Wednesday, January 31, 2018

General Hospital - January 29-30, 2018 Episode Reflections

Good, bad, great, and ugly - @GeneralHospital has been great this week as fall-out continues from Faison. Certainly, we r not done with the fun as u can see hints/twists being dropped. Can't wait to see what's to come.

Remember when I talked about the reasons I fell in love with General Hospital, and how it's different than other soaps with it's drama? This is right up that alley, and I hope it's just the tip of the iceberg in an exciting year. 

Monday January 29, 2018 Episode Reflections

I have to say - it was a great episode on a couple different fronts. Maxie can break your heart, and Jason is amazing as always. Oh, and a bit of #fanna love to boot too.

So Jason is right in saying that "knowing doesn't change anything. It doesn't get the time that I lost back," but curiosity should be the window of cause here. If someone did something to you for five straight years, you'd want to know why. It's all about putting your mind at ease and having an understanding. Besides, it will probably also help him close the door on his love for Sam more with her having "moved on" with Drew. And let's face it, if he hadn't been able to get the answers from Faison on Tuesday, he's right in saying that "there's somebody else that knows," with the son's already known involvement. But I guess that's a mute point now anyway. 

Maxie totally broke my heart throughout her entire worry for Nathan, so shout-out to Kirsten Storms on a great job. I almost wanted to cry in hearing her say, "Nathan is going to be fine, I know it."  

I also felt it when Maxie was going on about Faison in saying,"Why is Faison still alive? Why did Jason let him live? I have no compassion for him, just like he had no compassion when he hurt Robin, Nathan, and everybody else." Trust me, Jason doesn't have compassion for the man considering what he did. Would you have compassion for someone locking you away for five years? Once calmness sets in, she'll begin to see that need for answers. 

Also, on that note, gotta give Anna credit for her words in saying, "I wish you killed him. After all the years, he ran into the one person that could put a bullet in him."  She's right - he doesn't miss his mark. 

Really, seeing Anna show a sign of weakness is something of interest, too, considering she's supposed to be the strong agent. Like she said, "I've always tried to be my best for her, be an example of honor and ethics and principals. I haven't always been very honorable. That's how Faison got a hold of me in the first place, and compromise me. [...] If I wanted to be the good person I wanted to be for her, I couldn't go out there and put a gun to Faison's head like I really wanted to." But really, if you think about it here, it'd still be good principal if she was to kill Faison due to protecting those she loves. I just wish she would've voiced these concerns to Finn instead of Jason, but regardless, it was nice to see. 

"He always comes back." "Not this time." "What do you mean?" "Faison is done." "I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that, just like I won't be surprised if you follow through."  This doesn't surprise me one bit. We can easily make Faison just disappear. How many times has Jason done that before? Oh, and notice how he had the same conversation with Anna, before going to see Maxie? "What I need for you to make sure Faison doesn't hurt anyone again like he hurt Nathan." Jason isn't going to let that happen, and watch everyone just pretend nothing heard. Considering everybody in town wants him dead, they will all say that he was with them instead of in Faison's room. I mean, isn't that why he visited with Carly, Anna, Maxie, etc before entering?
Speaking of Jason and Maxie, can I just say chemistry 101? Their conversation together was just perfection. He had the perfect words for her with the questions she asked. "How many times have you been shot?" "A few times.." "Does it really help to have people there, to feel their love?" "I can feel it, and I believe Nathan can too." I love their friendship!! Then telling her, "I want you to know I am here for you." was just awww for me. If #jasam is truly done, which I don't believe it is to be honest, #jaxie could be fun. Although, combining Jason and Maxie together would create quite a few laughs. Poor Jason and some of her ways and annoyances for that would be worth the TV time.

Oh, and the supposed son and Anna meeting? Heinrect/Peter was a total chicken. You'd think there'd be some more bravery considering he stood up to Faison and helped free Jason. But I can see being skeptical if Anna is his mother, and knowing what could come in the truth being revealed. By the way, it'd make sense if Anna was his mother based upon her continuous freak out reactions each time Sonny and Jason mentioned him initially, and based on the choice of wording she was going to use for the meeting. Actually, I had this theory from day 1. Never should've shifted it. (see previous entries for proof)

There's good reason why Peter doesn't want anyone to see his IPad. They'll see the e-mails, esp if there's one coming from Jason and Anna now due to no meeting.  If I was Carly, esp skeptical on his behavior and not answering where he went - like usual Carly, I'd take a peak. This is one time that I wish she'd be true to herself, rather than working towards a better person. I mean, there were even more clues given, too. "That's what I don't get. Why would Faison go to crimson?"

"I don't know why, but this whole thing feels off."  
"It has to be Maxie. There's nobody else at Crimson that Faison wants."  
Once it comes out that Peter is Faison's son, hence reason for asking Lulu about the story initially, shit is gonna fly....

"If Faison wanted to go after Maxie, why didn't he just go to her apt? Why did he come to the most secure building?" 

"What else is at Crimson that Faison would want?" 

"Well that's what worries me because I have no idea." 

Think about the writer, the e-mails, publisher - enough clues and you should begin to wonder if someone like Peter fits the bill, and put the pieces together. I mean, how long has it taken for the fans to figure it out? Not too long, if you remember. 

"I see a lot of comped hotel bills." 
"Faison is the gift that keeps on giving." Sonny's sarcasm at this time is a welcome relief.

"He was talking about taking Maxie because that baby is his grandchild. I had to do something." Peter also meant to add, "I've been in that child's shoes at the hands of Faison. I know what his terror is like, and didn't want to see someone else suffer at his hands."

So Peter was wearing a bullet proof vest. It makes sense because of the meeting that he was supposed to go to later on that night, and the fact that he knew his father was in town and after him. 

I can never find myself offering any sympathy to Oberect, because she keeps giving me reasons to just scream. I mean, she didn't even say thank you to Lulu for helping her find a way out? 

I should've mentioned this earlier, but I wanted to keep the Jason/Faison stuff together since that's pure focus in a lot of this madness right now - well, and Nathan, too, obviously. But getting back to Anna voicing her concerns about Faison to Finn. Finn already knows how he acts around her due to bearing witness, and seeing how it affects her. He also wants to be there for her in saying, "You don't have to act like it's not difficult to deal with this guy."  

"That bullet hit him in the exact spot that it will do the most damage, without directly killing him. When you go to question him, bring a witness so they can say you didn't do it." Great shooting as always, Mr. Morgan, and love how Finn continues to take care of her.

Really, it'd be great to see her accept and fanna start to grow. But hey, that would be out of character for Anna, if you consider the pain she has endured with losing Duke and being tormented by Faison. Admittedly, I will probably be impatient at times with this - but I have to remember. "Slow burn is worth it" has proven true so many times. Look at #carson and #jasam, and now #fanna. 

By the way, Faison mentioning Cassadine to Anna - it didn't really ring much of a bell for me. Anything evil related with Cassadines goes back to Helana, or goes back to Valentine. #GH is just making Faison mention Cassadine to try and throw people off of Peter - like they usually do in these situations. Then again, Valentine has a very interesting, intriguing past.

Question of the Day: Who is to blame for the story? 

Certainly, Nathan should shoulder some of the blame as he agreed to the interview. Certainly, Lulu should shoulder some as she conducted the interview and ran it. But the biggest blame? Enter Peter.

Peter put idea of a story on Faison in her head. She went to him, wanting to do another big story to back up her first on the ballots and he said, "Why not do something on the world's worst criminal?" He sent her down the path to what she did so he should shoulder some blame. 

He's Faison's son. He's the traitor. The evidence is lurking from multiple directions. So therefore, he wanted to go after Faison in his own ways. He got the perfect spot to spy in town, and then used an employee to not get close himself. If you put it that way, really, he deserves a big smack on the head.

Sidenote: Drew

It's actually been nice to not deal with Drew lately. But now that he is back, I better not hear any whining from him in not getting to deal with Faison. Besides, it was Drew that ran away with Sam and the kids for a "honeymoon" despite Jason coming to him with an update and expressing that things were moving along. And yes, I still don't like the guy. I'm sorry but that will continue for the near future - well, there is a way it could end. If he would just acknowledge some of the pain from Jason and Sam, then maybe some benefit of doubt would be given to #dream from #jasam fans. Instead, it's all been selfish motive for Drew. And yes, you can point out that one scene where he did, but that's one scene. It doesn't outweigh all of the other BS for months.

Tuesday January 30, 2018 Episode Reflections

Loving the Jason and Faison scenes. It's nice to get some answers to this storyline.

Peter/Heinreck betrayed his father out of jealousy, according to Faison. Peter wanted to be his dad's focus of attention. Peter did not believe in his dad's reasons. But Faison is right - Jason owes his life to this son. Jason has acknowledged that, too, if you recall discussions surrounding when they'd meet up. But really, I would like to hear the reasons that Jason was kept alive from Peter himself. It'd be also interesting to get Jason's take on how Peter has been hidden in plain sight.

"Heinreck is probably hiding in plain sight. I will tell you for a price." You're not in a spot to bargain right now, Faison. Besides, Jason won't accept the terms. He knows what Faison wants to do with traitor. But Drew? He may be more than willing to accept the terms. By the way, it doesn't surprise me that Jason is stronger than Drew in Faison's words. We've seen that numerous times already. 

"Your brother may know more than he realizes." / "He says Heinreck is hiding in plain sight." / "We need to find Heinreck." "Where do you want to start?" "With you. He implied you may know him." How long are we gonna drop clues before it's revealed that Peter is Heinreck?
Maxie is breaking my heart today talking about how much she loves Nathan and how much she means to him, and having to raise the baby alone

The last scene between Maxie and Nathan broke my heart. That scene was beyond beautiful. Typical, but beautiful.

I know some people are mad at Ryan for leaving General Hospital and his role as Nathan, but maybe its time to move on. Some actors like to do something for so long, and then move on to something else without going back. If you read his #askGH, it seems like he wants to be doing movies full-time rather than soaps, daily shows, etc. But I will say -  if they knew that he was leaving, making her pregnant was certainly not the right way to go on about this - even if it set up this perfect Faison storyline. We could've done Faison another way. That said, Kristen is probably going to kill this storyline, and hopefully we can get some more #saxie #jaxie and #maxpin scenes out of this.

And I know there's also the thought of why not recast Nathan? Well, didn't we learn any lessons about damages of re-casting from Jason sitaution? And to put Nathan in a livelong coma, that'd be a disservice to Maxie Jones (Kristen Storms) as she'd be stuck longing for him to return while trying to raise her baby, rather than making a punch in the General Hospital atmosphere with a heartbroken performance. 

"The only way for you to control the story is to own it." Perhaps you should take your own advice, Peter. He only wants #dream #killy to do something to take the heat off of himself.

It's also nice to see Drew acknowledge wanting answers from Faison and about his past. Maybe this was the eye opener we needed.

"No matter how much I talk myself out of it, I want to be with you." "Well, I don't want to be with you." "You're lying." "It could get you killed." "I've spent years looking death in the face. It's tired of me." Thank you, Finn. Keep working at it and convince her #fanna

Who wants to live that way? Denying what you feel?" Finn should pass this advice on to someone else, too. #fanna #jasam 

So Finn appears to be giving up on Anna. Personally, I think it's more like "Okay, you won't agree? Let's see if you can stand this life apart." and she probably won't be able to. 

"Nobody says this but when a cop is shot, you are thankful it wasn't your husband." Well truthful in statement this gone goes further than that.


"I hear you got the girl. Are you here to thank me?" Interesting way of words...

"You can't trust a word he says." Peter knows that Faison is a bucket of lies due to his own life. But he's also scared of the truth coming out.

Friday, January 26, 2018

General Hospital – January 26, 2018 Episode Reflections

Yay for Lucas being back and yay for him and Brad adopting a son! It’s so great to see him back.

“I think Anna is too close to this whole thing.” Ya think?

“I’m just not in the habit of leaving people hostage to homicidal maniacs.” I don’t think anybody is.

“There’s other people that need protection from Faison, and I’m the best person for that.” I don’t know about that, as lately her thoughts have been very conflicted and questionable. I mean, look at the dialogue yesterday.

“Jason isn’t just some street thug. He has the best tech support on the planet, and he will find you, and he will show up, and he will kill you – which would be fine with me, and Nathan, too.” We know her admiration for the tech genius, as evident by her relationship with Spinelli. But beyond that, she makes a good point. He always finds his target one way or another.

The whole time during Lulu’s scene with Faison, I found my eyes locked on Peter instead, trying to read him, gather a clue to the theory that he is Faison’s son. “How can I run away from a sweet lady like you that is going to be make me a grandfath-” “You’ll never be anything to that child!” Why thank you Peter for the perfect clue. Of course you don’t want Faison having a connection to Nathan, Maxie, or the baby because you know exactly what that is like and don’t want to make someone else suffer.

Reflection 101. He should’ve been aware of that monitor. I guess he’s not the son – or maybe he is the son. Either way, nice job Faison on killing someone else.

Just like that, Nathan was shot. You’d think if we’re in the process of saying goodbye to his character there would be a deeper respect given.

“I’m on my way.” Of course Jason would be on his way immediately.

“I’ll wait here for the son.” Sorry, but he may not be coming given the circumstances at the Metro Court.

“That’s the third floor.” “What are you doing?” “Someone may need help.” If you truly wanted him to leave Carly, you should’ve just found another way to do so and kept your mouth shut. Now you’ve got Lucas in the midst of this, too.

Oh, so he actually didn’t shoot Peter. Peter missed getting hit with his dive. You think he would’ve moved faster than he did, though. I mean, we could’ve saved Nathan. Maybe we’ll have the son meeting after all.

I guess it’s a good thing that Lucas did go upstairs after all, too.

“The more you run from your problems, the more you follow them wherever you go, and they just get bigger.” That could explain her relationship with Julian in a nutshell. But yet, it still appears that she hasn’t been able to face that problem, either.

“That’s the thing. I don’t want to step back. I want to go all in.” Then tell Anna you love her and be done with it!

“You let her go.” “Why the hell would you do that? You’ll never make this shot.” Well, that’s to be questioned. I mean, has Jason ever missed his mark before? And it takes you back to earlier this week – “When you take the shot…” “….I won’t miss.” He didn’t miss! Once again, Jason saves Carly.

“I saw a glimpse of my future, a future that didn’t have her in it, and I didn’t like what I saw.” Tell her! Tell her! Tell her!

“Nice shot.” “You told me not to miss.” Precisely.

The glance from Peter to Faison, then from Peter to Jason. It’s like sympathy was at the relm here, sympathizing that they had both gone through at the hands of Faison and sympathizing the mixed emotions of the events that had simply taken place. Yes, Faison was an evil man, but he was Peter’s father and that bond is something that you can’t just take away. That glance could easily make the meeting all the more interesting.

Also, notice how he was getting out of there as quickly as possible, gloves and coat on? He was headed to where he was supposed to be having that so-called meeting more than likely.

Let me guess – Faison is going to live so we can see him again in a couple months when everyone gets bored.

Anna thinking back to a sexual moment with Faison makes me believe that she is the mother of Heinrect/Peter.

”Were you trying to kill Faison?” “If I was, I would’ve taken a head shot. This way, he’s alive and can at least talk for now.” I wouldn’t had given Faison a chance given his history, but I understand the desire to want answers. I mean, like I’ve said before, I’d want to know why I lost five years of my life, too.

“What if he dies before you can ask him your questions?” “Then I’ll have to live with that.” “Are you okay with that?” “Sonny and I were working with Anna on this, and I got to tell you, every time she said his name, you could see something in her eyes, and it was something worse than fear, and Anna is not the only one that has reeked havoc, destroyed lives, and it has to stop.” Thank you!

It’s nice how Peter now so casually shows up at the meeting spot…


“If Faison dies before he tells me, there’s someone else who knows…” Like the son, Peter/Henreict? Or even Dr. Klein for that matter.

General Hospital – January 25, 2018 Episode Reflections

“Drop your gun or I will make your lover bleed to death.” Welp, that is a good reason to not shoot actually. See, you had to know Anna wouldn’t shoot him.

“Here I am a couple weeks before our wedding, and a failure to Elizabeth.” Least he admits it, even if not in the way that I’d prefer.

“You know what we need baby? We need your daddy, PCPD, and the WSIB, and all those alphabet agencies to find your psycho grandfather.” Oh Maxie’s elegant ways.

“You’ll do anything to make him live, won’t you?” That’s the definition of true love, whether Anna or Finn will admit it.

“The pathology of a psychopath – the correlation between a murderer and the mind.” “Do you mind telling me more about that?” Look at who you’re marrying, Elizabeth. You don’t need an explanation because clearly you get to see evidence of it everyday. Almost makes you wonder as to her curiosity, and possible doubts about Franco.  

It’s almost giggly to see Franco’s guest list so short and him realizing just what he’s done 

“This is me the day after I call my boyfriend, and his new girlfriend answers the phone.” Goodbye Dillon. It was nice knowing you all this time. Too bad Killon couldn’t had worked out.

“Bottom line is I chose getting into med school, and he chose someone else.” “Then he’s a fool, because he doesn’t deserve you.” Thank you Griffin. Your partner should not only love you, but he should also be able to support your dreams and desires, even with a bit of sacrifice on the way.
Didn’t expect Peter to hand over his tips to the police about the whereabouts of Faison, especially if he’s the son and searching for him on his own reasons. However, it also works as a good cover for anything that he does down the road in following the trail that a usual media mogul head would do. Besides, for all we know, it could be filled with fake tips.

“I’ve turned my life around, and so have you.” “Have you ever looked over your shoulder worried that it’ll come back to haunt you?” Like they say, you can never outrun your past as it will always be with you. By the way, neither of them have earned redemption.

“It sounds really fascinating, and I have the perfect subject – Franco.” I thought we were done with his past ways. I thought there was no reason correlation anymore. If there’s no correlation anymore, how can we do a study?  

“I find people often write down what they can’t express out loud. It’s almost therapeutic.” Just like you wrote the manuscript, Peter?

“You’d be surprised how many people want you to just leave Faison alone….” Peter wants Nathan out of the way so he can fulfill his deeds.

The control that Faison seems to have over Anna is just beyond what you can fathom. Like Sonny said, she’s on the blink of cracking and here we have the perfect source. I always said that Franco’s era when he was really freaky was my best villain time for General Hospital, but Faison may be good enough to solely take that position.

“You put your passion for medicine first, and Dillon couldn’t hack it.” Thank you Griffin.

“Just keep thinking about how I am going to be responsible for a little life, and be a father.” Well, you may get off the hook actually – for other sad reasons.  

I almost teared up watching Nathan ask Dante to be the baby’s godfather.

Of course Dante would be sent to investigate Faison at Anna’s house. Who wants to bet Nathan joins him there? It’s like the writing is on the wall without saying it.

Where does it end? Robin, my grandchild. I’m so tired of protecting my family. I’m sick…” You never should show the act of falling for the fear, failing your nature, in front of the one person who is the driving force for what is happening.

“You are an evil, old man who will never get what he wants from me. so I don’t want to hear about your unacquired love. I’m sick of it.” Now that’s more like the Anna we would expect.

 “Some people believe that the tumor wasn’t responsible.” “By people, you mean Jason, and by doubt, you mean never ever believe it ever.” Exactly, and who can blame him? I wouldn’t want to let that go either, considering the time span that he tormented him and what exactly all he did. You saw how that messed with Jason’s mind, and that’s not easy to come by.  

“Removing a tumor didn’t remove everything automatically bad about me.” Glad to see you admit i. 
Why did they have to use sirens to go over to Anna’s house? Now we’re back to searching for Faison, again.

“I do believe the tumor made me kill. But when it was removed, I was still stumbling through life – with a hole inside me, until I met you. You want to study me? Give me a scientific reason how Elizabeth saved me.” I still believe that you’re not saved. After all, you admitted yourself that your mind is still “a dark place in there.”

If Peter is the traitor, then why is he so shocked to see Faison? Why was his reaction like it was? Does Faison not realize that it’s his son he is seeing? The only line that felt right was being out of place, because you wouldn’t expect Faison’s son to be in a place like that. I almost want to retract my theory, but I feel there’s a twist – like as if Faison and son have been separated so long he didn’t realize, and Peter wants to keep his cover for his own reasons. But maybe now with Maxie there, he will spill the truth to help protect her and the baby.  

Thursday, January 25, 2018

General Hospital – January 24, 2018 Episode Reflections

The Faison story is certainly bringing the interest and intrigue to General Hospital lately – a lot more so than say a certain love triangle that needs to be fixed immediately. Wednesday’s episode had me on the edge of my seat, sometimes a little caught off-guard, sometimes diving into it more, and actually real intrigued at certain aspects as we went along. I actually can’t wait for what’s to come Thursday and Friday now.

But first…..

You had to know that Sonny would figure out the messages were being intercepted, and they probably know it’s Anna doing it as she’s the only one who knows about them, besides Spinelli.

“When are you going to tell Anna that you love her?” I’m glad that Felicia is pressuring Finn because we need some #fanna action – it’d be a good distraction for Anna right now as she’s getting on my nerves, from what she did yesterday to her first scene today. But beyond that, I have been a fanna anyway due to their chemistry together. I hope Finn is going to do something soon.

“What can I do for you?” “A favor in Robin’s name – back off St. Claire.” Does she not realize that she’s never going to get anywhere?

“Does Nathan have a child?” “Not yet.” I could slap Oberect right now. She only had one job and she failed.

“Who are all these people having sex with Faison? Not that I’d want it any other way, but yikes!” Gotta love Maxie….

“You could’ve even order appetizers first. You went right for the crazy talk….” Well, let’s just face facts Finn. You need to do something and fast.

“You’re God after Anna, and she’s God after you. You’re both at this stand-off, not willing to say it. [….] “You need to do what she can’t – you need to be the brave one. Tell the woman that you love her.” Thank you, Felicia. Keep pressuring him.

“I don’t even know him. I care about what happens to him….” “Because?” Her flusteredness keeps making me believe that she knows more about this son.

“I’ve been there.” “St. Claire has obviously been pushed too far by Faison, and he wants to strike back – and that’s not a position I envy. Years go by, decades, and you think it’s over, and then there he is with his disgusting grin, telling you he loves you while torturing you the entire time. It’s a special kind of hell that I will never escape, and I imagine this person feels the same way.”  Shouldn’t that be extra motivation to find him, and kill him? Besides, if the son wants to terrorize back in return, perhaps connecting with him maybe be the best asset so everyone can work together. 

“Anna, we’re on the same side. We want to stop this psycho just as much as anybody else.”  “But to do that, we need Faison’s son.” That, or you could just go explore Spin island because every General Hospital mystery sends us to an island.

“Me and Anna don’t fit together…..” Ha! I wish I could play a video of his life in front of him.

“And you want to ask him (Faison’s son) why he kept you arrive?” “Yes.” I don’t blame Jason for his curiosity, actually. it’d be nice to know for the future and whether there’s anything to worry about. I mean, if someone risks their life for your own, then you’d want to understand why.

“Do you think this is about you?” “I didn’t know at the time, but Faison wanted to push me out – and the easiest way was to get rid of Jason.” So we have the reason for the motivation – therefore we don’t even need to talk to Faison, just his son.

“If you lure his son out, then he will kill him. Do you really want his blood on your hands after he kept you alive?” First of all, do you really think Jason will let such a thing happen? Second thing – it is clear that Faison and his son have crossed paths already. Faison would’ve had him dead already if he wanted.

“He took Robin away from us for years. No more. That bastard has to go.” When Sonny means business, normally it gets taken of and rather quickly. I see a short future for Faison.

“Anna has found a new love – Hamilton Finn. He has began to put you behind her.” Excuse me while I slap Oberect once again. She’s the worst person to have in this situation.

“Being a single parent, raising a kid alone, is not for the faint of heart.” It’s like their foreshadowing a future of Maxie raising her new child alone – because there has been rumors of Nathan’s character leaving the show.

“If whatever is in that canister doesn’t kill you, I will happily do the honors.” Now now Leisel, let’s try to be somewhat nice.

“I give you my word. I will do everything to protect him.” When Jason gives his word, you know it’s going to happen.   

“I’m waiting for you. We need to say everything that we haven’t been able to say. Come home.” I’m glad that we were starting to actually get somewhere. This text actually had me giggly.

For the record, I’m not going to visit Anna anytime soon with how these visits have been going lately. For Oberect, and now Finn.

How is Maxie already this far along in her pregnancy? Didn’t she just get pregnant?

I do not have much faith in Anna running the meeting with Faison’s son. Like Sonny mentioned, she’s on the break of going over the edge and has shown so much apprehension about involving the son. And now you want that running the meeting? I would rather have Jason doing it because frankly, his calm demeanor may be what’s needed to set the record straight quickly, and get to work on a Faison plan. Besides, Jason and the son already have a connection.

I almost had to chuckle through Finn’s discussion with Faison. His corks just play perfectly into Faison speaking of his obsession and reasoning. From teasing Faison’s looks, to the length of the obsession, he certainly scores some brownie points.

It was interesting in hearing Felicia mention how much they don’t get to see Georgie. It really shows how Maxie neglects his child totally it would seem, and makes you wonder about the mother-side that could be shown or not really reached with this child.

By the way, did you notice how much they focused on the family aspect for Maxie and Nathan? Did you notice how they focused on every single moment, emphasizing the small points, and then had Felicia even adding to the reasoning  with her own comments. All of that, combined with Felicia saying, “Count your blessings, baby girl….” to Maxie’s reaction of when Nathan got on the elevator – it all reads that Nathan may not make it through this storyline, which would fit the rumors. It’ll be interesting to see what happens, but we know how well they are at foreshadowing sometimes. By the way, seeing Nathan leave would suck as he is a good guy.

I had a feeling that Faison wouldn’t pull the trigger right then and there on Finn, rather waiting for when Anna got back. It adds another layer to his torturing of her, eliminating Finn. Also, considering his obsession, he could ask what makes Finn lovable whereas he is not lovable. Now if I was Anna, I would’ve pulled that trigger a long time ago and just ended Faison as soon as I entered the room.

 “When you take the shot…..”   “I won’t miss.”  Jason never misses his shot. Faison is about to meet his match for good. 

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

General Hospital – January 23, 2018 Episode Reflections

Seeing as though Faison is set to appear, there is only one response – FINALLY!!!! I mean, how long have we been chasing the guy around?

Now for being a Tuesday episode and not having the greatest cast of characters that I would normally like to watch, it wasn’t that bad at all – actually, it was pretty good. Maybe Faison returning to town is a good thing after all.

Anyways….here you go…..

“No matter what happens, your husband will be the next mayor of Port Charles.” Please, oh please, oh please, can that never see the light of the day? Sorry, but his ability as mayor would not be in the town’s best interest, considering his conscious focus on money. Business? Sure, but running a town? Not what you want to see.

“Do you agree with this?” “Of course.” “So do I.” Of course Julian would give Alexis a vote of confidence. It’s all about trying to woo her back in. While Alexis gets my vote due to her standards, I do not see her fit for office, given her frantic behavior over the past several months.

“If I’m right, Faison is hiding on Spin island.” Can we please get rid of the islands? I still roll around in agony at the thought of Cassadine Island. Why is it every other General Hospital story resorts to a bloody island?

Okay, I admit – Faison’s scream made me jump in my skin. We can get rid of the big scary man now. Jason, where are you?

 “We’re on the island all alone, and nobody is coming.” Ha! The irony in hearing that right after the pitch from Lulu to Peter.

“If we find anything criminal, I will come down on those clowns like a ton of bricks….” That’d be the first time Jordan has actually done her job fully by herself. Oh wait, that’s why Curtis is investigating it instead of her, despite her being the police commissioner and Curtis not even being on the force.

“Olivia, I’m not the enemy. Once I take office, I am going to be the mayor that the city needs – and I want everybody to know that.” Then how about you do the right thing in relation to Charles Street?

“There could be one other person he could be targeting – his other son.” If Anna didn’t want a lot of talk about this “other son” as we’ve seen in her interactions with Sonny, then why do you go forth and tell the police? Furthermore, notice the look of surprise on Nathan’s face? Not only does he find out he has a psycho daddy, but yes, you have a brother. Oh, and should we tell Nathan that his brother works at Aurora Media? Yes Peter, I am still looking at you. I am sticking by my theory he is the second son until DNA or another appearance proves otherwise. Please see previous entries for evidence.

Notice the sly smile on Alexis’ face as Julian talk about how he was redeemed? Yeah, she’s not gonna be able to stay away from him forever. By the way, Julian, my view on you hasn’t changed. Sure, justice failed – but in the court of public opinion, you’re still an ass.

“With Valentine and Nina out of town, it is the perfect time for me to check out Windemere.” Not a bad idea…..

“In a long complicated story, I share a daughter with Valentine Cassadine.” “Drunken night?” “No, a very long story….” Trust me Peter, you’re gonna wanna have some alcohol for this one. I needed it.

“If Faison is at Windemere, maybe he left a trail of bread crumbs. With your permission, I will follow those bread crumbs wherever they lead.” So let’s say Peter goes ahead and allows her to go forth with her plan. The brother will be have a way to search for his father and meet up to fulfill the plan of revenge, killing, whatever the manuscript says – without having to get his own hands dirty in the process. It’s not a bad plan if you’re in Peter’s shoes.

“Even now, I will do anything for you.” “Then fine – give me back the years that I lost with my son.” “I misspoke. I will give you anything but that.” Least she’s doing a good job at standing her ground.

“Our son is nothing like you. Nathan is good.” He is very good, indeed.

Great job, Anna. Now we’re going to have Jordan stomping at Sonny’s door searching for the manuscript, the one piece of the puzzle that has allowed him, Jason and Spinelli to find out more than we could’ve imagined. While you think you’re helping, you’re doing more damage than good.

“Literally nobody will show up at the polls, and you’ve won this election.” Cocky bunch. I hope someone steps up just so we can put an end to his showboating.

“My first step would be to appoint a special committee for Charles Street Development, and I would like Alexis to serve as chair.” Well, that’d be interesting – considering Alexis has been against changes happening.

Faison, leave our son alone. Do anything to me!” “I’ve already done what I wanted. I have a son!” I give him credit for a good line.

“I have it covered.” “So you’ve said, but you haven’t said how.” “I’m working on that.” Well, at least she wasn’t dumb enough to reveal everything.

“Are you buying any of that?” “Hell no!” Ha! And this is why Jordan and her staff never solve any crimes, and it’s always left up to everybody else.

“When your editor assigns you a cat show, you write about the cat show. But what you do on your own time, that is totally up to you. But just be careful.”  In other words, you have my informal permission because I want this information for myself but I know it’s wrong.

“Promise me you won’t do anything crazy…” Notice how Lulu didn’t say anything? And besides, could we ever get Lulu to promise such a thing anyway?

Alexis’ response to Ned regarding the big building actually has me leaning more towards her running than I was originally thinking.

”It’s such an honor to meet you. [….] It’s my pleasure. You have quite the reputation here in Port Charles, Agent Duvane.” Of course Peter would be curious about Anna, given how *his father* has been obsessed with her.

“Is there really another son?” “Of course, and how do you know about him?” “That’s classified.”  “Of course.” Peter really wants to know more information because clearly, someone is getting closer to him.

“As much as I want to help you, I am not going to compromise the ethics of this company…” Notice how he put his back up immediately in them trying to capture Faison? Because it’s clear that he wants him for himself.

Why doesn’t it surprise that Lulu found Oberect tied up?

“I want everybody to know their voices are going to be heard.” “Over wrecking balls and jack hammers?” And the hits just keep on coming from Alexis.

“Life is change, progress is change, and the people down here will thrive. Charles Street will be a place to be proud of.”  “Some of us are proud of Charles Street. We want it revitalized  and restored – not redeveloped.”  Really, this is a pretty neat storyline given the changes you see in the world, the more I think about it. Look at how cities continue to change, and people begin to lose integrity in what they needed. Respecting the old and culture, but set for change.

“I don’t believe you. You don’t want to help the WSIB, but why not?” Glad that Anna got at least some suspicion from that discussion. Maybe we’ll get somewhere. And notice how she didn’t get the e-mail until after she was out of his office? Notice how he was set to meet up, because obviously he wants to move things along quicker?

 “I’m officially running for Mayor.” Oh boy, let the games begin Alexis.

“You should’ve stayed out of it, but you didn’t. Now, what am I supposed to do with you?” Technically, Faison should thank Lulu as if it wasn’t for her, he wouldn’t had known about a son. So that should at least be rewarded, in some way.

Of course, he can’t just let her go easily, either. So perhaps keep her kidnapped, allow her to live, maybe let her off free somewhere without trace of remembrance? Killing would not be a good sign of gratitude.

She could also conduct an interview, submit it while kidnapped, to heighten the intrigue and suspicion – and make things a little crazier, which would be psychopath material.

Either way, perfect cliffhanger.

Monday, January 22, 2018

General Hospital - January 19 & 22, 2018 Episode Reflections

January 19, 2018 Episode Reflections

For a Friday episode, I have to admit that it was lacking in some areas, while perfectly set in place in other areas. And yes, it pulled at my heart strings perfectly as the “smallest things” were just set in place perfectly.

It was actually refreshing to see Jason and Sonny take a break from discussing Faison, and actually talk about him and Sam. With Sonny, you know Jason is going to totally open up without judgment because that’s how their brotherhood, bromance has always worked. They both open up to each other totally, using each other as a sound board – while respecting the other offering an opinion on the matter, and that opinion sometimes being followed.

Jason never expressed regret on New Year’s Eve in any discussion with anybody since, and I always said it was because he enjoyed it. I mean, even his anger at Carly was a little subdued considering the scheming that she did. Welp, he admitted that straight to Sonny in saying, “It was nice to be together, knowing we wouldn’t be interrupted, just playing dominoes, talking…” It’s just too bad that time wasn’t expanded because you can just imagine if either of them would’ve laid out the emotions that they’ve been so bloody scared to say to each other. Frankly, I still say that’ll break down every wall Sam is putting up and open up the flood gates.

Jason also pulled the interesting line from that night that Sam said to him in saying, “You know, what’s stuck in my mind is how she mentioned that she has changed in five years, and I haven’t…” and frankly, that is a big difference for how things stand. How would you feel to go to sleep, and then wake up and see multiple years of your life gone, and changed how you knew it? It would just feel surreal, so I can see where Jason’s mist of confusion is coming from.

However, Sonny is also my hero for the day in telling him that Sam hasn’t changed and she’s lying to herself because he hit the nail on the head. Practically every other episode, if not every episode, there’s a sign of her lying to herself because of how she reflects back to Jason or deflects her own emotions – I’m not breaking down those again, by the way; you can refer to preview entries if you dare. So thank you for the spilling the tea. It’s one thing for Carly to spill tea – Jason just deflects that as being Carly’s own needs. But now seeing Diane and Sonny spill tea, it may actually start to set in that, as Sonny said, “she will always love you,” Jason.

Nice transitioning from that to having Jason at her door, as if he was set to do something about that – but instead wanted to offer an update about the Faison situation. It was a nice courteous thing to do for both Drew and Sam, knowing the possible dangers associated. You could also say that it’s one of those “add to the list of reasons” that he cares about Sam, still.

I could’ve smacked Drew in that moment, though, as he was overly rude in saying, “I want to hear your plan for Faison, but not today – we’re getting married.” One, that’s not the smoothest way to tell someone that you know still cares about your girl and just so happens to be your damn twin brother. But beyond that, really? You can get married any damn day that you choose, anywhere that you choose. But how are you supposed to get married if you’re dead? How would you feel if Faison showed up at your wedding? I’d be interested in hearing the latest about what’s going on, especially if it’s concerning the most wanted criminal and you’re at risk one way or another.

I wanted to hug Jason in how quiet he was about things with Kim, because you can tell that it is eating at him internally. It’s interesting in how she questioned about his return, time away, and then how his heart is handling it all. He didn’t say much, but what he did say and those eyes – hello gateway into everything emotional that we’ve been saying to this point that he just needs to open up to.

But I do kind of hate that Julian interrupted them because it would’ve been interesting to see just how far that conversation went, even if Jason was being his typical hard to reach self.

Julian’s line for Kim, by the way, caused some laughter and smiles out of me. Recall him saying, “Don’t let those blue eyes fool you. he’s a hit man for Sonny. He kills people.”  Should we remind Kim about all of Julian’s past crimes? Should we tell her that he was a mobster? Should we tell her about how he held a knife to Alexis’ throat? Should we – well, you get the idea. But really, it’d be a waste of time as let’s face it, he’ll probably be back with Alexis before he can sleep with Kim. We know how this work, considering neither him or Alexis can simply pull completely away from the other.

By the way, he is right about the blue eyes as they can lure anyone in – myself included. I can’t deny those eyes bring me right to Jason’s core, and cause every emotion to swirl. But gosh, he’s so much more than what Julian can give him credit for in a simple set of words. I’m not going to go there because we’d be here longer than this entry all together.

Oh, and the fact that he’s glad that Sam is with Drew instead of Jason – I can’t wait to laugh in his face when JaSam reunites together. Both him and Alexis can bond over that fact, actually.

Cue the emotions now, though. Both of them dreaming back to their wedding day together had all the feels swirling for me. But it proves something – Sam can’t stop thinking about Jason, and here is another example. Rather than getting dressed, she’s thinking back to the man that will always consume her heart.

Then showing Jason sitting at the bar, drinking a beer, emotions of his own – yep, I was ready to reach through the television screen and give him a hug.

But really, General Hospital played this so perfectly – maybe beyond what they even realize. They played their song you and me in the background for the entire sequence. Listen to the words, though.“Do I need to be invisible to just survive, or am I foolishly just wasting my time?” Invisible to just survive right now describes Sam as she tries to make herself ignore, not see, move away from every thought of Jason so she can continue living and making it through this family that she’s created with Drew. Then the question of wasting time is Jason, wondering if thinking about her and these feelings is really worth it, or is it time to face what’s happened and move on?

Sam and Drew planning their honeymoon was meh on my note. But I did catching Sam asking Drew, “Are you just doing this because of Faison?” Drew running scared wouldn’t surprise me, to be honest, or even using as an excuse to keep Jason out of the picture because he has to be blind as a bat to not see how Sam feels about Jason. Sam asking the question is intriguing just as equally, because does she go with him, or does she stay behind because she secretly wants to make sure Jason is okay?

I could’ve cared less for Oberect’s appearance, even if it led us to a possible real identity for Faison’s second son. But Anna visiting Sonny – I was set to look over most of that until Sonny explained that, “We’re going to use the son to get to him.” Anna then reacted in a big way with, “What?!? No!” I froze at this moment and it took me back to where she over-reacted in the previous mention of a son, trying to get both Sonny and Jason to stop looking for Faison. It’s like she knows something about the second son and wants to keep it hidden. I still wonder if she’s the mother, or if Alex (her twin) is the mother – as originally discussed back at that scene.

Poor Spencer and his pair of broken legs – Kevin and Laura are probably right as he’s going insane slowly. It’ll suck to see Laura out of the equation for six weeks, though, as I was really starting to follow her more with the mayoral race. But okay, she wants to do this because she wants to keep Spencer in France and away from Valentine. You can’t protect the kid forever as eventually, the pair are going to come face-to-face. So why bother now? Why not show him everything there is about Valentine and teach co-existence (keep your friends close, but enemies closer) so that way he is better prepared for the future?

That said, if we’re stuck with this situation, I hope Kevin does choose to run for mayor. I actually wanted the mayoral race to be between him and Ned originally when the campaigning thing began because it’ll make it a little interesting.

It was odd seeing Julian go to Sonny about the brick and food problem because those two working together is something you could never see happening. That said, Sonny may be the perfect person to rid of our Jim Harvey problem.

Oh, and nice way to have Faison enter down in knocking Oberect out.

January 22, 2018 Episode Reflections

“Faison wouldn’t hesitate to kill his son.” That’s true…..

“He may be innocent. It may explain why he let Jason live.” “Hinemen paid three people and Dr. Klein to kidnap Jason and take him back, shot up the metro court, and took Sam hostage.” Exactly why we need to find him, and make sure to end both him and Faison. Hence why I have never faulted Sonny or Jason for this from the beginning.

It’s no surprise that Jason went to the bridge in his moment of pause, and reflect. It’d fun to see Sam end up there with cold feet over the wedding.

“Sam and Drew are getting married. There’s still time to stop it.” Spinelli, I wish he would just listen to you – but Jason’s priority is Sam’s happiness, even at his own expense, even if Sam is lying to herself and he is beginning to see that. Hopefully this is the spilt tea that results in something, finally.

Drew and Sam planning the wedding in the penthouse makes my stomach flip-flop. There’s so many special #jasam memories, and the fact that Jason is eventually going to get it back (recall the divorce terms of six month period), do you really wanna live in a place where your ex-wife married your brother? Furthermore, does Sam want to compound her memories with Jason there with a wedding to Drew there?

“I wanted to wait for you, so we could find out together.” “You didn’t have to do that.” “But it’s your baby. I want you to be involved every step of the process.” “I can’t believe I missed the sonogram.” “You can hear it at the next appointment – trust me, there’s going to be lots of appointments.” “That’s fine by me.” Remember how Carly said that Michael better watch and not get drawn back into Nelle’s games and relationship? It’s happening, slowly. Given that Carly and Bobby walked up on them, let’s just hope that they say something afterwards to Michael to keep him in check.

“If he contacts again, don’t respond. Call me first and we’ll make a plan.” “I don’t think I can do that.” I don’t blame Sonny, due to the apprehension that Anna has shown about the contact and meeting from the beginning. If we followed her advice before, we wouldn’t be this far ahead.

“I’m not going to interrupt the wedding.” “Because she loves Drew.” “But you love her.” Exactly, and look at how hard it pains you to stand up on the bridge that night.

“Have you said that to her?” “I don’t want to make it harder for her.” “It would take a huge act of courage to lay your heart onto her. But you’re the bravest person that I know.” Thank you, Spinelli. Thank you for laying it out so easily and giving us one last ditch effort. Keep it going. He lived with them as they continued to grow closer and saw their love first hand. he knows what they mean to each other. This may be the tea that we need.

“Go do it, and stop Sam from making the biggest mistake of her life, one that will cause her a lot of grief!” It will, because now she’ll have to sign another set of divorce papers, explain to Danny what’s happening, before getting back together with Jason. You can also see the grief in continuing to have to lie to herself.

“Are we ready to start?” “The sooner the better.” Drew is afraid of being interrupted by someone – say Carly, or maybe even Jason.  

Sam’s eyes and nerves give off every vibe counter to a happy bride. #justsayin

Sonny never should’ve told the e-mail address to Anna knowing her apprehension.

“Now this is real and happening, I will support you and this baby.” “Thank you…” But I have a feeling that the tension between her and Nelle isn’t anywhere near being over, as evident by Nelle’s small snarky remarks. How soon until they’re having another fight again?

“I didn’t expect to win the race on a technicality.” “You have won’t anything yet….” Cocky

“You would give your life for Sam. You would do anything for Sam.” “She wants to be with Drew.” “No, I watched her at the police station. She knew the whole time. I mean, she absolutely loved you and knew you the best. She lied for his benefit, and I fear that it’s from that instinct that she’ll marry him tonight.” “Sam is doing what she thinks is right.” “She’s sacrificing her happiness out of loyalty, misguided loyalty, and that’s what she’s doing tonight.” This conversation was completely necessary. Thank you, Spinelli. Thank you for taking your own time to spill the tea. A lot of people have said it since that day in watching her reactions. It’s time she stops putting Drew’s happiness as priority, and thinks about herself.

“When I was thinking about our vows, I kept thinking about how much things have changed the past couple of months. And I realized – as much as things change, other things never change.”  Like your love for Jason and how he will always be a part of you, and always love you? Because yes, we saw your flashbacks to your wedding night with Jason.

“With you, I had a life that I never expected – one that is richer, and fuller, and more than I ever imagined. This is a life that I want to continue to share with you, always.” She can be safe, not worry, perfect family, no fear – it’s the comfort and security that she was missing with Jason. But is getting that worth giving up a big piece of your happiness and feeling pain every other moment? It seems to be for Sam right now.

Damn it! They’re married!! Oh well, we saw how quickly we can get a divorce if necessary.

“Sam told me that you were the first person that treated her with respect. You didn’t try to belittle her, but treated with her dignity. And she learned in that to respect herself.” Sam mentioned that to him. A thank you for always loving her and caring about her, and teaching her. 

“Drew came as he is, and he doesn’t know himself. If you don’t know yourself, you can’t give a lot yourself….” And the fact that he doesn’t seem to have a desire to find his true self sits odd with me. Wouldn’t you want to know your own history and background?  

“I saw him in the police station, seemingly expecting Sam to take care of him. There was little thought about her needs.” I mentioned that very point, too. That’s why Sam stepped up immediately, then, knowing that Drew couldn’t continue on without support – and loyalty and sympathy began the path right there. I remember how put off I was about that whole situation, and how it was Jason that reached out to her on the docks and said the simple words that it would be okay.

“Sam knows that you’ll always be true to yourself, and out of that truth, you can show unconditional love.” Thank you Spin.

“Sam is marrying Drew, because that’s her choice, and I’m going to honor it.” “But she’s making the wrong choice!” “Stop! I heard what you said and I appreciate it, but you have to leave it alone…”  Jason recognizes everything and knows every fact that has been spilt in his face by Carly, Sonny, and now Spinelli. He knows what they’re saying. But his number one rule that people make their own choices and you can’t run their lives is what is stopping him from doing anything right now. Hence how he talked about honoring her decision, etc, no matter how much it pains him.

But Jason, it’s time for a dose of reality. You can do what you’re doing, while going up to Sam and telling her what you think – saying you love her, saying how much you miss her, speaking of a future together – and then with all of that on the table, you can allow her to make a choice, a decision.
I like how Michael went to Jason before he went to Carly and Sonny. It shows the connection and bond that they’ll always have together.

 “I just don’t want the situation to drive a wedge in our family. I know that Nelle set out to cause pain with you and Mom.” That doesn’t mean that you give in to everything that she says in the process. 

“Nelle will show her true colors. It’s only a matter of when….” Precisely. We’re already seeing small signs of that happening.

You’d think that either Jordan or Anna would realize someone had fallen outside of the door, noticing a shape of a body imprinted in the snow.

As much as I would hate Ned as mayor, I don’t want Alexis to be even more. I sympathize with her values, but I cannot withstand seeing someone as unstable as her running a town.

Cue my emotional heartbreak mess at the final scene today. I just want to walk up behind Jason, wrap my arms around him, and just hold him, comfort him, assure him it will be okay – before talking the sense that I said earlier, too, but first and foremost the above.

But that flashback that he had to Sam saying, “I figured out why I sleep better at your house. It’s because I feel safe with you” just melted my heart. She always felt better, stronger in his arms and with him by her side. She was always so confident and self-assured. She never questioned his line of work, or living a dangerous life – she was always willing to throw herself at that life, too.

The more that Jason reflects back, the more he realizes what everybody is saying – and the more it breaks his heart. At what point does he finally do something about it? 

Thursday, January 18, 2018

General Hospital - January 16-18, 2017 Episode Reflections

January 16, 2017 Episode Reflections

 Can I just say this episode was amazing on so many levels? A great testament to parenthood. So many bits to General Hospital that could melt the heart into a million pieces. From Jake, to Laison, to Jason and Michael. Cue an emotional blitz….

But first – it was refreshing to see an episode focused on parenthood, and a child’s relationship with their parents for a change. We normally see the pregnancies and babies only in soaps for sake of furthering along objectives, relationships, and drama. But here, in a whole episode put together, we saw many different sweet sides.

Being able to do stuff like this, it’s what will continue to set General Hospital apart and make people want to tune in because you get that nice refreshing course.

Alright, here we go……

“Clearly you haven’t read the ending.” “How does the book end?” “With the father killing the son.” “St. Claire wants to kill his father. Clearly, that’s something that I can live with.”  I think that’s something that everybody could live with based on all the crimes and deeds that Faison has done over years, beyond just this simple Jason situation.

“I don’t want the son. I want Faison, and I want to know why the hell he did the switch in the first place.” With his emotions already out of whack due to the situation with Sam, it’s easy to see frustration setting in for Jason right now. He needs some sort of release, and perhaps being able to get revenge will be enough. I mean, I can also understand wanting those answers, too. If you lost five years of your life, came back and couldn’t be reunited with your forever after, you would want those answers, too. Also, knowing why the switch was performed in the first place could prevent a future occurrence of such happening, again. Remove the threat and reason for it, right?

Considering Sam’s inconsistent inconsiderate behavior lately, I am glad that Jason has Sonny to lean on for when the time is right. Don’t get me wrong – Carly is great friend for Jason, too, but leaning on her can be “interesting” with her schemes and attitude at times. I mean, Sonny knew what to say at this point, too, with the perfect assurance in saying, “We’re going to find him, and we’re going to use his son to do it.”

“I want answers.” “You’re not going to get answers from that bastard.”  When Jason wants something from a person whose a little evil, he typically gets it one way or another. If anybody can get answers, he’s your man. Just sayin’.  

“I think I know his reasons. You get rid of people and make them go away without a trace. I tell you to get rid of someone, and you do it. Who would want that at their disposal?” Sonny has a good point as I could see that being an advantage for someone like Faison. The only problem is with that – Faison is missing a couple pieces to the puzzle. Yes, Jason can make people disappear at will and is good at his job. But it’s not just simply he’s told and then just does it. How many times have we’ve seen Sonny say get rid of such person, and Jason tell him to hold off, and that turn out to be the right idea? There’s a certain discussion layer to their relationship that seems to be forgotten at times here. It’s what makes their partnership, and friendship beyond that, work out so well.

 “St. Claire took the bait. He wants to meet. Are you ready for this?”  “I’m ready.” Peter is desperate – we’ve seen that already with other moves that he has made. So it’s no surprise that he took the bait. Perfect played plan. And Sonny asking if Jason is ready? That shouldn’t even be a question.

“I’d say congratulations, but I’m not sure you’re happy.” I wouldn’t be happy about having a baby with a crazed woman, either, especially if that woman drugged and made it appear that she slept with my father.

“Did you really think it would say something else?” Do you know how many people wished it did, myself included? But to be honest, I was pretty sure that they’d play this out because it makes for some interesting storyline dynamics throughout.

“Whatever we can to raise a healthy child, sign me up.” “I plan to be involved as much as I can.” This is what Carly was worried about when Michael was supposed to be “playing her.” She said that he would more than likely fall right into her clutches. By agreeing to terms like these, it’s right into her hands. Tread carefully is my only advice.

“I strongly doubt Ava hired you without another motive. My guess? She’s setting you up.” It wouldn’t be a surprise, considering Ava’s lovely relationship dynamics with Sonny already and her ways. She could also want to be playing the game with Nelle to make sure that she takes the baby away from the family, because she feels wronged with her own Avery situation.

“Ava is a lier at best, and a murderer at worst.” “But she’s the only person that would give me a job.”  “When people get close to Ava, they get hurt.” “Thanks for warning me, but trust me, when it comes to Ava, my eyes are open….”  Are you sure about that, Nelle? We know that you can play a tough game, but you may have met your match here.

“I think we’re on our way to being friends again, and if I play my cards right, maybe more than friends.” Like I said about Michael – tread carefully. You can hear her in the tone of her words that she’s just wanting to set something up.

“Take it from me. That family forgets nothing….” Do you blame Sonny and Carly after everything 
that she’s done?

“So what do I do?”  “You cut your losses. You take the baby, and get your nice check.” Hah! We all know that it’s not easy.

“Don’t listen to Ava. Michael is the only prince charming that we want.”  Refer to the previous advice column line.

“Are you busy right now? I could really use your advice.” You don’t want to know how much my heart swelled when Michael called Jason. It’s nice to see the scenes that we’ve all been waiting for – advice, friendship, connection – are happening.

“You’re going to be a father? That’s great…” If it was anyone else but someone like Nelle, I would have to agree with Jason because Michael is sweet, kind, and will make a great father. But, it’s Nelle. That’s not great.

“I’ve never been so terrified and excited at the same time.” “Welcome to parenthood.”  Welcome to also dealing with someone like Nelle – but Jason should know what dealing with semi-crazy people is like. He did handle the Brenda situation that time. But truthfully, that line plays true for parenthood in general.    

“I got involved with an unstable woman when everybody told me not to.” You’d think he would’ve adhered by the warnings, considering the amount of directions they were coming from and what she did to his own father. He’s only the one to blame here.

“But what if the baby is not okay?” “It will be okay.” “How do you know that?” “It will have you.” Awwww…….

“You taught me how be a father. You taught me how to open my heart up to another human being. Because of you, I learned to love someone other than myself.” My heart just swells even more in hearing Jason’s words for Michael. Truthfully, being able to be a father for Michael, like he said before, it was best thing for him at that time. He learned to love from Michael, and turned that into the greatest gift by giving his love to Sam. Hopefully Danny and Jake get some of that, too.

“Michael, you have great instincts….” If he had great instincts, he never would’ve gotten involved with Nelle.

“You don’t even know what you’re in for now and all the things that you’re going to experience. I mean, the moment you look into the eyes for the first time. All the first times – first smile, first words, the first everything, and you’re going to be there.”  “It’s a gift – terrifying, but great gift.”  For an episode that seemed dedicated to parenthood, this just warmed the heart and with how Steve Burton delivered it, it truly felt genuine for Jason’s character, as if he was pulling from his own personal experiences.

“If you need back-up, you’re going to call me.” “Yeah.” “You can call me.” This fan of the bond between Jason and Michael just swelled.                                                                                         

“What about Nelle?” “She’s not your problem.” “Yeah, just the baby’s mother.” I’d consider that a problem to be very important.

“I don’t want you to think that because your face is fixed, everything is fixed. You may need to talk to someone.” SAVAGE!!! Really, Ava needs to face her own conscious self and realize that having perfect skin surface beauty doesn’t make you a complete person, but rather your heart inside – and until she faces her faults and what she’s done, we’re just going to go around in circles.

“I can tell you that once this horrific chapter is over, everything else will fall in place.” Refer to the above. Until Ava starts to address her own issues and faults, nothing is going to happen as intended.

“I’m here to talk, always – as a friend…” If you need to keep saying “as a friend,” something is wrong. Both parties (Griffin and Kiki) should know the boundary of the friendship, and be able to respect it without a fault. But having to remind the other party shows a distrust in knowing that.

“This is my mom. This isn’t the first time that she’s hurt me. Sadly, it’s not the last.” Kiki’s truth bomb of the day, ladies and gentleman.

 “Why didn’t you tell me? I would’ve brought you myself.” “I thought you might not want me to ask Dad, and ask the other guy.” The dictation of who is who here just stings. If we’re going to start to create the boundaries and move forward, shouldn’t Jake recognize the ability to call Jason his “dad?”

“It’s not that I don’t like him. I just don’t know him.” That’s an interesting comment, considering how strong his reaction was when he learned about Jason being his father and Drew not being daddy. That doesn’t seem to add up to the freak out that he had when he was told the truth.

“You talk about him a lot. I thought you would want me to take him.” So Elizabeth talks about Jason a lot. I wonder how Franco feels about that….

 “Do you know how lucky you are to have two amazing fathers in your life?” “But he’s a stranger to me…” “Jason didn’t go away because he wanted to. He was taken, just like Helena took you. He didn’t just try and grab all those things back. He could’ve, but he didn’t, because he respects your feelings. So he’s waiting…..” The words from both Drew and Elizabeth about Jason to Jake were perfect. Nice to see a + spin after the initial reaction. I could clap all night for what she said, even not being her biggest fan. It’s nice for her to explain this for Jake so he understands what happened, and it’s nice to see someone recognize Jason’s approach since returning – true to character might I add – versus what people have said he should’ve done. Truthfully, Elizabeth's words about Jason really hit home. Jason could be the one to help Jake face the past demons due to own experience.

“You owe it to yourself to get to know your biological father.” Drew gets a single point for recognizing this fact, but he hasn’t got himself back on my good side yet – not even close.

The wave from Jake to Jason at Kelly’s, and Jason returning it – my heart immediately swelled, tears in my eyes. The simplest of gestures can mean so much and beginning to see him reach out is certainly a start.

It was great to hear the “sex talk” happen with Carly and Jocelyn, and Oscar and Kim. I talked in the opening about addressing things that are normally not handled. The sex talk topic is so taboo in mainstream media. It’s nice to see it right here, presented openly on the television screen. It’s okay for the parents to be nervous about it, worried about their kids growing up – that’s natural. It’s okay for the children to be disgusted in hearing their parents mention the word – that’s natural. Hopefully it helps people who may be in a similar situation. And by the way, Carly’s points about teens were dead on in the reasons why they want to do it early. It’s good to have a TV character openly admit those, because maybe it’ll kick start that conversation for a parent-teen in knowing certain ideas to go with along the way.

Same thing with the transgender discussion and Jocelyn’s points about how it’s not fair how they’re judged and not being able to wear what they want. So many people make comments on a daily basis, not realizing perhaps what it is like to be in those shoes.

Even in that discussion, it was nice to hear Carly admit her faults. It shows her growth in character during the years to recognize that maybe she didn’t always make the best decisions.  

“You were talking about blowing his mind the night of the dance.” “And you thought you were talking about sex?” About 95% of the audience did. Can you blame them?

 “According to the student handbook, it grounds for suspension. I know it’s not ideal, but I plan on seeing this through.” “And you should.” I agree with her as transgender issues and bullying should be dealt with, rather than left to just go forth with possible other negative consequences. But being suspended because you’re having a party the same night the school planned a party? That seems ridiculous.

“Everything is going to work out with Jocelyn. You taught her how to be confident, strong, and demand respect – sometimes a little too confident and strong.” I love Sonny’s continued admiration for Carly. But those attributes is why she’s always been one of the best leading ladies.

The natural chemistry between Drew and Kim is just perfect and radiating off the screen. You have to wonder if it’ll grow into more as Drew learns more about his past and gets closer to whom he used to be.

January 17, 2017 Episode Reflections

It's not like Ava is my favorite character so her opinions and life isn't really my fortay. I am actually annoyed by scar. It's actually a little insane how superficial they've made Ava's character in focusing on such a little scar.

But I digress, as I watched the full episode anyway – it wasn't spectacular, but it wasn't the worst. It actually was alright.

"Clean slate is worth everything. You know I've been thru hell & enduring that pain it clarifies things." Fixing a scar doesn't equal fix for everything else. Sure, you look beautiful and perfect. But does that redeem you for your past faults? Not until you face them, admit your wrongs, make your apologies, and recognize that should you able to move on.

"I used to blame everyone else. But you need to start taking responsibility." Best thing Juliane has said in a long time. Basically puts what I said above into simpler terms.
I still say Morgan is alive. We never found a body and we know how #GH works.

"Enjoy your new face. I'm not going to rest until the world sees you for the ugly soul that you are." Ava's dream or not, I wouldn't put it past Carly.

"Someone is definitely messing with me." Even if it wasn't a dream, I wouldn't have sympathy after what she's done. #sorrynotsorry

So even if in dream state, if she was truly trying to be better and clear conscious, wouldn't she apologize for her actions? If we are just going to repeat same typical Ava for an hour, then what's the point of this?

"If I can be the person who reunites you with your parents & those you love, then maybe it'll stop." So Morgan shows up and wrongs are gone? Nah. Ava's way of thinking is way off, and why I'll never like her. You don't just find the person alive and clear your own wrongs. If anything, it should make those faults appear more vivid. Morgan would find out from everybody else – his parents, Kiki, etc – that it was Ava who switched his meds, caused him to go off kinker, and get into that car. Then he would be angry and furious with her, eventually pulling as far as he could away from her not wanting to see her again – and that would crush her even more in losing that connection since she loves him. Whether Morgan is dead, or turns up alive sometime, Ava is still guilty for the part she played & clearing conscious means owning it – which she hasn’t done so yet, as she couldn’t even admit that to his face in a dream state. Instead, she told him to ignore the evil things that he was going to hear about her.

"I've done bad things, but the difference is I know who I am. You lied to yourself." Precisely why I can handle Sonny but not Ava.

Interesting how they have it set as a teenage Avery being in charge of the text messages.

"I have a new lease on life and I don't plan to waste it" So erasing scar cleans slate? Clearly nothing learned from her own crazy dream

January 18, 2017 Episode Reflections

To be honest, today’s episode was a bit of a bore for me. Not a whole lot to take away, no movement in storyline – I could’ve skipped and been fine with it.

But I will say that I am interested to see Laura’s reason as to why she can’t run for mayor now, considering how set she was on doing it initially. Plus, Jim’s sudden interest in Andy/Drew catches me off-guard, too.

Lastly, the ending scenes with Julian and Alexis together. Julian made the point, “We were supposed to be moving on” and notice how she couldn’t say a word. Alexis is far from being done with him, and I have a feeling they’ll be together again – against all wishes that I have.

Here’s to hoping the Friday episode is better. 

General Hospital - July 6-10, 2018 Episode Reflections

So is it a surprise that Nelle isn't believing a drop of how Michael left there to go see Jordan and Chase? She knows to always be suspi...