually happened sooner than envisioned. 

Even with the outcome, kudos to Michael to fully opening up to Francesca about his relationship with Nelle. I'd rather honesty than lies personally. But when Francesca said, "I just can't do this. Not right now" it made me hate Nelle that much more because I really love the chemistry between #Franchael as they're adorable. That said, she should have a bigger spine to stand up to Nelle. But I do have hope in her saying, "Save my number in your phone - just in case." Please use it, Michael. 

Before then, the thought of Franchesca getting Michael out of skin and about was great. But I hope Michael keeps receipts of the ways that Nelle messes with him so he never lets her back in.

I wasn't surprised when Curtis and Jordan found Betsy. It was like, why else would they be at Jim's house? It was surprising that they sat her there and began questioning at that point. You'd think they'd want to get out of there as soon as possible and back to Port Charles to Jim Harvey seeing what he's capable of. 

With the boys having escaped, I'd like to see the construction worker's faces now considering their original attitude.  But really, it looks like Drew remembered his seal training after all in his escape. But I was surprised in the boys go to the police station rather than Jim's hotel for immediate revenge?
Jim going, "Maybe Drew wants to settle the score, maybe Franco wants to finish what he started" is laughable. It sounds ridiculous the more Jim tries to spin this story.

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General Hospital - July 6-10, 2018 Episode Reflections

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