Wednesday, March 28, 2018

General Hospital - March 27, 2018 Episode Reflections

So I laughed at Drew saying, "You're just going to run. I mean, that's your game - make her chase after you." You don't even have a clue, do you Drew? I mean, unlike you, he has a heart and is willing to be patient for her instead of needing constantly coddling - but more on that later.

So I smiled when Drew said, "Well congratulations, you got Sam back." Let's be honest - Jason never left Sam's heart. She proved that when she recognized him immediately and lusted for his touch and had the flashbacks. Besides, didn't she fall in love with you because she thought you were Jason?

Also, how self-centered is Drew to believe that Jason is there for him? I mean, unlike you Drew, Jason is a productive man and actually does work - like searching for answers to the mystery of both your lives, and being there on the pier to land a shipment for Sonny.

But of course, Drew doesn't let this opportunity slip when he knows that Jason is there for work, trying to dig his claws in right away. I mean, I just shook my head when he said, "You left her alone to grieve, because we both know that Sonny comes first." While Sonny has a close spot in his heart (and reasonably so given their history), he still can give Sam more love than you have ever.

He also has over time put her first on more than one occasion over the business, and even said he would leave it her for - and she was the one that told him to stay involved, and that she was his ride or die buddy.

You also have to love how he used a time that Sam was infected by a disease that clouded her decisions as his defense? Wow, great choice dummy. I'm pretty sure Sam and Sonny both are over what happened, have made up and that fear doesn't remain.

But oh no, go forth and Drew with your words, "You're dragging Sam back to a world that she fears." Of course, my man doesn't miss a beat with the perfect clapback in saying, "I'm not dragging Sam anywhere." That's actually true because all Jason has told her is to be honest with herself and make whatever decision she feels is right - not pushing her like Drew did countless times.

Oh Drew in his selective process by saying, "I have all the memories of all the times that you hurt Sam..." Then you also have all the memories of their lovely moments, tender moments, sweet moments, laughable moments, and the fact that they forgave each other and we're ready to move forward together.
Now now ladies and gentleman, play all your dramatic music and gather around. The line of the week, month, forever in this relationship triangle was delivered by the man. I can't even utter a response for this because it was just perfect.

“If you & Sam are done it’s the best thing that could ever happen to her because you treat her like something you own; because you make her feel small & scared and that’s not who Sam is. If she isn't with me, that's fine - as long as she's away from you."

So I was hoping that General Hospital would've shown more of the smackdown, but I'm not complaining. We all know who won and let's face it, Drew looks mighty good.... 

It doesn't surprise me that Curtis went to see Sam after speaking with Drew. I mean, he wants to do what he can for his friend, right? That said, I was hoping Curtis would've said some of the same crap he said to Drew to see the response. She may have smacked his ass worse than Jason did to Drew - if possible.

That said, Curtis actually showed his true character - and why I don't mind the guy despite his faults from Monday with his advice for Sam. It was perfect, really.

I wanted to cuddle Sam when she said, "I was so love with Drew that I didn't want to lose everything that we had..." I mean, she does all this for him and yet he goes and treats her like this back in return?
Drew's attitude made me want to smack the fool. I mean, Drew could've at least thanked Sam for paying his fine. She should've left him there.

That said, Jason proves once again why he's a stand-up because he straight out asked her, "How are you doing?" This is one of the million to trillion reasons why it will be them together at the end of the day.

I swear, I wish someone would walk in and randomly find that story on Peter's laptop. That said, I just shrugged my shoulders when he said, "I come with my own complications." Oh Peter, how about you just tell everybody and there will be no complications? Oh wait - because we both know Maxie's likely reaction.

That said, with everything at play, I don't know if you can trust Peter with the baby's finances.


So I rolled my eyes at Franco saying, "Once my mother tells me what happens, they'll be some closure....." You had closure before because this was never a topic until three months ago - a memory that three year olds shouldn't even have.

They rolled again when he said, "My future depends on what happens in there." Being overdramatic, Franco? It only controls your future if you let it, fool.

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General Hospital - July 6-10, 2018 Episode Reflections

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