Friday, May 4, 2018

General Hospital - May 3, 2018 Episode Reflections

Jason and Anna made this a very entertaining episode of General Hospital, and tomorrow looks even more worth watching. 
So when we saw the preview yesterday, I was hoping Anna would've grown some balls but that obviously isn't the case and now it's just getting drug out big time. But really, how long until Jason sees through the thick glass? I swear the look on Jason's face makes me wonder if he's more curious about the secret Anna couldn't say before now because of her cover. It's not like he was too severely thrown off when she first mentioned it, either.

I mean, look at Anna when she says, "I wouldn't have to fake any of it. I would just have to remember."  Look at all the emotions on Anna's face. You can't tell me that Jason won't see through her decoy plan.
So there was no surprise from me when Anna said, "I think it's very important to portray her as someone who gave up her child to keep him safe." She's using decoy as a test to see what Heinrech's reaction is. Then if he accepts, she is probably going to reveal himself. But if there's some discontempt, then secret remains.

"What if Heinrech's real mother reads the article? What do we do if she surfaces?" "That's why we have to act quickly. Then the fewer contingencies we'll have to prepare for."  Honestly she didn't address it because she knows it won't be a problem.

"At least we have this to fall back on if this doesn't work." "Oh it will work. He wants to meet his mother." Isn't it more like mother wants to meet her son out of her own guilt?
"You don't think I can defend myself?" "No, not against Heinrech. You're way too close to this." Just say it, Jason. You believe that she's mommy dearest straight point. I mean, all the signs point to him knowing in saying, "You're too invested in trying to prove Heinrech is innocent." I loved when he added, "He's definately not innocent. Whether he thinks you're his mother or a WSIB agent, he'll probably try and kill you anyway."

As soon as he asked, "What is this reason that you have to find Heinrech? It's messing with your judgement, and your taking chances," I was ready for him to blurt out that he was on to her. I mean, put the pieces together, Jason. Combine today's words with the emotions on her face.
"You're going to call me so I can be there." "To kill him?" "To protect you. You said you trusted me....."  Clearly Anna doesn't if she keeps this deception game going with him.

"If you hear from Heinrech...."  "'ll hear from me."  I don't believe that he will. I think we need Spinelli to wire tap those e-mails.

I will say even if Jason has it figured out that Anna is mother, he will eliminate Peter if need be should he hurt Sam, or should it be truly found that is he is indeed a threat or evil based on his past actions. It may give him a little bit of benefit of doubt but not a lot.

When all this goes down by the way, I wouldn't mind seeing Valentine shot with a bullet. It'd serve him right for all the crap that Nina lets him get away with. Then again, Peter/Heinrech sort of deserves it for keeping Jason snagged away for five years and creating this whole mess.
"She co-owns the company. Why is that a surprise?" "Because we're getting a divorce." Curtis knew it was coming before Drew said anything if you recall his words from Friday when he told Sam that "Aurora is all that Drew has left." Such a good friend to pretend that this is a new revelation.

"We have Peter running the business as a whole." "So you trust Peter?" "I think he's a good guy." Of course you wouldn't be suspicious. Lack of background and identity is a key to who you are, right Drew?

I rolled my eyes when Drew said, "The whole reason we built that company was we were trying to build a new life for ourselves, and it didn't last six months." I mean, let's face it - we could all see the end coming because you can't change a person to suit your personal needs, and that's what you did to Sam. Look at the change in her that we've seen since splitting up from you. She has a strong voice once again, she's off being her badass self with Jason and Spinelli, she's getting back to being a Private Investigator, and did we mention the smiles with Jason from earlier this week?

Oh Peter, trying to worm your way into Maxie's heart by doing the deed of creating a fund. The problem is - I don't even know if that'll be enough when you're exposed Peter, and if it'll cover for the past questions we have about you.

As soon as Peter said, "It seems it's funded by the off-shore accounts of P. K. St. Claire," I just rolled my eyes. I could already see Maxie's discontent, which will further drive Peter to continue to keep this ridiculous secret.

"It seems it's connected to PK St. Claire." "How do we get his name off of it?" Good hint as to what will happen when we reveal Peter for whom he truly is.

"I still don't know if Heinrech had anything to do with Nathan's death." "How do we fix this?"  Peter wants to make Heinrech's reputation squeaky clean. The problem is that isn't possible when you keep a healthy man locked up for five years and chase him home.

And Peter when you said, "Don't worry about me, Valentine. I've got it under control," you just jinxed yourself. Shit is about to blow up in Peter's face, finally. You could already see that in Maxie's words at Nathan's grave in saying, "You would say to give forgiveness to Heinrech, but I can't." Maxie vowing against Peter in saying "I will not allow Heinrech to use your death" has me so set for the truth to be revealed because right now, he's using Nathan's death to grow closer to her.

On the flip side, there's so much irony when you watch the scenes with Valentine and Nina while knowing the truth. From Valentine saying, "I wish there was more I could do" to Nina saying, "It's three months and it's not getting any better. But you're here now, and that's everything." I mean, really, wait until you see what he's been doing behind your back, Nina. But if we're being honest, it serves her right for taking his ass back after the last round of crap that he did. How about Nicholas? How about Charlotte?

But Nina is right to ask, "What would Peter August want with momentos from Jay?" because it is a little suspicious if you ask me. Hell, she's even heading down that road by asking, "What if he is just after her? What if he is trying to fill the hole that Jay left in her heart?" And really, all I had to say after that is Bingo. Welcome to trying to cover his own guilt for his brother being dead.....I think. I still don't even know if I believe that theory to Peter's actions given the Jason deal.

So I think we got a little clue into the psyche of Valentine and maybe his motive with him saying, "I know better than him the struggle of being worthy than a second chance." Is that why you helped him in creating this false identity?

That said, Valentine needs to choose his words better because Nina is on to him in saying the likes of, "So you're trying to tell me that Peter is trying to see him worthy of being alive and my brother not?" This isn't going to fall in Valentine's way no matter how his involvement is revealed to Nina. The problem lies in that she'll probably just forgive him like always.

Also, Nina said last week that the less Valentine knows, the better in regards to the situation surrounding Peter. But yet now she confessed everything Curtis said after Valentine left? No matter she's able to take his ass back no matter what he does. But hey, isn't that what we want so Jason can save her, though? That'd be a great kick start for the #JasamReunion2018 to happen.

Also, anybody notice how Sam hasn't told Drew or Jason about investigating Peter? Ah, it's probably for the better when it comes to Drew, though. It's probably for the best as we know he doesn't handle situations the best. He'd probably full on confront Peter, rather than oust him like what needs to be done and that's not a situation that we need right now especially in wanting to keep our cover in stock. Although I think Nina blew some of that out of the water on finding the folder.

Now speaking of Jason again, I wish he was not on the same day as #friz. This whole Franco redemption, passing on relief to other victims, pain is just annoying and sorry not earning forgiveness. But actually feeling the pain Franco, will you give Sam and others the space they desire?
So the scene with #friz flirting was actually kind of cute. I probably would've even vouched for it, if not for my discontent against Franco. So instead I will say what I've said all along - #freeLiz as there's #nofriz. That said, I chuckled when Franco said, "I am emotionally immature, so they think as me as peer."  Trust me, Elizabeth probably does, too, as she's always having to take care of your ass.

And for those who wanted to tweet their ass at me saying there will be a day that I will like Franco, all I have to say is screw you. All I need to do is look back on the famous shower scene and other ways Franco tormented Jason, Michael, and others to always say never. Feel free to go read my Essay of Franco Discontent from April 6.

Also, if Franco was so ready to be sorry for his actions and all that jazz, why is it that he constantly swirls within their orbit in seeing Sam constantly? Why haven't we heard apologies? Why hasn't he respected their wishes to keep distance? I don't see that genuine remorse just because of how Franco continues to act around Sam as if nothing happened. Look just as recently as the whole Jim storyline and the brothers being twisted in that.

Also, how many times have they crossed paths since due to Drew's friendship with him? There's a bunch. I can't even believe Drew with Jason's memories and such would be friends with him to begin with - but we don't have time for Drew right now.

I will say if I'm being honest, I don't care how many redemption storylines that they think of. There will be nothing that changes my mind in relation to him. I've been connected in a situation of this nature myself, too, and for me, forgiveness just doesn't come as seeing the person again makes me sick to my stomach each time. Even though all around are set to move forward, I can't. So I guess it's just a matter of opinion here.

Moving on.....

It's so strange how nobody has suspected Nelle so far. Wouldn't Carly based on their history? Smart Carly would've been on her case long time ago. Wouldn't Sonny based on their history? Certainly not having him suspect anything at all - especially after the on-record phone calls and location - is certainly lazy. But it's par for his character it seems over time (more on that later). I mean, I was waiting for Bobby to suspect something, considering her discontent against Nelle all along.

If just somebody would say something, it'd make the story more believable. I mean, grief explains Carly and her actions of not suspecting. The fact that she may not be able to come to terms with it due to such. But for nobody around her to suspect Nelle takes it to a whole new WTF level.

I mean, isn't this behavior normal for Sonny in these situations? Haven't we grown used to that from him? That's why it's always Jason that saves her when it comes to trouble pressing. So by the end of storyline,  Jason will be left solving this crap - he's already looking into the evidence. He's always had Carly's back in the face of danger. That's why she would always turn to him no matter what, even if it annoyed the heck out of Sam sometimes before.

But everything here is why Carly saying, "Nelle has an agenda" in the preview gives me life. It's like FINALLY!!! That, or let's hope we get somewhere when Lucy opens the check from Ava.

Side Note - it's almost like we're admitting to character's losing their trueness in these storylines, namely Carly here. But to be honest a lot of the storylines that the writers have done in recent years have been slaps in the face to the characters. Look at Sam losing herself completely to suit Drew's needs. Thank goodness they're correcting that now.

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