Thursday, April 26, 2018

General Hospital - April 25, 2018 Episode Reflections

So today's @GeneralHospital episode was awesome. @1SteveBurton and @kellymonaco1 still have it together. Get ready for some #StellyMagic tonight.

It was great to hear Sam say that she had a great time. But she didn't need to as that smile said it all before she spoke, though. That said, Jason is certainly enjoying this, too, in speaking of admiration for his beauty in saying, "he didn't have a chance against you...."

But then also with Sam adding, "I needed that" following the whole bank situation and a bike ride together - yeah, she's not playing a single bit here. So much for that changed for the kids, right?
So like I did in the preview the day before, I smiled in Sam saying, "Come on Jason, Spinelli stranded us here on purpose."  But I gotta hand it to him - he set that up nicely. That said, I would've done that well as they need to see the chemistry that we all see.

It's almost a chuckle in hearing Sam say, "We need to talk with him as too many coincidences keep coming up." Meanwhile, Spinelli hasn't taken any action - just observed - so it can only be one other thing causing this - fate. Isn't fate so wonderful? I mean, she even recognizes that because of the phone call to the airport about the flight.

Oh Jason in saying "it won't happen again because he respects you." Spinelli also has enough confidence based on time spent with you for what is going to happen soon.

That said, for being upset with Spienlli for setting them up with time together, Sam looks real angry. But I get it - it's just a good excuse right now to go along with "finding herself," "wanting space," putting aside the fact that she wants Jason back so badly already.

Jason saying, "I think he nudged fate in the direction that he wanted it to go" is spot on. Two people can be drawn to a room and space in many ways - but it is up to them in how they handle that. She could've avoided all contact, gone home, kicked Jason out of her room. She didn't have to invite Jason in the room to say what was going on, she didn't have to help save Spinelli, and she didn't have to go to the bank. But yet, she had fun instead. Like she said herself, "It felt really good to get back to what I know..."

"Are you sure you want to stay with this investigation? Sam, I love working with you, you're one of the best at what you do. But you said you wanted distance." "I did say that and this isn't it." She wanted distance from Drew's overbearing this to be herself again only. But there we go again with Jason putting her feelings first, asking how she feels, making sure that she's okay with all fronts of what is to come - even though it'd mean "more than anything" for them to reunite together.

I smiled in hearing Jason say, "When I got out of that clinic, I had no idea how much time had passed so of course I was worrying about you and Danny. But of course, I wasn't afraid of something had happened to you." He knows the strength that she has when she can be herself. She's truly badass.
My heart swarmed when he said, "When I saw that date, that's when I realized five years had passed and that's when I was afraid. Five years...." Finally, we have Jason expressing the emotions that we've been missing since his return. But of course, he isn't one for much talk except to Sam. And yes, my heart swarmed more when he said, "The whole way back to Port Charles, I was praying that you and Danny were alive. I told myself that I could take whatever had happened, as long as you were okay. You are."
Fate, ladies and gentleman. Huxbey is another common thread in this game as Sam recalls hearing the watch story. And you're trying to tell me that it's not meant to be? ;) It'd actually be awesome if Jason could see Mike wearing the watch now as recall Rita gave it to Mike, but he told Sonny a story of how it came from his mom.
"We were apart for 5 years. But yet we end up in the same bar, holding the same watch, hours within each other." "Maybe Huxby was right. Maybe the watch was lucky." "Or maybe Spienlli was right - it was fate." Can't make this up. #GH has been playing the #jasam beat all along.

They found a flight to get back to the US quicker than intended. But yet, Sam doesn't looking willing to move off the couch. It's like she wants to continue the conversation, test fate, see where it takes her. I would've actually liked to see them spend a couple more hours.

I practically smiled in Alexis' lines today. From her telling Drew to take care of himself, to her saying to Finn, "I feel sorry for him. No one wants to be the loser in a triangle." That's all that I needed to hear. Even those not a fan of Jason know what is coming. Thanks Alexis.

Oh Finn in trying to brush off everything he had with Anna by saying they "didn't even have a real relationship." But yet he turns around and says, "I do have feelings for Anna. If I could shut them down..." In return, I wish he'd just act on them because Anna needs someone like Finn in her life.

But instead, we know what happened with Finn and Alexis instead. Really, it's good karma in having Julian catch Alexis making out with Finn. I mean, it's like look at what you lost by holding that dagger to her throat.

Julian did earn some points with me today. The nicely dropped Nurse's ball hint to Kim with Drew standing right there was a great move. I mean, he may be an ass, but he can redeem himself a little by playing #krew cupid here. Those hints are perfect.

"Maybe they'll meet up somewhere and sparks will fly...." "Now you're reaching." "You never know until you make the first move..."  And yet look at what has been happening with each #krew meeting. Oscar's going to get his wish soon.

So this whole conversation between Jordan and Curtis came out of nowhere. Like, how did we go from "I don't know if we can trust each other but yes we have chemistry" to "let's get married" in the span of a couple months. Can we skip over this, please?

General Hospital - April 24, 2018 Episode Reflections

So Ava finds more ways to tick me off everyday, but hey - it was a decent episode. 

So it's great that Griffin is overhearing Ava with Scott. He may open his eyes, because he even asked her afterwards, "Are you sure this is the wisest tactic?"  Of course, the next set of lines produced the best reaction yet.....

"Penalizing Mr. Corbin will just add to his suffering, and Sonny's family's suffering." "Do you think I give a damn about Sonny's suffering?" 

It's only a matter of time until Griffin walks away because he was even pleading with her already in saying, "Ava, find some compassion...." But we all know that's like asking for a miracle because that'll never happen. A cow will fly over the moon first.

I wanted to punch Ava when she brought up Morgan in saying, "So Morgan missed a couple doses of Lithium. It doesn't mean anything to do with the bomb in Julian's car." If you think about it, Morgan never would've gotten in the car because he wouldn't be off his meds if not for Ava. But good try in shifting responsibility there. Besides, Sonny did not plant the bomb. Didn't we spend enough time to remember that?

Griffin continued to show signs of opened eyes in asking, "After all the times you talked about being a better person, are you willing to risk Mr. Corbin's well being?" Ava talks the talk, but she'll never walk the walk. That's just who she is, even if she wants to justify it by saying, "It's a lot easier to be a saint when you're living in paradise. I happen to be living in the real world." But that still doesn't explain half of her decisions.

I forget who said it now but it's perfect in them saying, "It's not like Griffin is going to make you choose between him or your daughter." I wish he'd hook up with Kiki instead - and cue how they cut to Kiki next and Griffin carrying for her. That said, I can see Griffin figuring out the Kiki/Dr. Bensch situation based on that, too. Also, based on his annoying attitude and how much of a buttpain he was today, can I smack Dr. Bensch upside the head?


Once again, Nelle gets annoying with her dialogue as today's verse was, "I didn't want to make things worse with your mom." No, but you'll make her go insane.

Michael is right in saying that "it's going to take awhile before she takes her actions at face value." I hope she doesn't and actually suspects Nelle right now. That way, we can rid of this storyline and Nelle all together.

On the flip side, Michael saying "it's a surprise what people can look past when a child is a common interest" scares me. It makes me wonder what will come down the road once Michael finds out Nelle has been screwing with Carly. He better not easily forgive her. That said, I sympathize with Michael's stance on wanting to avoid a custody battle, given his own situation growing up dealing with Carly and AJ.


"You do well to forget me." "That's not going to happen." You don't turn your back on family - ever. That said, Mike and Sonny are really hitting the feels again.....

Dante is right in saying "you know the longer he stays in that cell without anything familiar, the quicker he's going to slip away." That said, I feel bad for Mike, bad for Sonny, and Ava is the worse deceiving witch that we've ever met. I can see Sonny agreeing for Mike's sake, and it'll pain me....


So how about that proposal from Curtis to Jordan? That came out of nowhere.....


I practically smiled when Sam said, "Spinelli stranded us here on purposes." Does that surprise me? He saw the signs of chemistry brewing in the bank and wants to make good on it before they go home.  That said, Jason told him to stay out of it so could be seeing something that's not true.

General Hospital - April 23, 2018 Episode Reflections

"You can't just access a vault in a safe deposit box." "No, but you're going to do it for me." There goes Sam taking charge once again. And oh Jason, so good at taking orders, probably liking that his badass Queen is back.

"Some kind of touch pad and keypad..." "No no no - if you touch that, we are dead." Wanna take bets what they really wanna know is in that box? Glad Jason didn't touch it...  That said, cue how he went into instant protective mode over Sam as soon as Spinelli said that, too.

So there's a photo of Anna in the safe deposit box. If this is Caesar's box, did he leave that for Heinreck to know who mommy is? That said, given Anna's behavior, you'd be hoping that'd set off some alarms for Jason.

Also, the Cassadine family crest is on the safety deposit box. I see Valentine getting discovered asap given what he has shared with Anna.

Nicely done by Sam and Spinelli in covering their tracks. Love the arm-in-arm leaving the office. That was a well executed mission. But I don't know if I would've revealed the contents to Anna and Robert considering the secrets that Anna has and the fact she doesn't want Jason finding Heinreck.

Speaking of Anna, thank you for Robert for finally making Anna crack. It was actually getting a little annoying seeing the same thing over and over and over with Anna's secret. That said, when he commented in saying, "I'll agree to help you - as long as Heinreck never finds out your his mom," I was willing to chuckle. After all, we know how all secrets go....

Fact of the matter, Ava with her stunt for Avery makes her the biggest bitch that we've seen.

"Are you sure this is how you want to handle this?" "I'm protecting the welfare of my child. Aren't you with me on this?" Given her determination, Griffin should be beginning to see what we already know.

Ava knew as soon as she accused Mike that Sonny would do anything to keep daddy out of lock up or jail. She knew it'd get her time with Avery. That's what you call a manipulative bitch, but Griffin is too blind to see that. I mean, you could tell when he said, "You're obviously struggling with this, but I don't see why."

That said, Avery gets the last laugh today with her goodbye for Sonny and Carly. I mean, the look on Ava's face was everything.

So I sort of chuckled when Valentine said, "There's no chance of that. Nina is on to you..." Really, wouldn't that be for Valentine too as it's eventually going to come out that he was involved as well. That said, I'm just going to pretend Nina never did a dinner party because I'm not feeling anything there.

By the way, I'm getting sick of Nelle's repetitive line with "all I want, all I'm trying to do is give our baby the best life they can." But meanwhile I'm spending every waking minute torturing the hell out of Carly.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

General Hospital - April 20, 2018 Episode Reflections

So when Sam said, "Oh my mother doesn't let me travel without protection. Just pretend he is not here" about Jason, let's face it - I couldn't do that. But look at Sam, falling right back into usual self in deceiving people, playing her cards to get Intel and places. Glad my girl is back.
I also smiled when Spinelli said, "I'm the jackal, and you, and your bank, are my mercy." Gosh it feels nice to see Spinelli back up to his old tricks. He's still a master at breaking every security code and as the guy said, "the bank ain't ever been robbed." Well, it hasn't met the dream team - "until today." Also, notice the smile from Sam in her glance to Jason? Notice Jason's small smile despite keeping cover?
"He can't" "He can, and he will - if we don't get your full co-operation." Sam certainly hasn't lost her touch and you know what happens when you issue Spinelli a challenge. I will say until Jason spoke, it was interesting in watching Jackal and Sam take charge for a change.

As soon as I saw the scene, it was like can we please see that photo that they're looking at? I want to know what Peter used.

So cue the spoiler.... - Welp, we had to know it was a fake photo so good job Spinelli. And if I was that fool, I would start talking because they will get what they want regardless.

So my heart breaks in hearing Carly's desperation with, "Do you think this is just going on in my head?" "What other explanation is there?" Like how can nobody wonder that someone is messing with her?

"Someone is messing with me." "We don't have proof." So? What happened to trust and belief forever and always in your wife, Sonny? People wonder why Carly always turns to Jason instead and this is why right here.

"You really think I'm losing my grip on reality?" "It wouldn't be the first time..." Oh Sonny, that was the worst choice of wording.

Ava making Sonny decide between Avery and Mike, and whether to press charges, is purely evil. I can't believe Griffin isn't even saying a word here. Like, really? Where's your compassion bitch? But oh wait - Griffin has a voice after all. But gotta love Ava and changing for the better - and now turning back to her witchy uncompassionate ways. When will Griffin see the truth? Probably never, just like Liz and Franco.

I rolled my eyes when Peter said, "It seems you can't shake me..." Oh Peter, are you trying to dig yourself a deeper hole? I also sort of went WTF when he said, "Heinreck could be more dangerous than you're giving him credit for." But yet you want people to see him in a good light for future.

So Anna is gonna get figured out and it didn't surprise when the teacher first said, "I can't answer your questions." Ah, of course. Hence why I always wanted to go with Jason's plan instead. Stupid privacy rules and goody two-shoes people.

Welp, the previews look just as awesome as today. From Robert knowing the truth to Spinelli saying, "touch that and we're dead." Can Monday hurry up?

General Hospital - April 19, 2018 Episode Reflections

"I can't imagine what they're going through." Franco should know all about a kidnapping after taking children previously, including Aiden and Avery.
So here we go again with Sam's husband asking how her sexual assaulter is. I still can't stand Drew's attitude.

That said, Kim and him need to get together. I smiled when Kim asked, "How are you? I've been worried - well, Oscar has been worried." Nice cover, Kim. But there's no hiding that Kim asked Drew on a chili date, using Oscar as a good excuse again. πŸ’œπŸ’›πŸ’™❤️ . I also smiled when she said, "We should try and spend more time together. I mean, we are family."

Julian wins hero of the day in saying, "What if it is someone from your past? Just because we left the world, it doesn't mean they've forgotten for it."

Dante is right about Carly in saying it "sounds like a horror movie." So it's understandable that Carly has "been hiding things from me for months." I get Carly in not wanting to overworry Sonny, secrets are even worse. She should know that based on history. That said, I feel for her but it's so hard to believe this Carly tortured storyline due to not one person with knowledge suspecting Nelle. Like wtf?

So Sonny when you say, "I wanna believe you with all my heart," then believe it.

"Griffin said the tests were clear." "Well, that's good news." "Not really, considering you think I'm losing my mind." I feel for Carly...  So is this going to continue without answers until Jason gets home? I mean, he solves all her problems.


General Hospital - April 18, 2018 Episode Reflections

Nicely done by Anna, Robert and Emma at the school. They make a good team, as well. That said, I was shocked when Emma said, "I got what we wanted. Can we go now?" How? Is Emma some super genius of something?

Nina certainly has had quite the journey on General Hospital. Oh Peter, good luck in following her story, but maybe Nina feels if she confesses her entire life to Peter, he will reveal something. That said, her 21 questions for Peter was better. If you can survive her craze, you're good.

Not gonna hide the touch of pain in hearing Kiki say, "I'm supposed to shadowing Dr. Bensch. Too bad you couldn't take my place." I really feel for Kiki here. Great opportunity but worst circumstances. Like her friend said, "I kept wondering what I could've done more, and what the committee saw in you." I don't think you want to know what they saw. Oh the irony when he said, "They must've been looking for something more...." Oh don't worry, Dr. Bensch is.

I was like duh when Kiki asked, "Are you doing this because I rejected you?" Isn't it obvious? Any human would have compassion in this situation.

Cue rolling eyes at "How am I going to be the voice for all of these people?" Here comes Franco redemption attempt #4738. While good to see for sake of kids and Harvey sickness, no forgiveness given regarding what he did to Jason, Sam, Michael, and others. And why are Franco and Liz the only ones getting proper love scenes? Like, ewww x100.

General Hospital - April 17, 2018 Episode Reflections

"Swiss police just arrested Spinelli." "Woah, where are you going?" "To get him out of lockup." "And how do you plan on doing that?" But yet Sam is no longer badass. I mean, she even had her own plan in saying, "I will go. You can watch the kids. [...] I always have my fake ID, and I can pass myself off as his lawyer, girlfriend..."

So when Sam asked her mom, "Did that just happen?" I was ready for her to take her own mom through the cooker. I don't care that she "asked him nicely...."

"Assuming you don't get caught." "It's me, Spinelli, and Jason - and we don't get caught..." Here's to more badass days to come. Let's face it, they are the dream team with Jason as the muscle, Spinelli as the brains, and Sam as the kickass beauty.

I rolled my eyes when Alexis said, "It's even worse than I thought. Are you getting back with Jason?" Is there really anything wrong with that? Mommy should want true love. But I smiled when Sam said, "I'm not together with Jason. I'm not ready." She didn't deny it happening down the road. But you gotta love Alexis thinking worst of Jason. I can't trust her judgement considering she went back to a man who put a knife to her throat.

So Sam's words in saying, "I'm a PI and I'm good at it. I'm ready to be me, and do what I'm good at" proves what we've said about Drew.

"Isn't that what your heart desires?" "More than anything.." But we already knew that. He's just being the gentleman and biding his time. That said,  Jason once again hits all the heartfelt feelings in his words about Sam to Spinelli. Cue almost tears here. And yes, Spinelli is right. Sam wasn't whole without Jason, and she won't be whole until they're reunited.
Anybody see the grin when Sam asked, "Hey boys, need a ride?" My badass princess is back.

So Julian can suck a donkey in saying, "My money is on her getting back with Jason, and that's a shame, because Drew would be the best man for her and the kids." I'd rather Jason in my life than someone who would put a knife to his wife's neck.

Dante is right saying, "There's a fine line between supportive and manipulative" especially when one of them has a secret over the others.

So next story arc will be Ava using this situation with Mike & Avery to her advantage to attempt for custody of Avery, right?

Monday, April 16, 2018

General Hospital - April 16, 2018 Episode Reflections

Remember how the writers said fate would bring Jason and Sam back together? There were a bunch of references to that.
  • "You came looking for me?" "Nope" "But you found me anyway."
  • JASON: And here you are. /// SAM: Here we are. Here you are. 
  • "I spun the globe and told Danny to put his finger on it." 
My heart swelled when Sam said, "Jason I'm not going to pretend that you're not here as pretending got me into this mess in the first place. Do you want to tell me about the investigation?" Sam wouldn't let him walk away. It was nice to see her back to her true self, working with Jason to figure out the pieces.

"It could be in the same bank." "Right...." "How do we get in?" Ladies and Gentleman, Samantha McCall Morgan is back and badass as ever. And you thought she'd just calm down now. Hah.

I feel Sam in saying, "Why even bother going to schools first rather than the safe deposit box?" How about her and Jason just work together without Anna?

"Anna doesn't want me to search for Heinreck alone. She doesn't want me to find him before I do. She's afraid I'm going to shoot him." "Why is she worried?" "I don't know."  It is going to come our eventually especially with Robert pushing her buttons.

So are we really surprised Spinelli got arrested? 

So what is Michael thinking asking Nelle to a work function? That said, Nelle knowing about the DNA test results is a good thing. We may get somewhere. 

What the heck? I remember reading the note on the menu as well myself. Did Nelle use some screwed up disappearing ink? I absolutely hate Nelle and see no bloody reason for what she's doing or how it makes sense, but the house haunting and note are good... 

Sonny trying to put his own concerns and needs ahead of Mike and Avery safety is just wrong. That should be priority. Good on yeah, Michael. 

"I am capable of putting aside my personal feelings and moving ahead in a professional matter. The question is are you?" Oh lawdy, I love how Dr. Bensch is trying to make it seem as though nothing happened moving forward. But sorry - once a creep, always a creep. That person does a creepy thing and from then on, every time you look at them you are sick to your stomach. Trust me..... Hence my stomach flip flopping when he said, "I'm sorry that I make you feel uncomfortable." What else do you expect after kissing her?

That said, I worry about Dr. Bensch saying, "You're going to get a lot out of this - I promise." I'm not sure Kiki is interested in what you have to offer there. 

These Robert and Anna scenes are also gold. Love how he gets under her skin.

"I just want to make sure you're looking after yourself." "I'm fine." "I'm not selling you life insurance here." We need to reunite #fanna asap.


"Are you getting back together with Jason, or not?" So how does Alexis end up in Switzerland? And why is she still so stuck on them? She should know Sam's answer already

Friday, April 13, 2018

General Hospital - April 13, 2018 Episode Reflections

Anna suggesting a wardrobe change for Jason and how that scene played out had me chuckling. His deadpan response to her suggestions was everything. Then when she asked his size and he said, "I don't know. Ask Carly..." just took it to the next level. So I guess that means Jason hasn't gone shopping since Carly's initial spree for him? 

Well, he is a simple guy after all. But I'm curious as to what Anna bought, too - and hope the clothing bag gets opened and we see the outfit of choice, or get to see him wear it. Maybe Sam can convince him for Anna and Emma. 

For the record, though, Jason's plan to get the records sounds more exciting than Anna's idea. Can we switch gears please?  I mean, Jason is already on to her in saying, "This is just a diversion. You're just doing this to keep me with you so I don't get to Heinrech first." 

Also, not really important, but anybody notice the new gun for Jason? I kind of like the old shiny silver piece - you could really see his games coming. But of course - he'd have a new gun. You can't sneak guns through airport security so you go through, and get new hardware when you get there. But see also in this case, he'd be able to travel with it being with Anna as she could get it anywhere being a WSIB agent. 

So it's great to see Robert Scorpio back on the canvas of General Hospital, even with his concerns about Jason. I almost chuckled through that. But really, he's a bonus right now as you could tell he was getting curious in saying, "Let Morgan do the work. He's the one that needs the answers" and "you make it sound like Heinrech was a victim." 

Of course, Monday's preview says it all on that note with Anna saying, "I'm as every bit as responsible for creating Heinrech as Faison...." 

I admittedly chuckled in hearing Jason say, "How do we do this and only break one law?" Never change my man....
I could on for days as to why I love Jason and everything, but beyond those qualities that were mentioned, the simple heart and soul that he expresses, willing to do anything for his closest friends, putting their happiness always first will always make me a Jason Morgan fan over anybody else any day.

But okay, let's forget that for now and rather focus on the star of today's episode - the very last scene. Anybody see that damn smile on Jason's face when he saw Sam?

There's a reason why CarSon work so well together - because they're the ultimate Queen and King of Port Charles, and both Laura Wright and Maurice Benard do a spectacular job portraying their characters. Laura continued to slay like a queen as her scenes today in describing her previous mental breakdown, combined with those emotions, were just perfection. Then Maurice hit every sweet spot in his words to Stella. There's a reason why he gets gold stars from me everyday.

Really, beyond Maurice's work by himself, the storyline with Mike has been great from the beginning and his scenes with Avery were adorable. But of course, as expected, Avery goes missing. You could see that a mile away.


That's a way to cliffhang! That's the type of previews that you expect to see and are finally getting delivered. I feel so bad for Carly, but can't wait for her scenes - as well as Sonny worrying about Mike and Avery, Robert and Anna, and then obviously JaSam. 

General Hospital - April 12, 2018 Episode Reflections

So with Lulu going on to Peter saying, "I just thought if I could put a face to the name, put some meaning behind him, see whether he is evil like his father - it would give comfort to Maxie," I was begging for her to continue. If she finds out that the guy she has grown closest to is connected, she may be on the thank you for always being there best friend path.

But with that said, it's surprising that Peter wants her to continue the investigation, practically begging her to in fact. I mean, Lulu is right in one way in saying that "the sooner that the secret goes away about Heinrech, the better for Maxie" due to no discussion - in normal circumstances given the above, but whatever. So why are you pushing this issue, Peter?

As soon the e-mail showed up saying, "for if the root comes from both ends, forever the branch must be severed," you had to know something was up with it. Peter is good at covering his tracks with expressions because I almost believed Spinelli was behind it as part of the twisted plan. That said, we got confirmation otherwise. So what are Valentine and Peter going to do now?

Peter makes a point in saying, "Faison is dead. The only one left who can give you answers in Heinrech. You have to decide if further this investigation will be worth it for you and Nina." For me, I'd find it very, very worth it. Even if I had just five minutes with Heinrerch, I have a whole assortment of questions.


I am loving the Mixie chemistry, and love the fact that Michael said that he would be there for Maxie, and that he wanted to go class with her. To be honest, the birthing class scene was even more adorable between Maxie and Michael. Why haven't we done this pairing sooner? I mean, Michael even hesitated in walking away from Maxie at the class. And the look on Nelle's face at watching them = priceless.


So Ava actually earns smart points. She took a screen shot of the DNA test and was being smart in saying to Nelle, "keep in mind you're using deception" because yes, that small detail will screw Nelle in the end.

Nelle's twisted plan aside and what she did today, let's rather focus on the piece of paper that she wrote on. Immediately my heart swelled at a Chinese restaurant sighting. Anybody remember the magical #jasam wedding?
I wasn't surprised in Curtis' revelations for Nina. Of course Peter can use multi-national companies and hack into them - he has super spy Valentine at his disposal.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

General Hospital - April 11, 2018 Episode Reflections

I laughed when Kevin said, "You're a good person now." I find that hard to believe with Franco given his past and recent history. I also rolled my eyes when Franco said, "What if what Harvey did to me took a toll on me, a lasting toll? What if because of what he did I'm a danger to Elizabeth's boys?" And here comes the blame redemption game that we were expecting.

Oh Kevin in asking, "Have you ever once looked at Elizabeth's son with anything that felt inappropriate?" Then he also goes, "Did you suddenly feel that you would morph into a predator?" Are we forgetting about Franco kidnapping one of her kids or his interactions with Jocelyn?

Kevin continued to push my buttons when he said, "The acts that you did in relation to the tumor are in no way related to what happened to you as a child." But what about the actions following the tumor? And still, regardless of excuse, I don't ignore Franco's actions.

The best laughter came when Kevin said, "Your behavior during that dark period is medically explained due to the fact that there was a mass on your brain. Since then, you've been a model citizen." But he has locked people in a dog cage, gone after others, continue to surround Sam without respecting space.
I rolled my eyes when Liz said, "No doubts. no fears, no hesitation." Even though Franco at one time kidnapped your kid, but okay - that's fine.

Like I've said for weeks, it's not happening - there's no forgiveness for Franco? Why? Feel free to read my nicely sub-article written as part of the reflections on April 6 titled My Daily Annoyance - The Franco Tormented Past Storyline. You can also see the lovely screen cap tweets from @lovejoneslove66 that I showcased for April 10 Reflections of Franco's past.

I also know I'm safe in saying that Jason and Sam won't ever forgive Franco, either. The only reason Franco lived post-earthquake was Sam didn't want Jason walking around with a secret on his shoulders, and Jason did it for her. That said, given their pain, what they missed of their lives during that time, the turmoil they went through at his hands, the psychological horrors, sexual assault - I don't blame them one bit and why none of this will change my attitude about Franco.

Actually, if you think about it, it was rude of Elizabeth to say to Jason, "Get over it" but I went over that before when I told you how Liason is just dead. Let's not harp on that anger, shall we?

I know everybody wants to harp on Sam's pain, but let's not forget Jason here, either. He believed that he was responsible for Sam being raped due to not being able to stop it and be there for her, and having to watch him carry her naked wrapped up in a curtain. There's also the Michael angle, too.

Speaking of Jason, I love when Anna thought Jason was going to stop looking for the mother, and he said, "Oh I'm going to keep looking, and that makes you uncomfortable." It's only a matter of time.

Love how Jason also isn't willing to pause the search for "one week" or anytime at all for Anna because like I said previously, Jason needs to sort this all out now so when Sam comes back, we can focus on them. I will say that when he said, "Five years that I'm never going to get back. I know it won' change anything but I want answers," it was a slight tear in there somewhere. There's more pain that Jason is letting on about the five years.

I smiled when Anna said, "You're going to find him because you're the best there is. But all I ask is that I am with you."  It's awesome watching a government super spy admit that Jason is even better than their resources. Yes, I know my man is awesome. By the way, she's also right in saying, "I know you're not a mindless killing machine. You have a conscious."

Jason's plead once again with Anna almost makes me feel like he either knows something, or is feeling that there's something there. It was perfect in how he worded it in saying, "I respect you. But respect me enough to tell me what's going on." Really, he's going to figure it out anyway - she even said that he would find him because he's the best just minutes prior. Besides, he may give Heinrech a little more benefit if he knows the mother factor.

Cue the biggest smile when Jason said, "When I find Heinrech, if it looks like he is picking up where Faison left off, I will not hesitate to shut him down." I can't wait because the secrets lead me to believe this will happen.

I agree with Jason's fears of bringing Emma along. It's great cover for what their doing, but do you really want a kid caught in the middle? Could this be Anna's way in trying to stop Jason from ridding of Heinrech?


Peter's true colors are showing more and more, including his comment about Lulu in saying, "It's her attempt to patch up her relationship with Maxie, and I say it's a waste of time." I see otherwise because if Maxie figures out Peter is Heinrech and hidden this long, she may thank Lulu for not giving up and revealing it.

That said, it didn't surprise me when Peter said, "She gets too close, I throw her off..." Didn't I already predict that last week? April 3 Reflections - I laughed when Peter said to Lulu, "I promise I will do whatever I can for you." Really, this is a perfect way for him to watch and make sure that he isn't exposed. But while Lulu may be annoying at times, you can't underestimate a Spencer.

At least Valentine recognizes the fact that "Lulu is the least of your problems." It's like Peter doesn't in how he continues to carry himself. Valentine was right in throwing the book back in his face because let's see - how much has Jason used that as a clue recently?

Like Valentine said, "There's always a chance for your secret to be discovered - especially with those two. That's what their trained to do." Well, one is professionally trained. The other is just smart beyond anything and can always get the job done.

Remember how I also can't really fall into like Peter? Well, he showed another character flaw in being selfish by saying, "I'm the only one who stands to get burned." Valentine really got uptight then which makes me ask even more now - what the heck does Valentine have to do with the secret - seriously?

Oh so nice that you "like my life the way it is," Valentine. But you may be a little wrong in saying, "If my wife finds out that I've been protecting, mentoring Faison's other son, I would lose  her forever...." She forgave you for shooting Nicholas, after all.

That said, Valentine continued to keep my respect as he spoke the truth in saying, "You're risking your life because Jason is going to find you." The line of the day also came when he added, "That's why you let him live. Because he's relentless, unstoppable. Because he was the perfect candidate to kill your father, and he did. You need to get out of town because it will be a miracle if he doesn't find you."

While Valentine earns respect, Peter falls down the ladder showing more true colors by saying, "If I was a good honorable person, I'd wish that I could trade places with him - but I don't." It's also noble for him to "want to help his widow and his child," but like Valentine said, the best way to help is to "get out of Port Charles as soon as possible." Peter's only going to cause Maxie more pain in the end.

"You said you enjoyed your life - while I like mine too, and I'm not willing to give it up." "This is worse than I thought. You have fallen for Maxie." I feel bad for Maxie for when the truth does eventually come out.

"Maybe I'm ready to get to know them." "Even if they don't know who you are?" "It's better than nothing." [....] "Let's hope it doesn't blow up in our faces." I'm planning on it blowing up.


Nina is right in saying, "You don't know anything about him. That's the problem - nobody knows anything." It literally made me laugh when Maxie tried to reply with, "I know about Peter." Right - but you don't know the number one secret that he has.

I was about to shout oh no and all that when Nina went to call Curtis, but then smiled when she said, "Wait? You found dirt on Peter August?" I'm glad Curtis found something because Nina needs to keep this going without a doubt.

General Hospital - April 10, 2018 Episode Reflections

Before we begin, I have admittedly been on a streak of going back to previous General Hospital episodes, and really - re-watching the full JaSam history from the beginning. I've currently hit the 2017 era and re-watched the Hotel Hostage scenes. I have one thing to say - they triumph the earthquake, anything that #GH has done lately by far. Can we get back to stuff like that?

Ah, a girl can only dream because instead, we're stuck with Franco and whatever else they want to give us. I had a glimmer of hope when he wouldn't wake up for Drew. I mean, I would prefer he just stay that way. Stop teasing me with all these ways Franco could die, General Hospital, and just do it.

Also, can I puke at Franco and Drew bonding, especially considering that Drew is still married to Sam, the woman that Franco sexually assaulted?

Palm meet face when Drew says, "I'm going to let Franco tell you when he's ready." I was about to scream as all I could see is the secret game with Liz continuing. But I get it - even though Franco isn't my "guy" and I wish no forgiveness to him despite this redemption storyline, I will agree that he should be able to tell Elizabeth the truth himself.

So let's all dance and sing now that the secret is out because frankly, we don't need to harp on that anymore. But I bet the reaction gets dragged out from both Franco and Drew. That said, I almost feel bad for Drew being alone right now. Where's Kim?

Side point - Jordan is being a bitch in her way of asking for information. Where's the sympathy? Getting pressured to actually do work?

But hey, there's also better things than Franco - like CarSason. I missed the fab three together.

Sonny saying, "I just want to know why I'm just hearing about this now" was no surprise. Clearly, the understanding factor of we wanted to give you space, I had it under control, you have other things to worry about isn't going to fly over Sonny.

That said, as soon as he stated "there's no proof the scarf was there," you knew that he was probably that Carly is going insane. I just feel terrible in watching Carly go through this - and then having her own husband throw her under the bus so to speak.

I'm glad that they called Jason and was even hopeful when he asked for details from that night, as if maybe it could lead to Jason finding a clue in the house. But that was obviously a hopeless thought.

I about shit bricks when Sonny said, "No, we don't have time to call Brick. I'm going to call the cops."  Jason has been gone so long that Sonny has forgotten the proper protocol for these situations. I love how Jason double checked, too, with Sonny saying,  "Dante traced the call, and there is a legal record of this." Is this about making Dante feel better given the latest trend of events? I'd rather be focused on Carly safety than that.

That said, it was no shock when Carly gave in and said, "Yeah, I want the cops in on this and since it's legal and it's my house, I'll make the call."  She is probably just doing this to make Sonny feel better about the situation given the recent events, too. But no surprise when she said, "That's the second time that I went to the police, and the second time that they found nothing."  What else do you expect in this town?

So no surprise Sonny wants Carly to see Griffin. Really, it's turning into Jason doing whatever he can for Carly while Sonny believes she's crazy. I can't wait for Sonny to be proved wrong once again. Sometimes he truly underestimates Carly - as she said to him on March 31,  "You’re a hard man to love Sonny. But nothing worth having is ever easy. And I do love you. I really love you."

As much as I am enjoying Anna and Jason working together, too, I wish she would've not called at that time. It would've been nice to have more scenes with the #fab3 together.

That said, the chemistry and feelings that Jason is picking up from #fanna is perfect, too. I love how he asked, "Are you sure he's not telling you what you want to hear?" or telling her how Finn wanted to protect her. Then of course, Anna wasn't so coy either in immediately pondering for full details of that conversation. Even Alexis recognizes it too saying, "You and Anna protest your feelings for each other just a little too much." Can we just please hook them up already?

Anna saying, "You're making a large assumption that he left those clues for his mother." It's no surprise that she's trying to throw him off the mother. However, she opened the discussion by reading the opening statement and saying, "It's a mission statement. He's coming for his mother next."

No surprise in Jason just sticking to business with "you focus on Emma. Who knows - Faison's lighter may lead us to Heinreck and his mother." Jason is going to figure this all out - don't we worry. He probably already has a good hunch about Anna's closeness to Heinreck, and has an eye on Peter.


Also, how long are we going to focus on Peter's lighter and keep replaying that over and over as a clue until a detail is revealed? That said, I wish I could shoot Lulu in the foot for saying, "There are so many clues about the writer's identity." I wouldn't have said that to him directly, considering.

Peter is certainly a man at hiding his secret, even using the "it's a spy thriller. We received an advanced copy" excuse once Maxie saw the book. As soon as Lulu identified the Faison connection, not surprised one bit by Maxie dropping the book instantly - and you had to know another round of Maxie vs Lulu was right behind that, as we saw. Hence no surprise in Maxie saying, "Either way, you get to cash in on Nathan's death again."

She was also good in her words directly to Peter in saying, "It's a story about how he - Heinreck - shouldn't be blamed. Now his father is dead and he gets a free pass. How is that fair?" Thank you Maxie for finally riding Heinreck's ass in front of Peter. I can't wait for more of this to happen.

That said, my jaw dropped when she went down the opposite path and said, "Maybe I'm being unfair about Heinreck. What if the story in that book is true and he's just another victim of Faison's?"  I still say Heinreck isn't getting no free ride from me.

So of course Peter takes advantage and says, "Maybe you should read it instead of basing your opinion on the inside flap." Peter, you may have a story and a great reason, but you still held a man captive for longer than deserved, and you're still playing hide and seek with this secret. That said, Maxie's reaction to the book could be interesting to see.


I hope Nina keeps pursuing Peter because there's value in her saying, "When his past comes out, I just hope it doesn't hurt Maxie." I also wasn't surprised in Valentine responding, "Whenever it comes out, I just hope that you keep this to yourself." Valentine is only trying to cover his tracks.

That said, we'll see that works. Lulu's timing was perfect saying she'd accept Valentine's offer at that very time in front of Nina. That'll prove interesting down the line. I mean, it already proved good in causing Nina to ask, "I get why you want to expose Heinreck, but what is in it for you?" So how long until Valentine's involvement is exposed?

Lulu was perfect in saying, "I still believe that Heinrech is here in Port Charles." Anybody notice the look on Valentine's face?

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

General Hospital - April 9, 2018 Episode Reflections

I don't know why I even wasted the time to put this together. I'm totally over this episode as it was beyond pointless. The Melle interaction was just bleh, and who could give a crap about Franco? I'm already set for tomorrow in seeing #CarSason together.

But here we go, anyway......

Jim was actually pretty violent in what he did to Franco in molesting him. And yes, he deserves to be shot. I'll give it to them - Jim deserves it all the way.

That said, it was nice to see a twist in having Drew pull the trigger and not Franco. At least we may get some interesting intrigue here - not that it matters because both get on my nerves.

But beyond that, this whole Franco gets redemption for what Jim did to him as a kid and now we should feel bad for Franco and forgive for what he did to Jason, Sam, Michael, Carly, Jocelyn, etc because of this - sorry, not buying it and not doing it - even if he and Drew have "saved all these kids" now. I could really just fast forward now because the episode felt like a waste for me, if I'm being honest here.

Also, now that the truth has come out, though, we know that Franco understands that type of torture and pain - but yet even knowing that pain, he's willing to cause more pain for Sam by hanging around her in knowing the feelings that she has around him for what he did? It doesn't add up!

Besides that, you could feel the hurt when Sonny said, "Oh, so you told Jason and Dante, but not me?" Well, you've been a little busy with a lot on your mind. She didn't want to worry you even more - out of the kindness of her heart. That said, now that she's got Jason and Sonny on her side, Nelle is really in trouble because as Sonny said, "We're going to get through this together...." But I also wonder about Sonny knowing and what is setting up to happen. It's almost like Sonny is going to believe she's going crazy and Jason isn't, and Jason finding the truth will prove it.

I also get how people say from a mile away, Carly should be able to tell that Nelle is behind everything. But sometimes grief can play tricks on you, and you'll do whatever you can to believe that someone is still alive - and that's what she's doing here with Morgan.

Friday, April 6, 2018

General Hospital - April 6, 2018 Episode Reflections

To start off, kudos to the General Hospital writers for the writing they've done since Jason's return for his character. So many good lines dropped day after day. And thank you Steve Burton for returning, and your great delivery of the character. It's a good time to be a fan.

Now, let's get into the episode because frankly, it made up for everything that Thursday was lacking and then some.

The scene with Jason and Carly today was EVERYTHING. So many good lines dropped throughout. Hot damn. Carly's clapbacks for Jason at the beginning were the perfect spice - as to be expected given Carly's history.

But Jason's words back to Carly about Drew? Now that was the icing for the cake, and then some. Finally it has been spoken outloud what we've known for months. He's right in every sense of the word because rather than speaking her true feelings about everything - like she did with Jason ever since he came back, she kept coddling his feelings, subjecting herself to his need to be re-assured rather than following herself.

Cue the tape....
"Sam is taking Danny and Scout on a trip and finding herself." "How is that good news?" Because Jason knows once she finds herself, she'll remember what they're worth together, and the clarity she needs in what they've told each other.

"She needs time away..." "I can see she needs time away from Drew, but she doesn't need more time away from you." 

"She needs time to figure out what she wants." "Okay, the sooner the better. Then she can follow her heart back to you."

"I'm okay with anything as long as she doesn't go back to Drew." "Why?" "Because she's not herself with him. She loses herself confidence with him....." 

"Why didn't you say anything before?" "It took me awhile to figure out what was going on." Jason knew right away. That's why he gave her the space and waited and let her realize - not wanting to increase that pressure on her shoulders.

"If she comes back to me, it's going to be the happiest day of my life, and uh, if she doesn't, as long as she's strong, confident, and truly happy, I will be okay." "I agree with you - Sam will do what makes her happy, and I think she will." 

"When Sam comes back and runs to your arms, I'm going to need you to tell me that you're right with witnesses." I can't wait for that to happen - it'll be great for those who kept saying Carly was full of herself. Can we have Drew as one of those witnesses, please?

"He's going to all places that Faison did business." "How is he doing that?" "By posing as Heinrech." "You don't think he's going to screw up?" Isn't that idea so that way Jason and Sam find a hotel room - I mean.....

Sonny's comments about Spinelli continue too in saying, "Spinelli is a genius when it comes to computers. But when it comes to the real world...." Just like classic old times....

Sonny is right that "anything with Fiason is personal for Anna," as much as Jason is right in saying, "But it almost feels like she's too close to the search for his son..." Jason is gonna figure out the connection so Anna might as well say it.
I get how adamant Sonny is being in saying, "Mike was never there. He couldn't have known what happened." But sometimes mistakes are made. Isn't the same as how Franco wasn't supposed to be there when Claudia was shot?

Also, in hearing how Sonny talked about his father wanting him to make a different choice, in hearing him say that his father warned him about Skully - could his father been spying at the time to try and make sure that Sonny didn't get caught, or possibly change his mind?

Jason also brought up a good theory in saying, "Maybe he heard the story and maybe he wanted to be there - so he made it seem that way." By the way, this is another good reason to have Jason back. Beyond the great #jarly scenes, you have him offering the best, comforting advice for Sonny. He always can help Sonny get down a peg.

On that note, my heart just swelled when Jason said, "I never understood the value of memory, because I couldn't miss a childhood that I didn't know. But the other night, at Luke's, I started to realize how much I've been through with all those people & how much it meant to see those people and remember the good times."


So Nelle saying, "I'm sorry I had to steal this Joce, but I know you'll understand - it's for a good cause." Welp, that's a big lie. How do you think Jocelyn is going to feel once she heard you tormented her mother?

I'm not even going to begin to understand Nelle's objectives - or think they're right, fair or anything. Everything she's done to this point has been ridiculous, too. But I hand it to her - she's doing a great job with the house haunting. That was well-played in the steps that she took with the lights and Morgan's room.

In the same thought, I was hoping Carly found Nelle with that bat and whacked her.


I've picked on Oscar so much through things, but his advice to his mom today was on point. And Oscar, you'll get your wish soon enough. The defiance in Kim's words is all we need to hear.

Oscar is right in saying, "I understand if you don't want to talk to me about Drew. You shouldn't be talking to Julian, either. You should be talking to Drew." Like Kim said yesterday, she has never felt a love like Drew again.

Kim is also good at excuses in saying, "Your father doesn't remember being that person. [...] When I talk about Drew, I'm talking about missing the Drew of the past - not the Drew that was here with us now." He may not remember, but he still has that personality. Go get Kim....

"He left you something." "Oscar...." "The CD you can't seem to throw away." 

"You don't have to pretend you don't have feelings for Drew." "Okay, that's enough...."

"So you're not going to tell me how you feel about Drew?" "I already did."


"I'm totally calm." "Totally..." / "It won't work until you're ready." "I'm ready." / "You can't force this...." Oh please do go ahead with it. We want this storyline over.

I laughed when Kevin said, "If you force a memory, you could undo everything you've done to this point. Do you want to do that?"  What have we accomplished so far anyway?

"That was a big mistake. Get in that car..." "Get away from my mom!" If there's any kid on this show that you don't want to mess with, it's Jake based on everything he's been through.

So Betsy finally reveals what Jim Harvey did to Drew - but yet General Hospital makes it so we can't hear it, thinking that we're going to go even crazier in anticipation of hearing the details. They try to increase that with Drew teasing it to Kevin in saying, "She told me how I fell down those stairs, and how it relates back to Harvey...."

They even teased the storyline being over with Franco killing Harvey in saying, "I know you're evil, and you will never hurt anyone I love again."

But instead, they show punches between the pair, followed by them disappearing. Sure, it's supposed to add drama and angst and make you more interesting, but sorry not happening.

This brings me to the following........

My Daily Annoyance: The Franco Tormented Past Storyline

It feels like it's been going on and on and on and on and on forever now and it's getting really annoying. How much do we really need to drag a story out? But I get it - they're probably going to keep dragging it out until they feel the fanbase is willing to forgive Franco. The problem is that will never happen. Franco, Bobby, I don't care, is always Freako in my eyes.

The scene in Jason watching Franco with Sam on the honeymoon, along with JaSam right afterwards - forever itched in my mind. The emotions, the heartbreak, the pain, the anger - you don't forget the strength together at a time like that. And with how far etched that Franco torment scene is forever in my mind - along with the other crap that Franco pulled - for example, Michael, there is no way that you can ever redeem Franco, nor should he get any sympathy from anybody.

Just in case you haven't seen Franco and the shower scene, here you go.

Also - does everybody have to like a character for him to be popular? Absolutely not. Sometimes the most unlikeable characters are the most loved actors because of the job they do. While the original Franco drove me insane, I admired James Franco for the job he did.
Furthermore, this needs to be said as well....
I also laugh at people saying that Drew and Sam are being tested right now and people are throwing daggers at them to see their laugh. Umm, you clearly don't understand what daggers and being thrown under a soap bus is then.

The history with #jasam triumphs anything with #dream. They grew closer through losing baby Lila, they went through questioning whether they could have kids together, the Manny storyline, and Franco's torture for at least two and a half years.

General Hospital - April 5, 2018 Episode Reflections

This episode was a complete dry. There was only like maybe 20 minutes worth watching. Some of the Kim/Julian scenes, and the set-up for Friday. The rest? Bleh....

To start off, I'm not one to criticize actors openly ever because hey, they're just doing their jobs right? But really, can we get Billy Miller to not mumble his lines as Drew? I mean, I'd like to actually hear what he has to say about Sam.

Because of his mumbling, I had to pause and go back to see what he said. In case you misheard him he told Elizabeth, "I don't want a wife whose confused about whom she loves. We both deserve better than that." Now understanding his actual words, I guess I can give him a little credit now as being pinned in living a lie is never a good life to lead so at least Drew is willing to admit that. That said, Sam isn't confused as she says she loves you both. She just needs time to see who more. Isn't your love worth giving her time rather than shutting out right away?

But I will say I actually feel bad for Drew thinking he was the cause of Betsy's freak out.

On another note, what was the point of the whole hypnosis for Franco? We didn't learn a single thing. That was just a waste of time.  Ugh.....

It didn't surprise me when Dr. Bensch said, "The only one that doesn't believe in you is yourself." Of course, praying on someone who is lacking self-confidence. That's nothing new. I also puked when he said, "Hopefully we can get back to a good, productive work relationship." I wouldn't want any connection one bit after something like that.

So Julian saying, "That was a I want to forget Drew kiss" along with "Oscar will be home soon" got me thinking. Is it more like he can't forget Alexis? Is it more like he can relate to the feelings because of Alexis? I actually applaud Julian in making Kim realize this, though, because she admitted it in saying, "I've never felt the love that I felt with Drew, and I never felt it since. I guess after all these years, I haven't gotten over him." Really, it's just a matter of time because the #krew chemistry will rekindle more, especially with Oscar wanting more.

General Hospital - April 4, 2018 Episode Reflections

Nice move by Jason to hold the book hostage and not letting Anna read it until he got the information that he wanted. But oh Anna in reading that quote and saying, "It's a mission statement. He's coming for his mother next." Now, are you still going to do everything to protect him Anna?

So for a guy that says he's done nothing wrong and should be forgiven, Peter seemed pretty worried in asking Griffin, "Are you going to keep my secret, or sign my death warrant?" Why are you so worried, Peter? I thought you said your actions were excusable given the circumstances and whatever things you said yesterday. Getting cold feet? Realizing whatever plan you had is screwing up?

"Come clean about who you are." "That's suicide." "It's the only way to maintain the relationships. [....] Your father killed her husband, which is your brother. If Maxie finds out you've known all along...." Great advice from Griffin. Hopefully it means the truth comes out.

I was hopeful when Ava got her hands on the envelope, too, by the way. Too bad Griffin removed the names but having her suspicious about a connection between two people? Hopefully classic Ava comes out.

For the record, I actually wish that Ava would've continued going on about Morgan in front of Nelle. Maybe it'd make her realize the hole that she's slowly digging herself piece by piece with this plan. But oh Ava in saying, "You need to make sure that Michael isn't going to take his mother's side." Meanwhile, Nelle is making the space between them further and further apart.

Ava was also right in saying, "Your actions may have unintended consequences." I can see that for Nelle especially considering messing with Morgan will go beyond just Carly.

On a Michael note, that kid has to have the kindest heart ever. The way he handled the Mike and Sonny situation was just pure gold. And for the record, yes, Mike did a good number on my heart today once again.

Now I hope speeding through Mike's symptoms doesn't cause the story to fade quickly because it's one of their best lately and I'd like to see it go on for awhile. But knowing General Hospital writers, we'll speed through this and get stuck with Franco's stupid memories for months and months and months all because Frank wants his pet to be perfect. I don't care what happened to Franco in his past - he isn't getting any sympathy for his years of driving people insane.

Speak of the devil, oh Franco in saying that he can't see Jim "step foot in this town again."  Franco, you've been a villain yourself. You should know that he won't just disappear.

General Hospital - July 6-10, 2018 Episode Reflections

So is it a surprise that Nelle isn't believing a drop of how Michael left there to go see Jordan and Chase? She knows to always be suspi...