Friday, March 30, 2018

General Hospital - March 30, 2018 Episode Reflections

Let's just say that this was a great episode as the flashbacks were everything. Great job by all those involved!

Over the years, Maurice Benard has delivered some of the most memorable lines, and the opener for this episode didn't disappoint - "I've been thinking a lot about memories - how our personalities, loyals, souls, their response to what came before. We're the sum total of the connections we've made, and the people we've lost. Memories are the building blocks are our identity." 

So no short in excitement in seeing the Metro Court turned into Luke's for the night. I had a feeling when Sonny said he was doing something for his dad that it would be something like that. But it's perfect - great connection to the storyline and great therapy for Mike, but also a great way to rekindle the past memories.

Of note - I will say the way they're talking to set up the flashbacks seems a bit awkward at times, but they're all so great flashbacks that you just let it go....

That said, nothing like a sharp dressed man, though. Sonny, Michael, Dante and Mike looked pretty good walking in all dressed up together. 

Can I just admit here that I miss seeing Luke Spencer? 

When Carly said, "Look around - there's a lot of memories here," it was like a no kidding moment as you could see where the episode was going. It was perfect having the first flashback all the way back to the black and white days.

Mike is right that "Lucy Cole, everything about you is memorable...." She's certainly had some moments. The Nurse's Ball has always been a very special part about @GeneralHospital each and every year. Lucy's hardwork each year certainly showed. I can't wait to this year's edition - maybe a bit of a throwback mixed in to honor #GH history. That said, can we have Lucy back on, along with Luke? 

I laughed a little when Mike referred to Brenda, but he's right "she takes awhile to get ready, but she always make a helluva entrance." That's one way of putting Brenda's antics during her time. Cue the pink room anyone?

It was great seeing the Lila flashback! I always liked her charm for her entire life on General Hospital.

I couldn't argue with Monica saying, "U know the old saying you can't do with, you can't do without? That was me & Alan. Nobody could make me laughter and after all the times I said I could never lie eyes on him again, I miss him everyday." Their relationship was certainly unique as much as Alan annoyed me.

The Robin flashback was great, too. She hasn't changed much over the years....
Awwww baby Michael. That moment with Jason holding Michael will always be etched in my memory.

The Stone memory really caused the waterworks to begin to drip watching this episode. Sonny saying, "He's been gone longer than we've lived" just makes it hit home further.

So it was great seeing Ned rekindle the Eddie days and let's just say that the man still has a great voice. Oh, and the Eddie's Angel flashback to Ned and Alexis honestly made me laugh.

Mac and Kevin shaving their legs? Yeah, that's an image you can never get out of your head now. But let's face it - they certainly made "interesting" woman.

That scene when Sonny shot Dante - that hits the feels immediately..... And Dante you may say that "now I have an excuse to like you," but we don't excuses to like Sonny.
"Michael lets me tell him the story, and I know I didn't let me tell you anything and I'm sorry about that." "Let me tell you a story - I remember a time when I was in really bad trouble and my son who everybody thought had turned his back on me came to my rescue." "Of all the places to realize my son loved me...." "Of course I love you, you're my mom."  Monica and Jason really hit the heart strings, too. With everything they've endured, the simple "I love you" meant way too much.

#Carson once again totally slayed it today. The flashback may not have been everything, but their dialogue together day was perfection - "You’re a hard man to love Sonny. But nothing worth having is ever easy. And I do love you. I really love you." It's amazing how they've survived the ups and downs and came out strong in the end. Love always wins, right? They were always meant for each other.

It was great seeing Jason and Carly dancing together, but Jason and Anna? Meh.... Recall in the past, he'd dance with Sam and only in private. So yes, it is odd to see him dancing at all. With Carly, I could understand given their history. But the Anna dance threw me off. Guess it could be chalked up to growth over time, as evident in savoring moments discussion with Monica.

But the real sweller was watching Carly and Sonny close the night together.

Mike's last line - "For a cocky SOB, you don't give yourself enough credit. You're a good son. I'm proud of you."  - was just the perfect sum up for everything. Cue the waterworks again.

"To a hell of a night. May tomorrow be even better...." Here's to many more awesome memories from @GeneralHospital in the years to come. Thank you for the history to date.

General Hospital - March 29, 2018 Episode Reflections

This episode was interesting. The layers continue to be added to the story ahead of the total chaos that will probably strike eventually. Not too shabby a deal....

So Jason and Anna put together another great batch of scenes in regards to this search. So far, it seems that the secret is safe but Anna is going to slip if she keeps dropping these hints.

Jason is on to something in saying that "you're assuming Heinreck is innocent, when he could be just like his father." Just because he was the traitor and saved Jason doesn't mean he's innocent. I mean, he's playing the game now and hiding this secret. Of course, Jason hit it out of the park again in adding "how long would he have kept me there?" to humanity of needles, to drugging of Sam.

Last 30 seconds of this scene - just everything today. Jason's passion and angst and how intense he is with each line like a punch was perfect. It explains every reason why I can't look at Heinreck/Peter straightly.
Truthfully, Peter's line of "clean bill of health, my book, and best of father, you're dead" didn't sit well with me at the time. I feel Peter may be even more evil or attempting to be in search of revenge for his father's actions. That said, I'm glad Nina saw the book.

On that note, so I am set for fireworks when Maxie finds out that Peter is Heinreck, and even more set for Nina when she finds out that Valentine knew the truth all along. Oh wait - Nina will take him back like she has time and time before, despite him being a murderer.  So say, they'll probably be a fight - and then boom, back together in a week or a month? Also, you watch - like Nina has excuses for Valentine, I wonder if Maxie will drag Peter for a good bit and then have some excuse for him.

That said, you know it's only a matter of time until that happens based on the recent DNA results, and all the crazy hints being dropped across the canvas. Let's face it - when Griffin opened that envelope, I wanted him to stand on top of the hotel and shout it out to everyone. Or can we bring devious Ava back? She'd put the information on a big billboard.

That said, while we await for that, let me eat up the irony of most of these lines along the way.

You have Nina saying, "I'm telling you, that man has an agenda where Maxie is concerned." While it may not have started that way, the fact that Peter knows her connection and is still letting things foster says enough for me.

So Valentine wants to be partners with Lulu? Great way to lead her down the wrong path and make sure Peter's secret remains.... That said, I don't think that will work for Lulu because she's already onto it in saying, "maybe Heinreck assumed that we all thought he would escape but he remained to stay here..." along with "maybe he's here in Port Charles right under our noses."

So Maxie is still going on about Lulu, now telling Spinelli, "I need Nathan, and he's dead because of Lulu." Welp, actually there's one other person that's more to blame but hey, we won't go there. But give ya hint - he's been your best friend lately. Oh Peter....

My heart literally broke when Mike said to Sonny, "You should really meet my son. You would really like him...."

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

General Hospital - March 28, 2018 Episode Reflections

This episode was all about the #jasam feels. There's truly #StellyMagic because they're one a few couples that can make me tear up, and they did it today between Jason's sweetness and Sam wanting distance. I could've almost written out every single line that they said because it was just that perfect.

To whom wrote today's dialogue for #jasam on @GeneralHospital, you get a golden star. It was just perfect for their relationship and everything that's happened. Furthermore, stand-up job by @kellymonaco1 and @1SteveBurton for the emotions, small things - #StellyMagic it is.

So with that openly stated and everybody knowing that this will be longer than normal, here we go.....

Right away, Jason wastes no time with the feels in saying, "I know this is really tough on you, and the last thing I want to do is make it worse." Once again, Jason is being a true man and putting her feelings first - despite having been away from her for five years and missing everything that they are together.

Oh Sam in always thinking the worse by saying, "Make it worse? I'm not really sure it's possible at this point." You could've shot or killed one of the boys, slept with both within a span of couple nights and been pregnant, or Jason could still be dead. I think we're okay....

I mean, she may be right in saying, "It went on too long. I should've said what I knew and we could've dealt with it" but you can't turn back time. That said, Jason was perfect in comforting her by saying, "I still think you're being too hard on your self." My man continues to be A MAN and I love it. For him, his own feelings don't matter. He just wants Sam to be okay.

Sam could break every person's heart in the room in saying that she feels "lost, and really scared. But I know I am confident that I am making the right decision. But the reality is, I could end up without either one of you. That's just something that I will have to live with." We know that won't happen because Jason will always wait for her. We even knew that before he said those words today, but more on his awesomeness later.

I don't know if I can believe Jason when he says that, "Drew doesn't hate you." Drew doesn't seem like the forgiving type, but what do I know? But Sam is right in saying, "He's certainly not happy with me and that doesn't change, I'll have to accept that."  Once again Jason being the man, comforts her in saying, "acceptance is a tough place to get to." While she's right that it normally comes easy for him, he has been there not being able to get there easily. Let's face it - he hasn't with Franco - and understandably so. But let's not give the freako power to ruin this awesomeness, okay?

"It's really not that easy, and that doesn't mean that the feelings aren't still there. I wanted to be with you." "But you were able to accept it and move on...." "Just like I'll accept what comes next." "Even if we don't end up together?" "It's not about me. Sam, this is about you. You have to figure out what you want and need." I think we all know what she needs ;) But I swear his sweetness is tops. Seriously, can I have a Jason Morgan of my own? Always putting Sam first.

"What I need is some distance, I need to be away from Port Charles, I need to get away from Drew, and I need to get away from you, too."  Notice how her breath hitched when she referred to Jason? Yeah, the #JaSamReunion2018 is coming.... 

I'm going to miss Sam in her saying, "I want to take the kids and get away for a couple days, couple weeks, & calm the noise in my head." That said, I keep being reminded of "hotel scene" too and smile.

So when she said, "I hope it's okay with Drew that I take Scout, and I hope it's okay with you that I take Danny," we knew that Jason would be fine with it - like everything so far. Now Drew's reaction, on the other hand, should be interesting.

Now on the flip side, I was ready to smile with Sam saying, "It's not fair to be with someone when you're thinking about someone else. What I did to Drew, and what I did to myself, was awful. I couldn't imagine doing that in a million years to you - it would kill me." All the more signs for a #JaSamReunion2018 happening.

The small coffee break even broke my heart with Jason saying, "I just feel if I leave, you won't be here when I get back." As much as Jason wants to let her go for herself, you can see signs that he hates it just as much due to his love for her.

Sam's tender heart is perfect in asking Jason, "Where are you?"  But gosh, he made me swoon even more when he replied, "It doesn't matter.....I just want you to be okay. I want you to trust yourself, know yourself, and just be Sam..." How can you not love Jason and say he doesn't put Sam first? How can you not just adore the feelings of this man? Good gosh.

For the second straight day in a row, Mr. Non-Talkative delivers the line of the day, week, month. I mean, this was beyond anything....

1. Character Growth 2. Holy hot man sweetness..... 3. Cue the tears and emotions.... Given what they've shown each other, and especially seeing Jason pouring this to her today, you can't deny the upcoming #JaSamReunion2018 now.

By the way, I said the writing was on point - but that doesn't surprise me. There's been a lot of great pointed writing through this, and today just further expanded - if not exploded that. I mean, both referencing the fact that a huge chapter is closing and Sam has to let go was set perfectly. Because once she can do that, we can start a new special chapter as you continue the book known as #jasam.

"Mind over matter. We have to force ourselves to do things that we don't want to do." "5 more minutes?" "That's a deal." She's trying so hard but she can't do it - she can't walk away from Jason. So how long until the #JaSamReunion2018 happens?

And remember the chapter factor? I couldn't help but smile and tear up when Sam said, "I just had a memory - this is the first place that we met?" The perfect spot to begin a new chapter together - where the first meeting occurred - #GH is hitting every single feeling..

And can I say Sam you're a darling in saying, "Little did I know, it was the luckiest day of my life..." Do you smell #JaSamReunion2018?

I laughed when Drew said, "You got your wish. Go ahead and celebrate." Don't worry Drew, we will celebrate the nightmare ending. And by the way, I love the updated coloring on Drew's face today. Those bruises are showing nicely.

That said, thank you Carly for not bending backwards to his feelings and straight up saying, "At least now you know, there’s no more living in denial & you can move on!" She is right. Isn't knowing the truth and not being in denial better than living a fake lie? I mean, what is your life if you're living a lie?

But like always, self-centered Drew can't appreciate that, instead slays another line with, "that's why you pushed her to Jason since he got back." That's because Carly knew the truth since she's been in a similar situation, and has been around #jasam for years and knows their attraction.

Oh Drew throwing all the blame on Sam in saying, "Sam and I split up." Actually, you left her after she said that she needed time to decide her direction. But sure, we'll go with an even split - whatever floats your sinking ship. 


I smiled when Maxie said, "No one has ever accused me of being a light packer." We should expect that given her fashion needs and sense.

Peter saying, "I don't think there's any rules when it comes to grief" caused an involuntary eyeroll. So comforting your guilt for your unknown brother's death means it's okay for you to comfort his widow without revealing that you're Heinreck? Yep, that seems legit. It becomes even better when Maxie goes, "I can't even imagine if Faison was given the chance to raise Nathan. Everything that psycho touches is evil." Ha! Love the irony!

So finally Peter is taking some responsibility in saying, "It's not Lulu's fault. I'm the one that gave her the green light." But once again, oh the irony with Maxie saying, "You didn't know who Faison was....." I mean, okay, least Peter is admitting this partially, but oh my, I can't wait until she finds the secret. This is gonna be good. Can he just tell her that he's Heinreck?

So when Maxie said, "Are you sure? Our friendship came out of nowhere, and it's 9.5 on the intensity scale." So what happens when he reveals the secret or it comes out? Secondly, wouldn't a random friendship after someone's death when he was there make you a little suspicious?

And oh Maxie in saying, "As strange as it sounds, it's comforting to be around you." I wonder why. That said, the irony lines are getting heavy with Maxie adding, "Sometimes the way you talk and move, even the gestures you make, they remind me of Nathan...." Can we stop dropping the hints and just open the can of Heinreck worms?

"What do you do?" "Go to the gym." "What else?" "I order room service and watch re-runs of 50s/60s sitcoms." I also write a novel about my crazed father and profit from my ridiculous life of lies.


I like Kiki's move in trying to re-arrange her schedule to avoid Dr. McCreepy, even if I rolled my eyes when he said, "I hope that didn't have anything to do with me." Oh no, not at all. I mean, yo just creeped her out to the point everybody's skin crawled.

With that in mind, I was set for Kiki to run the other direction and keep running when he said, "Even still, I feel badly and want to make up for that. Come to my office," along with "Trust me, this is going to make studying easier. Just string by my office. I guarantee I won't regret it."

Instead, she goes to his office - and I was ready to puke immediately. That just increased when he said, "You're biggest fan. I think you can do better that...." And then oh gosh - I would've kicked that man in the balls as soon as he tried to land that kiss on me. Ew ew ew ew ew - but perfectly played if you want to make light of the #MeToo movement. But still, ew.

Kiki is right in saying, "You've been telling me that I'm smart and talented, but you've just been trying to get in my pants. You're disgusting!" I just can't believe it took this long for her to realize that, or the fact that it took to the point of the kiss. I feel for her, though.....


What is it going to take for Liz to realize that she can't trust Franco ever? I mean, I almost wanted to smack sense into her when she said, "Having the secret between us, I guess that's made me wonder if I can trust him...." I'll give ya hint - never Liz. But really, it's almost sweet karma for her telling Jason to "get over what happened" between him and Franco.

So when Elizabeth said, "What kind of environment is it living in a world waiting for the other shoe to drop?" I was almost taken back to a time before. I mean, Elizabeth's lines to Kim right now are reminding me of when Lucky was on drugs. We know what she did there, and maybe she could go to Drew this time - comfort together. It'd keep him occupied and frankly, in some ways, they deserve each other.

Also, if she has to do what's best for her "kids" and always does, why do we only ever hear about Jake and Jake alone?

I laughed when Kiki told Franco, "You have to face your past, or you're going to screw up your future." I'm sure he'll screw up anyway like he has already.

So of course, let's begin the cycle once again in Liz and Franco having yet another discussion with her telling him the future depends on him and his actions....

I laughed when Franco said, "You deserve to be with a guy that is kind, brave, and fully committed to you - and I'm going to get there. All I can do is pray that you'll get there." I don't think Franco will ever there if you're asking me.

"I'm sorry, but I can't be part of this process." "I know, and I wouldn't expect you." //// "Find what happened, who you were back then, and more importantly - who you are now." "And then?" "Come back home..." A true couple stands together no matter what. This doesn't show that. When you're together, you're a team and figure out life together, and work your way through your battles - not this crap.

General Hospital - March 27, 2018 Episode Reflections

So I laughed at Drew saying, "You're just going to run. I mean, that's your game - make her chase after you." You don't even have a clue, do you Drew? I mean, unlike you, he has a heart and is willing to be patient for her instead of needing constantly coddling - but more on that later.

So I smiled when Drew said, "Well congratulations, you got Sam back." Let's be honest - Jason never left Sam's heart. She proved that when she recognized him immediately and lusted for his touch and had the flashbacks. Besides, didn't she fall in love with you because she thought you were Jason?

Also, how self-centered is Drew to believe that Jason is there for him? I mean, unlike you Drew, Jason is a productive man and actually does work - like searching for answers to the mystery of both your lives, and being there on the pier to land a shipment for Sonny.

But of course, Drew doesn't let this opportunity slip when he knows that Jason is there for work, trying to dig his claws in right away. I mean, I just shook my head when he said, "You left her alone to grieve, because we both know that Sonny comes first." While Sonny has a close spot in his heart (and reasonably so given their history), he still can give Sam more love than you have ever.

He also has over time put her first on more than one occasion over the business, and even said he would leave it her for - and she was the one that told him to stay involved, and that she was his ride or die buddy.

You also have to love how he used a time that Sam was infected by a disease that clouded her decisions as his defense? Wow, great choice dummy. I'm pretty sure Sam and Sonny both are over what happened, have made up and that fear doesn't remain.

But oh no, go forth and Drew with your words, "You're dragging Sam back to a world that she fears." Of course, my man doesn't miss a beat with the perfect clapback in saying, "I'm not dragging Sam anywhere." That's actually true because all Jason has told her is to be honest with herself and make whatever decision she feels is right - not pushing her like Drew did countless times.

Oh Drew in his selective process by saying, "I have all the memories of all the times that you hurt Sam..." Then you also have all the memories of their lovely moments, tender moments, sweet moments, laughable moments, and the fact that they forgave each other and we're ready to move forward together.
Now now ladies and gentleman, play all your dramatic music and gather around. The line of the week, month, forever in this relationship triangle was delivered by the man. I can't even utter a response for this because it was just perfect.

“If you & Sam are done it’s the best thing that could ever happen to her because you treat her like something you own; because you make her feel small & scared and that’s not who Sam is. If she isn't with me, that's fine - as long as she's away from you."

So I was hoping that General Hospital would've shown more of the smackdown, but I'm not complaining. We all know who won and let's face it, Drew looks mighty good.... 

It doesn't surprise me that Curtis went to see Sam after speaking with Drew. I mean, he wants to do what he can for his friend, right? That said, I was hoping Curtis would've said some of the same crap he said to Drew to see the response. She may have smacked his ass worse than Jason did to Drew - if possible.

That said, Curtis actually showed his true character - and why I don't mind the guy despite his faults from Monday with his advice for Sam. It was perfect, really.

I wanted to cuddle Sam when she said, "I was so love with Drew that I didn't want to lose everything that we had..." I mean, she does all this for him and yet he goes and treats her like this back in return?
Drew's attitude made me want to smack the fool. I mean, Drew could've at least thanked Sam for paying his fine. She should've left him there.

That said, Jason proves once again why he's a stand-up because he straight out asked her, "How are you doing?" This is one of the million to trillion reasons why it will be them together at the end of the day.

I swear, I wish someone would walk in and randomly find that story on Peter's laptop. That said, I just shrugged my shoulders when he said, "I come with my own complications." Oh Peter, how about you just tell everybody and there will be no complications? Oh wait - because we both know Maxie's likely reaction.

That said, with everything at play, I don't know if you can trust Peter with the baby's finances.


So I rolled my eyes at Franco saying, "Once my mother tells me what happens, they'll be some closure....." You had closure before because this was never a topic until three months ago - a memory that three year olds shouldn't even have.

They rolled again when he said, "My future depends on what happens in there." Being overdramatic, Franco? It only controls your future if you let it, fool.

General Hospital - March 26, 2018 Episode Reflections

Good episode of General Hospital. The #Jarly scenes were everything and hey, I got a laugh at Alexis & Curtis, too. 

For the record, everybody needs a #jarly style friendship in their life. 

I love how Jason is helping Carly with her worry about the scarf. It's classic #jarly friendship in having Jason calm Carly down once again.

So my first thought with the scarf switch was to look at security cameras. Well, thanks General Hospital for not doing the obvious and forgetting about those. Instead, they had a reason. I get Diane "advising against" closer cameras to Carly's office for legal reasons, but what about protection here? There's no reason for no good cameras of a boss' office.

Like always, though, Steve and Laura work great together and bring all the feels - especially when it comes to Morgan. Carly admitting that she can't go in his room because she's "afraid of what I won't find. I know he's gone - but I'm a mom. I can't help hoping he will come home" is everything.

By the way, I am beginning to wonder too if Morgan is alive after all of this....

Regardless, it's clear that Jason is on to it as he said, "Somebody is messing with you...." You know hat means he'll see it through and Nelle better run. And he is right that "Whatever is going on here, it's probably not danger" because we know Nelle couldn't hurt a fly that bad.

Alexis saying to Sam, "There's going to be a lot more said - and it's not just going to be with Drew. What are you going to say when Jason shows up at your door?" Welp, I know what I'd do.

Like always, Alexis rags on Jason and thinks that he's going to do the wrong thing for Sam and try to take advantage of her in this situation. Meanwhile he's known about the dual feelings longer but been nice enough to keep his distance despite the pain it causes him. I mean, if he wanted to take advantage of the situation, he would've let it slip to Drew that he and Sam kissed on New Year's before now.

As much as it hurts, I get Sam saying, "Leaning on Jason instead of figuring out how I got in this mess is the last thing that I want to do" and "I need to know how to trust myself again. I need to know how to rely on myself again" because obviously, knowing yourself is more important above anything else in life. That said, she has the right man in Jason to allow her to do that as he'll give space. Personally, I'd rather Sam be 100% ready for when the #JaSamReunion2018 happens, rather than have a flux and relapse over and over. Hence patience here - as hard as that is.

Of course, Alexis doesn't understand this and still asks, "I'm just wondering if you're misreading Jason. What are you going to do if he pressures you to get back together?" Thankfully, Sam isn't afraid to stand up to her mom and even asked, "Mom, are you not listening to me?"

But really, as much as we all love mother-daughter friendships, this is one topic that Sam needs to stop trying to convince with her mom. I mean, you can't knock sense into Alexis' head, because really - who has feelings for a man who put a knife to your throat? Alexis even admitted her faults when she said to Sam, "You're setting a good example for your sisters, your mom that's not seriously as strong as you are."

But hey, she admitted that she's trying to avoid Julian, right? Just don't know if I agree with her tactics. I mean, is it fair to put up a fake front with Finn and making him suffer away from Anna? And I get that Finn didn't have to agree - but he should never been put in that situation to begin with. That said, it was easy for him to say "yes" because he can avoid facing his feelings about Anna and the situation they have.

Oh Sam in saying, "Maybe in the end, I'll figure out that I'm not supposed to be with Drew or Jason." Sorry but the chemistry, longing to touch, emotional discussions together, everything since his return says otherwise. The #JaSamReunion2018 will be happening. I mean, even Alexis knows its coming as she couldn't shut up about Jason.

That said, Alexis didn't need to add, "I'm just worried about Jason. If you get back together with him now, you'll be doing it while you're having doubts...." I don't think there's #JaSamReunion2018 doubts, personally.

I laughed in hearing Curtis say to Drew, "From where I've been sitting, you guys look solid...." I mean, who is this guy?

Curtis really lost his identity to me when he said, "It's almost like Sam is acting on some sense of loyalty. He drags around misery with a secretary blanket."

I mean, what do you expect from a guy that's been kidnapped for five years? What do you expect from a guy that had everything ripped from him? But personally, I don't see him dragging around misery when instead of dwelling about what happened and playing the feel sorry for me game like your bestie there, he's trying to move forward with his life and do what he needs to do, and find answers.

Secondly, isn't that partially why we got in this mess in the first place, because Sam was being Drew's security blanket?

I laughed when he said, "Jason has the personality of concrete. I've never seen that guy crack a smile."  Should we create a montage simply of the scenes with Jason's smile, bright blue eyes of happiness since returning? I'd rather have his concrete personality than you or Drew any day, Curtis.
But okay, let's face it - should we expect someone dating the police commissioner to be smart on this show? Next!
So Drew repeats, "I knew this was coming. I could feel it. The signs were always there...." Then why didn't you say something, Drew? Why did you rush into the marriage? Why didn't you push for more information? Why did just talk about you & not Sam's feelings together?

Welp, Kim and Julian slept together to prove how comfy the cot is in his office. How lovely....

I sort of laughed when Kim said, "I know we've always been honest with each other." I'd like to see Julian tell you every ounce of his past then.


So Ned saying, "We have preserve the character of Port Charles" is irony, considering the election. Thankfully Lulu kept receipts and snapped back, "I'm sorry, but aren't you the one that wanted to tear down Charles Street?" But like a good growing person, Ned "learned from his ways" as he said. We shall see, though.....

By the way, pretty sure Sonny is keeping a low profile, Ned. I mean, we haven't heard anything about the crime and mob lately. Besides, Sonny has his hands full with other stuff.

Speaking of that, I've said it before and I'll say it again - Maurice Benard deserves a big huge gold star for his work with the Alzheimer storyline with Max Gill. Maurice's emotions and delivery of the line, "My father is crumbling before my eyes...." just broke my heart on Monday. To be honest, the whole cast is as Andre added to it by saying, "It burns away memories, personalities, everything that we are...."

Jason ain't playing around with Drew. I mean, when Sam is around, my man behaves. But without her and just the boys on the docks, you can tell right there that he has a good eye on him given the past couple times crossing paths. Besides, Jason is there for work - to watch a shipment from Sonny. Whose to say that suspicion isn't related to Drew possibly being linked to it and hence the stare?

Saturday, March 24, 2018

General Hospital - March 23, 2018 Episode Reflections

The scene with Spinelli entering was true classic #Jarly friendship.

That said, I'm on-board for watching #JaSpin rob the bank in Europe. That'd be worthy of entertainment and it seems simple enough if you listen to Spinelli lay out the stages. I mean, let me get this straight - Spinelli drew up a death certificate, birth certificate, probably a fake identity, and change the will. What else can he do? I mean, it's like never ending with him.

I give credit - Nelle's plan is sick and evil, but it is good in how she went about that bit with the scarf. No trace means nobody can DNA the blood. But what about a camera that every hotel has above the boss' office?

So of course Drew had to ask, "Why did we get married?" It's a good question honestly Drew, but really, it's because she was willing to live a lie, bury her feelings for Jason for your happiness. Pretty #SaD, huh? How does it feel to see that?

Drew then goes, "I love you so much that I gave you everything that I am...." But he didn't search out his own identity and truth once he found it was partly a lie.

Drew's most stunning line? "I love and will always have love for you. That's more than I could say for you." Can I smack that man, silly? Drew seriously ticked me over my edge in how deep he made his words stung in that scene. You don't deserve Sam.

For what it's worth through out that whole break-up scene - let's face it they're headed there, I'm a little taken back by Drew's reaction. He's not even reaching out for a bit of comfort towards Sam - it's immediate defense, drawn back. You'd think if he really cared, he would try and put understanding here. Is it because he's seeing visions of #jasam?

Like the spoilers say, Jason is being the "chivalrous" one because he's giving her space, time, allowing her to sort out her feelings, but yet being comforting and loving to know that he's there if when she's ready and needs him. Unlike someone else who just whined for his own selfish reasons. Is that enough to tell you who Sam will choose?

So I busted out laughing when Alexis told Julian, "He (Finn) does it for me." Oh ya - like they've only slept together once and neither really remembered. But okay....   I mean, really, we know what she's doing - she's trying to ward Julian off by making him believe that she's with Finn and closely at that. As much as you want to believe that will work, I bet he will see through it eventually - or Finn will give up his role for Anna.

For the record, I was loving the chemistry between Anna and Finn and so hopeful for a confession of feelings and such - until Alexis showed up. I could've knocked her off into water then. In that way, I feel bad for Finn - another case just like Sam of someone else sacrificing their own relationship for another. Why he offered to do that? I got no clue. Maybe because he's afraid just as much as Anna and this is a good way to avoid.

Julian believing there is a future for him and Alexis truly and asking, "How did I not figure until now that I would have to get over her?" was laughable. You should've had your answer the moment you held a knife to her throat.


"What are you going to say when Jason shows up?" It's very easy, Alexis. She already told Jason every thought on her mind so he knows where he stands, is willing to take a chance and wait, and then move forward when she's ready. That won't change now.

Can't wait for the continuation of the #jarly scenes on Monday. I can't wait until Jason figures out Nelle's plan. 

Thursday, March 22, 2018

FACT: JaSam Reunion is Coming - Part 2

So for the most part, everybody was in agreement with the JaSam Reunion is indeed happening and will be taking over the screens of General Hospital soon - well, except for a couple Liason shippers who invaded my timeline for the entire day but that was dealt with accordingly. I mean, bringing up the factoids from 2007/2008 were enough for my headspin but like I said, handled.

But really, this is not about the Liason negative energy. This is about JaSam and I am going to let that remain the focus here. So if you missed the first part, by the way, you can read it by clicking here.

But of course, if the spoilers, previous interviews, and intercom in Spinelli's room was not enough, cue Steve Burton's latest interview.
His words "we’re seeing elements of what made people fall in love with JaSam" have warmed everybody's hearts. Let's hope that includes the sweet and tender moments, the small hair touches, the sweet little discussions, the kick-ass team that they were, and the fact they'd do anything for each other. I mean, really, can we just say every single memorable clip reason?

I know it's sort but hey, the man's word is worth a post of its own, right? So let's buckle up and enjoy the months to come....

General Hospital - March 22, 2018 Episode Reflections

So General Hospital was much better than it has been so far this week. The friendship between Kim and Carly, to Andre's truth for Anna, ending off with a perfect lead-in for tomorrow. 

Before we get into the episode content, there was a nice thing dropped today.....
Now the episode....

So Liz asked, "What happened back then? What secret is Harvey so desperate to keep?" I honestly was ready to smack all four of them across the head in that scene. Isn't it obvious by now? Jim in someway tortured Franco - if not Drew too - as a child and twisted the secret so that way he would be seen as a sweet guy when he is not.

That said, Sam wins her honors here as she actually asked the right question with, "How did these guys even get the drop on you?" That's what we've been asking ourselves all along, Sam. It shows how weak Drew and Franco are. But really, it also showed how dumb they were in Drew responding, "I didn't see those guys come in...." If you're ever walking in on someone that was ill-will for you, isn't the first step to  watch your surroundings?

Anybody notice how much Liz was eyeing Sam and Drew before she said something without the boys? Truthfully, I actually wished she would've spit something out in that moment just to move the #JaSamReunion2018 along.

So I'm not the biggest Liz fan by any stretch but I admit - when she laid out the line, "you're the one that's going to end up hurting Drew," I could hear the burn sirens going on. That was the perfect shade block if we've ever seen one. But I mean, let's face it - Liz can't say much about Sam hurting Drew considering she kept him and his "supposed identity" secret from the world for her own selfish reasons for months. Yes, I went there. But while we'll bring up Liz and her wrongdoings with Drew from before, the chemistry between them at that time was undeniable - which has me hoping for #Lake in a small way, still.

Liz did a good job with her addition in saying, "I saw how desperate you were to find Drew. I was with you when they returned his wedding band. It's no secret that Jason is waiting for you." For you Liason fans and Liz, don't worry - Sam's going to return that love to Jason soon. That said, by the way, Sam caring for Drew in some ways doesn't surprise me. Part of her has cared about Drew all along and she wants to let him down lightly as possible as a friend. It's why she was willing to sacrifice herself for this long, too.

Continually hearing Drew ramble on about Franco in front of Sam made me sick. From "Something happened to Franco when he was a kid & I don't know if I saw it or was apart of it, but Harvey knows" to "Betsy is okay, maybe we'll unravel the truth," I wanted to puke in her favor. I mean, it's sickening to have Sam sitting there worried about something that happened to Franco - who sexual assaulted her.
Sam didn't surprise me one bit in her words to Drew with "you have nothing to be sorry for. I was scared, but I was not angry with you" and "I don't want you to apologize when you have nothing to apologize for." I mean, let's face it - she wants this to come out as easy as possible because she's going to shatter his world shortly.

I may have laughed a little when Drew said, "I actually have something to apologize for. I lost my wedding ring along the way." Don't worry Drew, you don't need it.

When Franco said, "Let's go to Buffalo..." a smile formed on my face. It was a sign of hope to see him be gone for awhile. A girl can dream, right? I mean, I also have to add that when Franco said, "The universe has given us a second chance. What are we going to do with it?" that my advice for Liz would be to run in opposite directions because they're just going to keep going around in circles.

I mean, her saying, "You need to come clean with me...." is something we know won't ever happen fully. Franco doesn't know how to simply tell the truth without a single lie. I mean, even he said those words himself in saying that Jim told him, "nobody would ever believe me because all I do is lie." Well, you've told countless lies all the time Franco so really, he's truthful....

So he barely says anything and Liz goes, "I believe you, I believe you....." That's all it takes for Liz to come around? Now I believe those that say that she's easy to get....  I mean, he even showed that he didn't fully open up in saying, "I just don't want to face it. Can we please go home?" But okay, Liz can believe that Franco is moving forward, telling her everything, and this time will be different.

When Nelle said, "Assuming your date ended early - I hope it wasn't because of me," I can honestly say that I was ready to slap her silly. I mean, what other reason would someone resist the charm that is Michael? That said, his response with, "I don't intend to discuss my date with u at all" was beyond perfection. I also liked how he continued on in saying, "I'd like us to live our lives completely seperate" and then told her that he was moving out. Way to go, Michael! Keep it coming because we know that crazy bitch deserves it.

Now I admit when Nelle responded, "So you're not moving out right away, and haven't found a place yet..." you could already see the wheels spinning in her head. But I admittedly laughed when she said that she couldn't avoid Carly. How about ending your stupid plan then? I mean, you can't walk around saying, "She's paranoid. She thinks everything I do is about her, or making myself look good" when you're being a stupid crazy bitch.

I also wanted to hug Olivia when Nelle said, "I heard Carly trying to poison Olivia against me - and ever since then, Olivia has given me the cold shoulder. Your mother is unhinged against me and it sucks that you fail to see that." Truthfully, I'm glad that Michael has seen the light. He also did a good job with a home run hit in adding, "I make my own choices, and I made the decision to end us because of your lies. The only thing that came between us is you." He is my hero today.
I have to admit it's interesting watching both versions of Carly in scenes together. That said, both Laura and Tamara are awesome and played the roles of Carly and Kim perfectly for this time together. That said, you could feel a bit of sting for Carly with the first love mention, though. Recall her first sexual encounter in town went something of the wrong way.

That said, Carly continues to warm my heart in her words, including a krew comment with "that's quite a testimonial. Sounds like you have feelings for him." I wouldn't mind exploring a Kim and Drew connection.

Of course, though, Carly is at her best when she's spilling tea and her response with Kim's marriage comment about Drew in saying, "Drew is in an impossible situation and I feel for him - but Jason and Sam belong together. It's just a matter of time until Drew sees that" was beautiful. And the impossible situation - we've heard that before. It came from one of Carly's best speeches ever on General Hospital when she told Sam the down right truth about the situation the first time.

For the record, I can never get enough of that scene. Out of all the scenes we've seen through this reunion process, that scene with Carly and Sam will always be in the top-five. Her words still bring tears to my eyes.

So great job sneaking into the hotel owner's office, Nelle. There has to be cameras around which will obviously catch you going in and doing what you're doing. So this should be the start to the end, right?

I was surprised how quick Finn went trip from the hospital to the restaurant with Alexis.... That said, when Julian admitted that he was jealous, all I could do was roll my eyes. I'm seriously not here for another round of julexis. For that reason, I smiled when she responded with, "You're live in a glass house. I'd be kind if I was you. We have no ugly history together, and he's never threatened me - I can't say the same for you."

So I didn't really take much into Alexis saying, "Finn and I are getting quite serious."  While I love the idea of getting further away from #julexis, she's probably just saying that so he will leave her alone.

I'll admit that I was giggly when Andre said, "There's one other person that would help if you would open up to him, unless Finn is one of the regrets that you still have...." I wouldn't mind a #fanna reunion in the future, too. I mean, I'm glad Andre didn't stop and continued with, "He stirred up feelings inside you and it terrified you...." because he's so right on your feelings about Finn and Anna. Best advice of the day? "I've seen the looks on your face when you talk about him. Anna, stop talking. Go get him."


"Drew, we really need to talk..."
"What's up?"

"Sam just needs to admit that she is in love with you and all will be right my world."

I'm on board for tomorrow. Board the train now! Curse not being able to see until like 7 pm due to work.

FACT: JaSam Reunion is Coming......

We know it's coming based on all signs, but "circumstances" delay the #JaSamReunion2018 from happening. Does Sam feel bad for Drew after his experience? I mean, I would for anybody who spends time with Franco.

But then I have some hope....
Of course, some people wanted to counter with Sam's kiss for Drew on Wednesday. Despite confessing her love for Jason and knowing that's where they're headed, her heart still aches for Drew in some ways, feeling bad for him, caring for him, and it just sort of come out in the moment so he wouldn't catch on to anything. It adds to the fact that she's not heartless is why she's sacrificed her own happiness this long.

Hence why she'll start off the conversation is more about what happened between Drew and Franco while they were trapped together. But probably near the end of the episode, she will allude to it and it'll be the cliffhang into Friday discussion.

I think Sam will tell him how she feels about both of them, and stating that she can never let Jason go and perhaps wants some time to think. That'll lead to Drew deciding on Monday whether he wants to give her time, or just cut ties. To be honest with those memories and seeing the longing glances between them, I'm surprised he hasn't cut ties sooner.

Sure, the pain is killing us all in waiting and waiting, and sure, it hurts to see Jason without Sam. But really, he never was alone. He always knew that Sam loved him - hence the times spent together, the longing looks, and why separating was always hard. The fact that he said, "I know you love me, I love you, and that's enough" in knowing that the #JaSamReunion2018 was coming.

We know it's inevitable. Every bit of dialogue from Sam says that. The whole appease both fan bases are only going to go on for so long, and then cue the #JaSamReunion2018 happening. Then the #dream fans will still tune in with false hope, and wondering what's next for Drew.

But really, you could also say the right step would be Sam to take a break before getting with Jason and that'd be the logical real world step, but let's face it - we've been waiting long enough since @1SteveBurton's return for the #JaSamReunion2018 and waiting through a stretch like that would be torture.

Once it happens, then what's next?

The near future shows a spoilage of Drew and Jason meeting when Drew is drunk and Drew going off, seeing Jason divulge the NYE secret - finally if you ask me. We know Jason isn't one to divulge secrets so I'm wondering just what Drew says that makes him say that he kissed Sam on NYE to Drew. To be honest, though, it doesn't surprise me if Drew pushed him over the edge because let's face it - manchild is annoying at times.

Regardless, it should be interesting and really - it'd make sense that Drew would know what would make Jason tick having grown up with Franco and we know what Franco is capable of..... My world of Franco and Drew vs Jason and Jason smacking the silly outta both may be coming yet.

There's also the spoilage of a hotel room - thanks to Bradford Anderson.

"Go to the hotel suite with Jason and Sam" is best news of the day. Love how @BfordAnderson tried to ignore it in saying, "Don't listen - that's privileged information." Sorry bud, but you made #jasam fantasies spout.

Beyond that....

For the most part, she will probably be set on Jason and we'll get some epic reunion stuff together. Though maybe as Drew searches and comes up with some loose ends, she may feel a little bad - and we may have 1 or 2 minor flip flops. Face it - she'll always be in Drew's orbit due to Emily Scout - just like Liz is always in Jason's orbit due to Jake.

I think the real question that also has to be asked is how long will it take for #dream to get divorced now? There's thoughts that the marriage may be not be legal in Drew still being married to Kim and I have wondered about that too based on Kim's thoughts at times. If that's among her closet belongings that have been spoiled, I'd actually like for him to find out the secret in his search for his memory and take it to her, rather than say her say it. More intrigue that way.....

Also, do we keep the penthouse or not?

In one way, it'd be great to start off their life fresh with new memories and a new place.....   The other factor is let's face it - Drew got money, can't afford no place of his own, so they probably gift it to him to be "sweet." Or Drew ends up at Kim's house, or maybe even the Quartermaines. Monica takes in anything including rats like Nelle. And seeing Jason and Sam shop for a house together that has a backyard for Danny's dog would be cute.

But part of me is still attached to the PH because of all the memories made there over the years from their beginnings together.

FACT: Liason is dead

I shouldn't be doing this, but here we go again - oh wait, before we move forward, I know why I am doing this again. There's this new generation of fans that think they can come in, watch some episodes, and change the history - same way we're changing the perception of Franco. Well news flash, it's not going to happen with Franco, the same way that they need to learn that Liason is dead and not seeing a comeback EVER.

But in case you haven't figured it out yet, allow this lovely commentary to make you clue in.

First of all, please go ahead and watch all the scenes since Jason has come back into our lovely lives. At any time has he declared his love for her? At anytime has he wanted her and lust for her? Nope, it's been all for Sam and Sam alone. I mean, these words from Jason in saying, “no matter what, I know you love me, and Sam I love you” say everything you need to know.
On top of that, while Liz is with Franco, I don't think there's going to be that understanding between Liz and Jason - and rightfully so considering Franco's past with Jason. That creates good angst and drama, though, and will be great in tandem with the JaSam reunion.

But on this topic while you believe that Liason is happening, allow me to replay the scene when he practically yelled at her in the hospital for thinking that he should "forgive" Franco. But really, for her to ask that of Jason, is a little insane.
But I get it. You probably haven't clued in even with this commentary because let's face it - no matter what you say, it won't convince their delusional dreams - same as the #dream fans out there, too. Just let them beg in anticipation and hope for the episode, and be let down again like always.

General Hospital - March 20&21, 2018 Episode Reflections

March 20, 2018 

While this episode was mostly a disaster, give me that gold star right now and let me give it to @MauriceBenard because he's doing an amazing job portraying Sonny's emotions and feelings on the situation with Mike right now. 

It took me by surprise when Sonny said, "You're becoming a pain in the ass, and you may become a burden!" Hopefully Mike and Sonny can come to a compromise - but until then, the acting is so on point right now.

"If you need to talk to someone, there are resources available...."  "I'm fine."   Typical grown man. It's nice to see @GeneralHospital hitting all aspects - the patient/infected, the family around him - and both @MauriceBenard/Sonny and Max Gill/Mike are hitting it perfectly.

I wanted to puke a little when Sam said, "I'm not going to let that bastard out of my sight until I know what he did to Franco and Drew." The fact that Sam cares about Franco's whereabouts shows how disgusting this has gotten. But on a brighter note - it appears Jason's return has brought back out badass Sam, willing to do whatever it takes on investigating the whereabouts of Drew and Franco. Isn't it much lovely than boring Sam Cain?

The words "once you're done, Drew and Franco are buried forever" were evil to hear. I mean, General Hospital was giving me such false hope over an event happening is evil. I mean, this would be dream worthy.  

But of course, the pieces start to fall in place that it won't happen as Sam heard the foundation pouring is going to happen. Right then and there, it's like it began turning that everything would be solved. I mean, am I the only one that didn't wish Sam would've slipped or something to pause her from getting help so that way the boys wouldn't be saved? 

That said, she did play a good part in getting him out of the room so she could rummage through his paperwork. But really - why did she just sit there and read the documents? I would've grabbed and ran as you know it doesn't take forever to move a car. When she chose to do that, you had to figure that Jim would get back while Sam is still in the office.  Oh well, I was almost in perfect set-up for it as it should've given Jason a perfect reason to save Sam, Drew and Franco - like always. Surprisingly, though, Liz can actually play a part in keeping Jim distracted enough....

On a humorous note - the liquid coming in under the door reminds of every soap exploding story....

Oh Curtis in saying, "I don't think he's going to kill anybody. I don't think he's capable." Anybody is capable given the right means.....   Jordan may be a ditz at times but she was right in saying, "Given Franco's history, don't you think it's possible?" When Jordan said, "We still need something concrete....." I couldn't help but laugh. 

When Griffin uttered the words, "He must really like you to give you something like that" it set all the bells and whistles that I've had about Dr. McCreepy from the beginning off again. I mean, Dr. McCreepy saying "a long relationship" to Kiki really is just wrong. I mean, expensive gifts, knowing her shift schedule, always there - yeah, we knew not to trust Dr. McCreeper from the beginning. 

So first it starts with a massage, and then another bodily touch, and then..... So how long are we gonna let this go on for, #GH?
Oh, and I have a plan by the way. Let's set up Liz with the new detective and then put an end to #Friz. Sound good, right?

March 21, 2018

I shook my head at Nelle saying, "There's no high road left to take. I have to get Carly out of the way...." But yet if you were to start co-operating, then maybe you'd pull from the understanding of Michael and be able to perhaps find a compromise with Carly - I mean, she did help you when trapped together.

I cringed in hearing Michael saying, "This is different - different than what I was expecting." Sorry that his heart has been tainted by some crazy people. That said, as soon as they mentioned topic of hiding something, I knew Nelle was going to put a wrench in their plans at some point. It just actually happened sooner than envisioned. 

Even with the outcome, kudos to Michael to fully opening up to Francesca about his relationship with Nelle. I'd rather honesty than lies personally. But when Francesca said, "I just can't do this. Not right now" it made me hate Nelle that much more because I really love the chemistry between #Franchael as they're adorable. That said, she should have a bigger spine to stand up to Nelle. But I do have hope in her saying, "Save my number in your phone - just in case." Please use it, Michael. 

Before then, the thought of Franchesca getting Michael out of skin and about was great. But I hope Michael keeps receipts of the ways that Nelle messes with him so he never lets her back in.

I wasn't surprised when Curtis and Jordan found Betsy. It was like, why else would they be at Jim's house? It was surprising that they sat her there and began questioning at that point. You'd think they'd want to get out of there as soon as possible and back to Port Charles to Jim Harvey seeing what he's capable of. 

With the boys having escaped, I'd like to see the construction worker's faces now considering their original attitude.  But really, it looks like Drew remembered his seal training after all in his escape. But I was surprised in the boys go to the police station rather than Jim's hotel for immediate revenge?
Jim going, "Maybe Drew wants to settle the score, maybe Franco wants to finish what he started" is laughable. It sounds ridiculous the more Jim tries to spin this story.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

General Hospital - March 19, 2018 Episode Reflections

Honesty? Not the greatest episode, but not the worst. I think my response throughout is the most sarcastic to date, though - so apologize in advance...maybe.....

Jason had a fair request in asking Anna, "Since we're working together, I'd like to know the real reason you're so invested on finding Heinreck." Instead of honesty, Anna uses Jason's friendship with Robin to guilt trip him into letting her withhold the mother secret? I mean, what's the harm in Anna telling Jason the truth? He may be able to help send her in the next direction.

That said, like a true man, Jason handled it it in stride and gentleman style despite not getting his way, and holding it against her. Rather than whine like other people, he said, "I trust u, & whatever you can't disclose, I know u have reasons.." along with "It just seems like this is getting more personal for you, and I'm not going to ask why. I just hope whatever is in that manuscript helps you find what you're looking for." He honestly is the sweetest man. Like literally, how many guys would be as sweet as Jason despite the stakes being what they are?

Even with respecting their boundaries, I hope that he keeps pressing her. He was already onto Anna's interesting behavior before Faison's death and now you should be able to piece this together, too.

From the preview to watching the actual episode, I'm laughing harder the second time in watching Franco utter the line about Jason and the door. It's just perfect, especially when you look at Drew and see how he annoyed he is, and how he wanted the topic changed. Just perfect.... In case you missed it, here's the words --> "Jason could open that door.He would just stare at it with his misty pretty blue eyes & send it alternating waves of intensity & aloofness and the door would lose confidence & just fall."

Of course, the situation becomes even more laughable when Drew does nothing until his ring is realized to be gone? But we're supposed to believe that he's this great guy that Sam can love more than Jason. I'll just keep watching the JaSam scenes together as I laugh.

That said, I laughed harder when Drew said, "The wedding ring never comes off. It's apart of me...." I can find a good reason why it's coming off in the future. Don't worry about finding it, Drew. You won't need it. It's like Drew's wedding ring knows what's happening to his marriage slowly, even if the honesty hasn't been spread yet. But for now, of course the ring becomes the big clue ticket.....

Elizabeth continued repetition of, "Franco would never hurt Drew...." is laughable, too. Let's be real - Franco's history says otherwise, and she knows that as he kidnapped her child at one point. That said, glad to see Sam's PI skills kick in while in Jim's office so we can move this storyline along.

Drew saying, "Maybe you pushed me, maybe you didn't. But we were just kids...." really captivates everything this storyline means in one. Does it really matter end of the day, and why are we still talking about this for three months now?

I know we're supposed to believe they're in great danger, but Drew and Franco dead in one clean sweep? That's too good of a dream for @GeneralHospital to come through with that. But let's see - So Jim is going to make the brothers disappear, and have it blamed that one hurt the other? Good luck with that, buddy - and you can win all my respect if you make it happen. Although, I did hear that truck over top of Drew and Franco. Going to bury them alive, Jim?
Ned knows how threatening Jim can be, but yet sends Elizabeth and Sam to him without revealing a thing? Great mayor, but of course his wife isn't that much better in saying, "I knew there was something that I didn't like about him from the beginning...." Then why is this the first time we've heard this Olivia? That said, I think Olivia should've been mayor instead of Ned because at least she was going to do the common thing and actually handle Jim properly.

I hope someone traces the fact that Peter filed that call, ovehears it, finds the manuscript in his office, something. It'll be interesting to see how he writes the ending compared to reality, though.  Can't wait for more of #MaxGill tomorrow, either.

Friday, March 16, 2018

General Hospital - March 15&16, 2018 Episode Reflections

March 15, 2018

So interesting episode of @GeneralHospital, to be honest. I find new reasons to hate certain people and just sit here and hope that Friday is better. That said, Sam certainly has found her voice.

You just have to love everybody that says there's so much great love between Sam and Drew. On top of her revealing that she's hid her Jason feelings for months now, he goes ahead and doesn't say crap over the phone - on top of hanging up on her. I mean, he could've revealed something about where he was, what he was doing during that phone call - but chose to go the secret route. Probably regretting that in now not having any trace as to where he has been hidden. 

I laugh at those who say that Sam didn't need to add "I love you" at the end of her message, either, but we all know that Drew is the type that needs coddling and continued self-assurance, as we've seen multiple times. But okay, there's the argument that she's giving him assurance and a future when really what is there after her Jason confession? But it fits the story more than one way as it shows that inner battle of emotions, trying to do what's right by everybody, and even still loving him partially as she did say to Jason that she still loves Drew, too.

Sam is right that if Jason was in a similar situation as Drew, she wouldn't be worried. That's because Jason is a man that can take care of himself no matter the situation. 

So I just love how Sam blurted to her mom, "I've been thinking a lot about Jason and Drew, and I realize that I haven't been honest with either of them - or myself." It was one thing to hear Sam tell Jason that, but it's another to watch her say it out-loud to her mother. It's perfect confirmation.

I was ready to blurt out my drink when Alexis asked, "You didn't sleep with him, did you?" The whole fan base wishes she did. That said, I wasn't surprised by her follow-up with, "May I remind you that you're the mother of two young children, and this only happens when you're with Jason?" Alexis has always been concerned about #jasam and not a fan. As frustrated as I may be in her words at times, it's nice to see #GH writers continuing to stick to the history of #jasam in who was a fan, who wasn't, and how this shakes out.
But Sam was perfect in standing her ground with her mom in keeping it going by saying, "That's when I had to tell Jason the truth - that I still love him, and I always will." Can she repeat that 10 times over, please actually? Really, Alexis revealed that she knew there were feelings there in asking, "Whatever happened to not acting on your feelings for Jason?"

If you go back in time, though, there's been signs of Alexis seeing it from the beginning.

  • Feb 8 - Alexis saying, "Maybe just to be safe, you should keep your distance" 
  • Divorce discussion - "Okay - but only if you're letting go for the right reasons."
  • Sam to Alexis on Jan 11 - "Do you understand how frustrating you are? You're sending me mix signals. You are telling me to stay away from Jason, but next you're shedding doubts."

Her own theory has always shown through, though, in how she's tried to always push Sam one way or another. Hence why she was perfectly fine doing the divorce work, and why she tried to push that harder than necessary during those proceedings with certain comments, and why she told Drew that she'd do anything to help him when the truth was revealed.

But again, Sam was perfect in her response with, "What? Not telling the truth? That's not how I want to live my life." A mother that wants her daughter to lie about her feelings so she doesn't be with the one person whom is her heart & soul. So sweet...

Sam obviously hit back to that double love stride, too, in saying, "The truth is I'm in love with both of them and I've tried to shut my feelings off for Jason and I can't do that. And even if I've tried shutting my feelings off for Drew, I can't because I love him, too." Hence Jason wants to give her space so she can sort this out.

But really, I think it's Jason whom she loves, and loves alone - just based on the nightmare, mess, catering to other people dialogue from the past week. I think it's more despite wanting to be with Jason, she wants the best for Drew as a friend. Hence having sacrificed her own happiness this long for his sake. It's what makes #jasam perfect - they are willing to sacrifice their own happiness for someone else.

It's also great to hear that Sam wants to be honest with Drew and tell him, but I will admit in laughing when Alexis asked, "How do you think he will react?" While Jason was a MAN and is giving her space & time, Drew will probably push his feelings on her and whine....

Of course, it was also classic in hearing Alexis ask, "Sweetie, don't you think you should take more time to think about it?" Alexis is afraid that Drew will run, knowing the #jasam history in having the memories. Hence trying to delay.

With everything put together, certainly speaking to her mom about Jason was the wrong move because obviously Alexis will turn down every chance of them reuniting. But something to consider - in a strange way, could she be spewing it off to find some justification for the "mess" and "nightmare" she created in sticking with Drew?

But like everything, I never take a grain of salt into what Alexis says. Recall this is the same woman who wants to get back with the man who put a knife to her throat. I almost want to see them compromise - "You let me be with Jason, and I'll let you be with Alexis. and we'll focus on everything but our love lives together."

That said, I don't fault Sam for what she said at all. I don't think she meant to go all indulgent about it. Alexis stopped by for another reason, Sam started talking about Drew's disappearance and it just came out - simply meaning that she can't hide it anymore that she loves Jason. 

I ask the same thing as Jim - "Why couldn't Bobby and Andy leave the past where it belongs?" I mean, it's really an annoying storyline if I have to be honest and we all know why they're doing it and it won't work for the 2345th time - redemption is not possible. We get it - they won't stop the reforming until the Sam fans and Jason fans agree with it. The problem is that'll never happen because there's no going back from what he did then. Secondly, using a moment from a three-year-old memory is ridiculous as they wouldn't remember anyway. I mean, I don't even remember being three.

Even Franco recognizes this fact when he said, "This whole story of me pushing you down the stairs is nonsense." Then why have we been annoyed with this story for months now, Franco? 

That said, Jim. why couldn't you not torture them as kids? But really, he's actually giving me satisfaction right now. I actually am smiling in watching Franco be kidnapped. It's like great karma in a way.... 

I honestly laughed when Kim said, "Of course the earth had to open up and swallow your wedding day...."  Maybe it's a sign.....  On the flip side, I laughed harder when she said, "I will always care about Drew, but he's proven very well easily to take care of himself." Now on the flip side, Kim saying that "Drew and I could talk about anything, except most of his childhood" is a clue towards the other storyline. It follows the lines of victim in child abuse, because obviously you wouldn't want to talk about it.

Am I supposed to be surprised that Liz went running after Franco after Epiphany told her he missed his appointments? Because I'm certainly not.... 

So Jordan seems to finally taking her job as police commissioner and doing it. I mean, her saying, "While we're building this case, we watch him (Harvey) as a hawk," we can admit that'd be a first. When was the last time the police solved a case in this town? That's why I laughed when Curtis said, "You bring bad guys to justice." When has Jordan gone through with a proper arrest and actually put someone bad away without the mob doing it for her? 

I just wanted to smack Peter when he said, "There's no need to apologize. Maxie, I understand what you're going through - more than you know." I mean, if he really feels sympathy, then why put her through the hell of being with him with a secret looming? I mean, how about you just reveal that crap? I mean, the longer you hide this secret the deeper the fall will be for you Peter. 

Dante was right in his advice to Lulu with "the first step is to wait." Time heals most wounds, especially when the Peter-truth comes out eventually. But I get Lulu's frustration in saying, "this friendship means too much." Dante really became the hero of the episode, too, in his comments for Peter. It's nice to know someone will tell Peter what he needs to hear.....

So I almost laugh at Maxie telling Lulu, "You don't get to bury my husband in the ground, and act like we're besties." Maxie's comments continue to hit every stride for Lulu. I just wish Peter could get an equal dish instead of being her "buddy" right now.  Oh the fun when the truth comes out....

Lulu's constant persuasion almost became annoying, especially when she asked, "Please let me be with you when the test results come in so you're not alone...."  When will Lulu get it through her head that Maxie needs distance right now? Time heals wounds, and constant persuasion just digs the hole deeper. That said, Maxie knows that Lulu wrote the story - but yet she'l hang out with Peter after he approved it and originally gave Lulu the idea? Something doesn't add up about this relationship even with the secret removed.

Things you'd never thought you'd hear on @GeneralHospital - Sam asking Elizabeth where Franco is. Don't tell me she'll have to save his ass twice now.

Why would you tell Jim that you're going to blow him up, Ned? I'd play along, get more evidence, and use it to set everything up together. But tell him what you're going to do? You're setting yourself up to join Drew and Franco.

March 16, 2018 

So today's @GeneralHospital episode was dead for a Friday - seriously. But I still award a gold star to Stella and to Mike....oh and maybe Griffin in the last minute or so.

I wish Liz would've thrown more shade at Sam with regards to her Drew comments. It would've allowed us to move closer to that #JaSamReunion2018 with more thoughts on the table. 

I laugh at Liz saying, "Chances are Franco and Drew are together, and I am going to go find them." Are we sure that Elizabeth can do this on her own? I mean, I guess not since they ended up at the police station. I'm just waiting for Sam to call Jason for help.... That said, their police station trip allowed me to find another reason to fire Jordan. Even though Jordan knows that Jim Harvey is dangerous, knows the Drew/Franco connection, and knows they may be in danger - we're not going to do a single think about it. Great police work, huh?

You'd think that Griffin would put the clues together in someone randomly showing up looking for a test for something that someone else recently died off, and speaking of not knowing the parents. I mean, it's ridiculous how long it took someone other than Jason is intrigued about Peter's presence  on the night of Nathan's death.

By the way, did @GeneralHospital get a new make-up department? It seems like it looking at Ava and Nelle. That said, Ava is right in her advice for Nelle in saying, "If your plan fails for whatever reason, she - Carly - will come after you, no holds bar." I can't wait for that to happen actually. it'd be great karma/revenge for Nelle considering...... But then again, Nelle cannot understand that common sense because let's face it, she's bat shit crazy. I mean, why wouldn't Nelle just use ketchup or something else, rather than her own blood? 

Mike and Sonny with all the feels today, but it could've been stronger. They missed that Sonny has been there, letting go of control and everything, in fear of his own sanity. Anybody recall when Jason took control of the mob for awhile? They could've let Sonny express that in relation.

Stella's words about Alzheimer is right on. Great job by #GH on the continued great hard work.

So Michael asked Francesca on a date? Good boy..... 

General Hospital - July 6-10, 2018 Episode Reflections

So is it a surprise that Nelle isn't believing a drop of how Michael left there to go see Jordan and Chase? She knows to always be suspi...