Friday, May 4, 2018

General Hospital - May 4, 2018 Episode Reflections

So it was an "alright" episode, but almost freaking annoying as I said WTF so many times that I lost count. You can't tell me characters are saying these things, and then not thinking something else. It almost makes some of them look dumb.

"He kept him captive for five years." "Yeah, he could've been dead. But he saved his life." But why did he keep him locked up for years? I get he wanted Jason to kill Caesar Faison, but he could've let him go right near the beginning and had the deed followed through since Jason would've done it anyway once hearing Caesar's original plan.

"Everything is paper thin. I want to give him a chance to explain himself." "No, you want him to say he's innocent." Thank you, Robert. Please keep calling her out because we know Jason will do what needs to be done, mother dearest or not.

"Somehow, I don't see him not baring a grudge." "You think I'm lying to myself. Jason is not going to listen and just go find Heinrech and kill him?"  Listen to Robert. He speaks the truth, as always. Instead, Anna continues to live her own world and says, "That's not going to happen. I respect him, oddly, and he respects me. And I can handle this." But hey, that's why she was getting emotional before him yesterday, right?
The #carson dialogue is just making the #melle storyline drive me that much more insane. There's so many hint dropping, irony, bullshit in these lines. Like, hello, move along already. You're only making Carly and Sonny look dumb, and that's not their style if you look back through the years. Hence why they're the Queen and King of Port Charles.

It all began with Carly saying the likes of, "I'm not going to let that snake win. If I don't show up, she wins," followed by, "I'll be damned if I'm going to let Nelle alienate me from the son or daughter that I have left." Meanwhile, she won't suspect her when she knows someone is messing with her.

Then it gets better with Sonny saying, "First of all, I can't trust Nelle as far as I can throw her." But hey, like his wife, he won't suspect her for messing with Carly. Instead, he says that his wife is crazy.

By the way, if you didn't watch the episode, it doesn't get any better from here. See why I said WTF?

"She's trying to slither her way back into her trust. "Michael knows this so he won't allow it." "You're not giving Nelle enough credit."  Then why haven't you suspected her for the haunting yet?

"Nelle has an agenda, She's working an angle that we haven't figured out yet and trust me - she's just getting started." Um, what do you call phone calls, missing scarf, fire alarm? Shouldn't that be enough clues to know what she's getting started?

So of course, to try and throw everything back off, Sonny feels that Carly is "turning it into something that it's not" with her hints. But hey, that's what he wants, so his theory plays true and he remains the smarty of the show in feeling Carly is going crazy. But guess what? He's wrong here, and I can't wait until he's proven wrong - probably by Jason, too, as discussed after Thursday's episode.

And Michael, I understand your plea with, "Mom, I get it, Nelle hurt you and you can't stand her. So can you please back off?" But please, Carly, don't back off. That's never been your style, ever. Like you said yourself, "She's not pushing back because she has an ulterior motive." But then again -then why haven't you suspected that motive in relation to those phone calls and the scarf?

By the way, Someone please make a GIF of those smiles from Nelle to Sonny. Can you say AWKWARD?
"Have we gotten off to a rocky start?" "An understatement." "We're going to be a family now, so we're going to have to make peace." By driving each other insane?

"I appreciate your effort in making things work.""I hope your mother can do the same." Can't blame Carly if she doesn't considering what you're doing behind everyone's back.

I literally laughed when Nelle said, "I hope you can accept my apology, and I hope someday I can make amends." It's awesome how amends include making the grandma of the baby go insane.

It was even more eye rolling when Michael said to Lulu and Dante, "Nelle and I are going to be parents together. I hope you can be nice to her..." Really, I'm not looking forward to what's to come as Michael is growing too closer to her. He's falling for the trap just as everyone suspected despite his own objections. Oh lawdy.....

"You keep fishing around for information." "You keep hanging around a hornet's nest, you're going to get stung." That'd be good advice for Valentine right now.

Dante is right that "there could be unintended consequences," but hey, they'd be worth it because we need to get Peter/Heinrech revealed.

Speaking if Heinrech, I love hearing about Maxie's continued discontent for him because it means that when the reveal comes out, shit will hit the fan in relation to her friendship with Peter. I mean, today's line of her saying, "If Heinrech wanted to do something good, he would just leave me alone - or find a way to bring you back to me," was perfect.

So when she says that she's "scared to not be angry," I want to encourage that for when the reveal happens because let's face it, he's been playing her since getting Nathan killed.

That said, I wasn't as big into the scenes today but that's because I'm not the biggest Chet fan, if I am being honest. I will say that with Chet, I give him a little credit in saying, "You don't know his motives unless you ask him." Hence why I'm trying to pass judgement on Peter in keeping Jason hostage for those years until he explains his actions. But, the further he keeps the secret, the less I begin to care.

"Have you met him?" "God no. I hope you never do." Oh lawdy.....

But instead of this whole keeping Peter/Heinrech in mind, things are falling in place probably how he wants with her saying, "I need to forget about where the money is coming from, and focus on where it's going." It's the beginning of fixing his reputation before revealing it.

"Does this mean that you're trying to come around about Faison's son?" "Why do you keep trying to convince me to come around?" "I've been there. That rage that you carry around, the shadows, it covers that rage of light trying to come through." Suuuurre. But really, if they bond over the rage against Caesar Faison, that'll be a little sick....

"I can't wait to meet you little one." "That makes two of us." Ugh..... the sooner we reveal this, the better for Maxie so she's not in too far deeply.

Instead, we've got both her and Nina slowly being wrapped around Peter's fingers, especially with him saying the folder was "supposed to be a surprise for you and Maxie."

"Who are you calling?" "My mom, in prison, to confirm this is a load of crap." I honestly wondered if Valentine had gotten him the information and was set for the phone call. But later on, that theory was bunked. Too bad....

"Should I ask what's going on?" "My boss is lying through his teeth." So Valentine - do you side with your wife who has forgiven you for crimes in the past that nobody should, or do you continue to side with a known kidnapper, manipulative person like yourself?

"You're obsessed with Maxie, and you're trying to get close with her." "That's not at all what is happening." I am trying to get close with my family and cure my own guilt for killing my innocent brother. Meanwhile, my band-aid fix will never work.

Sorry Nina, but I think your request to Peter to "stop using my brother to get to Maxie" isn't going to work. But hey, let's just let him do what he wants despite not knowing a single thing of his background and call off the investigation. Oh well, that just means that Sam will have extra work to do - and trouble will probably come, and we know who will save her.

Valentine will also need an ass kicking by the time Jasam is done and maybe Anna will probably finally get involved. Let's just continue to add to his crimes with, "I need help with a WSIB Agent - Robert Scorpio. Just get him on a private plan and I'll take it from there."

While I wanted to punch this episode each direction possible, I will say that Monday looks interesting.

1. Jason seeing Jake
2. Carly vs Nelle face-to-face
3. Stella suing someone
4. "Franco Baldwin, you're full of crap."

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General Hospital - July 6-10, 2018 Episode Reflections

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