Friday, May 18, 2018

General Hospital - May 17, 2018 Episode Reflections

I almost wanted to get giddy about the thought of Sam being caught in Peter's office without having seen the lighter yet. I mean, that could've been perfect. Jason could find it once he goes looking for Sam. Instead, it was just the on-staff cleaner. Thankfully he was a good employee, kept his mouth shut and went to clean someone else's office.

And no, I am not surprised that Sam found the lighter. The better part is the fact that she noticed the initials, remembered the conversation - and called Jason. That's my girl. We aren't playing anymore. We know Peter has Faison's lighter and we got Jasam together for some Stelly Magic. This is not a drill.

On that note, Peter, how about you take Maxie up to your office? I'd love to see the look on your face in seeing Sam, the person you thought you wouldn't have to worry about, sneaking around your office with the lighter in hand.

Instead, he is playing text dummy with Anna - who obviously has someone on her trail thanks to the will, and that'd be Finn.

I will say that he is right that she "can't keep doing this" and the fact that they've wasted a lot of time. But his line about the fact that he knows she's dying - We know she has that blood disease but dying? Little extreme there Finn. That's not why she's so withdrawing from you.

My heart swarm he said, "I still care about you. I never stopped. I wouldn't want anything to happen to you..." But if he wants to stop playing games, how about reveal the additional son you saw listed in the will?

So they could've done better with Chase's choreography, but that was a decent performance. He can sing. The better performance, though, has to be Curtis as his act was pretty good, and that's certainly one way to propose. Now just imagine if Jordan said no in front of everyone.

Oh, and it didn't surprise me in hearing Mac is out of town. That's too bad as it would've been great to see him perform.

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General Hospital - July 6-10, 2018 Episode Reflections

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