Wednesday, May 2, 2018

General Hospital - April 30, 2018 Episode Reflections

It was a decent episode of @GeneralHospital as there was some "wtf" moments and some positives. 

So Lulu going to Jason for Heinrech advice is perfect because he's right in saying, "Why are you thinking on any level this guy is harmless? All the evidence says otherwise." And beyond that, the rest of his advice was spot on. We feel your pain in the time spent away from Sam and Danny.
So I began rubbing my hands together when Sam said to Drew, "There is something I want to talk to you about - Aurora and what happens next."

So nice job Drew in finally admitting, "The company is half yours, probably more than that." Well, at least be recognizes where the money comes from. And really, it was nice the growth in him by actually admitting first, "I guess if we want to work together, we need to separate our personal life from our professional life. We need to get a divorce." I thought Sam would have to ask first.

Food for thought - if Drew is synced up with Heinreck and Valentine, it'd be perfect to keep Sam on board to have an eye out. Recall that suspicion. That said, I also don't trust that man to run a company alone. He doesn't do work.


"This proves that Valentine delivered your son directly to Faison." "No, it doesn't." Of course it'd ruin the perfect story that she knows and the hidden love there. Hence why Robert is right in saying, "It sounds like you're about to give Valentine a pass on this." Of course she would because she feels bad for using him. Meanwhile, he is the one of the best manipulators in the game given his work with Heinreck's secret so he deserved taste of his own medicine.

Now on the other side of town, you have Valentine sitting on the couch with a cocky grin, believing that nobody will find a thing due to the box. Ha. You obviously have underestimated Curtis, Jason, Sam, everybody involved. 

Oh Nina in asking, "Why would Robert think the box is for you? You hadn't even met Faison." Wanna investigate your own husband? I would want to considering his continued cockiness in saying, "Even if he is, that's not gonna matter because he's not going to find what he's looking for here."

Oh Curtis in saying, "I didn't find a thing, not a damn thing" with his aha moment says otherwise. I wonder if Curtis suspects Valentine. Hence not mentioning the Nathan file in his presence. That said, the file does change the game for Nina as she said, "Peter has an agenda. We need up the heat." Finally......


Based on that look on Peter's face, gonna take bets he saw a glimpse of Curtis. Looks like Drew's buddy needs some advice from the real PI in town, Ms. Samantha McCall.

So there's irony in Carly saying, "Who are you fooling? You'd love to see my family suffer." Why haven't you began to suspect her when it comes to all this other crap going on?

Now cue the head spin courtesy of Nelle saying, "See Diane, I wanted to talk to you about giving Carly custody of my baby." It marks perfect cover if suspicion grows about what has been going on. Shouldn't that increase suspicion? But I did laugh at her saying, "Jason's life is so up in the air. Besides, he's single. I want my baby to have two parents." He won't be single for too long.

"If I was you, I would batton down the hatches." "I'm already ahead of you." Then why haven't you suspected her so far?


With Ava immediately switching from warrant from full to joint custody after hearing Sonny's plan, it makes me doing her plan and the fact maybe Sonny should just stay on course.

To finish this off, I love the three sets of final scenes in relation to Heinreck's future. Please be near the end of outing Peter. I'm already looking forward to tomorrow's @GeneralHospital as #carson is always entertaining. I just hate that we've got Carly questioning herself without questioning Nelle.

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General Hospital - July 6-10, 2018 Episode Reflections

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