Thursday, May 31, 2018

General Hospital - May 29-31, 2018 Episode Reflections

May 29, 2018

As soon as Carly said, "Not guilty by reason of insanity," I just shook my head in disgust. I swear I can't wait until Carly and Jason prove everybody wrong. I almost thought she'd break the fire out when she began to think about changing her plea, but thinking back a couple days later, that probably would've been a bad strategy.

I also love how Sonny tells her, "I'm going to fix it." But yet he keeps not believing a single word out of her mouth and playing into Nelle's hands that she's gone insane. Hopefully he does the one thing she asked for and tell Jason asap.
"I think there was a lot left unsaid last night." "no time like the present." I could agree - as long as it means Fanna getting back together asap.

"I don't know why I'm here dumping this on you." "This is exactly where you should be. This is exactly who you should be here with." And the tender touch with Finn returns ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ That said, I loved when he simply went, "Anna, shut up...." Finn didn't want her rambling and fears to draw them apart again, so he did the next best thing and kissed her. I'm not complaining because he's right that he should "make the most of the time I have left so never push me away again."

I love how Anna goes and tells others that they "have a mutual understanding." Is that all you'd call it? That said, Finn's explanation to Alexis was even more heartfelt and even had me swarming when he said, "I was so dependent on her friendship, that I didn't care about her heart."

It's interesting how Alexis said, "I thrive on control, but I gravitate to men that I can't control." Because maybe she thinks she can control them, or change them.

Meanwhile, as we're excited to see these two blossom again, let's just break up Friz and be done, okay? The latest attempt for a story with them is the family arc with Franco saying, "I think it's time I met your family - all of them." So why didn't that matter when they were originally supposed to get married? I mean, why didn't Franco care about this months ago? Did the past reveal change that? #GH

That said, Franco can do what he wants - even including in Drew's eyes it seems as his response, "what I'm not sure about is why you care?" was perfect. Guess what, Franco? Drew doesn't consider you a friend like you thought based on that response.

Speaking of Drew, Maddox is right about the connections to Jason's memories & Drew's relationships. Those memories shaped his original perception on everybody in town, how they reacted. So if you remove that original perception and view, then it makes you question every action past 4 yrs.

It's also interesting that Heinreck's first call was to Drew. And Drew has all this hatred against Jason? It's almost like the stars are perfectly aligning for Drew's involvement in the Jason switch to be revealed. The scary thing? Drew is so desperate to forget Jason and get his own life back that he may just agree to Heinreck's offer. And Heinreck knows this because there's a good possibility that Drew helped in the original process for Caesar Faison. Let the games begin people.

By the way, Dr. Bensch is a manipulative bitch, but getting both Liz and Griffin curious about Dr. Bensch is a step in the right direction. Also glad Kiki said something to Liz.

May 30, 2018

I wanted to laugh when Kim spat out, "Drew is about to take a terrible risk, and I want you to stop him." Jason has more important business to attend to and why should he care about a guy that won't even give him the time of the day?

"Talk to him. Try to convince him." "I'm sorry, but you wasted your time." Jason doesn't mince words as I don't see Drew listening to reason given they can't stand same room due to his attitude. 

That line in "I'd rather die than have some controlling me," or really that whole speech, was just perfect signature Jason. It goes along the "live your own life" manta that he's always followed, true to character. 
By the way, his advice was spot on though. Love is a strong chapter. Jason knows that from his experience in whether to get the surgery he got for the seizures or not. Recall the convincing Sam did on the honeymoon.

Though wait? Kim talks Jason's ear off and then can't say a single word in return to Drew? What the heck is that about?
Drew flashing back to the speech of every negative memory makes me laugh. He also knows that he remembers everytime Jason slept with Sam, every single kiss. Does Drew need us to reboot the #doesdrewremember chapter?
So welcome back Samantha McCall as she confirmed, "I've already filed the paperwork to change back to my name." If that wasn't enough, she added that "I've got to talk to Drew and finalize some things." Like your divorce? That sounds like no future.
By the way, Ashford McCall sounds like a cheapened version of Samantha and Spinelli. Can we get that back please?

So as surprising as it may be on one hand, it doesn't sound surprising on another to hear Sam say, "I need your help. I want you to help me break Peter out of custody." Sam wants to get the disco ball for Drew to give him so he has his memories so she has a clear conscious from her bad decisions during the past months before she hits the sheets with Jason.

Oh, and it's actually nice to see @GeneralHospital touch on the Cassadine heritage for once in a long time.

May 31, 2018


"She thought I could stop him, but we both know better than that." "I know..." Even Sam knows that Drew won't listen to reasoning from any of them. Hence why she wants the usb so she can give it to him and walk away with a clear conscious.

Besides, even if Jason rules Sam's heart, part of her still loved Drew, wants what's best for him, and wants to see scout's dad move forward. Same as Jason always wanted what's best for Liz despite moving forward with Sam.

.....same way she wouldn't let Jason kill Franco due to Jake. Recall the earthquake sequence.

My heart swarmed in hearing Sam say, "I know, but it doesn't change the fact that you're standing in front of me, and I'm forever grateful." ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

"It could leave him uncompasistated." "But you can't." No, because it'd be guilt on her conscious to carry around after leading a relationship that was a lie for months. And small part cares even if she truly loves Jason more.

I rolled my eyes when Jason said, "I can't break Peter out because he's too dangerous to Anna." Why the cracker Jack should Anna matter? I mean, she lied for months about her connection to Heinreck to Jason. She deserves whatever comes her way.
So if you were keeping track, that's three times one set of scenes that Jason didn't want Sam to leave.

So as soon as Sam went on the rant, all I could think was cue dreamer's eating up Sam about Jason breaking her heart over time. In reality, there's nothing there to use. Hence saying "respect" because despite everything, they have each other's back.

Her words "it's my choice, just like all the choices that you made that broke my heart - but I respected them" have so much meaning for their relationship. Respect goes a long way in a relationship. You're not always going to agree, but as long as you have each other's back against others and a deep connection, it'll work. Same reason she let him go to prison for Michael despite being upset with him, same reason she respected the separation he wanted before to keep her safe despite his own fears.

Meanwhile, this scene also goes to another level in Sam's desperation. It's like she wants to prove to him despite everything they've been through, she's still worthy of being his master sidekick, still ready for the danger, still not going to back down from a challenge - show him all that so maybe he'll fight for her and push for that next step.

After she went on about the choices, he said, "What about a compromise?" Along the lines of I don't agree with what doing here BUT will help you out of respect and not wanting you to get caught. That, or maybe it was get flash drive and return Peter back.

Now the only reason he probably stopped her, and probably decided to help her, was because he didn't want her to have any regrets later, and wants to make sure that she leaves Drew with a perfect clean slate so they can truly start over once again.  Same way she stopped him with Franco.

So Peter is gone? Valentine locked instead? That's a new way of doing something for your guilt in what happened. I know Valentine felt bad but enough to trade places? And I was all ready for #jasam to work together. Oh well, I guess that is too come now since we can all figure it out that Dr. Oberect has Peter.
Anybody notice how Anna assumed the worst of Jason when it came to Heinreck's escape? But yet he's looking for her well-being despite being lied to for months? Huh? That said, I wonder if she'll be thankful for Griffin's support when she finds out he knew the truth all along. Oh, and who wants to bet that Ava spills the secret when she finds out about Griffin and Kiki being together for a night?

For now, we can ease the conscious of one Drew since he won't need to do anything, once again, even if says "there's a time when I have to say no." He does that often when it comes to work, it seems. Regrets over working with him and Caesar before?

"I'm not working with Heinreck." He learned from the last time they worked together right? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

I laughed when Andre said, "A lot can change in three days. Peter could hand over the flash drive." More like Sam will wrangle his head for it when she finds his sorry ass.

Saturday, May 26, 2018

General Hospital - May 21 thru 25, 2018 Episode Reflections

So my life has been hectic as ever over the past week, so that means that yes, something has to take a hit - and yes, it's my General Hospital life.

I literally skipped watching Monday's episode as I was at the track all day and really couldn't find time to squeeze it in. That said, I read what happened - which there was some good stuff there. I did go back and watch Sonny and Mike's performance - fell in love. But can I just state openly that Ava ruined that song?

But I did watch Tuesday's episode. Given the time frame, though, I really didn't have any reaction to state openly. But I will say that it lived up to everything between the #Grava fight to the climax of Heinrech/Anna/Jason, to even Nina's comments to Lulu about Peter.

Cue Wednesday, where you know I had to say something because you can't gloss over Stelly Magic and not say anything. I mean, Sam with Jason at the police station as Heinreck attempts to press charges against him? It's just like old times. It was even heart warming to see Sam's instant stance against Heinreck in stating, "I know for a fact that Heinreck Faison committed fraud." She's ready to be there for her man.

For the record, I really don't care for Heinreck has had to say so far. I mean, sure you saved his life, Heinreck, but you still held him against his will with the usage of horse tranquilizers. Kidnapping it is. And while Jason may have initially critical and unconscious, but what about once he was strong enough and ready to go? Still kidnapping. I'll thank a piece of Heinreck for keeping him alive - say 20% - but that's it due to hostage and only doing so Jason kill Caesar.

On that note, let's just say that I am so glad that the @1SteveBurton stone cold stare is back. It's absolutely lovely watching him constantly. My eyes have been fixed on Jason Morgan's stone cold stare as Heinreck tried to save his cooked ass.

In return, it was great hearing Jason repeat the Russia details. Now let's get him to get the why out of Heinreck in keeping him five years, shall we?

Really, in response to the reveal, the reaction from #fanna, or even Nina isn't surprising. And the fact that Anna said, "Robert thinks it may be a stall, but he could be hurt" is why we needed Anna far away from Heinreck from the beginning.

On the topic of Nina, I loved her "So what?" for Valentine. That's my response to Valentine's story and excuses for his Heinreck involvement. And really, it makes sense that there should be no sympathy because Anna planted the final stone in saying, "You finally got what you wanted. My son almost shot me tonight." Valentine wants us to think he's some angel helping out a poor kid, but look at his motives.

That said, I really could care less for how this Heinreck reveal affects the twisted relationship between Anna and Valentine. That said, I am glad to Nina walk away because she is right that "some mistakes you can't take back."
As usual, Drew needs to be smacked across the head in saying, "I'm not going to rely on Peter, Heinreck. Dr Maddox is going to figure this out." That's a rude way to respond to a pleasure to help. I mean, Even Maddox said having something would be better than nothing when they were talking. He's mad over Sam being close with Jason so he wants no contact. Like he said himself, "I don't want any trace of Jason Morgan." But in the end, he's only hurting himself

I loved when Sam said, "Drew may not want that memory drive but I sure as hell do." Sam wants to ease her conscious, or possibly see why Drew is so against Jason. I haven't forgotten Drew saying he knew how cold the water was when Jason got shot.

That said, the sequence of events after this scene were beyond beautiful. I love how Jason just slowly walked up behind Sam, making his presence known but not overcrowding to give her support. Then those longing stares before getting into the elevator between Jason and Sam - it's like they're both realizing what's to come but yet not wanting to push it due to everything.

Also, I could get used to #griki everyday on my television screen - even if a little ew in watching Kiki with her mom's sex buddies.

By the way, the whole complete ending sequence deserves mentioning once again.
On to Thursday.......

I rolled my eyes when Sonny said, "I just care about you" even though he won't believe a single drop that Carly or Jason are saying. But the confident smile returned in hearing Carly's determination with, "I'm fine. I can't wait to get out of here and prove I didn't push Nelle down those stairs." I can't wait for Sonny's reaction when she does.

It was a little surprise in seeing Michael show up and ask to "hear her side of the story." That said, I knew there was doubt from Michael about Carly's behavior the minute he got done with Jason. And I will be the first to admit after their conversation that the doubt didn't appear to be there and I wanted to smack him. That said, his words to Nelle in saying, "I'm not letting you out of my sight" bring forth my curiosity once again. Does that mean you have doubts Michael and want to keep an eye on her to make sure she doesn't do anything?

By the way, Can we skip these scenes with Jocelyn and Nelle? I'm overly annoyed at how Jocelyn is sucking up to her. I also want to smack Diane for saying, "I think she was way more out of control on those stairs than she realizes." Really, I never thought I'd see the day where I'd be annoyed with Diane. But seriously, where's Jason? Screw the flash drive for Drew and let's get #jasam on the Carly case.

Speaking of Drew, it seems that he is reconnecting with Kim - and that's great news.

I smiled in Kim admitting that she "encouraged him to go" in reference to Julian because if they reunite, then she can go run to Drew without feeling held down. Recall I even said after Friday that Kim almost looked sad in Julian not chasing after Alexis. She even emphasized that then in adding, "We promised to be honest with each other, Charlie, but if you need an out, you want one."

But of course, this opens the door for the great conversation between Drew and Kim as Drew can play sorry for her in saying, "He still shouldn't have gone..."

And we will see them sleeping together in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.....  right? But really, they both are right now settling second in line in their own relationships. Now they're both using their heads, looking to move forward, and boom - let's reunite some magic.

Let's face it, maybe Drew is growing a brain all together because he also said, "That leads me to believe that part of me is in there somewhere. But why these flashes of recognition?" But wait - Drew making his own assumptions can be dangerous. He thought Peter was a great guy and look where we are.

So Drew says "I need to do this for my kids" but yet the reality is he doesn't want a trace of Jason inside of him and seeing what he's missing with Sam. Refer to everything from Wednesday if you don't believe me.

Continuing on, these jokes that Drew keeps dropping - you'd never get them outta Jason. Hence why I do stand by the fact that possibly those memories are hidden underneath as he may think. Yes, I'm agreeing with Drew. No, the world hasn't tilted off its axis.

Meanwhile, we have Julian and Alexis back together again. Surprised? Yeah, me neither. Julian is so trying all of the cookie cutter lines like "you don't deserve to be tossed aside by Finn" and "you deserve to be put first and loved," but if that was the case, then why did you put a knife to her throat? I mean, I get that "people change" but some things can't ever be forgotten or forgiven. A knife to the throat is one of those.

By the way, I don't think Griffin had a "rough night" but rather a "great night" filled with alcohol, jokes, and dancing. And I was hoping he would've left Ava in the hall as she wished because the chemistry between Griffin and Kiki is so much funner.

I laughed when Ava said, "It really makes me happy that you two get along like you do."
I literally did a head spin when Griffin said, "I hate lying to her." So why did you sleep with her daughter of all people? And Kiki, while you may advise him to not "throw away your relationship," this isn't just one incident. The doubts have been there for time and time again. Running around in this circus isn't healthy for anyone.

I used to feel bad for Griffin with the games that Ava was playing. After that stunt? Nope, they deserve each other as my heart breaks that much more for Kiki. Can we please hook Michael and Kiki up?

I also didn't watch Friday's episode, but got the low courtesy of a friend.

A. Not surprised about Anna not pressing charges. Hopefully the JaSam charges stick because Heinreck deserves something.
B. Glad that Brad is starting to doubt Nelle.
C. Go Nina as Valentine's ass needed to be tossed like that a long time ago.
D. Glad Lulu and Maxie made up.
E. Eek on divorce for Sonny and Carly if so direction, but really, I can't blame her considering the doubts that he has had and not even giving her side of the story a chance. Hopefully Jason and Spinelli find the evidence soon to prove Diane and Sonny wrong - but we know Jason is a little distracted, ala Sam and Heinreck situation

Saturday, May 19, 2018

General Hospital - May 18, 2018 Episode Reflections

It was nice to see Jason make the trip over to the hospital to see Michael and Nelle. Given their history, my heart always swarms when it comes to the relationship between Michael and Jason.

That said, let's just go back to the stare to start the scene. That was EVERYTHING if you're asking me. Perfect set-up for the future, huh? I mean, the fun has already begun with Jason's words straight out to Michael in saying, "Carly didn't push Nelle, and in your heart, you know that.."

"You know your mom would lay down in front of a train for your baby." "But this is different circumstances..." "Because Nelle is sabotaging her."  The man believes in her as always.

"You think Nelle did all that?" "Yes, and I am going to prove it." I can't wait until he does either.

"Just be careful, for your sake and the baby's sake." "You've given me a lot to think about." Not that he should've had to because you should have kept your eyes open about Nelle all along after her beginning stunts.

Of course Michael is the dummy and goes right to Nelle with the information in saying, "She thinks someone has been messing with her head for months." But really, even a warning for Nelle won't save her from the world of hurt coming from both Jason and Carly.

Besides, she deserves it as even know, she's manipulating the situation. She knows exactly what to do to keep manipulating Michael and keep him at his side, including a small panic right there so he'd put his worries away. That won't last once the evidence is laid out before his eyes. I mean, he's already curious in gazing over the topic by saying, "Let's not talk about it anymore. You need some rest..."

Now normally, I would complain in having a Mason scene cut short, but I all fine in Sam being the one to make that happen. I mean, it's perfect how Jason comes running as soon as Sam says, "I need you..."  It was also perfect irony in the fact that Sam was the one who said in their time together, "find the lighter, find Heinreck" and she's the one to call him about the lighter.

So perfect smiles in finally hearing the words, "For once, he was telling the truth. Heinreck was hiding in plain sight. Heinreck Faison is Peter August." Are we really surprised that Jason and Sam figured this out, though? They've been solving General Hospital crimes for years now.

"I've been working a case surrounding Peter." "That's why you stayed at Aurora." Jason knew his girl didn't belong working there.

"How are we going to do this?" "I don't know. There's a lot of people in there and someone is going to get hurt." Aw it's so great to have them working together. And yes, the "we" wasn't lost on me.

By the way, the look on Drew's face as JaSam left together was priceless. He knows the Dream is dead, too. He's probably thinking they're off to do the funky deed, not make #StellyMagic solving everyone's crimes  But really, given that Heinreck is what blew JaSam's world apart, it's fitting that it's Jason and Sam working together to figure this out.

My heart swarmed in hearing Jason say, "I know Spinelli taught you a lot, and this thing could go sideways and we don't have a lot of time. I need you to hack into Peter's email." His confidence in her is everything. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
Oh side note.... Jason may be the man on-screen, but Steve Burton is also a babe off-screen, too. His quote in the latest soap mag in definition of patience and love had me going awww for a bit.
"I'm sorry I made you leave your first #NursesBall early." "It's okay, I have work to do." Great cover for the early leave with Peter's expected meeting anyway. Well, except until Maxie's water broke. Of course we'd have something to delay the meeting/reveal. For the record - they better not have Maxie lose her baby as Nelle keeps hers.

For that reason, I wanted to laugh when Anna said, "After tonight, I'll be a lot closer to it all being over." We can only dream about that when considering Heinreck.

So speaking of Anna, Finn should've just stayed with her after confessing all of those feelings as we knew where it was headed, rather than chasing after Alexis. I mean, even Alexis wasn't willing to accept his comfort in saying, "I allowed myself to be a prop in this game you're playing with Anna." But do I feel sympathy? No way because she used Finn as a way to distract herself from Julian.
On that note, Kim almost looked sad in Julian not chasing after Alexis. It's like she wants him to do that so she can go get Drew. She even emphasized that in adding, "We promised to be honest with each other, Charlie, but if you need an out, you want one."

So my heart swarmed in watching Valentine perform. I may want to kill him half of the time, but he's a good singer. But even better - that punch from Robert was everything. Can we get that on repeat?

Odd And Ends:

  • "My boy has a temper. Explosive when hot, deadly when cold." Can Sonny use that temper on Nelle?
  • Ned still has it as Eddie Mane. That was a good performance
  • Jocelyn has a really nice voice, and her combined with Oscar made a nice performance

Friday, May 18, 2018

General Hospital - May 17, 2018 Episode Reflections

I almost wanted to get giddy about the thought of Sam being caught in Peter's office without having seen the lighter yet. I mean, that could've been perfect. Jason could find it once he goes looking for Sam. Instead, it was just the on-staff cleaner. Thankfully he was a good employee, kept his mouth shut and went to clean someone else's office.

And no, I am not surprised that Sam found the lighter. The better part is the fact that she noticed the initials, remembered the conversation - and called Jason. That's my girl. We aren't playing anymore. We know Peter has Faison's lighter and we got Jasam together for some Stelly Magic. This is not a drill.

On that note, Peter, how about you take Maxie up to your office? I'd love to see the look on your face in seeing Sam, the person you thought you wouldn't have to worry about, sneaking around your office with the lighter in hand.

Instead, he is playing text dummy with Anna - who obviously has someone on her trail thanks to the will, and that'd be Finn.

I will say that he is right that she "can't keep doing this" and the fact that they've wasted a lot of time. But his line about the fact that he knows she's dying - We know she has that blood disease but dying? Little extreme there Finn. That's not why she's so withdrawing from you.

My heart swarm he said, "I still care about you. I never stopped. I wouldn't want anything to happen to you..." But if he wants to stop playing games, how about reveal the additional son you saw listed in the will?

So they could've done better with Chase's choreography, but that was a decent performance. He can sing. The better performance, though, has to be Curtis as his act was pretty good, and that's certainly one way to propose. Now just imagine if Jordan said no in front of everyone.

Oh, and it didn't surprise me in hearing Mac is out of town. That's too bad as it would've been great to see him perform.

General Hospital - May 16, 2018 Episode Reflections

So far, the Nurse's Ball is going solidly. I just want to know why Lucy walked the red carpet with a llama.

So I still like how Jason snuck in without the cameras noticing him - just like him, always.

And of course, as expected, Anna hasn't notified Jason of a single e-mail from Heinreck. I mean, I even said on May 11 that of course Anna would get her hands on the e-mail, and contact Heinreck directly himself. And of course, she won't say a word about this probably to Jason - once again breaking that trust barrier a second time, despite expecting him to tell her everything constantly. It didn't even surprise me when she said, "Still waiting for an answer." I hope it backfires on her.

By the way, Finn was the perfect person for Anna to bump into - but can we just skip over that and admire how stunning Ms. Samantha McCall is? She's looking as beautiful as ever.

So that short and sweet Jasam scene was everything. From "I hoped you were coming" to sharing the fact their using the Nurse's Ball as coverage for other things, to the small glances that make Stelly Magic what it is. And yes Sam, we see you checking out your man.

I rolled my eyes when Valentine said to Nina, "It makes me want to do unspeakable things." I mean, isn't he doing enough? That said, he's digging himself a deeper hole by trying to "wisk you away on a fabulous vacation" in the midst of all the drama.

Cute moment of the night goes to Oscar telling Jocelyn that she's "prettier than Cinderella." I also loved Carla Hall with Olivia.

General Hospital - May 15, 2018 Episode Reflections

I'm glad we're seeing signs of the real Carly shining through in saying, "The whole thing is a setup." I also love how Carly's eyes darted to Jason. He'll save her as always now.

That said, in the same respect, his eyes never left hers as she discussed the blanket with Sonny and Diane. It's like he's searching for truth, knowing that she isn't lying, trying to figure what puzzle piece next and what to do. Nelle better be ready for what's to come. I mean, he's already on the case in saying, "Somebody else took the blanket. We just need to figure out who it was."

I really rolled my eyes when Sonny said, "they have that type of relationship. If she says she'll jump off a cliff, he'll be there to help her." It's more like he'll be there to catch her, Sonny.

I also wanted to say WTF when Jason said, "He doesn't trust my judgement when it comes to you." You think Sonny would after all these years. He should've learned that Jason is always right when it comes to Carly.

That said, while we work at getting Carly out and proving Nelle for the witch that she is, how long until Michael sees through Nelle's fake nightmares? Saw that little smile when Michael cuddled her. I will say, I think the signs are there as he told her, "We'll talk about it later."

And yes, I was sad when they said the baby was fine. As I said after she went tumbling, I wouldn't mind Nelle losing the baby. That'd break her and Michael apart for good. 

I will say that the Ava-Nelle dynamic could be interesting moving forward as we're seeing the Ava that we're used to seeing now that she has the blanket, rather than easily being manipulated into bringing a gift to the shower.

Moving along....

Drew is actually doing something today? Are you sure this isn't alternate universe that I'm watching?  That said, I laughed when he said to Andre, "Why can't it be that easy?" Cause life isn't easy. You can't just whine and instantly get what you want.

By the way, what does an llama have to do with the nurse's ball this year?

I smiled when Griffin said, "Leave Port Charles, or come clean, or you'll find yourself at someone else's mercy." Can we just make that happen?

Really, we may not need outside help as it seems Valentine and Peter are slowly unraveling. Valentine's freak out was beautiful, especially, "Do you know what you've done? You've screwed us both!" Isn't it lovely?

General Hospital - May 14, 2018 Episode Reflections

"You know I always got your back." "Yeah, I know..." The #Sason brotherhood is awesome.

I rolled my eyes when Michael said, "Nelle and I have come to a common ground." But that said, it's nice to see the disbelief in his eyes with her going on, or else that boy would need a smack of reality.

So I initially freaked when they said that the blanket disappeared? I mean, Nelle fell when she pulled the blanket out of Carly's hands. It would've been with her as she went down or fallen out of Nelle's hands at the top of stairs. Nobody else has been around to move it.

....but wait - someone was around.....

Ava went upstairs to check on the kids - she didn't want to be traumatized, remember? - and probably snatched it. So Ava doesn't want to get caught in the middle last week, but is an accomplice this week? Recall she didn't want to be an accomplice due to wanting Griffin to "see a change of fate in me" on May 7. That doesn't make sense - except for Ava's custody motives.
I didn't one bit go against Valentine's suggestion to Peter in saying, "Worse case, she brings Jason to your door and you know how he deals with enemies." He was also right in saying, "When Jason disappeared, Sam's world blew up, so she wants answers too." But of course, Peter remains cocky and says, "I'll find a way to deal with Sam." Are you sure about that? The minute you do, you'll attract someone else whom you don't wanna meet. Oh, and you don't know who you're dealing with.

That said, I don't mind laughing a little in how Valentine thinks he stopped Anna from searching for Heinreck.

Meanwhile, I had other thoughts on Anna as it was easy to see that she was staring at him without a single world. That's why I laughed when she said to Jordan that "there's nothing going on." It's only a matter of time, right?

Friday, May 11, 2018

General Hospital - May 11, 2018 Episode Reflections

So when they were going to dig up a body, I thought well okay there will be a little digging to do. But six feet of digging? Oh lawdy. Maybe that's why Mike and Milo backed out of helping - but more on that later. That said, if you're doing that much work, you'd be a lot of cooler if you took off the layers of clothes you're wearing while digging that six feet.

"I don't want you to feel like you trapped me...."  "You didn't trap me, I chose my life." "I just want you to know - I'm not taking this for granted."  "Look man, you, Carly, Michael, you're my family. So we're good."     Storyline may be dumb, but this is gold.

So it's a surprise to hear they're looking for a body. Wouldn't the body decay away after all this time? Wait - let's remember science. There'd bones at least. Jason, are you sure you're not missing those with no light there?  Regardless, who wants to dig that far down and get nothing?

Jason saying, "I think the body and gun have already been moved" does send a bit of a chill. We all know what means - somebody could be on the trail, or somebody may have found it and gone to commit their own crime.

By the way, I thought Max was supposed to go do with Milo as mentioned when the whole storyline started. Anything to keep Jason away from Carly and solving the #duh situation of the day, right?

Instead, Carly is stuck at this baby shower surrounded by nobody who is really on her side, except for Bobbie. Even Carly asked this question in saying, "I'm sorry but is my mother the only one in here that sees Nelle for the snake that she is?" But let's wait - she can say that, but yet you can't suspect her of haunting you? This is getting old real fast as I can make pages and pages of entries on STUPID LINES.

Oh wait, here we go again with another as Olivia even now goes, "After the crap that the two of you have pulled, Carly has a right to be skeptical."

With all these comments, I was surprised when Bobby said, "You can't go into gun's blazing all the time." When dealing with a witch like Nelle, oh yes you do because she'll snatch any opportunity she wants. But then I rolled my eyes more when Nelle said, "Please let me make things right." Sorry but that's impossible considering everything that you've done.

Now what followed was pure beautiful. That was well-played. That was just beautiful. Excuse me while I sit here praising Carly, smiling, and loving it. She told Nelle the full truth and nothing but the truth. Well, except for not adding that she's responsible for the haunting that we've dealt with.

But of course, that doesn't even work with this room of people - most surprising Carly's own daughter Jocelyn who says, "I get that it's insensitive that she kept bringing up Morgan. She's insecure and she tries too hard." Oh, and then has the balls to go ahead and add, "In case you forgot, she's the reason that I am alive."  Can someone smack some sense and take off the rose colored glasses that Jocelyn is wearing? Because I guess it was okay for Nelle to poison and blackmail her step-father. I also guess it was okay for Nelle to continue taunting Carly time and time again.

"We're going to call a truce." "Really, Carly? And how do you propose we do that?" How about we start off with you revealing that you've been haunting her for months since the writers took away her instincts and chased Jason out of town so he couldn't solve it.

Praise the Soap Gods today because FINALLY we heard the words we've been for in, "It's you, all of it. The weird phone calls, my mom's house, you smashed the photo, you put the note on my car, and you sent me to Morgan's grave." And finally Carly sees "you for who you are" and despite underestimating you (how?), "it's over." I also chuckled when Carly added, "It'll be a cold day in hell before I need you." That conversation with Carly and Nelle has been months, weeks in the making. Now I feel like we're getting somewhere as both know where the other stand.

Or I thought..... as next thing you have Nelle tumbling down the stairs. So Nelle did that herself, but of course she'll blame Carly and of course Carly will be locked away and of course. Let's just hope Michael believes Carly or else that boy deserves a slap up side the head with another lecture from Jason like years ago.

For once, this is actually a job well done with this storyline as it's actually an interesting twist. Nice job, General Hospital - finally. Great ending as that was actually the perfect set-up on all accounts. And for the record, I wouldn't mind Nelle losing the baby. That'd break her and Michael connection.

So when Peter said, "You said it would be better if I left Aurora. I want to hear why," I started rubbing my hands together. It was also nice how he tried to talk his ass out of that by replying, "I didn't mean to imply that Aurora would be better off without you." But I want you gone so I can keep my secret and I'm worried that you're sniffing too close by being in the same offices, despite being a pompous ass.

You have to hand it to Peter in trying to play her weakness of Drew in saying, "In my honest opinion, Drew is more invested in Aurora. He may make a bad judgement. It's in Drew's best interest for you to walk away." But let's remember - he's forgetting this is Sam McCall, not Cain speaking before you. Besides, saying that Drew "may make a bad judgement," he's already made a bunch anyway. From his comments and hatred towards Jason for whatever reason, to suffocating Sam for months, and ignoring the search for memories till now.

I love how he adds, "better for the company to move forward with one CEO rather than stuck between a tug of war of two." Can't people understand that people can be civilized despite a divorce? Wait.... civilized divorce and Drew's temper don't go well in the same thought. Maybe Peter has a thought that we should consider despite his own intentions as Drew may explode as we go forward here. 

I love how Peter is thinking he can easily play Sam with all of this bullshit, too. But hey, you gotta remember - Peter only knows the Sam that graced him with Drew, and we know that she wasn't herself during that time. Boy needs to do more research, just like he did on Nathan for whatever creepy reason. 

That said, it's easy to see with this dialogue that Sam is ready to stick on investigating. The best part is even Curtis is still suspicious and wanting to do "some extra digging."

"I don't know what he's selling, but she's buying wholesale." "If she stays quiet, he'll think he's in the clear." "But you think he's not?" Great job trusting your instincts, Sam and Curtis.

That said, my opinion on Peter hasn't changed and that goes with the tone of his response to Anna's e-mail in saying, "I can hear the excuses already, mother...."

So of course Anna would get her hands on the e-mail, and contact Heinreck directly himself. And of course, she won't say a word about this probably to Jason - once again breaking that trust barrier a second time, despite expecting him to tell her everything constantly. I hope Jason cuts contact in response, or demands answers. 

I mean, she should really mention the Valentine conversation but that should be addressed when you have someone saying, "I agree with Robert. You should focus on the child that you have, not the child you don't." Given the dynamic of Anna and Valentine together, it's like she's getting closer to nagging his ass for taking away her baby purposely. But yet still scared to say it due to their awkward connection. I also think Anna just threw herself under the bus in saying not to trust Valentine in her e-mail to Peter. 

Meanwhile, Peter begins to dig himself deeper in inviting Maxie to "go together" to the Nurse's Ball.

By the way, I was taken back by Sam when she asked Maxie, "Would you please be my date for the Nurse's Ball?" Um hello, you have a very charming individual whom you've kissed and said you love in recent time that you should ask. Like hello Jason. He don't like big events, but he'd do it for you.

General Hospital - Best of #DoesDrewRemember

So let's face it - General Hospital has been mostly try and boring this week except for Friday. We started off with Drew talking out of his pompous ass self, and just went downhill from there.

But I do recall on Tuesday stating that if Drew can say crap like, "I have the memory of every shootout, every arrest," then he obviously has the good ones too. But oh no, let's just harp on the negative ones to make your pompous ass look good. Those memories tell you that those kills were for good reason due to those people's evil activities. There's also so many positive memories that hey, let's just let Drew gloss over for his own agenda of making Jason look bad.

Well, I don't know who on Twitter started the #DoesDrewRemember hashtag, but they're now my hero. It certainly helped this past week's General Hospital disaster.

Cue the best ones that I liked.....

Now let's see - he believed he could make them into this perfect couple by buying a media company without talking it over first, and suffocating her so she lost her voice in any decisions.

But let's face it - this tweet speaks the truth no matter what we say above.

General Hospital - May 10, 2018 Episode Reflections

Why did I even watch? Worse than yesterday!

I will say Bobbie gave me a smile in saying, "Until you stabbed her in the back, and you wonder why Carly is suspicious." But yet she won't suspect her when it comes to the Morgan situation. Or anyone for that matter. But let's admit - nice job by Nelle in giving her the papers and playing the pity game infront of everyone so it covers any future suspicion (not that there will be any it seems) when things come to light.

I did smile in hearing Carly say, "If fate intervenes, your baby will be in the best of hands." There's that pesky fate again. It has done wonders for #jasam so far. Can it have the same magic for Nelle?

So of course Nelle gets Ava to sign the card, resulting in Carly saying, "Morgan loved Penguins, but you knew that Ava...." Where's all those people who believed that Ava would take the fall for all of Nelle's dirty handy work? Ava walked right into that when she signed the card.
So Sonny is back on the croughton situation with Max, insisting he was alone that night. Just like we all insisted before that Franco wasn't there when Claudia died. Okay....

And for the record, I would have the same look in response to Lucy as Chase did, too. That said, I'm actually intrigued to see his reaction when this plays out.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

General Hospital - May 9, 2018 Episode Reflections

And the episodes get worse as we go...... Another, great big bore if you're wanting to know

So now Sonny is pushing the boundaries of Carly's issues by saying there's been four or five instances? Try just three with the scarf, house and grave as the phone calls were proven to be real.

I will say that Michael is right in saying, "Whatever she's going through is only escalating her feud with Nelle." Now how about everyone opens their eyes? Instead, we have to listen to the likes of "if she was in her right mind, she'd deal with Nelle in her sleep" and "but Nelle isn't even the problem right now." This lack of seeing the obvious or even hinting it has to be the most annoying part of this storyline.
So Carly says it's the "worse thing" and Nelle is the "closest thing" to the devil. But yet with everything going on, she can't even begin to suspect her. And fact - Jocelyn, you need to take off your all sunny and perfect glasses.

"You don't have to worry about me, Sonny." "Too late..." The problem is he's taking his worries in the wrong direction, not seeing what's right before his eyes.

Sun, surf, sand, and rum. I wouldn't mind a vacation with some Carson loving. Its much better than watching this Nelle storyline. Why tease us, GH?

What could be in a box that would make Carly's head explode? Something from Morgan's childhood?
I sort of said WTF when Nelle goes, "I'm going to get Michael, as soon as I take down his mother." Wouldn't it work to opposite to where mother will hate you next? Furthermore, how is mother locked away for crazy going to make Michael instantly turn a corner and love you?

I also rolled my eyes when she said, "By the time the shower is over, Carly will be exposed for the lunatic she is."  But I will say that Nelle is right in asking, "How come she has no idea that I'm haunting her?" It sounds ridiculous even when she says.

Now Ava outing Nelle for Carly just seems strange - especially when nobody Carly loves or herself can suspect her. Soaps certainly gone strange.

Thank you for Brad for seeing through Nelle's bullshit about Carly because I was growing very annoyed.

So Drew knows there's thunderstorms in the forecast, but hey, let's go wandering into the woods on a hike anyway. Thankfully for Oscar's own sake he has a reason to not go.

"Wouldn't you like to know who you are?" "Yeah I do, but there's obstacles in the way." Why have you just sat on your hands, Drew? Why aren't you doing stuff? Obstacles can be worked around and through.

I was honestly surprised that Drew actually called Maddox to get his memories back. Useless does something finally.

General Hospital - July 6-10, 2018 Episode Reflections

So is it a surprise that Nelle isn't believing a drop of how Michael left there to go see Jordan and Chase? She knows to always be suspi...