Friday, April 6, 2018

General Hospital - April 6, 2018 Episode Reflections

To start off, kudos to the General Hospital writers for the writing they've done since Jason's return for his character. So many good lines dropped day after day. And thank you Steve Burton for returning, and your great delivery of the character. It's a good time to be a fan.

Now, let's get into the episode because frankly, it made up for everything that Thursday was lacking and then some.

The scene with Jason and Carly today was EVERYTHING. So many good lines dropped throughout. Hot damn. Carly's clapbacks for Jason at the beginning were the perfect spice - as to be expected given Carly's history.

But Jason's words back to Carly about Drew? Now that was the icing for the cake, and then some. Finally it has been spoken outloud what we've known for months. He's right in every sense of the word because rather than speaking her true feelings about everything - like she did with Jason ever since he came back, she kept coddling his feelings, subjecting herself to his need to be re-assured rather than following herself.

Cue the tape....
"Sam is taking Danny and Scout on a trip and finding herself." "How is that good news?" Because Jason knows once she finds herself, she'll remember what they're worth together, and the clarity she needs in what they've told each other.

"She needs time away..." "I can see she needs time away from Drew, but she doesn't need more time away from you." 

"She needs time to figure out what she wants." "Okay, the sooner the better. Then she can follow her heart back to you."

"I'm okay with anything as long as she doesn't go back to Drew." "Why?" "Because she's not herself with him. She loses herself confidence with him....." 

"Why didn't you say anything before?" "It took me awhile to figure out what was going on." Jason knew right away. That's why he gave her the space and waited and let her realize - not wanting to increase that pressure on her shoulders.

"If she comes back to me, it's going to be the happiest day of my life, and uh, if she doesn't, as long as she's strong, confident, and truly happy, I will be okay." "I agree with you - Sam will do what makes her happy, and I think she will." 

"When Sam comes back and runs to your arms, I'm going to need you to tell me that you're right with witnesses." I can't wait for that to happen - it'll be great for those who kept saying Carly was full of herself. Can we have Drew as one of those witnesses, please?

"He's going to all places that Faison did business." "How is he doing that?" "By posing as Heinrech." "You don't think he's going to screw up?" Isn't that idea so that way Jason and Sam find a hotel room - I mean.....

Sonny's comments about Spinelli continue too in saying, "Spinelli is a genius when it comes to computers. But when it comes to the real world...." Just like classic old times....

Sonny is right that "anything with Fiason is personal for Anna," as much as Jason is right in saying, "But it almost feels like she's too close to the search for his son..." Jason is gonna figure out the connection so Anna might as well say it.
I get how adamant Sonny is being in saying, "Mike was never there. He couldn't have known what happened." But sometimes mistakes are made. Isn't the same as how Franco wasn't supposed to be there when Claudia was shot?

Also, in hearing how Sonny talked about his father wanting him to make a different choice, in hearing him say that his father warned him about Skully - could his father been spying at the time to try and make sure that Sonny didn't get caught, or possibly change his mind?

Jason also brought up a good theory in saying, "Maybe he heard the story and maybe he wanted to be there - so he made it seem that way." By the way, this is another good reason to have Jason back. Beyond the great #jarly scenes, you have him offering the best, comforting advice for Sonny. He always can help Sonny get down a peg.

On that note, my heart just swelled when Jason said, "I never understood the value of memory, because I couldn't miss a childhood that I didn't know. But the other night, at Luke's, I started to realize how much I've been through with all those people & how much it meant to see those people and remember the good times."


So Nelle saying, "I'm sorry I had to steal this Joce, but I know you'll understand - it's for a good cause." Welp, that's a big lie. How do you think Jocelyn is going to feel once she heard you tormented her mother?

I'm not even going to begin to understand Nelle's objectives - or think they're right, fair or anything. Everything she's done to this point has been ridiculous, too. But I hand it to her - she's doing a great job with the house haunting. That was well-played in the steps that she took with the lights and Morgan's room.

In the same thought, I was hoping Carly found Nelle with that bat and whacked her.


I've picked on Oscar so much through things, but his advice to his mom today was on point. And Oscar, you'll get your wish soon enough. The defiance in Kim's words is all we need to hear.

Oscar is right in saying, "I understand if you don't want to talk to me about Drew. You shouldn't be talking to Julian, either. You should be talking to Drew." Like Kim said yesterday, she has never felt a love like Drew again.

Kim is also good at excuses in saying, "Your father doesn't remember being that person. [...] When I talk about Drew, I'm talking about missing the Drew of the past - not the Drew that was here with us now." He may not remember, but he still has that personality. Go get Kim....

"He left you something." "Oscar...." "The CD you can't seem to throw away." 

"You don't have to pretend you don't have feelings for Drew." "Okay, that's enough...."

"So you're not going to tell me how you feel about Drew?" "I already did."


"I'm totally calm." "Totally..." / "It won't work until you're ready." "I'm ready." / "You can't force this...." Oh please do go ahead with it. We want this storyline over.

I laughed when Kevin said, "If you force a memory, you could undo everything you've done to this point. Do you want to do that?"  What have we accomplished so far anyway?

"That was a big mistake. Get in that car..." "Get away from my mom!" If there's any kid on this show that you don't want to mess with, it's Jake based on everything he's been through.

So Betsy finally reveals what Jim Harvey did to Drew - but yet General Hospital makes it so we can't hear it, thinking that we're going to go even crazier in anticipation of hearing the details. They try to increase that with Drew teasing it to Kevin in saying, "She told me how I fell down those stairs, and how it relates back to Harvey...."

They even teased the storyline being over with Franco killing Harvey in saying, "I know you're evil, and you will never hurt anyone I love again."

But instead, they show punches between the pair, followed by them disappearing. Sure, it's supposed to add drama and angst and make you more interesting, but sorry not happening.

This brings me to the following........

My Daily Annoyance: The Franco Tormented Past Storyline

It feels like it's been going on and on and on and on and on forever now and it's getting really annoying. How much do we really need to drag a story out? But I get it - they're probably going to keep dragging it out until they feel the fanbase is willing to forgive Franco. The problem is that will never happen. Franco, Bobby, I don't care, is always Freako in my eyes.

The scene in Jason watching Franco with Sam on the honeymoon, along with JaSam right afterwards - forever itched in my mind. The emotions, the heartbreak, the pain, the anger - you don't forget the strength together at a time like that. And with how far etched that Franco torment scene is forever in my mind - along with the other crap that Franco pulled - for example, Michael, there is no way that you can ever redeem Franco, nor should he get any sympathy from anybody.

Just in case you haven't seen Franco and the shower scene, here you go.

Also - does everybody have to like a character for him to be popular? Absolutely not. Sometimes the most unlikeable characters are the most loved actors because of the job they do. While the original Franco drove me insane, I admired James Franco for the job he did.
Furthermore, this needs to be said as well....
I also laugh at people saying that Drew and Sam are being tested right now and people are throwing daggers at them to see their laugh. Umm, you clearly don't understand what daggers and being thrown under a soap bus is then.

The history with #jasam triumphs anything with #dream. They grew closer through losing baby Lila, they went through questioning whether they could have kids together, the Manny storyline, and Franco's torture for at least two and a half years.

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General Hospital - July 6-10, 2018 Episode Reflections

So is it a surprise that Nelle isn't believing a drop of how Michael left there to go see Jordan and Chase? She knows to always be suspi...