Wednesday, May 9, 2018

General Hospital - May 9, 2018 Episode Reflections

And the episodes get worse as we go...... Another, great big bore if you're wanting to know

So now Sonny is pushing the boundaries of Carly's issues by saying there's been four or five instances? Try just three with the scarf, house and grave as the phone calls were proven to be real.

I will say that Michael is right in saying, "Whatever she's going through is only escalating her feud with Nelle." Now how about everyone opens their eyes? Instead, we have to listen to the likes of "if she was in her right mind, she'd deal with Nelle in her sleep" and "but Nelle isn't even the problem right now." This lack of seeing the obvious or even hinting it has to be the most annoying part of this storyline.
So Carly says it's the "worse thing" and Nelle is the "closest thing" to the devil. But yet with everything going on, she can't even begin to suspect her. And fact - Jocelyn, you need to take off your all sunny and perfect glasses.

"You don't have to worry about me, Sonny." "Too late..." The problem is he's taking his worries in the wrong direction, not seeing what's right before his eyes.

Sun, surf, sand, and rum. I wouldn't mind a vacation with some Carson loving. Its much better than watching this Nelle storyline. Why tease us, GH?

What could be in a box that would make Carly's head explode? Something from Morgan's childhood?
I sort of said WTF when Nelle goes, "I'm going to get Michael, as soon as I take down his mother." Wouldn't it work to opposite to where mother will hate you next? Furthermore, how is mother locked away for crazy going to make Michael instantly turn a corner and love you?

I also rolled my eyes when she said, "By the time the shower is over, Carly will be exposed for the lunatic she is."  But I will say that Nelle is right in asking, "How come she has no idea that I'm haunting her?" It sounds ridiculous even when she says.

Now Ava outing Nelle for Carly just seems strange - especially when nobody Carly loves or herself can suspect her. Soaps certainly gone strange.

Thank you for Brad for seeing through Nelle's bullshit about Carly because I was growing very annoyed.

So Drew knows there's thunderstorms in the forecast, but hey, let's go wandering into the woods on a hike anyway. Thankfully for Oscar's own sake he has a reason to not go.

"Wouldn't you like to know who you are?" "Yeah I do, but there's obstacles in the way." Why have you just sat on your hands, Drew? Why aren't you doing stuff? Obstacles can be worked around and through.

I was honestly surprised that Drew actually called Maddox to get his memories back. Useless does something finally.

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General Hospital - July 6-10, 2018 Episode Reflections

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