Sunday, December 31, 2017

General Hospital - 10 Memorable Jasam Moments

Let’s be real here. There’s no other man that can captivate us like Jason Morgan. In a simple glance, I can say this - I shall bow down to you, master, and do as you please without any objections. Between your eyes and your smile, you captivate me like nobody else can. I mean, these words from Emily state it all, to be honest. 
But Jason's love to Sam takes everything to a whole new level. If I have to rank the best ever soap couples, for me it goes #jasam (Jason and Sam - General Hospital), Rylee (Ryan Lavery and Greenlee - All My Children), and then Carson (Carly and Sonny - General Hospital).

So as we get set to celebrate the new year, and be hopeful for a reunion of a favorite couple (you know it's coming), here are 10 memorable Jasam moments in no particular order.


Sam was beyond amazing during the miscarriage storyline. She really brought the emotions in every scene - and Jason matched it right there, despite not showing a ton of emotion, but being the perfect comforting rock for her. Listen to his voice when he says, “You lost the baby….” You can hear the emotions of the loss in his voice, but how he wanted to be as comforting as possible to her in knowing how much it'd hurt her.


I love how she set him straight quickly, talking about all of his strengths.


"I thought about taking you to a play in Manhattan."
"A play? Don't you think you'd be bored?"
 "No, because while you were watching the play, I'd be watching you. You really get into that stuff - you cry, hide your eyes..."


"There's nights that I wake up without you beside me, and I think about everything - and it all comes flooding back to me. And I have to get up, I can't sleep, I have to go to work so I stop thinking about you." Jason, September 2006.

"The other half of me is constantly, searching, needing you." Sam, September 2006 

Hopeful for confessions like these soon from Jason because you know he's longing to be back with her as soon as possible, despite faking happiness for her and Drew together.


The hug was everything. His words after about how the bullet could've pierced through her and lose her - broke my heart to see them separate, but filled me with how much he showed care for her at the same time.


That was adorable. Poor guy didn't know what to do when Jason pulled out the real gun.


And you wanna tell me that Sam wasn't down for Jason's antics when she pulled off one even bigger? This is the type of fun that we need to get back to because it's what set @GeneralHospital apart from other soaps.


"What's wrong?"
"This is huge - this is our first night home as a family."
"You better get used to it." 

I am all ready for doing that if they get back together as we know they can have fun together, and with the kiddies.


This wouldn't be complete without dominoes and tequila.


Friday, December 29, 2017

General Hospital - December 29, 2017 Episode Reflections

"Baby, it's just You & Me, we got a thing they can't shake 
Maybe, it's a little hard sometimes to take
But I'll tell you something, its a life worth living
Just so you know, I wouldn't give it up, no."

Their song just fits them perfectly. 

But okay, with that out of the way, let's just get right to the juicy details, okay? I go into forth depth about #jasam by the way, before I even touch anything else. But that shouldn't surprise you considering today's events.
I couldn't help but laugh when they said the boat was on auto pilot and just sailing away by itself. Of course, this tweet made that laughter even worse...

"It's supposed to be me and Drew, not me and you..."  Sam back to her constant rambling and Jason just analyzing her words? Oh brings back so many memories of them in the penthouse together working out things...  We'll see if she believes that later. 

"We're going to be stuck on this boat for a few hours.." And no phone service? Thank you! It's exactly what you both need. Look into Jason's eyes. He is  putting the pieces together. You've got this time, why not use it to express your feelings? 

"She took things too far tonight. I'm going to talk to her." Jason / "I don't think there's anything you can say that will change her mind.  - Sam /// Least we've learned over the years that Carly will do as Carly does no matter what whether likey or not.

"Besides, you did the right thing. You took a step back. She's trying to change my mind." - Sam / It's technically not changing your mind, Sam. It's making you realize what you keep harboring away constantly in avoiding Jason and your emotions. I mean, do we need to go back to what you hid/said to both Carly and Monica?

"I herby challenge you to a game of dominoes.." / "Same rules?" / "Of course! Whoever loses the round, takes a shot of tequilla." /// Ah, yes! This episode couldn't have gotten any better! A trip down #dominoesandtequilla memory lane? Thank you! TBH I'd like to see them air their feelings out in the open & talk about what they feel in relation to each other, Drew, and the situation. But I'm not going to complain. Connecting over #dominoesandtequilla will allow them to see what they're missing. 

Truthfully speaking, their first time playing was really the start of something special as it allowed us a glimpse into the fun times that we were set to endure for the next several years.

You also love how she was having some teasing fun with it, starting to really loosen up. Like a lot of people said - we brought back a bit of the Sam that made Jasam what it was today, and I loved every minute of it. I mean, let's face it. Jason always did bring out the best in her, from the first time that they crossed paths, too.

"I doubt this is what Carly had in mind..." / "Probably not..." But hey, it's something, it's progress, and she'll be happy with that.

"I'm not with Drew because of Carly. I'm with Drew because I love him. A lot has changed in the past 5 years." Least she's admitting straight to his face now rather than shying. Now breaking down how you have changed so he understands would help. 

"It wasn't five years for me. I woke up and I had no idea how much time had passed, and all I could think about was coming home."  Excuse me while I ball my eyes out. This hit the feels immediately. 

"I'm glad that you went on and lived your life, and you have Drew, Danny and Emily." Jason always wished if something happened, she would be able to take care of herself and she did.  That took a lot of strength from her, too. 

"I miss you, I do, but I can't miss the life we could've had because it didn't happen. This happened and as long as you're happy, I'm good." Jason again hides how desperate he is for her, and continues to put her first - even at his own expense.

And notice how Sam never really looked happy back in response to his happiness for her family? It's like she's wanting him to say something else - admit that pain that he is feeling, admit his true emotions. Fight for her in respect. Remember originally back b4 reveal when she told him to "fight for his life?" Could she meant fight for her, too?

Can we please explore the option of drunk Jason? This could be widely entertaining! 

"Why would you make such a stupid play?" "I was distracted." "You're never distracted. You're losing on purpose so that way I don't get drunk." / Love how she called him out on it - even if didn't go smoothly after. Least she's keeping honest here. 

"Admit it, Jason Morgan, you're too polite to not get a lady drunk - unless she's your lady." He may be a hit man and can kill at will, but that man has the heart of gold. I absolutely love the drunken lady line the more times I hear it. And you can see in her eyes that she's feeling him so badly, wanting to reconnect, but scared to break Drew's heart, scared of what could come next. 

By the way, can we just freeze frame this entire Dominoes and Tequila scene and replay over and over? It's a good glimpse to what could be if @GeneralHospital lets #jasam rekindle again.

As Jason put on her coat, look in her eyes and her own hesitation - how she's realizing the emotions that she's been ignoring and trying to shelter with every other conversation. He's bringing it out of her slowly - even if not in the way intended too

The Kiss

General Hospital used the perfect flashback clips for their dance and kiss together. If you haven’t seen the original scene, do yourself a favor and do so. 

Personally, I love how he just stayed so focused on her, not caring one bit about the food, just wanting to be with her. And I can see why he likes dancing with her - it gives him yet another reason to just stare at her. #jasam #stelly #JaSamNYE #GH

I mean, the flashback worked perfectly because you see the same reaction in Jason here. Jason is watching Sam as she watches the fireworks. He always had a thing for admiring her, wanting to just watch her, be with her, let her live that moment. I mean let’s face it, Jason couldn't give a care about the fireworks, but rather focus on his girl. From staring, to saying "beautiful" in relation to her and not the sky like her. In that moment, forget those "beautiful" fireworks. Jason's eyes are locked on the one thing of beauty that he wants to have back in his arms more than anything in the world - even if he won't admit it because he doesn't want to push her. 

By the way, every girl needs a Jason (and Carly) in their life.

The smirk also when he asks her to dance? That was just the nice adorable touch - not overdone, but easily noticeable and connecting to them, too.

While Sam won't admit her feelings with voice, she tilted her head first - leading him in for that kiss. There's your confession of feelings. Now maybe post kiss, we can get into talking and moving forward? #jasam #stelly #JaSamNYE #GH

FYI – the flashbacks were their first kiss and dance, by the way.
You have to love #killy #dream fans that are going on the fact that the kiss is simply a dream that Jason is envisioning and will be knocked out to false. Keep dreaming..... 

By the way, General Hospital chose the perfect song for the closing credits because if you listen to the lyrics closely, they fit so much with how the #jasam story is coming together. The words "no matter what, it brings me back to you..." are a perfect foreshadowing of a #JaSamReunion2018.

So no previews for Tuesday, @GeneralHospital? Welp, that sucks. But I won't complain. I'll just stare into the lovely #dominoesandtequilla and kiss scene until then. 


So what happens now that Jason and Sam have kissed? Who knows! Ya never know. This may be the door opening that we've been waiting for, or could be the start of more longing and continued frustration. Regardless, we got to see that they actually do still have those feelings for each other deep down. Someone mentioned that this whole circus may last until Drew and Sam are set to be married on their wedding day – like typical General Hospital fashion. Truth be told? It's quite possible but at least this way, I think we'll get more scenes with them together, and maybe more touchy feely, unlike what we've been getting. I mean, now that Jason has seen that sign, he may chase after it more - rather than allow her to avoid him like we've seen so far.

Drew sees it - But why do I have a feeling that Drew is gonna see it and that's how they will cliffhang to Monday? I mean, let's just leave us in pain for an extra day because three days of waiting is nothing right? Nah, we'll be too overjoyed by the initial kiss anyway. But really, if he's going to see it, I'd like to see Drew show up with their lips still locked together, to see that passion they have for one another himself

Drew not seeing it - Now if the writers would've chosen for Drew to not see the kiss, the sneak around could've been entertaining though. I'm sure Danny would've helped that scheming. Sam says to Drew that she's taking Danny over to send time with the dog. Meanwhile, Jason meets them there. They spend time as a threesome, and then tell Danny to go off and play with doggy while having some alone time.

Now will he still go to Russia? I still think he was only going to avoid seeing her, Drew and Jake. But if she gives him a good enough sign, he may stay knowing that there is hope once again. Besides, maybe by then we'll have a new lead from Spinelli reading that manuscript.

Just thinking....

Let's go back to Thursday for a moment because another little tidbit came to me today, too. 

Sonny: you think it’s a good idea to keep distance btw you two? / Jason: Drew is not handling this well he’s angry every time he sees me he wants to explode. ...... I'm glad he finally said it in the open. So one has to wonder - Jason says he's keeping his feelings for Sam at bay because he wants her happy. But is the real reason because he don't want Drew to implode and cause Sam more emotional damage?

I mean, look at what he said to Carly yesterday, too. "I wanted to see if Drew would admit that he still has his company because of you." "Carly come on...." "Would it kill the guy to say thank you?" "Yes, yes it may...." 

Also, the latest spoiler has the possibility of Franco losing mind, heading down dark path, battling his inner demons. Can I say yes please? I'd be all on board having Franco go a little nuts again and return to his old ways. I mean, let's see his true-self come out. He was ultimately my favorite villain, and the most creepiest - but produced a spectacular storyline for #jasam in the process. 


From getting them on board, to the auto pilot, to Drew's car - Carly thought of everything so that way Drew couldn't even board afterwards. I give her mad props for planning.

"What did you do Carly?" "We both know Jason is capable of taking care of himself. But anything else, you're always stepping in..."  I love how Sonny is not giving up that Carly is up to something 

"Didn't you try convincing Jason that Sam was the only one?" 
"Yes, and it got nowhere so whatever you're planning, it isn't going to work." He lies. Chemistry is about to rock.

"Whatever is going to happen, is going to happen..." - Carly / "Is Jason somewhere with Sam?" - Sonny /// Love how Carly didn't technically lie, just took a nice sip of alcohol. Least she's being truthful with her words. 

"I'm the host of this party. I can't stand around talking about Sam and Jason." Oh Carly, you can find your way outta trouble no matter what. Sonny is going to find out the full details eventually.

"There's a superstition if you start off the year with a lie, you'll be lied to all year...." Technically Carly has spoken a lie in regards to her antics.

"First person he's going to blame is you." "I don't care. Because Drew is never going to be happy with Sam, because Sam is only going to be happy with Jason." Precisely because it seems when you have #dream together, Sam harbors feelings. 

"I love you because you're a force of nature, and my life is nothing without you." They're just perfectly adorable. #carson #GH

By the way, you can ride Carly's ass and want to yell all you want. But it's not like Carly tried to hide what she did. She didn't straight out lie to Sonny about it and when cornered, she told him the truth. And she said she'll own it straight to all their faces, too. I'm sure Drew will tell her off - he had no problem telling Sonny his thoughts. Now Sam? I think she'll yell at first for intention, but thank her for making her face her true feelings about the situation at hand. 

For the record, I'd be all for this being the next step in Carly scheming....

Odds & Ends

I have no issue in watching Valentine being beaten. I mean, he deserves it for some clear reasons. But by Cassandra? I actually somewhat like him more than her, strangely.

Drew and Kim stuck together in a car? Ah yes, let's watch them rekindle their old magic together. Maybe it'll help Drew reconnect back with some of his old memories.

"You used to say don't waste the chance to live your life..." Notice how Drew's eyes are changing, locked on thought? You have to wonder if he's having some half-flashbacks. 

Anybody notice how awkwardly Drew just abandoned Kim in the midst of traffic, climbing out to walk the rest of the way? I mean, he didn't even offer some sort of payment for her doing that for him against her own New Year's plans. But, it doesn't surprise me, considering he hasn't offered Jason back any of his money or things yet.

Finn is awkward in all of his corks, but you can see how Anna is falling more and more for him.

Anna, why did you let Finn leave the room? You should know better to keep a close eye on everyone until all ties are set.

That argument between #Lante just came out of nowhere and was really unnecessary.

"Who wants to bet that Finn is going to get kidnapped before Anna sees him? But instead, obviously Cassandra found him as they ended the episode. But where is Anna?


But why do so many people like Jason? Simply – this takeaway from his revelations from Sonny on Thursday should explain it all.

General Hospital - Friz Reflections for December 2017

For the record - I still hate Franco and don’t believe he has changed a single thing. So I really want to see him and Liz be over, and Franco just rot away.

Are we clear? Okay…..

"I need to be able to trust you with my boy's hearts." How can you say that when he just stated he wants to keep Jason away from Jake? #freeLiz #nofriz I mean Franco’s words, “I don't want Jason and Jake hanging out." That right there should throw a red flag for Elizabeth as she will do anything for her boys and seeing their parents #GH Besides, if Franco is thinking that Liz would drop him just because one person, like Jason, says they should break up, then Liz needs to let him go. Obviously he doesn't see how much she loves him #freeLiz #nofriz #GH
That said, man I wish Liz running and walking out was real #freeLiz #nofriz #GH

"He has a theory of keeping dark and sometimes damaging things inside of him. But I love him." So you're willing to subject yourself to that? You're willing to deal with lies and make yourself secondary? How is that even healthy? #freeLiz #nofriz #GH

"I'm learning to care about people, and I suck at it." Least Franco mentioned something. #GH
Sam to Franco I will carry those scars for the rest of my life. ---- He may had not done anything physically, but feeling and sensing mentally can be twice as damaging sometimes. #GH

"I thought we arrived at a truce." "You thought wrong..." I'm sorry, but I don't ever see Sam forgiving Franco and rightfully so. #GH

"I don't think you're done with Jason." Franco does speak one bit of truth in all this. We know Sam and Jason aren't done. #jasam #stelly #GH

Thursday, December 28, 2017

General Hospital - December 28, 2017 Episode Reflections

Bare with me, this is going to be a very long entry. But, if you have seen the episode, along with the spoiler, then you damn well know why.


But first - why is having Jason and Sam together so important? Here's a clue for those who missed their perfect era together.
Alright, now I will get into my reflections on the day.......

"I'm just wondering where Valentine is." "Maybe he stopped for a crime spree, or kidnapped someone..." Still can't believe how easily Nathan slipped that out...

#CarSon #SaSon #Jarly #Fab3 #Bromance

"What could be bad about New Year's Eve with Jason here to celebrate?" / "Actually, I have a plane to catch." Way to ruin my #fab3 vibes there, Jason. I can see why Carly gets desperate because my heart just dropped. Now Jason may want to use the Faison reason - and heck, that may be partially true as let's face it the leads have dried up. But after rejection from Jake, seeing Sam engaged, his sadness on New Years before going to see #carson - you can easily see why he would run away #GH

"I know better than to try and stop you." Carly / "Since when?" Sonny / "A girl can evolve." Carly. Sonny knew she was exactly going to do something before she did it. But I will admit that Sonny's reaction to Carly's immediate scheming thoughts had me laughing. He knows his girl so well.

"I'm glad that it all worked out." ......"Is that new? It's beautiful." ...... "I thought it'd be great for a fresh start." "Yeah, everyone could use one. Congratulations."  Carly is so good at covering her tracks.

"At some point you have to stop making it okay for Drew and Sam and figuring out themselves..." Gotta love the #bromance here immediately. Thank you Sonny for stopping him for advice. Least Jason admitted that he was running because of Sam. That took a big first step in us reaching his inner emotions. But "honoring Sam's choice"? Boy, do you not see the subtle hints and hidden emotions? Besides, you need to tell that girl how you feel. 

Jason is always putting Sam first, no matter what. Hence why he just sat back and let her do what she wanted to do. But damn Sonny, thank you for laying it on thick. Jason needed to hear that because maybe it'll open a dam of him showing his emotions. 

Outside of his advice about Sam, love the sweetness of Sonny's advice about Jake to Jason, and why he is feeling how he is, and how he will come around. They have the #bromance some can only dream of. 

"I just don't want you to take off and disappear again." "How could I give up my life here again?"  Good man because frankly, I don't think I could handle that again.

"If she wanted to choose me, if she did it on her own, I would get down on my knees and thank God. But I'm not going to ask her because she knows me..."  Same way he should know that she's holding back a ton of emotions. But I feel Jason does realize that in his words about Drew, and how it's affecting Drew and how he's shallow and can't figure out a way to handle his anger. In translation, that projects onto Sam - and Jason, not wanting to hurt her, just stands back. Wrong move? Yes, but its his extra caring self and how he handles things.

Like, it's conflicting in wondering if Jason has caught her hints at times. He does in one way, but doesn't seem to grasp it in another. Its like he wants to accept Sam's side of it - but knows that Drew is not accepting of him yet, and contradicts himself. I'd say he's 10% knowing how she really feels IMO

Regardless, Sonny was pouring the tea and then some today which had me watching the scenes twice, sometimes three times because there's so much to take away from them. I mean, just watch this one simple clip and you'll see what I mean.

"So what did the flight say?"  "Delayed."   "Ah, that's a bummer..."   "Do you really think that?" Carly, did you have anything to do with that, too? 

I love the discussion between Jason and Carly there. Brings back old feels in how Jason would be up against her schemes. "Now why would you do that?" Hah! But she's right in saying "I'm not sorry. But you and Sam belong together no matter what..."  But I give Carly credit, though. She knew exactly what to do to make Jason go to the Haunted Star. 

"I was curious. I wanted to see if Drew would admit that he still has his company because of you." "Carly come on...." "Would it kill the guy to say thank you?" "Yes, yes it may...." Jason's comments on Drew to Sonny and now this? Perfect! Glad that I'm not the only one who believes Drew is a shallow flower.

"I love you, but I don't want you fighting this battle for me. Unless it's business, you don't think I can handle my own life." That's because you're a chicken and afraid to admit your true feelings and need some helpful friendly encouragement. That's why you have her.

"Who picks my ties?" "That's because you have to understand that you need to complement your eyes." Anything that brings out those baby blues is fine by me. #jarly #GH

"How's the chef?" "Great. The menu is all set."  "What are you up to?"  "Nothing.... So, are you all done with work?"  "Off the clock." "That's the way I like it." "So where's Jason?" "I don't know..." Sonny knows no matter what he says, she is up to something.... 

Thank you Maxie. Glad to see that someone has Samantha's dress appeal in thought because obviously she's not thinking much lately. By the way, Sam did look good in red. Too bad she didn't go with that dress.

They saw each other! Well, she didn't have a negative reaction or yell at him or really, frankly, she didn't say anything. Obviously caught off-guard. But hello, you can tell that he was caught off-guard too and probably smiling because he realizes just how pretty his girl is #GH

So what will happen on Monday when they all face Carly after her little scheme? I'm sure both Sam and Andrew will yell at her. Sam has had no problem for yelling at her for meddling and antics in the past. Now Jason yelling at Sam? He will have some annoyance (a little) but we know him - it'll just get brushed off shoulder bc he knows its needed. And oh setting them up manipulates them? Once set up on the boat together, Sam doesn't need to say anything to Jason. She could just walk away, she could tell him that she doesn't love him. But no, her feelings instead come out.... #GH

I love this #Fanna bickering. Finn's corks are just perfect with Anna's ways.

"I would never cheat on you in a fake relationship. I would never cheat on you in a real relationship, either."  / "I guess we'll never know..." Admit your feelings children....

Finn is just standing back admiring his lady at work.... #Fanna #GH

Of course they would find the listening device.... #GH

"There you have it. It's finished." "Our partnership is over..." Oh it better not be. I'm sure they'll find excuses to see each other - esp Finn - till they can admit their feelings. #Fanna #GH


"Is it normal for pregnant woman to get lightheaded all the time?" Morning sickness? 

I also really don't like Nelle's put off attitude in having Monica as her doctor, either. Shouldn't well-being no matter what doctor be all that matters?

"What if this was Nelle's plan all along to spend New Years with Michael?" / "In the hospital?"  Sonny, you should know when Nelle gets desperate it doesn't matter where and how. Remember what she did to you?

Like how Drew double-checked paternity of kid before saying, "Congratulations" to Michael. #GH

"Least we know how to keep things interesting..." That's why we keep tuning in - even if we don't think you're interesting yourself, Drew. #GH

"I have a feeling that my new job is going to solve all of our problems." Scheming with Ava never worked for a lot of other people, Nelle. Don't think you'll get lucky with it, either. #Melle #GH


Sonny tells Carly whatever she is planning won't work #GH #CarSon ---- Oh Sonny, you should never question Carly's methods - oh wait, nevermind. Most of her plans have failed before hah But this one, I have faith in it. I mean, there's a kiss at the end of it so what could go wrong?

So how long do we stare at each other before we say something? #JaSam #Stelly #JaSamNYE

And Kim helping Drew find Sam? Girl, don't you want your man back? 

Glad that Anna offered Finn to stay there. #Fanna #GH

The Kiss Spoiler
I'm not big for spoils but I'm glad that I watched it. Oh my heart burst immediately. And the dancing flashback? Perfectly chosen... I can't wait for their conversation now. She won't be able to hide her feelings after the kiss. 

By the way, love how Jason is watching Sam as she watches the fireworks. He always had a thing for admiring her, wanting to just watch her, be with her, let her live that moment. And the smirk also when he asks her to dance? That was just the nice adorable touch - not overdone, but easily noticeable and connecting to them, too.

But why do I have a feeling that Drew is gonna see it and that's how they will cliffhang to Monday? I mean, let's just leave us in pain for an extra day because three days of waiting is nothing right? Nah, we'll be too overjoyed by the initial kiss anyway.

Now if the writers would've chosen for Drew to not see the kiss, the sneak around could've been entertaining though. I'm sure Danny would've helped that scheming. Sam says to Drew that she's taking Danny over to send time with the dog. Meanwhile, Jason meets them there. They spend time as a threesome, and then tell Danny to go off and play with doggy while having some alone time.

Non-Episode Related Jasam Reflections

For those who say that Sam is set with Drew, and there's no future for her with Jason - not that you can say that with the spoiler released anyway - there has always been a future shown since Jason's return. Sam's been showing that conflicted emotions the whole time - just not right in the open. Look at her reactions to conversation with Carly and Monica. Look at how she avoids conversation with Jason, and shows little emotion as possible - scared it'll break through. They're writing it slowly - while, until now anyway.

And like I've stuck by from the beginning, I just don't see her totally being over Jason till she can go through a true heart-to-heart, hearing every bit of his feelings, and still walk away. But going through this, I do not envy her at all as I know it'd be a tough call either way based on the positives and negatives. Obviously personally I want to see #jasam be end game. BUT If she's happier with Drew, then I'm willing to accept that - as long as Jason is able to find his happiness, and be able to be there for his kids Danny and Jake.

And for those saying that Jason never put Sam first - he has done so much for her, and said so many times over how much he loves her before he came back and afterwards. And recall before, he never got a choice to really choose and go about then Franco showed up, and then Heather took Daniel. So maybe given the chance to show her he can do that. Speaking of which, they were both so powerful and amazing during the whole Franco storyline. Seeing how much they'd do anything for each other, how they'd comfort each other, these lovely little moments despite chaos. .....Can we get back to this, please?

And for those who want to say that Sam never voiced her true feelings and always walked eggshells with Jason - the eggshell fact can be discounted because she did call him out on decisions plenty of times, and she wasn't afraid of telling him what she thought about those in an honest matter. She always seemed to break down her emotional walls each situation for him.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

General Hospital - December 27, 2017 Reflections

"Laura Collins. It has a ring to it." It sounds great actually. #KevLaur #GH

"I know who would have my vote. Someone with character, heart, someone who would protect the legacy of Port Charles. I can tell my candidate would be my wife, Laura Collins." Kevin has such a great way with words. I'd like to see her as mayor. #KevLaur #GH

"I don't feel comfortable with such an expensive object." Anybody would've known not to get a prist that because they know their connection to faith and objects. #GrAva #GH

I can see why Ava would think there's something going on between Griffin and Kiki. We've seen the daughter-mother sharing act before courtesy of Morgan. Frankly, #GrAva disgusts me so I'm all for some #Kiffin love if #Killon is over. #GH

Crazy to see Maxie and Amy working together after all the Ask Man Landers chaos. But I wouldn't trust Amy with a DNA test. She's likely to mess it up by easily being distracted, or blab to the wrong person. #GH

"Focus on what lies ahead of you. Don't look back." If someone is telling me that in the tone that she used and I am Nathan, that just makes me want to look deeper even more. #GH

"A coo-coo clock? Okay? One to wake us up every hour on the hour for the baby? Do you think your mom had one as a child and that's why she's like this?" Gotta love Maxi Jones! #Naxie #GH

"We don't get to choose who we fall in love with - we just get to choose how we deal with it." Felica's words can be used in so many ways right now on the show. Hopefully both #jasam and #Fanna do well in their steps. #GH

I wouldn't want to go on a side trip with Cassandra either. Smart move Finn. #GH

"Its a little James Bond meets the 3 Stooges, but it worked." Finn never does anything conventional. #Fanna #GH

"Then this whole charade would be over and we can go back to our lives." I don't think that's going to be as easy as it sounds there, Anna. Stop denying the chemistry! #Fanna #GH

So Lomax steps down just like that? Where the fire that we used to see out of our Port Charles mayor and her craziness? #GH

Previews for December 28, 2017

"Are you sure this isn't about wanting to get away from Sam?" Glad Sonny calls him out, and you can just see by Carly's reaction she thinking immediately. Let those gears turn because a planning crazy Crazy makes the world spin round and round. As annoying as those plans can be, I actually miss those lately.

I could kill Cassandra right now as I have wanted to since entering #GH stratosphere. But attempting to go after Sonny? Hah! You obviously haven't learned from everybody else who has tried - esp with Jason back by his side.

Drew and Michael together could be interesting.

Non-Episode Thoughts...

Let's just say soap twitter has been a very busy place today because holy cow, there's been discussion about everything underneath the sun in relation to Jason, Sam and Drew. So here's some bonus thoughts from me because hey, why not?

No matter what people may say about Billy Miller's position about Drew, let's make something clear - Billy Miller always signs one year contracts, no matter what soap he is with - not that it matters to me because I want to see Jason and Sam together anyway. But trying to use the length of his contract as a reason to state that JaSam is automatically end game is a little unfair stated here. Besides, we have better reasons as discussed previously in this very blog (see my JaSam musings if you missed those).

Now they mentioned how he may be upset with change of character, but he keeps denying that. I wonder if it's true based on how he just seems to dose through compared to at least some emotion before. But he had to know that once Steve came back, he was going to get the role. I mean, let's face it. Billy not cutting it was very true as I wasn't feeling it like I've ever felt with Steve even in his weak moments which are rare. 

Least general hospital is giving him a second chance with a new character knowing his abilities to see if he can make it happen like he has shown before, but I've noticed an even weaker Billy lately. Now if he doesn't show some sort of good change in the next year, who wants to bet there will be no renewal? Maybe as they establish the new Drew, we will get something going. One can only hope for the story-sake. 

Now if Billy is happy, then that's great. I hope he grows more in the role and becomes someone that I can really like. For now, he's just meh for me with what I'm seeing. That's my honesty coming out.

But personally, as of right now, he wouldn't be a big loss if he did go away after the year was up. #sorrynotsorry

Frankly, this could be based on his behavior so far. I can admit that I was annoyed with his constant whining. I can admit that I was annoyed with him playing himself up as the lonely victim despite both Sam and Jason being victims just like him. I can admit that I was annoyed because it didn't seem at first he was taking a single step to find his damn self. But now certainly he is taking the right steps in looking for answers, from talking to Andre to talking to Jason to agreeing to listen to the CD.

Does this change how I feel about him? Not quite yet. He could still do more to really win over my seal of approval, if that matters. I mean, he hasn't taken the step of offering Jason anything back. I mean, yes, Jason stepped up and said keep the penthouse, keep the company. But what about offering the money back? What about offering belongings in the penthouse, sentimental things? Small steps go long ways. 

Oh, but don't you know that Jason has to ask for it first according to Drew's fans? Yeah, that's what I damn well heard today, too. And for sure, he could do that. That's why there's 50/50 blame on both sides here of the coin no doubt. I just don't see Jason doing it because he always puts Sam first, and doesn't want to put her in the middle. Hence why he gave up the house and allowed her to keep the company. But he shouldn't have to ask first. Shouldn't the person who stole and committed said crime, whether intentional or not, give up to clear their own conscience? Shouldn't that be part of Drew starting over and finding himself? Shouldn't he want to give back something that's not his so he can't be tied to it - especially if he's so concerned over mob danger?

Oh, and I honestly laughed out loud when a Drew fan messaged me back that the above offerings are probably happening off-screen. Are you kidding me? That doesn't damn well go with what we're seeing in that man's attitude on-screen so I have to think you're lost in your virtual damn world. Regardless, it'd be nice to see at least a piece of it on screen.

The best is when some said that Jason never put Sam first. Cue the laughter for days here people because in many ways he did if you look back through the years - and other times, you're right, he may not have simply chosen her. But did she ever to his face object his life then? Did she ever to his face call him out? Nope, that was just how they were in their balance together. But again, I can't blame him for putting Sonny first sometimes and their brotherhood together. I mean, it was Sonny that taught him a lot about life and helped him down the road he took. They also bonded real closely with all they've been through, too. So can't fault him there. 

I mean, besides, why should Jason have to give up everything in his life to prove his love for Sam to you, when really, Sam is giving up nothing in return? It should be same both sides with no hypocrites so guess Sam has to give up Alexis, Kristina, Molly, etc, too - especially Alexis since she has close ties to ex-mob boy Julian.

I get some people are uncomfortable with Jason's ways - but hey, as we've seen on the show before with previous love interests with other characters, it's not a life for everyone to live and enjoy.

Another defense? Get ready to laugh.......Sam had no voice in the relationship. IMO Sam did have a voice in that relationship because there were lots of times that she told Jason how she felt - lots of times where she actually did the only talking with that.

Right now, though, Sam is perfectly fine with Drew - and hey, that's fine if she's truly happy, I guess. I mean, what else can I say? But IMO once he drops those emotional bombshells, she's doomed. I know I would just fall right into his lap. That's why Sam not fitting with Jason anymore, I'm not going to straight out say that yet - not until they have a real heart-to-heart and she hears out his emotions and even with those laid on the table can walk away. I'm not about to give up hope even with that summer behind us until that conversation. Maybe it's false, but I'm not the type to ever give up on #jasam

On that note, regardless what reasons Steve had for coming back, I'm very thankful. Let's face it - Steve has brought back the true soapy feels that I was missing, and has made me cry at times. From his reunion with Sonny, to missing Sam, to his reunion with Carly, then Spinelli, but especially the one with Danny. There was instant chemistry there for Jason and Danny. You could see it from their first encounter in Sam's hospital room. And their hug? That hug meant everything especially after the longing for Danny when Heather had him. I can't wait for more scenes of them together. 

And while some may say him signing a three-year contract means squat - actually, there are a ton of Steve Burton fans that do give a damn about that contract - myself included, because I know I am guaranteed 3 years of pure General Hospital bliss in my favorite being back. That said, even after the three year contract is done, I do not see Steve walking away from General Hospital again because you can see in his interviews, social media, and how he's right back to character that he's glad that he came home. I mean, did you see the facebook live that he did with Laura Wright? Lots of laughs and so much immediate chemistry that doesn't even need to be acted with them.

I will admit that I was about to totally give up on General Hospital, actually skipped watching days and weeks in a row. But have I missed a day since Steve has come back? Nope.

General Hospital - The Carly Effect on Jasam

It's been spoiled that Carly has a plan coming together for the end of this week for Jason and Sam - and I cannot wait. Scheming Carly is always fun to watch and laugh at.

But that aside, she has been my hero lately. Beyond the emotional scenes on Friday with Sonny and Jason, to her constant advice for Sam on both occasions has been spot on beyond anything. But it makes sense that she can give good advice cause Carly's been there, loving two people at once, with Jax and Sonny.

And sure, she inserted her opinion and vote for #jasam throughout, but at least she admitted it to Sam that she was doing that purposely - but still got some real good advice that Sam needs to take to heart. #CarSam #GH

"Be with the one who gets you . Who really gets you all the way to your toes . Otherwise what's the point?" is the best advice Carly has ever given, right up there with her point a couple weeks back that "Andrew is a good man, and he loves you. But Jason owns your heart and your soul and you own his. And admitting this is gonna be the hardest thing you ever done but it’s the best thing for everyone.....especially Andrew”" #CarSam #Jasam #Stelly #GH But that advice hits home because it seems right now Sam has to safe guard feelings with Drew, whereas she can be flat out honest when she chooses with Jason. Do you want life of hiding emotions? #jasam #stelly #GH

Carly’s words that, “Jason is just as much a victim as Drew. It really seems like Drew has all of your sympathy, and that Drew is the only one who is allowed to grieve” were just perfect as that’s what we’re seeing in the lack of emotion shown on Jason’s end. Way to drop that truth bomb and speak for a good portion of the viewing audience! #gh

"I'm rooting for Jason. I'd be lying about that. The team I am on is yours." They've grown so much over the years. #carsam #GH There was a time you never would’ve heard Carly utter words even close to that, ever.

"Jason is going to be just fine." "Listen to yourself. That's exactly why you're with Drew." Sam is avoiding her own #jasam feelings because she doesn't want to face the pain of crushing Drew since yes, like always, Jason can shoulder everyone's pain. #GH

Carly is also right about Sam needing to take a breather and step back from both men to figure out where she stands. I mean, anybody would respect that given the situation.

"You love Jason. & no matter how much u guard your heart, it will come out. And no matter how much u not say something, Drew will realize. He’s out there doing the noble thing, you're doing the same, & no matter what nobody wins." Carly's advice is on point again #carsam #jasam #GH

“Even if you don’t say it, Drew will know (just like Patrick did), hell he probably already knows” - Carly / That could explain the doubts that he has expressed in each piece of his life coming out, and the fact that he continues to need reassurance.

General Hospital - Jason and Danny (Delayed) Reflections

Although there’s so many rants and wrongs to be expressed for Jason and Sam together, can we just say that the Danny situation was done beyond perfectly? My heart swelled immediately with tears in my eyes. It was absolutely adorable, beyond cute, beyond spectacular - just perfection. Tears and emotions. I remember sending a friend that those tears were the most soapy tears I've had in a couple damn weeks since the last couple of reunions.

TBH I'm glad that @GeneralHospital is allowing Jason to reunite with Danny quickly. He regretted the time he lost as a father to Jake when he lied about being the father for his protection. He didn't get the time with Danny due to the kidnapping. This is beyond necessary. Admittedly, I was nervous about it happening after Sam said to Jason, "I know Danny's your son. But he loves Drew. And it's a family, and I know that's what you always wanted for him."

So thank you so much @GeneralHospital for finally letting these two truly connect. @1SteveBurton deserves this moment as Jason after all the crap he went through with Franco.

Also, big step by Drew to come out and admit that it's time to tell Danny that Jason in his father. You can tell that Drew's own situation with Oscar is already changing him - in a good way. I may not kill him after all.

As soon as Jason asked if he could get to know Danny, and Danny asked for that hug..... emotional overload. Takes me right back to Jason saving his life and then Sam envisioning for that moment to happen #jasamiel #GH Remember, he never got the true time with him after Heather kidnapped him, and after the paternity was discovered.

Like I’ve said over and over - cutest, most emotional, best scene that we've seen in weeks goes to Jason & Danny. Literally tears. From the emotions of Jason being away spread a little, to knowing that Jason has waited five years for that hug, to Danny's cuteness. Perfection #jasamiel #GH I absolutely loved how Danny's face keeps lighting up when he sees Jason, wanting to talk to him, looking towards him. It's like instant chemistry. #jasamiel #GH

Notably, it’s always been clear that he has loved Danny, too, as that was shown right from the beginning with Heather.

"Can I go play cars?" I love how Danny just walks off as if nothing happened. #GH

And although not really Jasam or Danny, I just want to say that I really hope we get to see more special moments with Jake and Jason together. I know it's going to take time as Jake adjusts to the news, and gets to know Jason and see he's not a bad guy, but with time we get can get there. #GH When Jake does open up, though, we know the emotions there will be overdrive due to their history with Jason giving him up, Jake's supposed death, and Cassadine Island. Don't lose out on time again, Jason. #GH

Right now, I think it’s an ill-handled situation all across the board as it shocked me that Liz wouldn't let Jason be there for when she and Drew revealed the truth. Having Jason there, allowing him to answer some of the questions, gives comfort to a confused child.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

General Hospital - December 26, 2017 Reflections

I totally forgot to watch @GeneralHospital at a timely matter today, but I didn't overly miss much. 

"I'm looking at you u like you're my brother, best friend - but those aren't my feelings to have. And I don't know what to do with that." A true confession from Drew without a thick of whining surprised me, as well as the regrets of not being able to save Morgan were worth hearing. On the flip side, it was nice to hear Sonny express his thoughts and thankfulness for Drew saving his life, too.

"You wanted someone that would do anything for you, despite what it could do to my wife and kids. Am I wrong about that?" Not at all, because Jason understood the reasons, and continually accepted those threats and possibilities. But on the flip side, Jason had a wife that stood by him during those times, and never asked him to leave the mob for her. She accepted the danger, sometimes jumping right in the midst herself.

 "Sounds like Jason does whatever you ask." "Most times I don't even need to ask, but it's understood and we know each other - like when he came back and I knew it was Jason." That right there explains the relationship that is Sason. They're each others ying-and-yang, always in-sync, always understand each other, always there for each other. And for Drew to insist that Jason just bows to Sonny, clearly we need to enlighten the man on some of their arguments (which would be in his memories, if you think about it) over things and how Jason helped Sonny change his mind. Heck, that'd break Jason's first rule of thumb - everybody is set to live their life how they choose.

 "As much as we may seem to be friends, my life has begun to move in a different direction, and your life and my life don't fit together." Lives don't need to fit together 100% to be understanding and friendly. I think if Drew would get off on a Drew note with Sonny, then maybe they could find a new ground.

 "Is everything okay?" "Just two guys coming to grips with reality. Look, my life doesn't start and stop with Sonny - but it does for you, because I love you, and that's all that matters." So you're just saying that Jason's life is based on Sonny alone? I guess in the memories that are locked in your own damn head you're forgetting about the times that Jason has had with other people, and how they play apart in his life and loves, and even still do today. Robin? Carly? Sam? Elizabeth? His kids? Michael? Monica? Do I need to go on?

 "Cold, and an incredible view of the night sky." Up north with a view of the northern lights?

 "Drew grew up in an orphanage, and was always lovely - but that may be me projecting." Just great, lets give Sam another reason to feel bad for him.

 "When Drew saw you, the first time he saw you, he said he had a feeling you were familiar." "So do you think Drew remembered me?" "Do you know when you see someone that you can't point out from where? I thought it was a memory coming through. You know when you paint over wallpaper and it bleeds through? I was hoping if we could find some information, it would jar his memory." So Sam believes just like Jason that Drew knows more than he realizes? Hope it comes through - perhaps starting with the CD. Glad Kim dropped it off for Drew.

 I love the chemistry coming out more and more between Fanna, too.


  • Why do I have a feeling that Griffin and Kiki are surprising Ava with more treatment for her scaring in a proper way?
  • Amy and Maxie working together? I didn't think that'd be possible, but Amy messing with some medical stuff is right in her alley given her behavior to date.
  • "You're not the man I thought you were..." Well Cassandra, glad that you're realizing it sooner than it took some with Finn. He's unique in his corky way.

OF NOTE: I will not be watching General Hospital in a timely matter tomorrow (boooo!) but will try to watch at night despite not being very caught up in those featured tomorrow anyway. That said, I can't wait for the fun to begin Thursday and Friday with Carly, Jason, and Sam. 

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Musings of Jasam – December 2017

In the past month, it’s obvious that General Hospital has been torturing Jasam fans with the interactions between Jason and Sam, and whether they actually are damn well going to open up to each other. Frankly, the worst of those was on December 21 – the debut of this blog, ironically.

But beyond what I had to say there, here’s some other musings to consider…

I feel that I'd be fine with #Dream #Killy being together. I just hope it's genuine and only by Sam truly facing her feelings - not avoiding conversations or thoughts like she has with Jason. If she can have that conversation with him openly and admit it - then fine. #jasam #Stelly #GH. Admittedly, If #Dream end up staying together, my heart will be torn apart for Jason and his heartbreak. There will be a load of sadness. But, if he can find a way to move forward, probably with help from #carson, then I've brought myself to know it'll be okay. #GH

That said, he shouldn’t be forced to handle it.

But I will remain skeptical because let’s face it - the proposal came out of nowhere, perhaps pure desperation because she saw Drew on the edge of control, not wanting to watch him breakdown further. Recall Drew’s words in saying, "I feel like I'm losing everything right now...." That's why Sam doesn't want to pull the final piece of the puzzle because she's afraid it'll break him further. But how long can you deny yourself your feelings for Jason? #jasam #stelly #GH

When Drew didn’t accept it at first, I was waiting for Drew to use the line that he sees her love for Jason - instead of the "not knowing self" comment. #GH Truthfully, it shows growth in his character after all of Drew’s whining that we’ve put up with.

Now even if Sam is set on being with Drew and wants that to be her life – which is fine as that’s her call, she should show more sympathy - there's no denying that across the whole board. I mean, here’s a guy that you shared a life with, set a future with, had a child with – and you’re almost appearing to just toss him to the curb because you have built this new life with Drew. With all the love that you have for Jason, doesn’t that give you enough to offer some decent courtesy? I mean, look at when she walked into the restaurant. She acknowledged Sonny and Carly, but not Jason. Shouldn’t you acknowledge all 3 people? #GH And then when she said, "I know Danny's your son. But he loves Drew. And it's a family, and I know that's what you always wanted for him." That quote really stung at the time before we saw the reunion between Jason and Danny (thankfully). I mean, you’d think there’d be a need to show compassion when she knows, “Jason always does whatever I ask.. no matter the costs”

That said, as we move forward, there are signs of them coming together and I think Jason can see that, too. I mean, she knew he was Jason from the beginning. But if she would've said something - it would've set Drew off. Hence why she waited until the truth was out.

We also had a small realization when she said to him, “When I was sitting at the police station listening to you go over what happened to you, I realized that I've been so focused on Drew and how much he was hurting that I didn't pay attention to you and everything that's been taken away from you. #GH #JaSam” even if that didn’t get us anywhere. 

Jason has always known the true Sam and loved her for who she is - just like he can see now how she holds back certain emotions with him. Recall he could see that right from the beginning with her when he told her, “I don’t care what anyone says. Nobody is gonna tell me who you are... I already know.” I mean, look at the chemistry that they showed even with Drew standing right there as they talked about Drew’s memories floating around Port Charles in a disco ball.

But her signs of loving him showed in her conversation with Monica. Sam: I can’t even say his name...let alone be around him. Monica: Why? Because you’re angry? Sam: No! No, it’s just the opposite. I think about him, of course, and I — all these memories they come back, and I don’t know what to do with that.”

It also showed when she tried to avoid even having a conversation with him on the pier, too.

I think him saying something is what will push the button for her to stop trying to suppress her own feelings. #jasam #stelly #GH But we know that isn’t just going to happen. General Hospital is playing this right in typical Jason fashion. He hides those emotions, letting them just show in his eyes, until they reach the breaking point and then it cracks big time. And when it does, it's like a tidal wave that you can't deny. With how the Christmas show went on Thursday, maybe experiencing a rough Christmas is what he needs, though. It may make him cave to finally showing his true emotions.

For now, though, he’s doing what he always does. He has always been about solving problems, finding answers, and dealing with it. He wants to make the person who kidnapped him pay and eliminate a possible repeat. Right now, the next clue rests in Drew's memories.... #GH "You think there is still a threat..." "Fiason switched Drew and Jason for a reason. We just don't know the reason." Hence why Jason is focused on that - and using it as a distraction from Sam #jasam #stelly #GH By the way…… You’d think Sam would be helping figure out the answer considering that she loves both twins, as stated numerous times. #GH

There are signs of the emotional breakthrough for Jason, by the way. Recall when he said the words, “Faison is the reason you are trying to give me the ring back! He's the reason I lost 5 years!" The emotion in his voice as he said that.

He also didn’t take her ring back, too. That was a key factor in my eyes. The ring is supposed to go to who he loves. Basically, he's saying to her that there will be no one else that he will love because his heart belongs to her. I mean, his eyes as she went to hand him back the ring just break the heart. You know bud, you could just tell her back that you're still married technically. #jasam #stelly #GH
But they do need to get back for together for the sake of the island, dominoes, and tequila. That poor island is like been abandoned for a long time now. It needs to come back - and these two can bring a good spark. #Jasam #Stelly #GH

Also….. Isn't it ironic that he saved her from those waters and that was their first moment seeing each other again? #jasam #stelly #GH

That scene on the water had a good amount of stuff – even outside just the ring comment. I like how soon as one of them is set to breakaway due to emotions cutting too deep, they find another topic to address that's easier. But again, it'd be nice for old time sake to hear Sam offer suggestion of which way Jason should go next with investigation #jasam #stelly #GH

SIDE BAR: Alexis

Her constant need to try and run Sam’s life, and tell her that she shouldn’t be with Jason is annoying as heck. Hence why I can't wait for her to get back with Juliane, just so her girls can rip her apart and Sam can be like, "So you can tell me but you're with him?" #DavisGirls #GH I mean, she goes ahead and tells Julian that he’s “free to live your life how you want it." So that means you can't be telling Sam and Jason who they can love. #jasam #stelly #GH

But you know, Alexis won’t just do that. She continues to play her influence. Recall her words to Drew - "I will help you - if I can count on your help." Whether you like it or not, Sam is a grown woman and can do as she chooses - including leaving Drew and going back to Jason. So if Ms. Alexis tries to control her life, she's going to have another thing coming. #jasam #stelly #GH

General Hospital – 2006 Chapter Relection (And Connection)

While the current landscape of the show has me captivated, I have been spending my time reliving the past with a glance back to 2006. A quick search on YouTube will lead you to a playlist titled Jasam 2006, with all of Jason and Samanta’s clips from then.

Recall, this year saw some twists and changes that ultimately helped shape the future.

Jason took over the business from Sonny in an effort to protect his sister Emily, who was dating Sonny at the time. Really, the turmoil that #Sason went through together honestly gives a whole new meaning to their brotherhood, and how they always have each other's back no matter what.
Now recall that in the midst of that, Sam and Jason both got shot, which saw Jason try to push Sam away in order to protect her – which then saw her drunken state sleep with Ric Lancing, which he saw and slept with Elizabeth. We all know that led to Jake.

Do I blame Jason for hurting Sam? Nope, he was trying to protect her and fear blinded to confusion. Do I blame Sam for sleeping with Ric? While not the best choice in men – she could’ve chose someone else, I don’t blame her out of the pain that she was feeling. And then do I blame Jason for sleeping with Elizabeth? He could’ve waited and approached Sam first, but emotions high at the time – combined with a past with her, and you can easily see that happening.

But I digress since we saw how Sam and Jason eventually came back together, stronger than ever. Truthfully, maybe they both needed this to understand each other more, and truly realize how much their love is worth. Her words then telling Jason to fight for their love, fight to be together, notice how much they care and how "they'll always love each other." Gives me faith that we'll see them fight and find their way together now, too. #jasam #stelly #GH

In some ways, there are things back here that really could relate to today – if say you’re in real life, you reflect back to previous lessons and this would be where Jason could look back. Carly's lecture for Jason in August 2006 matches so many things happening now. The fact that when it comes to fear, he runs because he can't battle it. He's afraid of never reconnecting with Sam now so he's remaining quiet. Carly needs to crack his shell again #jasam #stelly #GH. One of the most telling quotes from this time between Carly and Jason had to be when she said, “I can look at your face & see what's going on. Everybody looks at you & sees this unreadable block of cemenet. But I can look at your eyes, Jason, and see that you're in pain."

This time also saw the Manny chapter finally come to a conclude, too – but nobody wants to talk about sick freaks. Well, except Franco but that’s only due to him being constantly shoved down our throats.

Despite the chaos, there were some fun scenes – and a whole new respect gained for Max. Personally, I love Max’s character and how he is, and his relationship as referenced to Diane. There was the time that he had me in laughs, too. "I even tried to go into therapy, but I can't stop thinking about it. The kangaroo, the yacht, the money." And then Sonny’s reaction when he entered about Max drinking? Completely priceless. Truthfully, @GeneralHospital needs to give him more fun stuff like this. And where did the random kangaroo note come from?

General Hospital - July 6-10, 2018 Episode Reflections

So is it a surprise that Nelle isn't believing a drop of how Michael left there to go see Jordan and Chase? She knows to always be suspi...