Wednesday, May 2, 2018

General Hospital - April 27, 2018 Episode Reflections

Frankly, this episode bored the hell out of me for a Friday episode.

Seeing Drew and Elizabeth in scenes together as my #Lake feelings tingling here. I'd be all for them getting together after Sam rids of Drew and the pathetic dream they have.
I'd like to see Franco go to this anonymous group. Maybe hearing the pain of others will let him see why the likes of Sam, Jason, Michael, etc can't forgive him. Because right now, I am feeling no sympathy in hearing Franco play the blame game. It's actually nice watching him feel guilty, considering he truly won't feel the guilt for what he did to Sam, Jason, and others.

So anyway, Kevin is right in saying, "You are a master of deflection. You will not begin to heal until you realize that it wasn't your fault - and then you can have the life that you should have." He is good at deflecting - including not recognizing pain caused to others despite his own. Maybe he'll grow. That said, I'm on the opposite side of Kevin saying, "I hope that life that you want for Elizabeth, I hope it works out."

We know that Drew could give her a better future and really, for me with Drew, I can't decide what I want - whether it be #driz or #krew - as both combinations are chemistry filled, and I remember how much I enjoyed #Lake.

Oh Sam in saying, "If you weren't Drew's friend, I'd be calling the cops right now." So Curtis isn't your friend, Sam? 

"There's something messing from this dude's background." "Oh yeah. What's missing?" "His background." That's one way of putting it.

I'm glad that Curtis doesn't cut corners in just getting to the point in saying, "Your COO is either a fake, or the dude is a ghost." As much as I was set for her to leave Aurora, I'm glad that she stayed on the case as it'll connect nice if Jason reveals more details of what he knows. 

Even Curtis knows what's happening in mentioning that "Aurora is all that Drew has left." So he doesn't have Sam anymore? That's nice of your bestie there to say, Drew. That said, he didn't get Aurora on his own though..... 

I wasn't surprised when Sam said, "Like it or not, I'm in on this now -and I'm not keeping secrets for Drew." Sam still has some regrets for what she did, and she wants to make his future as easy as possible given the news to come. Besides, it also lets her get deep-in on her PI skills. Like said, "You just told me that my COO may be a fraud. I'm not going to leave Aurora and leave Drew vulnerable like that." 

It'll be interesting in seeing what Sam can discover with an eye on Peter at all times. Please allow her to overhear one of his interesting conversations. And Curtis saying, "But I got the lead on this one. It's my case, and I'll see things as I see fit," we'll see how long that lasts as Sam does a great job running the show. 

So Drew was surprised by Sam's return in saying, "So you're back, huh?" Given your doubt in hearing that she was away with Jason, we can also give you the full details of the #jasamadventure if you please, Drew.

Love how Robert just got himself nice and comfy on Valentine's couch.

Oh Valentine trying to cover his own mess in saying, "You don't know if Faison has something good inside, or is waiting for someone to try and blow themselves up." I mean, that's a good cover-up really because something says that Valentine may be the man behind sealing the box.

That said, I'm looking forward to seeing more scenes with Robert and Valentine together. Robert brings out that evilness in Valentine that we've been teased but been missing in seeing. The fact that Robert said "Gotcha" as he left has me intrigued. Valentine did get a little defensive. Hence Robert saying to Anna, "This confirmed my suspicion. Valentine delivered your son to Faison on purpose." it doesn't surprise me given Valentine's history and knowledge. Now can we spread the truth on Valentine's way to everybody?

So Anna goes to Finn, "It's inevitable that Jason is going to find Heinrech and I have to work with him so he can't get a head of me." Once again, I feel pride in a government agent/spy saying that Jason can find someone quicker than her. That said, I'm glad that she told him, "The closer we got, the more you risked at seeing things that I had done - so I invented things to push you away." Hopefully Finn gives her sympathy and we can move forward with #fanna.

Sonny is right in saying, "Ava is relentless. She wants me to choose between my father, and my daughter." Now in past days, we would just rid of those who caused such harm. So where is that evil way now a days? Can we make her fall off a cliff, please? BTW, anybody could see this a mile away.

Monday's episode at least looks interesting. I want to know what Curtis said, I'm ready for #dream to have the #SaD break-up conversation, along with a dose of #carson and how can you go wrong with Jason? That said, aren't we trying to pack too much into one episode? #GH

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General Hospital - July 6-10, 2018 Episode Reflections

So is it a surprise that Nelle isn't believing a drop of how Michael left there to go see Jordan and Chase? She knows to always be suspi...