Wednesday, May 2, 2018

General Hospital - May 2, 2018 Episode Reflections

So today's @GeneralHospital was satisfying in a couple different ways. It's the start towards some great things for the future.
Oh that pesky fate in getting both Jason and Sam at Kelly's together.

"Do you have a minute?" "Sure." She didn't have to start the discussion. She could've just walked away.

"I wish we could've done more at the bank." "We did - because of you." And Jason stays admiring Sam....

"I had fun." "That's great." "I had a lot of fun. In fact, I was actually ready to leave Aurora - and then I changed my mind." Repeat that louder for those in the back who believe Sam is ready to leave her badassness behind.

So Sam didn't tell Jason about looking into Peter, rather saying, "I told Drew that I want to stay on at Aurora. We're going to try and see how it goes" and "I don't know how I feel about sitting behind a desk, but I am going to try for now." I was a little surprised but that could set-up some fun later.

"Next time you need help to infiltrate a bank, call me." "You'll be my first call." I can't wait for more fun together. And by the way, she didn't need to tell him, "I guess I should tell you - Drew and I are getting divorced." But I don't know about her assuming "there's not going to be a fight. Drew and I both agreed that this needs to happen." I could see Drew wanting assets that aren't his own.

My heart swarmed when she said, "Can you say hi to Sonny? Carly, too? When everything settles down, I would love to reconnect." She lost herself enough that she broke up key relationships. Cue the royal family getting back together.
"What did you need to see me about?" "I need you to represent me in my divorce." So who is Drew going to have representing him? Scotty? That said, Sam is moving this along pretty quickly.

Based on Alexis' words to her, it's almost like Alexis knew that Sam and Drew wouldn't last because of her own love that she continues to carry for Julian. That, or she knows the #jasam connection and can't deny it despite her own personal feelings.

My heart cringed in hearing the words "inconsiderable differences" again. Notice the glance on Sam's face when Alexis suggested that answer. It's the same thing that she and Jason used for their divorce.

"I need an excuse to stay at Aurora for now." "Why do you need an excuse to stay at a company that you co-own?"  Bloop.

"There are some issues that I need to resolve at Aurora." "Issues with Drew?" "No, there are things that I need to look after for the time being." "Time being?" "Once things are okay at Aurora, I am going to sign it over to Drew as it's his dream." There she says it again.

"What about yours?" "I don't know, Mom. That's what I'm trying to figure out."  She's not ready to tell her mom about her love for Jason or the fact that she wants to go back to being a PI due to her mother's probable lecture. Save that for another time, right?


"I'm mad at myself for not keeping a closer eye on Mike and relying on everyone else." "Everyone else - including me..." Sure you're included there, Carly. But I get Sonny's regret as it's his own father and he knows the layers of the disease.

Oh Sonny in saying, "If you said something about these haunting things, I could've been there for you....." Why would Carly want you to be there for her when so far, you're just saying that she's crazy? And really, even though we know Nelle is the cause here, "maybe he's still alive just like Jason...." Nobody is ever truly dead in soap world, especially with no body.

But I love how she clapped him back in saying, "No, you would've told Jason - just like I did. You would've spared me the pain of relieving Morgan's death. That's what I was trying to do for you - spare you from the hope I have been feeling since this started." My heart breaks for Carly and I can't wait for the revenge.

Oh Sonny in going back to the previous point in saying, "He's going to help you sort through what's real and what's fantasy." But what happens when everything is real and yet your true love doubts you?

As Carly predicted, too, Sonny did turn to Jason for advice as that was the next set of events.

As soon as Sonny stated, "The bigger problem right now is Carly," my heart swarmed.  Cue Jason coming to her rescue and sorting this all out as Sonny's doubts and insecurities grow, like always. I mean, he asked right away "where's the note?" as he wanted Spinelli "to check it out" and see if he could see something. Doesn't invisible ink show up under a special light?

But really, I want Carly to show the flyer to Jason simply due to the subject of the flyer and not the note.

Anyways...... Jason looking at the real and evidence. Sonny assuming that she's crazy. We all know whose going to save Carly in the end - as always. It's why I always say that everybody needs a Jason for their Carly.

"I need to see you." "I'm in the middle of something important right now." "It affects how we move forward with Heinrech." I mean, could Anna pick a better time? I wanted Jason to get on the Carly situation as he was starting to more and more with Sonny's confession. I was all set and willing for Jason to approach Carly about it.

"I wanted to talk to him." "Because you believe he's on your side and I'm not?" What would give you the first clue, Sonny?

I laughed when Griffin said, "So you can lie to my face again?" Hasn't Ava been doing that to Griffin all along? And I don't believe Ava when she says, "I was going to tell you the terms of my agreement with Sonny once we had more time to talk."  Like Griffin said, "That sounds like revenge, not parental concern." But hey, stick around Griffin. You're going to learn the real Ava. I mean, I bet Ava wouldn't have said a single word if Griffin hadn't confronted her. That's just how she works.

I rolled my eyes when she said, "I'm sorry if my behavior isn't moral enough for you."  This goes beyond a diss of this level. The fact that she also says, "I regret nothing" says enough about her character. Leave her now. Why? Because the answer is yes to him asking, "If Sonny hadn't agreed, would you had sent a sick, old man to prison?"

"You would've had the court throw the book at Mike out of spite." "Everything worked out." She didn't deny it.

"You offered to give the court the medical records to undetermine my case." "So let's be clear - you're mad at me for doing my job?" Why are you still with her, Griffin?

Oh Ava in saying, "You claim to be on my side, but yet you seem against me...."  Welcome to being a decent human being. 

"I've already given up one calling for you!" "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"  He was willing to sacrifice things in his life for his love for you - and now wonders if it was worth it because you're clearly not what you seem and said to change to.

I laughed when she said, "I wish I could tell you that I would change things for Mike and Avery. I wish I could live up to your high standard of morals." I thought she was supposed to be change for the better after that scare she had. Guess that a lie, too. And Ava, being decent is no high moral.

On the flip side, Griffin best keep his eye on Dr. Bensch. Him figuring out the doctor's game against Kiki would be a great draw to them getting together, instead of #Grava.

But really, Ava may have a thing coming. Remember the cheque? Lucy's words today in saying, "I just want to apologize for last year. I was totally manipulated by Ava."


Robert is right about Jason in saying, "It's a safe bet that he can up two and two and come up with you."

"Unless you give me up to Jason, I don't see him figuring out another way." "I wouldn't be too sure." Jason was already caught off by her behavior and secret. Robert is right.

"You got to find her mother." "Yeah, I've already started looking." "Well look no further. Heinreck's mother is right here." Finally!!! Now we don't need to wonder about that secret anymore.

If we're being honest, I still don't get why Anna didn't tell Jason sooner because knowing that man's compassion, he would listen - to a certain extent and Heinrech proved really dangerous. Respect for friendship.

That said, I don't get why Peter hasn't stated the secret, or why he kept Jason for as long as he did - hence why I don't believe he's a saint and am starting to wonder more on dangerous with details revealed.

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